8 1909, The Racket —— crime THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., MAY 22, ECENT DEATHS. acres in prospect, no legal limit has been 1, VARIE TY OF | wet a8 to how much land shall be pur- Mrs LypiA MATTRRN :—wife of Geo, | COUNTY NE WS | chased, but it is desired that all unpro- | Mattern died very suddenly at her home | ductive lands, agricultural and other. in Patton township last Thursday. She | wise shall be secured tributed to him, he does | not know that many men his and says exactly how A large percentage of were they met their fate. Centre County Banking Co. i Corner High and Spring Btreets, train has killed, those run down intoxicate! when | RECEIVE DEPOSITS ; DISCOUNT Noris A few of The Good Things 8 buy at The Big Department Store that you cannot get elsewhere can in Bellefonte, Empress Tea, Form wea Qolong, Gunpowder, Englisl Breakfast, Young Hyson 1 apan Tea, di rect from the alets. per Ib. Quality at SOcts, {0 $1.00. ol and growers, at arly gold Er (Pil regu Butterick and Pat- Publications terns city pri at “Vaudor” » re} Nereens at urer's prices viz: 81.60 to mann $2.75 much fact made in U perior sli wle nN. su th ui IL J \p R. SPIGEIMYER. Corresponde irtment. war and all m wea John F Pattersor Mrs. Crame: Mrs, Harve; come again Miss Myran ber aunt, Mrs aouse., Shof fadich, house yOu may ATge Car ble to work ask what i buncle on his neck Adam Wagner i by putting a new stone wall aro We hope ng his farm shed and a vard wagon | the barn yar Rock View and boys will caltivate their mi ill the next show comes to and not do like Ast all the good ti ought to drum all as the saloons ar all the poor boys Axemann better, efoute nds Bell if that is lefonters ut of town, ows will have e shows , Be the shows { show jel money. Yan, the next time if you won't with the horse “and come at all, that is garet says NOTE : If your section is sented in the come you can't Miss Mar buggy 15t what not repre- spondence depart ment of the Centre Democrat, it is due to the fact that no one will send us items, which we are always glad to print We ly the ¢ vith stamped ral light, a coal and having four tO serve as bump ts down into the * of the water in the tub or pan bel By this the pare they imple device ones are destroyed before lay the eggs to produce the worms, and as a result I made perfect fruit, and I can recommend this method as better than spraying and cheaper for those de. siring to make perfect apples and pears, Very respectfully, S. CG. STEPHENSON, Girara, Erie county, + Pa. TO THE FARMERS. Urpin AvGU STA, Pa, I fed ""Diehl’'s Condition Powder’ to | my chickens according to directions and found it the best I ever used. When | began to feed ft my chickens were sick | with the croup. [ have seventy.five | chickens now, and you never Jot. They have fine red combs and lay | lots of eggs all through this cold weather, I also fed some to my hogs ; it kept them healthy and gave them a good appetite, helping them to fatten, honor that it is the best powder in the | market. Yours Truly, ISAAC Suirn, STILLWATER, Pa. ‘“‘Diehl’'s Horse, Cattle and Poultry Powder” is far superior to anything of the kind I have ever used, and can re. commend It to all. Am confident that using a reliable powder and keeping stock in good health is a most table and economical investiment to the owner, and I want no better powder than yours, : T. H. BooARr, Manufactured by Mover Bros,, whole. | age. aw a finer | I say upon | | was passing through the yard to the barn when she suddenly fell over and expired; Joun SEBRING :-~-An old merchant! {and a very prominent citizen of Jersey Shore died on Saturday afternoon. He was 86 years of age, and was the father of Mrs, Hamilton B. Humes, of Jersey Shore, and the grandfather of Dr, John Sebring of Bellefonte. Miss Erie CLEMSON :—died at her home in Baileyville, this county, Wed. nesday morning from a complication of Miss Clemson was 44 years of brothers, diseases, She is survived by three of East End, Pittsburg; and Frank H., in the Daniel, Altoona, Interment Friday morning. namely, Clark, of Bellefonte burg cemetery, of Gates. MICHAEL WOODRING:~—a well known retired farmer of Port Matilda died early his that iness with dropsy. l'uesday morning at home in place after a years il He are the Ty? Surviving him Willian West Vir. Id and Harry at was 80 year's of age following children , of one; George, of Bluefield, am, of Clearfie : was a full of this ames EF in Reedsvil YEATrS ago , Mrs. L A of this place, and a wife and one da: wl Katherine, Also by two brothers, | Texas, and Willi The remain on Wednesday afternoon for vived by his mother ter, aged about Years of Sherman, Mo Bellefonte hn, am, of St. Louis, § were brought to interment Residing on the west. died Monday Lilley ern suburb of Lewistown, i Was medal the flag tn front of Petersburg The re the morning, aged yCArs, awarded a by Congress for capture of a nm June 2, 186% Union troops as- signed to ast small fort fell hack captu before the wat Id the parapet. He sergeant through with forced three others to lay rebel fire, ey kept on over ran the rebel color his bayonet, down 15 and marched off with them as At th MN of Co. F, 2 their arn prisoners time ey Was a member sth Penna Wu. A.B ing death ca of Hall AL Centre has ben a life long member of the Pres. church, Masons and of the after byterian the in charge minent member of The Masous was apr funera held Grange. Free Tuesday noon Jose Hexny HARTER :~Was born in Millheim, and went to Illinois April, 1854, settling in Plainfield, II, and was employed there as blacksmith, Later he moved to Joliet and has worked there ever since up to two years ago when he suffered a paralytic stroke which left him more or less feeble since that time. Until about four weeks ago he had been able to be up and around the house al. though he had been suffering from a sore on the toe of his right foot which later developed into gangrene and also diabetis, which was the immediate cause of his death. Besides a wife and two | children he leaves three sisters, Mrs. R. B. Hartman, of Millbeim; Mrs, John Pur | man, of Espy, Pa; and Mrs, John West, of Chicago, Ill. Joliet Daily Republican. Joun W. Cookk :~Formerly of this place, but late of Philadelphia, died at his home in that city, Friday evening, May 16, from a complication of diseases, He was 62 years of age, and was at one time a prominent business man of this place. He was married twice, his second wife being a Miss Hawn. His first wife who preceded him to the grave many years ago, was a Miss Tipton, of How. ard. He is survived by his second wife and the following children : Hdward, of Jeanette; William, of Clearfield; Harry, Dosald and Edith, of Philadelphia. The shle d Bloomsburg, Pa. op ek Dealers, (continued on page 4.) | ra, Items of Interest Gathered Feom | All Sections SHORT AND TO What Transpired Worthy of Brief Men- tion, the Past Week-—News From Over the County—For Hasty Read- ers—A New Department OVER THE COUNTY. Centre Hall 13th, The picnic at will open Saturday, Sept. Grange Claude Meyers will try to get rid of his house at Beech creek by chancing it off, William mill on the Furst tract of Boyer is putting in a saw land in Nittany valley, C. M accepted a pos for the Plano Manufactur The Gramliey, of Rebershurg, has tion of traveling salesman ing 100 applic comp of Chicago for this The and ope Ie were ant POSitic stave mili eas { Scotia, owne rated Baumgardner was completely destroyed by fire about Mr. Thomas Mi a Walker reek were unite aged at the home bride Kaars, J. “P., Curtin townsiip assisted of Wil in the of a large number of guests mony on Sanday | + yy John of Freed, llamsport, A pigeon killed by Samuel Bierly re- cently at Rebersburg, last Tuesday, had leg and No a silver band around its ing “A The bird was shot because f Mrs. Polly Bierly had no right bear. the initials 11.84% nt had killed two Mr Carrer 's chickens and that Rover idea it was a R. F. Hunter expedites insurance business now by using a motor cycle as a He Bellefonte in meams of transportation Tyrone from his home at an hour and for The came to iy minules last evening capacity of his machine over the this single ar roads of section is about seventy harge about four miles to a of gasoline hours sergeant which means un of Bob is a bust] mmissary National Guard $s machine to changed a: be constructe Democratic commitiee of Mifflin county elected John W. Aikens, Yeager. S. Amig, of delegates to the State Convention ert BE nor, town, and Lewistown, Rob. Pattison was endorsed for Gover. A report is current that Eagleville will have two livery stables in the immediate future. Robert Cook, of Howard, will be the proprietor of one, and Marshall Berlew, a residents of Eagleville, the other, The state board of health has adopted a resolution requiring all cars on passen- ger trains to be supplied with cuspidors, | smoking cars to have one to each seat, | and other cars to have one at each end | of the car. The following increase of Pensions were granted : Fred Carson, Moshannon, to $12. George Wohlfart, Rebersburg, | Chester A. Olds, State College, to | $10. John W. Stuart, State College, to fro. Special, Hannah Dusenbury, Clintondale, $5. The distribution of funds was made a | few days ago, to the Clintondale fire suf. | ferers. Amounts were given as follows: Isaac Kling, $150; Samuel Shilling, $150; Mrs. George Rishel, $50; David Wolf, $30; Harry Kling, $12; Mrs. Felding, $15. Groceries, provisions, household articles and clothing were also distribu. ted. Forestry Commissioner |. T. Rothrock states that the state now has about 300, 000 acres of land held for forestry reser. vation purposes and about 200,000 more | ped 15,000 young locust trees to THE POINT |! | will be planted eight feet apart which, any, | The Pennsylvania railroad has ship Newton Hamiiton to be set out on the farm, in Wayne township Ingram These trees and cul tivated until they are large enough for crossties. This is to be an experiment { successful, will other and larger venture line. At Mcl Saturday, Arthur tated ‘lhattan, Clinton there was a death on the ra Stabley, aged 30, being by coroner 4 aecal NEWS €CxXpPress, county is now 1g the death which to some seems ¢ beaatifu tieventh to Sixteent) readiness for a trolley road from Su lock Monday lasting nday y sight 08 0% Andrew an italian, milly murdered at his home near Sun morning Gewreska, was Hast He f sgsat 20 Soek lay morning and his wife and child were aslees their room, when the awakened hust some one woman told him 18€ sand and there in the bo and found a mas in her wa Gewresko arose the room and de. The Gerewska intruder with To make sur what be wanted began or and three s in his body he was dead he fell manded to sh fell bullet on and beat him The mur the authorit the head with a flat ron is very mysterious and Cambria ounty are endeavoring The mur wed in fathom it out derer es went iay morning A represents AXE makers ca Mann, . mths old The 6 m Mrs, Charles McClarin, suburb of Wil taken for a doll M1 Newberry, a baby of and of iamsport, was on Friday by the § year-old daugh ter of a neighbor and asa result Almost killed, Mrs. McClarin bad left the baby asleep in bed, where it was | found by the little girl. The latter pull. | ed the baby from the bed, and, falling on its head, it was rendered unconscious. The girl then proceeded to undress the | baby and was attempting to gouge out | its eyes when the mother entered the | room. Asked what she was trying to do with the baby's eyes, the girl replied that she was trying to get the marbles out of them, To have been the means of sending sixty two souls into eternity is the ghast- ly record which, according to the Blairs ville Courier, has been made by En. gineer Gibb Kemmedy, a veteran rail. roader on the West Penn branch. His fellow. rallroaders say Kennedy has run down more men than any other engineer on the line. Vet it is added that this is not in the least due to carelessness on his part, nor does it reflect on his stand- ing as a knight of the throttle, For many years it was Mr, Kennedy's fate to have charge of the most sanguinary train on the West Penn road-—the night sccommodation. This train run on that line, and as three or four persons were killed after dark to every ome killed during the day time, it has come in for the greatest share of the fatalities. En. gineer Kennedy is very much averse to talking about the deaths which are at. ing formed Pittsburg, All Mil! nm the | him on The Clinton | MONEY TO LOAN 1 J.M. BHUGGERT.C astiier All the hriek learfield and ad fire works in Clinton jacent counties are be. nto a trust, the large Hall will be in i Harry i siian, f rack this pe week, rations hand Bald Ea met with gi He Y Ver whe Tuesday ap hands, and struck the a ils He forehead cutting him taken to a doctor ne "i J fone oi W. 6. RUNKLE, Att'y, i pode rt Dellefonte, i Made by STAKDARD OIL Nb add daadddadandadds abatiaad baad data ibatt ih i ld hd WHY ISIT THAT IN THE YEAR WE HAVE BEEN IN BELLEFONTE OUR TRADE HAS BEEN RAPIDLY INCREASING? IT IS BECAUSE OUR CUS- TOMERS ADVERTISE US. THEY HAVE SE- CURED FROM US THE BEST INSTRUMENTS ON THE MARKET AND AT TERMS VERY MUCH BETTER THAN THOSE USUALLY OFFERED. FAIR DEALING ALWAYS PAYS. WE HAVE JUST AS GOOD AN OFFER TO MAKE TO You. OUR LINE OF PIANOS AND ORGANS IS MORE COMPLETE THAN EVER AND NO IMPROVE- MENT CAN BE MADE ON QUALITY OF TONE AND FINISH. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. M. C. GEPHART, | | 0 8. 0 5 Ee ~ d w Ld 3 | Was | SIGHS ITI IIIS. for Weaner Merchandise UNDER VALUE ’3 - in Summer Dress (Goods Bargains 10c. a Yard. Exceptional Bargains in White Lawns, India Linens and White Dimity. | Lo LiL. I Ind Paris Muslin White Dimities in all Plain Lawns, Organdieg new Spring shades fast colors Summer Gauze Vests (Gauze Vests, bleached, tape wing sleeve, 15¢. quality Women's short Gauze Drawers, edged with lace §C neck and sleeve, sleeveless or 25¢ HOSIERY. Red and blue drop stitch Hose, fast colors 10¢ Black drop-stitch "Hose 15¢ Lisic thread, extra fine, black, blue, red and gray drop stitch Hose 25¢ bb LLL LLL Ll (LLL Ld Special Bargains in Carpets, Matting and Lace Curtains. Several patterns in Jap. Matting, 25¢. grade, linen chain A Ate hrd ofttpdpdainton FIST TISS TOTS IIIS. 17¢ Odd pairs of Lace Curtains AT NEARLY HALF VALUE. . 1h6 Globe... Katz & 60