———————————— GLANT STRIKR PLANNED] Mine Workers Union May Call Out Soft Coal Men. WOULD MAKE OVER 449,000 IDLE If Plan Is Successfully Carried Out It Will Tie Up the Industries of the Country and Paralyze Business of the Unitec Hazleton, Ps lay 17 I'he anthra ¢ite mine workers terday, in order t unanimously decided Il carried Into suc would practic of the « Ally tis antry, Are in Ons the | that that they atl work It was said terday by an official at str 1 rkor areanization Workers Orga 101 ¢ followed a poli ) property on the resi Y destruction of a« a rule, uitimately affe geriously SOFT COAL QUESTION Miners May Try to Prevent Shipments Into Anthracite Territor Wilkesharr Pa May y. * dent as to whe would attemg vent the shipment of soft piaces where hard coal Is us¢ l said Considering the proposition in A general way, | will say that we do Bot desire to make any city a victim or have any person suffer because of our quarrel with the coal companies.” He was pressed for a more explicit ftatement. but he refused to go Into it any deeper, except that it was a matter which would have to be settled by the three executive boards of the anthracite field. They will meet here tomorrow Judging by the actions of the union during the last strike. when efforts were made to stop the shipment of soft coal Into anthracite territory, It Is not unlikely that the miners may take similar action within the next few days 3,000 Men Suspended. Tamaqua, Pa, May 21.--This town Was yesterday isolated from the out side world. Not a passenger train was run on the Bhamokin division of the Reading Rallway. North of Port Clinton 26 trains have been annulled On the Bhenandoah branch 13 have Leen wiped out, while on the Mt. Car mel branch 22 trains will be discon. tinued. Four trains will be taken off the Milton branch. The action of the company in discontinuing all passen. gor tralus, with the exception of those carrying mails, Is unprecedented, The Reading Rallway has thus far suspended 3,000 men, comprising train crews, switchmen, station masters and clerks -- FEXAS8 TOWN SWEPT BY S8T0RM Ninety-eight Killed and 103 By Tornado at Goliad. Injured By Tornado at Gollad. Houston, Tex., May 20.-~The reports from sons were killed and 103 tornado Injured Intent Gollad ite that 98 per injured by the which passed over that eity en Sunday afternoon The property logs in the city and surrounding coun. try will prot wach £200.000, The storm swept the city mbly ri from end to end and demolished 1560 stores and resi dences paired The tornado, which by a terrific downpou only a few many of which cannot be re. was preceded r of hall lasted minutes. The hail storm drove the people Into where they were caught like rats In a trap, and the death-dealing wind came down them with terrific force, leveling everything in its pat}? The tornad« wide for a distance of thelr upon half. Houses colla) cardboar jure ple USED Corporal O'Brien Says sued to Troops in 1" wi DROWNED IN KILLARNEY LAKE Party of Thirte Lost Their During a Storm yole ( Newark Attorney Murdered In Arizona Tucson, Ariz., May 20 J A. Brad a young attorney of Newark, N J.. was murdered, » osedly by Mexi cans, at a small stage station 30 miles from Tuscon on Sunday. He had been visiting friends at the mines and was awaiting a stage to Tucson. The body shows a deep cut on the bead All the money and jewelry had been taken from the body. Bradley bad been in Tuscon a month and had just been admitted to the bar. Volcanle Subscriptions to Cease. Washington, May 19.--Becretary Hay bas received a cablegram from United States Consul Ayme at Fort De France, announcing that the relief supplies now afloat are quite sufficient for the Martinique sufferers, and sug gesting that, while St. Vincent may be In need, the public subscriptions in the United States should cease at once Lightning Kills Two. Roanoke, Va, May 20. During the thunder storm in the lower end of this county yesterday afternoon, Robert Short, a bridge contractor, and Haden Peters, a rural mail delivery agent, on: tered the rallway depot at Wertz Sta. tion for shelter. Lingtning struck the building, setting it on fire, and Instant ly killed the two men, General Funston iil, Denver, May 20 —General Funston In confined to his bed by an attack of remittent malarial fever. His tem: perature rose to 103%, but subse quently dropped to 101. His Hiness 1s not regarded as serious. Lives | mn I IN ST txplosion in Tennessee Colliery Killed All Men at Work, ETWEEN 1756 AND 225 ARE DEAD cuers Worker All Day Before They ild Enter the Mine, Which Conti be a uous 1, Yhere Being no Signs of Life DAY IN CUBA With $500,000 | ! 7 In Bonds ) The few additional warrants lssued yesterday afternoon approximated $50,000, and by that amount the actual funds in the treasury was reduced The amount thus turned over today to the Cuban government was $517.709 cash and $1.308607 in bonds. agalost which the current liabilities are charged Will Build Warships. Washington, May 20 Before ad. journment yesterday the house passed the naval appropriation bill. The fea ture of the debate was on the amend ment offered by Mr. Roberts, of Mas sachusetts, providing that three of the ships provided for in the bill, a battle ship, erulser and a gunboat, shall be bullt in government yards. Mr. Adams of Pennsylvania, made a point of order against the amendment, which Mr Sherman sustained, but on an appeal by Mr. Roberts the chair was over ruled and the amendment was agreed to, Labor Scarce In Chicago. Chicago, May 20 —8ecarcity of labor ers threatens to bring many improve: ments In Chicago to a standstill Thousands of men are In demand, and a large Increase In wages is offered, but workmen cannot be found. Bm. ployment agents are skirmishing among the small eitien within a r™» dius of 100 miles of Chicago, trying to pick up a sufficient number of Ia borers to supply the urgent demand. Unless men can be found, it is de blared that by July 1 much work now In progress must stop, Prov: | Tomb of | “1 suffered terribly and wi tremely weak for 12 year doctors said my blood ~ ) turning to vate At last ¢ Aver's Sarsaparilla, and wa Hadlvym No matter how | have been ill, how poorly you may be today, Avyer’s Sarsaparilla is the best medicine you can | take for purifying and en- riching the blood. Don’t doubt it, put your whole trust in it, throw away everything else. ng you nor Hh a I a b 5 | | LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS 'D i F |X FORMATION WANTED Certain patrons, 1} AAT Teasng wallty 1 We Dax EiLwen FIsHER A..F. My EM Kura I. % BUnp Gr. W_Brianron Coan. Dirier, Tyrone wis R.O. hravenr, Lewisburg Mus. Gro, PaxTz, DalBois, Pa GARMAN HOUSE... High Street, opposite House, Bellefonte, Pa. Entirely New. New Furniture. Steam Heat. Electric Light, and all modern improvements, C.M & C.B. GARMAN, Proprs, MONEY TO LOAN In large and small quantities on approved security. Farms for sale Real estate bought and sold, W. 6. RUNKLE, Att'y, Crider Exchange. Bellefonte. Court Centre Couly Banking Co. Corner High and Spring Streets, Rucrive Derosirs ; Dmcount Norns J. M. BHUGGERT Cashier, Garman's Emuire House STREET, TYRONE, PA. EK py. HIS is one of the smartest novelties of the season for traveling and out-of-door wear. It is an extremely comfortable suit to knock about in, and 1s just the thing for a vacation in the country, for riding, golfing, mountain climbing and the like. We put a great deal of work on these suits ; they are carefully tailored and pos- sess a style that one rarely finds in summer cloth- ing. shown in our illustration, though we make and The handsomest design has a yoke, as sell many of them without the yoke, the straps running over the shoulders down the front and back. The coat is made with full lining of light serge or with only the shoulders lined “skeleton style. The trousers have permanent cuffs to turn up at the bottom. The Norfolk is made of fancy cheviots, striped The lat- ter 1s an ideal summer fabric—Iight, clean, cool and durable—holds its shape well and may be had in black, Oxford and dark blue as well as fancy patterns. flannels, homespuns and wool crashes. Grand Army Suits a Specialty. Ponce and Guayaquil! Genuine Panama Hats, Negligee Shirts, Belts, White Duck Trousers, Childrens’ Wash Suits and Extra Trousers, Cool, Breezy Underwear. Montgomery & CO. THE “QUEEN QUALITY" HABIT Is one that is seldom broken. Queen Quality shoes combine about all the good points that women expect in shoes. The fastidious woman is pleased by their graceful lines and delighted with their ease. The econo- mical woman finds she has money to spare when she buys Queen Quality. If there's any other shoe that gives so much we would like to see it. THEY COST $3.00. Me. We Mave the Sole Right of Sale. Mingle’s Shoe Store, ACCENTS From WL DOUGLAS SHOES STIN TH