{ THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. MAY 1, 1902. HAPPENINGS ABOUT TOWN The Local News Compiled During | the Week BRIEFLY TOLDIN A FEW LINES People-—Personal Events Movements of Our Mention, Society tion—Shert Paragraphs —The soda fountaips are in full blast again, —Merchant Frank Fisher, of Penn Hall, transacted business in town Mon- day. —Wm, Pealer, one of Spring Mill's most useful citizens, was in town serving as a grand juror. —Mr. and Mrs. G, Murray Andrews left Friday for an extended visit with | | home on Sunday and will spend a part | | | one { Centre county fair this year, friends in Philadelphia. —C. M. Carman went to New York City on Saturday where Mrs. is visiting among friends. —Mr. and Mrs. Edward Faxion, of Ford City, are moving their household geods to a house on Howard street. —Temp Cruse and Fred Montgomery left Thursday afternoon for Pittsburg where they hope to secure good posi. tions. Don’t forget the coming attraction | in the opera house to be known as “The Bellefonters’’ two nights, May 15th and 16th. —The annual Colevill to be held in Petriken hall on evening, May 6th. The boys liberal patronge. e band concert is Tuesday Leander Green and his wife arrived efonte Thursday from Blooms a , in Bell burg lLeander has for the past two years ~Mrs. in Be and will visit friends for leaving for an homa. The boiler w vania passenger being torn away McCafferty will e brick tenement houses. been away Arrives Pittst awhile prior Margaret Alexander llefonte Thursday from extended visit to Okla pear the Pennsy Be site Charle ri TRS in iefonte the rect a row Of four Cf station and on was a feas ng 3 €8 Ana —Court week, this week, for the candidates, lots of handskak with lots of voters, and lots of smil deck the ‘‘men in 3 ay would call promises om by blouses’ —On Wednesday we had a call fron Sam’l Harpster, of Gatesburg, who was accompanied by his niece Miss Alva Harshbarger, a very pleasant young lady who is a regular reader of this paper, ~School Directors dollar per day, also mi ing the convention, to elect County Su- perintendent. This should a large attendance. The convention will meet Tuesday, May 6th. —G. R. Williams, of Port Matilda, was in town on Monday, to make his return of assessment for this year. When Mr Williams serves to end of his present term, i make twelve successive years as assessor for bim. as Qu them. are allowed one leage, for attend insure in the Garman opera at present, —The scenery se is undergoing repairs ething that will be appreciated by the public. Looking at the same stage settings for ten continuous years is liable to disarrange a man’s eyesight. The work being done by Fred Smith, of Al toona, a, scenic artist, ~Our old friend Daniel C. Grove, of near Zion, who has been quite seriously | ill the past season, has sufficiently re- covered to be about again and attended to some business matters in Bellefonte last week. He looking well again and anticipates new vigor with the ap, proach of better weather, is ~An addition of 175x157 feet to the silk mill in Lock Haven is to be built at once. The contract was let on Monday At present over ployed in that institution and puts a large sum of money in circulation. Bellefonte had an opportunity to get a similar industry but our people did not size up to the opportunity. What | Has Transpired Worthy of Men- | Garman | { his father, ! on the sick | horse sale at Mil deserve wo hands are em. | ~A good man wanted to solicit. a quire at this office. ~=Dr. Sebring has removed bis office | to corner of Spring and Bishop Sts, x19 | -St. i | John's Reformed Sunday school | will hold its sessions Sunday morning at | g:30 until further notice. S | Miss Harris Weaver, who is attend. ing Miss Shipley’s school in Philadel. phia, was an arrival home yester day. -Mrs. Sidney Krumrine and two | children, of this place, are visiting Mrs, Krumrine's mother, Mrs. Bubb, of Wij | ilamsport, ! } Tuesday's rain served two good pur- | poses—it put out the mountain fires and brought the much needed moisture to the fields. ~Mr, and Mrs. Waller Lembkey, of of Washington, D. C.; are registered at Bush House. Mr. Lembkey formerly was of Bellefonte. Miss Mary Butts, who has been at Windber, Pa., for several years, arrived | of the summer with her mother. ~Charles Garis, of Williamsport, took | William Garis, who has been past, list for some time to | Williamsport hospital for treatment. 18 holding another | [| lheim today and has at. | large crowd of horsemen and —Ben Gentzel tracted a politicians. He has some fine stock, as | usual. -D. W.R tion in the pattern shops of the Carnegie obb, who holds a good posi. Steel Company at Braddock, Pa., is home on a ten day visit to his parents at Ro- moa. Mrs, Katharine Tripple, who has winter and early Mrs, ding the ano » danguter, has met with death shell a serious accident in Bell Anderson's i and Houde Mouda He st LN room where he sudden. 1 efounte, ed to enter pool forwar ran his glass in arteries in his arm Oe Fr left arm through a pane of i the and bled quite ly slip falling the 1e of nHuse.y Rev, Jacob Stover, Bedford county, his cousin B. F. few Stover visite home of Stover lace, a Rev the and Suyder of this days ago. On Sunday last preached trial sermons in Lutheran churches of Zion He of Aaronsburg, and has been in town Isaac dec'd., the is a son of Maj Stover, ministry for a number of years Street Commissioner Thos. Shaugh obliging is a good Last winter after the spring nessy, our ofhcial Samaritan election we published a few cruel j him, that incorrect. The good for evil by coming kes about afterwards proved to be other day he returned up and cleanizg out the gutters and gather. our street ing up all the rubbish, and everything is in apple WAYS Was. pie order. He is alright-—al- ~-Repairs at the Valentine furnace are The bulk of the consists in relining the ovens and the in- going right along work brick and quanity of terior of the furnace with fire it takes an immense them. New trestles are also being put over the ore bins as the old ones were badly rot. {ted. Out im Nittany valley there is activity about the ore fields. June 1st is the time set for starting the fires and they think it can be done. ~To-morrow will be humor day at | the Bellefonte Academy. special literary exercises at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the leading feature of | which will be the reading of the “'Acade. | my Bulletin'’' which will contain a whole —]. 8. McCargar, representative of | | grist of good things that will be interest. the Equitable Life Insurance Company in this section, is the possessor of a hand. some gold watch and medal received as a prize for the amount of work done by him for that company during last Noyember and December. It was a competitive contest and Mr. was one of the few successful agents to | receive such a prize. Mr. McCargar is known as a hustler in whatever line he engages, and the fact that he got (his | handsome prize not as a matter of chance | but the results of his individual efforts, he can truly aporeciate it, «After a long delay the water mains across the bridge have been repaired | this week. street is in about the same condition as "ihe day after the flood, We do not know why these needed repairs are not made at once. prompt repairs as such extended delays, We have the inconvenience until repair. ed and gives the public the impression McCargar | The delapidated walks and | the long stretch without a walk on Water | They must be made sooner or Aater and there might just as well be ling and amusing and probably slightly embarrassing to some of the gay sports | whose doings in the past year will be re- | counted. The public are cordially in. | vited to attend these exercises and en. { joy the tun, Decoration Services. Gregg Post, at its meeting on Satur. day evening in their hall, made the fol. lowing appointments for the coming dec | oration services: The Memorial ad: | dress to be delivered by Rev. Dr. H. C. | Holloway, in the Lutheran church, on | Sunday morning, May 25. The Decora. tion Day address to be delivered by A. | A. Dale, Esq., on Friday afternoon May 30. Full program of exercises on Decora: | tion Day will be published later, New Hotel Proprietor, This: Thursday there is a change of {landlords at the Brockerhoff House. John J. Shanfelter who had charge since December 1900 retires and will returns to Philadelphia. He Is succeeded by H. 8. Ray, ason of F. D. Ray, proprietor of Hotel Altemont, Altoona. The new landlord has experience in his line and is known as a successful hotelman, CENTRE COUNTY FAIR. We have been frequently asked by people over the county as to the pros. pects of having a fair this year. The reason for these inquirtes is due to the fact that the flood last month did consid- erable damage to the track and build. ings, and the same have not been repair. ed thus far. We have seen the officials of the association and they request us to emphatically state that they now have | under contemplation the making of all necessary repairs due to the damage from the flood, and tkat in addition | thereto there will be general improve. ments on the property, The first work will be to put the track in shape so that the local horsemen can speed their horses, The extent of damage done will not be as expensive to repair as was at first estimated. They were so well pleased with the attendance last season that they are fully warranted to go ahead. For that reason our horsemen | need not dispose of their steppers or any- despair that there might be no This will be good news to many who attended in | former years. RECENT DEATHS. Miss Minnie Ex Deland, F Died in April 22, a resident of State Col- lege for several years, DAvID KLEPPER has been NTH GRAY lorida, Tuesday, Miss Gray was of Bellefonte, who Haven being treated for a fractured in the Lock hospital, six weeks, hip, died suddenly Wednesday chil R AnsorLon CSN M1 of heart trouble on several lay. He is survived by dren ‘mains will arrive to Who was born it , fel IAN itheim, Oct | over dead Tuesday rg ried Sarah NM branch of th Mrs. Lu John Fl RETIA wife sliefonte, had w hi the ARC WAS 409, vears Tuesday She several paralitic of death and 22 morn strokes h were Her days Mrs. L Mrs cause months fo dren of Pot. The owing chi survive ZTE DOMMmMErs, ters Bank Bertha Finley, of Punx. sulawney, Edward Lillie, lanra, at home Mr Mary M. ZI at Wingate, of heart {a of April 1902, months and 13 William, sons to meuru her early died d years, 11 MMERMAN ure, on the 211 day age 31 icaves a hus. one daugber and three she Andrew avd Sarah days, she band departure, was the daughter of Hall, oved by all of Union township. She was be. Her re- in Hall's cemetery who knew ber, mains were interred the 2asth concourse of people on inst., attended by a large A sister and aunt of died at her home near town Thursday evening 17th, of in- Miss BErizaserin COLLINS of the late Philip Col Thomas A. Shoemaker, lions firmities incident to old age. Deceased was born in Munster, Cambria county, 76 years ago and years she has resided at that place. She is survived by a brother and sister, ly: Peter, of Philadelphia, and Miss Sara, of Bellefonte. Funeral services were held in St. John's Catholic church Saturday morning at 8 o'clock. Later | the remains were taken to Ebensburg, | Cambria county, Dr. FREDERICK ANTES CANFIELD i | died at his home in Necadah, Wis., Tues. There will be | : was | suffered two strokes | a native of Centre county, The immediate cause of death from which the doctor Dr. Canfield was and about 1856 practiced his profession in Philips burg. While still a young man he re. moved to LaCrosse, Wisconsin, about miles from the town where he later loca ted and spent his life. He was aged about 73 vears and is survived by two sisters and one brother. Atoune time Dr. Canfield was very wealthy and at his death we understand was the owner of a great deal of real estate. He was born and raised in the eastern part of Nittany valley. Jamus C. Novy, Erg i=Died suddenly at his home in Stillwater, Okalahoma territory, on Monday, of heart failure. The decased was a son of the late Wm, H. Noll, 8t., of Pleasant Gap, where he was born and reared. In the year 1886 be was graduated from Franklin & Mar shall college, Lancaster, Pa. After that he came to Bellefonte and registered in the law office of Orvis, Bower & Orvis and was admitted to the Centre county Bar Sept. 4, 1891. He followed the practice at this place for several years and then left for Okalahoma territory, locating first at Perkins where he remained for three years and the past year was at Stillwater, and had established a good practice, He was married about a year ago and his wife survives him. Among of his family in this section are his gogier Mrs. Emeline Noll, Wm. H. Ir., er, John T., and sister Ethel B.,a% _— bust residing at Mess! Gap, and Boyd A, at Zn, He would have byen 40 dente years of age in June next, Funeral services at Pleasant Gary, at 2 p. m., Sunday, at the home of b's moth. er, after which the body will be taken fo Zion for burial, day 15% paralysis, {to for the past fifteen | game. | LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. Gathered From the Various Offices About the Court House. MARRIAGE LICENSES. i H. Winkleblech - - Gertrude M, Meyer . Harry E. Benner Lucy Moyer - { Rudolph K. Strayer . . Susan A. Harpster - . { Michael A. Cupp - Mary B. Merryman REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. M. I. Gardner et ux Elizabeth L. Ful. ton, April 19, igo2; tract of land in Walker, $1135 Jono Haugh, et ux, to Chas. B. Row. lond, April 24, 1902; lot in Patton. $600. Michael Gill, et ux, to David Chambers, April 23, 1902; 7 acres in Snow Shoe, $1500. A.P. Luse, et ux, to Wm. H. Stiver, April, 12, 1902; lot in Centre Hall. $1800, Margaret Dale, et barron, to C. H. Dale, April 11, 1902; 4) acres in Rush, $22.50. Wm. B. Ward, et ux, to Jacob S. Reed, et ux, et al, Feb, 5, 1902 ; 1 lot in Fergu. son twp. $1400. Jno. Henderson, et Weaver, April 21, 1902 ; chases in Taylor. $8500. H. L. Carlisle to Jno. W. Walker, April 1, 1902; Jot No. 47 in Rush. $750. P. KE. Womelsdorf to Jno. W. Walters April 4, 1902; lot No. § in South Philips- burg. $200. Levi Strayer to Cyrus 102; 4 tracts in Mil $500 H. A. Walker, et er, et al, Oct. 29 Jno. M. Fleck, et ux to Ino. D. Barker { April 26, 1902; 20 acres in Rush. §i The Philipsburg Coal levi Cowher, Apri ridge Penn Runville Philipsburg Gatesburg Pa. Furnace Huntingdon Retort ux, to Andrew 76 acres 60 per- Zeigler, April 1 es and Haines Twp. al toCyrus M 1900; 27 Acres and for Bad ( Con to ranks a1 McCrossin, re. 1 the sum of $10 fined the sum of $20 if above irect within 20 named members of Private Wm thhens f20; Private |] W. Chase, fines are not paid to me days t above E, sth Regt, I will issue Writ and have them committed to the Coun for a pe riod of five days each You immediately the above named corporals to the rank by issuing the ; per orders and making the proper en. tries in the Co. books, 1 will mail to each of the above men in your see that they receive the letter, Clearfield at the present time H. 8S. TavioR sth N. G. P., Court Officer - - — i w the Lo ty Jail wi reduce 10 Te letiers Care i not in Capt. Co. B Installation of Officers No Knights Templar installed their elected officers Constans Commandery, 13, newly Friday evening. They are as follows W. Harrison John 8. Mc Boyd A. Mus Sechier; Eminent Commander Walker | Cargar; captain general treasurer Hammon W. Homer Crissman; M. S. McDowell; Jesse T. Cherry; prelate I. Brown sword bearer generalissimo ser, re corder senior | warden junior ward. Rev. Geo Frank H. Clem- John P. Harris, Frank Crosth. | en (son; standard bearer Ir.; captain of the guard | waite; first guard James Church; second guard--Ed Whittaker; third guard Oscar BE. Miles; warder—Hugh 8. Tay. lor ; sentinel]. Robert Cole; A. C. Mingle, W. L. Daggett, | Cole. —— A ——————————— Musical Extravaganza. The Coleville Band will give a delight. ful entertainment in Petriken Hall, Bellefonte, on Tuesday evening, May 6th, 1902. Among the special features on the programme, band, will be Miss Elizabeth Faxon, clocutionist ; M. F. Hazel, popular bass solist ; Meek and Harris, in a startling Black Face Duo entitled “The Lady or the Tiger,” Francis J. Saunders, the eminent young basytone, from State Col. lege, will sing the Illustrated Songs; will Rine, batonist, bird imitator and buck dancer ; Master John Kane, the phenomenal boy soprano will sing “Hello, Central! Give Me Heaven,’ Admission _Socts. ilat— Attempts to Break Jail | Fail. Frank Beckwith, who is in jail bere awaiting trial on a charge of killing his wife, evidently means to escape jail, if possible. The fact has leaked out that three times recently Beckwith, with the connivan oe of another prisoner, has es. caped fiom his steel cell into the corti. dor, bat every time was discovered be. fore any further attempt to regain hws liberty could be made. Aeckwith has now been put in a fall tieel cell with double locks. Shears and Steals Sheep Wool. The man who has shearin aa Siaaling the wel off of sheep in valley, Ia at work John Porn and John Burrell, of 308 Joho! The man Yitany valley, are generals tke the wool from one sheep POWDER CO, 100 Wil OVAL Barve Powoer Makes delicious hot biscuit, griddle cakes, rolls and mufhns. An absolutely pure, cream of tartar powder. AW THE RIGHT MENTAL ATTITUDE. Whenever you go out of doors draw the chin in carry the crown of the head high and fill the lungs to the drink in the sunshine, with hand