A ( { 4 . 7 CORRESPONDENTS’ DEPARTMENT Happenings About Centre County Briefly Told by A CORPS OF ABLE WRITERS Our Alert Correspondents Note Many Important Events in Different Lo- calities—What is Transpiring--Is Your Section Represented ? Colyer. Election day passed very quietly. Our efficient squire, J. S. Housman, was again re-elected for his fourth term as Justice of the Peace. i Our Colyer Mills band still have prac- | tice every week, keeping in apple-pie order for the festivals this coming season Quite a number of our people who had been working at Yeagertown ax factory have quit there and some have moved back and others intend to There will be much moving this spring loosing some of our people and others. John Royer moved to Potters Mills on Tuesday on James Shires farm, A great stir and commotion in P, City this week, ou account of our homnor- able ‘Mayor’ P.S. Boal and family moving from his cabin howe across the street in his newly bought home, Mr. Boal having lived in what is called the gaining ‘little log house’ for some 30 years, this | being his first moving, and said it will be his last. Squire Housman had quite an interest ing law-suit one day last week, business seems quite brisk. David McCool, from Farmers Mills, among otl from this place, transacted some ness at the above name Da I's guest aly W Miss Cora Houlz i Gap. The announcement of the marriage Miss Elsie, daughter of J. B. Homer this place, to Claire G. Stem, son of Chas Stem, of Linden Hall, which will take place this week, is published. Rumors are of several more weddings in our community in the near future. In conclusion we will give you the “Model Love Letter,” from a “modest lover.” "Madame : Most worthy of ac climation, and much meditation, on the great reputation, you possess in this na- tion, I bave a strong inclination to be come your relation, and by your appro. bation, I shall make preparation, to re. i station, to my Mary Moderation, Rebersburg. Quite a number of our people took in | parents’ day exercises held in the pri. mary school, Prof. A. N. Brungart bas a smile since that mew visitor came. A number of our people are attenaing revival services at Smulliton The Lutheran people of this place gave an agreeable surprise social at the Lath eran parsonage on Friday evening Many were present and er the evening. Many the water in this place yed are bomes that have no acob Gephart has beer with pneumonia If maging prey ter entertainment C J. Cronse was Saturday and Sunday Geo. Deibhl, our assistant mail was to Union county over Sund his parents West Brushvalley. Mrs. Geo. Grenoble was visiting friends in Lock Haven last week, Mrs. Albert Smith, of Pittsburg is at present visiting friends and relatives in this section. Rev. C. B. Harmon, of Rebershurg, preached an interesting sermon in the Lutheran church mn Madisonburg, last Sunday forenoon, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hettinger, of Spring Mills, were visiting friends and relatives in Madisonburg. last Sunday. E. G. Grenoble made a fing trip to Nittany valley, one day last week. The public sale of J. W. Rupp, two miles west, of Rebershurg, was well at tended last Thursday. The vingicg class recently organized choo re in Hoy's school bouse is progressing fine, reached an interesting sermon in iy. Rev, N. J. Dubbs, of Rebentburg nl's church, last Sunday forenoon, amd C. 8. WW. wand. Women defend the wearing of corsets ‘on economic grounds ; there is less waist, {ing from a broken elbow, move my situation, 10 a more convenient | 38d Kunes ate the attending physicians From yours, Sans. Disimuulation, Nittany. At Billy Showers’ saw mill 200,000 feet of logs are stocked in the yard, The supper which was to have been held at W. J. Mauck's on Saturday night for the benefit of the Ev. church was a failure on account of the deep snow, Parties are numerous around here this winter, there being several every week. Let them continue, The scribe visited the school taught by A. A. Pletcher, last Fridav, and we found the room filled to its utmost seat. ing capacity. Tne teacher had arravg- ed a program which covered a period of two hours or more; the children recited and sang with a vim that delighted all; the patrons and scholars thank their teacher for his untiring efforts in behalf of the school. J. H. Winkleman, who is employed at | Je | place over Sunday, C. B. Winkleman has returned { from Johnstown where he had been em. the past yi and will remain at a glad you ployed home for hort time El. LO see Sunday mort ast al h for his ar; all invited to these ser conference ve VICCS. | Quite a number of our young folks at. { tended church at Hublersburg on Satur. day evening | We are enjoying about 15 inches of | snow which wakes good sleighing at pre. { sent and our people are making good use | of it too. Noah Yearick who is | State College, came home Friday night and will visit his parents a short time, George Tolbert has gone to Oak Grove | where he has secured | penter trade. Dantel Kerns : and family accompanied . Mrs Mr by James Guosallus and family, and Pau and family aariey runs u Lranisaiias rove to St Norris for Charles last wee left town k killed by recovered Frank Blair had a fine cow the train a few days ago He damages from the company. | Mrs. Daniel Stine bas been very ill | her home in this place, but is slowly it proving i Quite a number of our people attend. | at ! 1 ¢d the reunion of the 145th Reg. last i week. Miss Gertrude Kelly is slowly improv. | Drs. Irwin | Potter Tate and little daughter Mary, | visited friends in town recently. | Miss Edoa Miogle, of State College, {spent a few davs visiting her grand. | parents Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Norris Dorsey Stine, of Clearfield, returned to his home last Monday to visit his mother who is ill, Hannah. Winter has come in earnest; roads and lanes full to the top of the fence G. M. Marks spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. Margaret Sharer, confined to the bouse account of severe attack of heart trouble and grip Mathew Adams bavled s e fin | past here to the who is sti on Aa k N aw m : ith bh Mrs. Margaret Sharer § mother Ferguson T wp. Quite a number of Ferguson veterans attended the reunion of tne 145th Regt in Bellefonte on Wednesday and Thurs day, returned greatly pleased M. P. Corl and wife started on a ten days visit to Butler county relatives, last | week, Jobo K. From leased the J. C. Patton farm at Centre Line, i returned home from a six week's visit | with York county friends, Mrs, Benjamin Corl is seriously ill with | cancer of Jhe bowels {Having a Run en Chamberiain's Cough Remedy, | Between the hours of eleven o'clock a. m. and closing time at night on Jan, 25th, l1gor, A F. Clark, druggist, Gade | Springs, Va, sold twelves bottles of |C mberiain's Cough Remedy, He says, | "I never bandied a medicine that sold | better or gave better satistaction to my customers.” This Remedy has been in of them have testified 10 the remarkable cares which it has effected. When you seed a good, reliable medicine for a rsey Shore, visited bis family at this | home | work at the car. | will have Mrs. C. T. Alkens and her son Ciande, | Milesburg. Benj. Holmes, of Lock Haven, was visible on our streets Wednesday last, Wm. Treaster, of Lamar, was a guest | of his sister, Mrs. Levi Grubb, This | gentleman {is better known as Col. Enoch, He attended the reunion of the 145th at | Bellefonte and visited the Centre Demo. | crat office. After seeing the workings of | the folding machine and inmates of the | office, especially over the fair ones, con. cluded tosubscribe and pay for the paper, | and did so like an old bachelor could and would do. Come again, Enoch, | Wm. Wilson and family, of Green. | wood, were guests of Mrs. 8, Bathurst, | Miss Verna Campbell, of Williamsport, | is visiting in this place. Mrs, Grace Kreamer, of Virginia, was | a recent visitor at her parents, Wm. B, | Grassmire's. The Excelsior club had a taffy at Mrs. Wm, Grassmire's. Bald Eagle Lodge 4101, O. OQ. F. i§ in a flourishing condition, increasing their membership every Young man m a trial, r vou will you party week by s0 Mng OW stand with the outside condition rt trouble confinement, The with him night afier § care and well 1 acritical i % cated; ne night administeri fare Nelson from grip. Lucien Fulton returned from a h McKinley is bh ome suffering recent | visit to Tyrone and Philipsburg. employed near | Frank, the young man from Bellefonte, | succeeded 1n getting his sleigh ride Sun. day night. The ladies got ready for church-—we listened to their chaff story, young birds cannot feed the old bird on chaff After the left the house, we followed the fox trail for a short tance; the waiting. All ino RN 3 readine . in higt fath iadics was off wr Of men witnessed [Lewis Wetzler and A. Morris cigars, by Ephriam Fisher, Be ranch of the A. T. Morris wholesale house of Cin cinnall n are bandling the represented ef te High Valley. Snow two feet in the valley | the lam. ber teams had to stop at this writing Dr. Barker says snow is too deep lo hunt, as be must lay off and let the cats rest J. W. and Andrew Mejer, of Coburn, purchased the Ulrich homestead in the valley. | suppose another peach orchard is talked of Samuel! Alter says if the valley will keep on improving as it has been for the last few years, the High valley voters their own voting district and the scribe gill be the first candidate in the fieid. The Ingleby scribe says the High val ley scribe haunled two weeks at a car props; that as the weather was cold and no wolf howling around the d 80 | took time, Ingleby scribe The time ol 1% Correct OOT wi be here that voters Ke the voters here svery threes » LL Runvil! I. Walker, who has been in time, has returned to attending at this Min [24 Or ROME and 3 e be her home place Rev, J. F. Kelley, who bas been visit ing friends ut this piace for the past week went to Philipsburg ou Saturday to visit relatives before goirg to take up his | work at Middiebarg We join in wish. ing brother Kelly success in his new | field of labor John Furl bas been housed up for the past two weeks with quinsy ! Weare glad to see our teacher, Mr. | Fleming, has recovered from bis recent | tliness, and is again able to return 10 his | school at this place. The new stave mill at Gomstam,, 1» now completed and ready to run, The protracted meeting which was held for near seven weeks closed on Fri. day might. The meeting met with good | SUCCES bool v ] How's This, We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for cane of Catareh that cannot be cured by Snow Shoe. Election day has come and gone, and the earth do move round on her own axletree every twenty-four hours subject to the contitution and Mathew Stanley Quay. The elected officers are going around with a complaisant air, and seem to think the right thing had been done at the right time, and especially Ed, G. | who seems to think that electioneering pays. The defeated candidates found that there were more liars in Snow Shoe twp., than they were aware of, Howard Cramer, an engineer on the N. { ¥. C. R. R. stationed at Clearfield, spent a few days at his home in this place, Come again Howard we are glad to see you, The smiling countenance of J. F. Lucas Was seen on our streets a few days the past week He is managing a large lumber job at Warriors Mark. Jane Rankin, who made her home H. 8, Cramer last age. at 8, died week of old Clarence Lu brother to Warr Jose: accompanied Mark Roy Confer ines 18 bh Vail and - : - HIa0 ts, Th iroaders and miners ' place, have been kept very past five mouths, The about 60 per month. J. A. Shangraw, one of our hustling merchants, made a flying trip to Jersey Shore, last week, ea bu Ie80ay event KE of thi busy Or f f average pay is y Roy Confer, purchasing a new sleigh last week, decided he would tour world After reaching Pleasant Gap be was Corled (coralled.) Much to his satisfaction, we hope Anybody know. ing any further particulars concerning the young gentlemat reponde sh Lf will oblige by phoning at once not yel ’ ng among friend Michae pent ast Se and « at Slate gnes bhursday Ed. Hunter who is employed toona, is visting bere, L. Mothershaagh attended the reunion of the 145th in Bellefonte last week. The entertainment on Saturday eve proved a success in every way. Special mention must be given to Harry Bailey, Alma Gingerich for the creditable way in which they performed their parts The same may be sald of Rose and Daniel. in for Warnersvilie where they enter the Sanitariom for their healt Miss Anna Goheen, of Rock Spring, visited ber friend Miss Priscilla Wilson last week Alvin Mever, of Altoona, is at present vigiting his parents in this place ] ! | i | ] ] Al- | ire on Tuesday ever THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. FEBRUARY 27, 1902, ' Lemont. The entertainment at Centre Hall, given by the Lemont opera troop was a grand success in every respect, Born to Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Mitchell a boy. Mrs. Frank Williams (nee Miss Sim. mons of Lauvertown) returned home last week, feeling sort of fatigued over mar- ried life, The sale of personal property of the late Mrs. Schenck’s, was very well at. tended last Saturday and most of the articles sold well, F. Woods Bathgate, shop clerk for the P. R. R. Co., at Altoona, spent a few days at his former home last week, ~ KE. K. Smith, of Oak Hall, was a caller in our town, on Saturday. Mrs, Geo. C. Williams is suffering with a severe attack of whooping cough, We ! wish her quite a relief very soon. Hannah Woomer, of near town, sabbath in Centre Hall Wi spent a few days spent Bottorf, a travelin ents in town Thos meeting John Mitchell + his brother Bru pneumonia, The Hillside thi ymmunity 1 Bellefonte. « Farm farmer was se last Axe Mann. Wm. Miller and wife spent Sunday at Rock View, at the bowme of Reuben Breon, week. Quite a number of our the entertainment alurday evening. people attended at Pleasant Gap, on ¢ the f our tied On Sunday people : apon aring no ing of last week The family was in bed. The fire was first discovered by Sue Long, an invalid who has been confined 10 bed for more than a year. They had only a few minutes time to escape from the bouse | and each had a narrow escape of his life, James Beck is able to be out on the | streets again under the skillful treatment of Dr. §. 8. McCormick. Mrs. John Hoy is sick at the home of | Putt M . ~ } 1 f The Keller girls left on Wednesday |b r sister, Mrs. Robert Cook, of Howard expect to | Pneumonia always results from a cold {or from an attack of the grip and may be Prof. J. C. Bryson and DD, K. Mothers. | baugh attended the Teachers’ Institute | at Centre Hall last week. Postmaster Stuart, was in town on Sunday Very interesting literary were held in the High school afternoon. Harry honest work of State College exercises ast Friday Lonebarger did the Cr of been and Sarah Mc Ferguson's prominent th throw . . ’ and sixty ] they id not gan Pittsburg. < ug on aK H sand re h ar roeighbors | C. P Batler you may g Long spent a week in and Panxsutawney, husines The candidates have been all the county for the different offices Where is Greg's candidate 7 it is soon time that we get something in this peck of woods, John, where art thou ? William Bitner and wife spent Sanday with her sick mother at Aaronsburg Michael Shires and daughter Katie, left for Philadelphia where she will take a course in a millinery department, Miss Katie was assistant post master in this place; her sister Renna has occupied the vacancy. Peter Eckel, who is emploved by Wm, Allison as farm laborer, left last week for the west lo grow np with the country, The public sales will svon begin, Ward Gramley and lady of McE!lhat. tan, spent Sunday with his parents PF, M. Gramley. A Primser Greatly Surprised, “I never was so much surprised in my life, as | was with the results of using Chamberlain's Pain Balm,” says Henry T. Crook, pressman of the Asheville, (N, C Gazetiz. "1 contracted a severe case of theumatism earl ting my feet wet, for it without benefit. Ove da over prevented by the timely use of Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy. This fact has been fully proven in many thousands of cases. Sold by Green's Pharmacy Potter 1 wp. Fifteen inches of snow Saturday last Many attended the 148:h re.anion and all speak of having had a fine time George Rowe wi Mi Decker Mrs move 10 the farm of valley Ty? days hae, in Georges Catharine C he will spend ster, Mrs. Mc! NM : sweet wo on of D Arson 18 al pevera ES wd Pine Creek Mills. on Friday and ‘eet Harry i« m wi Ed Ww week Mr the M80 Ih and Mrs. Wm. Winkleblech are proud possessors of a baby girl Fred Swver wi farm this spring | move on Phil Stover's The High valley scribe has been to the election; he says put is good men N We may have a wedding in our town in the near future | len Stover and wife were out sleigh. | ing with their pew horse People who laugh londest don't al. | ways enjov themselves most i You ean make your bar ® ak CREE il] hss wie Ly sing wT U3 Hare ness | A on ra elfen Inst pwioe we long ae ot Stop the Blight asad thing to see fine trees spoiled by v | them from the blight. can always tel t. They never do well | Is but stay small and 40002000 9000009060609 000@ Let the weather do its worst Cydonine is a preparation that heals faster than winds can roughen. If neglected, face and hands can bardly keep from roughening in cold, raw weather. They can't keep from being smoo bh if vou rely on Cvdonime. It heals quickly it's en. tirely absorbed For the same reason there's vo grease or kiness tw AUnoY Daintily por. famed AFTER SHAVING Used after shaving it stantly all og uming Pr 45. hecause stig in stops smart ma bh a : Green's Pharmacy Bush House Block, Am having ¢ Fisn Have Do vou like gO wl Bread ? I have the stuff that makes it GOODS DELIVERED FREE E. T. ROAN, Bishop St. Bellefonte, Pa. MONEY TO LOAN In large and small quantities on vod security. Farms for sale, 1 pri t and sold. W. 6. RUNKLE, Att'y, Crider Exchange. Centre County Banking Co. over High and ring Moves.