¥ THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, 2 Pa, DECEMBER 12, 1901, Fr ss i ~ HAPPENINGS ABOUT TOWN i the Week BRIEFLY TOLD In a FEW LINES | Movements of Our People Personal | Mention, Society Events Has Transpired Worthy of Men tion—Short Paragraphs. ~—We had an awlyl blow on Monday | wight, —Jece last week was from four to six inches in thickness. Miss Jane Witter, in Tyrone. -But one Democrat for the year 1901. —Bdward Gross, who has been seri ously ill with appendicitis, is able to be out again. —Mrs. John N. Lane and her daughter, Miss Patty, are in New York city visiting | friends and shopping. —David Harter, one of Marion town- ship's veteran farmers gave the Demo- crat a pleasant call. — Harter of the Gazette has the long- « est string of game of any hunter this sea- son, in these regions. --Qur own make of handmade clear toys and satin finished ribon candy only 10 cts. 1b. at SoursECkS, 107 High St. --Some of our merchants have shown rare taste in decorating their store win- dows for the holiday season. — During the past week there wasex- | cellent skating at the fair grounds, also | at Hecla Park. The ice was from 406 inches. ~The members of the Lutheran S. S. will have a rehearsal of their Christmas entertainment on Friday evening, 8 p. m. sharp. ~Grant Hoover, the insurance man, has some of the best ideas in calendars that we have seen. He handles good insurance too. ~Mr. and Mrs. Murray Andrews and Mrs. Andrew's maid, Miss Lulu Pacini, returned home on Saturday evening from their European trip. —The indications are that a great many public sales will be held in our W county this spring.. Farmers seem to be growing dissatisfied with results, ~The Bellefonte chapter of the Daugh- ters of the American Revolution was en- tertained, Monday evening, by Mrs, Elizabeth Calloway at her home. —Wednesday was a veritable spring dav, and with a legion of pretty school marms abou!; reminded one of the wel. come ushering in of the arrival of blue birds and robins, —Prof. John D. Meyer left on Wednes- day for a three weeks’ trip to South Carolina and will put in part of the time at the cities of Washmgton, Richmond, Charleston and Colombia. ~Mrs. Mary McMabon, of south Al. legheny street, with her daughters, has moved to Philadelphia to make ber fu ture bose. They have been residents of Bellefonte for thirty years. ~Mrs. Bickel, whose goods were dam- aged by water and breakage at the fire of the Pacini house on Thomas street, has been paid $484 by the Concordia company in which she was insured. ~Miss Lulu Rine, daughter of James H. Rive, of this place, has been elected teacher of the Walker township school at Hecla Park. She isa graduate of the Bellefonte High school “Class of 1901." ~ Everything entirely new this season with Gorton's Famous Minstrels, Sweet singing, great dancing specialties, big novelty features; seen only with Gorton'’s, at Garman's opera house, this evening. ~The Lutheran Sabbath school is holding two rehearsals each week, Mon. day and Friday evenings, for their en. tertainment on Christmas evening, “The Birth of Christ in song and characters.” It will be entertaining and instructive, ~Wm. Mrvers, of Boalsburg, was in | town Tuesday and called to renew his | subscription. He says the hunters up | | They have good music throughout the | there are chasing bear now, since deer season closed. Monday Oscar Stover wounded a large fellow that got away. ~The next emiertainment under the | auspices of the W. C. T. U., course will | be John R. Clarke, who is styled as orator, vocalist, mimic, actor, traveler, This is the second of the course and is | booked for Wednesday evening, Dec. 18th, in the Court House, ~Mr. John 8. Furst, of Williamsport, | formerly treasurer of the Central Penn: sylvauia Telephone and Supply Co., has resigned his position as toll line superin. tendent of the Pennsylvania Telephone Co., with which the Central Pennsylvania Co. was recently consolidated, ’ ~The name of Prof. |. Dorsey Hun. ter, of Benner Twp., has been prominent. ly mentioned the past week as a candi date for the County Superintendency. He is a son of the late Hon, Denj. Hun- ter, is a graduate of State College, taught several terms in this county, was super. intendent of the schools of Gettysburg for about four years, and then accepted a similar position in the schools at Hunt. ingdon, Pa. Finding that position too confining he resigned. His preparation and experience qualify him for such a position, What | * | this paper how to make hens lay, | is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, | Sechler, —Miss Emma Aiken was the guest of | more issue of the Centre | —Samuel H. Gueiswite, of Bellefonte, has pension increased to $8. See our fine chocolate mixed candy {at 10, 15, 20 and 25 cts, 1b, at SOURBRCKS, | 107 West High St. The Local News Compile ed During | — Thomas Howley, who was formerly with Harper Brothers, has accepted the position of clerk in C, C, Shuey's grocery. Miss Julia Powers, who has been vis: iting her mother, for the past month, re- turned to Philadelphia, Monday moruing, ~Read the receipt in another part of When eggs are 25 cents a dozen it is worth try- ing. ~Miss Margeret Sechler, a nurse in the Johns Hopkins hosvital at Baltimore, H. Mrs. L. A. Schaeffer left for Will. iamsport, Wednesday to attend the wed. ding of Miss Josie Kendig of that city, | which occurred yesterday. — Prof. John Meyer, who had been ill { the past week with luflammation of the | bowels, is able to be about again avd at. tended institute the past week, --Rev, the St. speak iu the George Israel Brown, rector of John's Episcopal church, will Army Hall this All are welcome. Salvation Thursday evening Ww slipped away from home tL Rumberger, of Unionville, Wednesday to He thought have a look at stitute it a marms as handsome pronounced the as of yore success and school ifoot a litle more so See our own make of fine Christmas | candies for churches and schools at 10 6ts, a pound. Beautiful embossed boxes furnished free when you buy your candy at Soursgecks, High St. Mrs. R. M. Evglish, both of Jersey Bellefonte A are L mn Brown and Mrs, Shore, this week, having been called the the former’s daughter, here by serious illness of Mrs. The first of January will here- Altenderfer, This is a gentle reminder to some of those who may have allowed their get up accounts, subscription accounts to ATTCATS. Owing to the damp and quarters of District Attorney mm the Court House, he considered the same not oply unfit, but unhealthy and has removed his office to the second floor of Crider's Exchange, Bob. Tavlor, of Tennessee, will be on band this evening at the Court House to lecture and sing. whole entertainment in himself and bas been before the public in this capacity fora great many years gloomy Spangler, Gov. ~ Christmas Day the Salvation Army, at this place, will give a free dinner to poor children of this will be served in the room above the Centre County Bank building at noon, and ticket two-handred borough. It all will be admitted by Charles Haines, son of David Haines, and Maize Keeler, daughter of Wallace Keeler, were united in marriage Tues day evening by the Rev. W. H. Brown, pastor of the Evangelical charch. The young couple have gone to housekeeping on West Logan St, A free readicg room has been fitted up in the Parish hall at this place. The room is open to everyone, every week- day evening from 7 to 10:30 Books, periodicals and daily papers are provid. ed for selves of the privileges of the room. ~ Building lots at Oak Grove, the new railroad town, are selling at a lively rate the past week. You will see an an. | nouncement of this place on page 7 of | this issue. It promises to be quite a town. When spring opens up there will be a | great building boom in that section. Lyman Howe's Moving Pictures at the opera house on Monday, December oth, promises to entertain all. Mr. Howe was here several times prior and | | always gave splendid entertainments. Some of his pictures are of rare histori. cal merit. It will be given for the bene. fit of the G. A. R. relief fund. ~Gorton’s Minstrels will be at the! opera house this evening. They are good and every time they were here in the past did not fail, but pleased audience. | programme and a lot of singing and | dancing that will amuse and entertain. It will be a fine entertainment, ~The singing in the teachers’ institute | this week, comes upon the ear like unto a tornado, so full of volume, but freight: | ed with elegance charming to the ear of | the lover of music. It is one of the | pleasant features of the institute, and | creditable to the teachers for charming | rendition from several hundred throats. {| =The Democrat office had calls from many teachers and others attending in- stitute this week. The pedagogues of Centre county, male and female, for good looks, good character, and efficl. ency, compare with the best of thelr class in the state and to them is much credit due for the excellency of the public schools of Centre county, «George Hart, of Bellefonte, an em: ploye of the Commercial Telephone com. pany, met with an accident at Jersey Shore last week, which nearly cost him the sight of one of his eyes. He was en. gaged in stringing wire when it broke and an end struck him in the left eye, cutting an ugly gash in the white, a bare a Yas from the sight.