g 2 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., DECEMBER 12, 1801 CHALLENGED 10 RENGY Controversy of South Carolina] Senators Renewed. McLAURIN DEFENDS HIS COURSE Me Denounced the Democratic Leader Jones, His ship—Reply of Chairman Senator Tillman Renewed Former Offer. Washington, Dec. 10.-—~The senate chamber was the scene of a highly dramatic episode yesterday, when Senator Tillman, of South Carolina, challenged his colleague, Senator Me: Laurin, to resign with him on the spot, in order to use his own language, that they might be able “to wash their dirty linen at home.” Mr, McLaurin did not take up the gauge. The inci dent was the direct sequel of the very bitter controversy which arose be tween the senators in South Carolina last spring Mr. McLaurin arose a question of personal privilege yes terday and proceeded to explain what he charged a conspiracy die credit him own acts and views did the approval of certain lead He liated, was to be £1 Was to state for not meet Democratic that } ae in his which ers lared being dec WAS hun and, ace print Democratic ed upon way best pt opie his racy Democrat wrding to public excluded fron cancus because he Sen Demo viting cus controvers) to very express the opinion | whether | Carolina seats in the senate in reality vacant. He contended when the resignations last spring to the g not be become imme Mr. Tillman that for his part he was willing to have the senate declare both seats vacant Mr man “Very sald Mr. Tillman, us both now write out our resignations and send th ado to presi ent ¢ : ple of * Sou i whether my col is to have seat here for sis 3 and non¢ the reverse This ch accept. ar to an moving that doubtfi both the were wWers wernor they c withdrawn diately thereafter, operative, responded Mcelaurin agreed with Mr. Till well” “lot without mors the en the peo can senate, T 1 decide a an executly Expl osion Injures Nine. 3, Pa, Dx 11 An expl Ans two Sharon day casting metal w into the « in cansed great d was - ns conta A ompie of heavy ¢ other mater of yards by the explo machine and conveyor we almost nd repair. A conveyor was blown several feet, while a vestige roof of the mill remains, Windows in the office of the company on Broadway veral hundred yards away from the explosion broken, and fn Sharon and Sout! aron the shock was felt like Tru ial were on re bey part hundred not of the iron steel were in eartd Riot Among Soldiers, Tien Tein, De A sentry longing to an Indian regiment st tioned here ran amuck yesterday and killed of his comrades. A com pany of Punjab Infantry was at once ordered out sécure him In the meantime the sentry had been shot by German troops, who then opened fire on the Punjabis. A free fight en sued. as a result of which three Ger man privates were killed and a Ger man officer mortally wounded, while three of the Indian troops were killed and several were wounded, he a K two to Dead Bodies Seen From Trains. Colon, Colombia, Dec. 10, mal conditions prevall at Panama, At San Pablo, Buena Vista and other points skulls and bones of the dead bodies which were recently burned are still visible from the trains. It ia thought probable that General Alban will devote his attention shortly to an effort to recapfure the port of Tu maco, which Is now held by a force of 3,000 Liberals, Coroner's Verdict In Dale Polsoning. Naw York, Dec, 10.-The coroner's inquiry Into the death of Emmeline Dale, the child of Ellzabsth Howe Dale, who is under arrest, Sharged with poisoning, was held in Hoboken 1ast night and resuited in a verdict of aceldental death from poisoning. College Quarantined. Ottawa, Dec, 10.~Health officers or dered yosterday that Ottawa Univer sity be placed under quarantine, Three cases of smallpox have developed in the Institutici since Baturday, A great 4 tudents at the universit States, ; The nor | “AGAINST ANTI-SCALPING LAW | { Resolutions Adopted By American Federation of Labor. Scranton, Pa, Dec. 11.—~The exelu- gion of Chinamen, Japanes® and other Asiatics (rom American territory, ticket scalping, legislation and advisa- bility of adopting a universal label for unlon-made goods, were the prin. cipal questions that claimed the atten | tion of the at yesterday's session of the American Federation of Labor. The resolution advocating the exclusion of the Chinese was adopted by the convention with considerable hurrah, but in the matter of excluding natives of Japan and other Asiatic lands a snag was struck, and this part of the anti-Mongolian agitation was killed so far as the present convention Is concerned. The special committee having charge of the exclusion matter was unanimous in favorably reporting the Chinese section of the resolution, but was divided in regard to the Japa- nese, those opposed to the Japanese resolu. tion was that Chinege immigration was the greater evil of the two. The ticket scalping quite a lively affair. The on resolutions resolution presented by the interna tional Typographical Union, denounce delegates adopted. The the rallway telegraphers opened the fight against the resolution, making the point that such action was beyond the jurisdiction of the federation. A BOK from Chicago sald the rall the people, a n ti game all 8 taken : 4 ialist roads w inning nie 8 pis " why not let the p« ar juesiion hen it came ine husinsss | © husiness of trade tal ial autonomy Spex commities nounced today PROCEEDINGS OF CONGRESS Appointment of House Announced—Treaty Washingt« In Senate. ed 11. The yesterday n, session of the ited to routine the presentation of randums and went Into executive sessile of Senator the open deve bills Lodge, Hay -Pauncefote treaty He at 18¢ yesterday announ Speaker session the mittees nittes ay recess i the situa # met as ately a British View of Ship Subsidy Bill, London, Dec. 11.~The Daily 1 graph i the vi * own« to Amer regarded great d vor by all L interested in an vease! I't ill is with verpool ship the At apprehension owner lantic by the are and with Believe Miss Cropsey Dead. Elizabeth ( N. C.. Dee. 11 Tho family of Il Cropsey, who hersto- fore clung to the belief that she was now of the opinion that she it do not state the basis for this change of opinion. A member of the committee of five in charge of the search for the missing girl said “We believe we will produce the body of Nell Cropsey within 12 hours,” Miss Carrie Crop of the miss. ing girl, last night said: “The family are at a loss for any explanation of the mystery. We now Believe Nell is dead have alive, are is dead. b gey, a cousin will Employ 3,000 Men. Easton, Pa., Dec. 11.-