Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, December 12, 1901, Image 12

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THE CENTRE REPORTER. Be Court of Centre Canty, in the matter of} BANKS, | gu EE HOTELS. ;
8. W. SMITH, . . . . Editorand rietor Q te estate Of George Odenkirk, dicoscd, late of 1 ns ;
: BES Ee = Potter township, the underigi. i un AuIOr np | D ! i CERTRE HALL HOTEL. yu .
: ———— A AS FE A ES AI E38 pulited by the Court of Centre Cotifity, 10 As enns A.W. unkia, Maghunr.
>» tin and report Hens neainst the real estate d awl whoped. bi id tah ¢ Supplied with
DECEMBER 19, 1901. soribed in the p Ad ho in h Spee yd Newly equipped, bar and tab ¢ 3055 ]
We wish you a merry Christmas, oi wil Miter) Valley | the bea. ummer borders Feoeive special Athen.
| tion, and can fir no healthier Joculity i
| for fishing sud hunting may OF;
TERMS. ~The terms of subseription to the Re- January 2.1902, at 10 o'clock a.m, where and | BH k OC m y
porter are one dollnr per your in wdvance. when all persons luterested may sttend If they | an ng 0 pan ’
ADVERTISEMENTS. —20 cents per line for three
Fe the duties of his apoointment at his office bh
eo6e 0000 Kiider's Exchange, Bellefonte, Pr, on Thur lay. |
We ask you to come and look over our line wets proper. J. HB, WETZEL, CENTRE HALL PA.) H 4
. . Auditor, | " : | YE ta Tp. .
insertions, And 5 cenis per line for each subse of goods when looking for Christmas presents. We A . — | Receives Deposits, ob Ayo es Bout
: : : XECUTOR'S NOTICE, LETTERS TE isc ‘ine Blabling. Hented Thiodghout,
Jat digests Other rates made known have an clegant line to select from, which will a a a | Discounts Notes. } a R tes $1.00 per fy 8
appl . ate Gregg township, deceased, having | W. B. : ale er 487.
NOTE, —Subserib mn lease observe the please both old and young, and we ask yon not to on ty ated MP he ot r : hie |Y B MINGLE, Cashier. auly Kast Bishop Street
Subscribers will pleas : : would respectinlly request all persons knowing - ie 1.700 ssid off : oat
date on the label of the Reporter after a remit: wait until the last moment to buy, but come carly OT ATTORNEYS ¥, A. NEY
tance is made nud report if it is not correct. 1 w toa v ara 41 o : mediate payment, and those naving aims | . ;
and we can give vou more time and attention and Against the same to present them duly anthents | i KFRING Mil» HOd
Dates are only changed the first issue of each ' xn : ' cated for rettlement JOHN H. RIRHEL | TTUGH 8. TAYLOR | Edwin Bub. Propristor,
month. Jun0l, means that your subscription is wilt on you with betrer satisfaction. o dec Farmers Mills a Attorney at-law, | EFRING MILLA PA
paid to last January. O01 means July, 29001, ; : ; Bellefonte, Pa, | Fimtclass socommodations at all times for men
ES sre X ECUTOR'S NOTICE —LETTERS THETA | No. 24 Tample Ooust. All manner of legal bust: or beast.
ee SES e000 0000 BB rh 8 2 TI TE ph [ah promptly attended to, aug¥s | Pree bus to and from all trains
. mentary on the esta’'e of | - |
DON'T!IO! DONT!!! late of Gregg township, deceased, having ix {4 1, OKVIS C. M., BOWER, El, “HA
daly granted Lo the undersigned, they woul i (JEVIs, BOWER & ORVIS,
Don’t let it enter the minds of Dem- ° spectiully request all persons knowing Ahem. | Attorneys at Law, 0! I) FORT BOTEL
d relives Indebled to the estate Uo mak dling BELLEFOXTE PA.
ocrats to fuse with Rey ublicans on the payment, apd those having elas ageinst the | Office in Crider's Exchange building on second 8 5 Bas
county ticket ® LJ \ \ sane 10 present them daly authentic § ‘ font ins 100 B, Bua
: tiement, EDWIN RUHL, — | Rates $2.00 per Day
Don't! O! Don’t !! C00 00000 00ETIREER INN OEERNNe00088Ne Hoes Be Bing Mus, Pa, | PTA 1. Roeiney. Vy Hatriaon Yalan
The Democratic party of Centre : ge FORTNE Ar WALK} R.
Unrney atl law,
county can sufter defeat and rise to We have an elegant assortment of Candy to BELLEFONTE, PA.
supremacy. Defeat through fusion select from. 0000000000000 30000C00RERY VT ourt House,
means a complete sacrifice of the Dem- ’ . : : ; : . 2
ocratie ery If fusion is guccessful, School Teachers and Sunday School Com- Spring Mills, P a.
what is gained ? mittees will find it to their interest to come and see
Why not buy a] gerviceal
Attorney atl Law,
i. W. earner Dismond, two doors from | 4 AG
t Nalioual Bank Jans? | YIN A LrY x
Ww. 6. RUNKLE, ; rp
. Attorney -at-Law, Philadelphia & EX
cera! bus! ness ettended loprutmpiiy and Northern Cen
Special stlention given 0 collections. Office, 24
it Crider Exch go
There is no feason to fear the defeat ns before they purchase, for we can save you
in Centre county of an absolutely IONE. |
straight Democratic ticket, v
Don’t fuse! |
Christmas present, such SH RinARO!
—— you will find at our store
Slippers, Nulifiers, Lege
Overcaiters for Men,
Misses, Youthsand (
Also hie avy All
» ald alts
Felt Si }
Fizz z-z is all there is in fusion.
The report of the legislative com, Candy from 1 to 50c¢.
mittee of the Pennsylvania State
Grange on taxation calls attenticn to
the. monstrous inequalities in the dis
tritation of the heavy burdens of
goveroment are revealed in that re- for 25 cents. A Fine mixture without any gum
port and it is no wonder that farmers drops in for 11 cents.
protest. It is shown that they are
compelled to pay four or five limes as ; ‘
much in taxation as other interests that we can give you better satisfaction than youn can
and the life of the agricultural element get elsewhere.
Is bere crushed by this unequal bur- 005000800000
The Grange is doing a great and Don’t forget your Card.
useful work in bringing the tax ques
tion to the front, Perhaps its plans Don't forget to bring your ard along
of relief are not the best possible, but cent discount for cash
{ts complaint is just and its proposals
demand fuir consideration. This See the Presents we give away.
iness sttended te
> and Kg. 4
We have candy from 7 cents up to 50 cents.
Our 7-cent candy is the same that others sell at 3 lbs.
Come and inspeet our goods and be convinced
Orders filled
0080000000008 006000000¢
| ®
country cannot goon half taxed and
half free. Justice demands relief for Come and sce the nice lot of presents we
labor and privilege must go.
Efforts have been made, so it is re- MEYER & MUSSER.
ported from Washington, to have Pre-
gident Roosevelt use his influence to re-
duce Southern representation in Con- H OLl DAY GOO DS
gress, but the President has declined e DR. SMITH CO, Cent ‘a. 25 ceuts | Erie and Rochester. Woek Soar wry Ww
have to give away,
to interfere, and the proposed measures W. A. HENNEY, Jud afomnes sul tisburg, . ¢ ays om
have no chance, as matters stand, to Just received from i VOR Two wt gd roale. Ir i ey iv i * Fo lock Haven
become laws. There will be a great (ireater New York i BLACKSMITH | 25 nod cumdition, sod saitatie far & busl- | 49d in riediate Mazin, 50 Bead ro
deal of talk, and possibly an investi % : gh chriio Tyrone. TS and
gation of Southern suffrage plans, but # Kane, Ty -
there it will end. The farsighted 1 ROOFING tui . wud titers pa © tations rg, Okada.
men of the Republican party, accepted em or : Wrough passenger concher 16 Kane and Koes
Come around lo see 1
as leaders, privately hold that the peo- [0h f FOREMAN
ple of the South are entitled to a Ji VILA
chance to take up this problem of the
¢lored vote and solve it io their own
way. That is precisely what the peo-
ple of the North would maintain were
they confronted by the dangers of
negro suffrage as they are presented
atthe South,
I have now or my counters a
LES all grades
line of the choicest Holiday Goods ever display-
ed in Spring Mills, and at prices the very lowest.
The Red Cross Leads. . . . [i= simi os
All these goods are very desirable and con-
gist of a splendid line of
Dry Goods,
Flannels and
Games, Dooks, Toys and Dolls for the
The partial fallure of the corn crop
fn the great corn States of the West Is
reflected in our foreign commerce
In October of this year corn exports
amounted to only 35,800,000 bushels.
In October of last year shipments sg-
gregated 13,500,000 bushels, Bhip-
ments from Atlantic ports last week
only 278,000 bushels, against 6,500,000
bushels for the corresponding period
in 1900. It is evident that Europe
does not care to take much corn at
present prices. It is to be considered
there Is a vast amount of corn in the
hands of producers who are holding it
for higher prices,
4) Mounta's
Ristig Fy ring
Penn Cave
ire Hall
NMA ERE eR eae
little people.
Toilet Soaps, Gloves, Mittens and Hosiery.
AZetLanh 4
Vol lefinr te &
Handkerchiefs and Neckwear.
Table Covers, Jewels, Clocks, Albums, :
. . " erve Lewisburg for Mohler
A fine line of Glassware and Queensware, b=. mn. bab am, 18
p sve ¥Nohtabdon
Vases, Lamps, Toilet and Water Sets, Ba m. 50,
on $5.98 spd
§ lonve lawis
Umbrellas, Waterproof Coats,
A New Venture for Woman,
B. das p.m,
| Ben’ Pa'ger Axl
Baskets and Mirrors,
Smyrna Rogs, Mats, cte. i
esd Time Table
™ i Up.
Confectionery and Oysters.
Also a large assortment of Nuts, Almonds,
English Walnuts, Filberts, Cream and Peanuts,
Bananas, Oranges and Lemons, Oysters, and an
immense varioty of Choice Candies and Con.
spoon) AgpIroH Jo uonos[esS auld
soolad pur spoon Awa aaedlo)
2G 3 38 & a
rerTRRE ERIC ioe rYe
ah ah a
irk &
The part that women took in the re.
rent lund lottery, in Oklahamas, when
13,000 farms of 160 acres each were dis
tributed by lot, is the subject of an in.
teresting comment in the Javuary De.
lineator. Many women were success:
ful In this competition, and there js
no doubt of their success in the devel
opment of thelr ncw opportunities.
Keith's Theat re,
Keith's week-before-Christmas bill
i calculated to draw the usual espaci
ty-of-the-house audiences. The Coll Sone oe ' ’ Ww 7 30 Coder Bnrings. | 18
bri« Midgets, three males and two fe- In addition to my regular stock of Groceries and Canned Goods, . tf ¥ go | S15 848 7 80 MEAS ha a Ee
I avers Tren thas n I have a specia'ly tine line of Groceries for the Ilolidays, An examina. a RAPA fotaer ih ove | CE
UW . 3 N % Lve i m'oT h p “
horse which Is the smallest equine |tion of my goods and prices previous to purchasing eleewhere is respect. i 82 208 re PTA 48 oN ™
ever seen iu this country. Ada Are fally solicited. If you want a bargain NEw ort |
noldson, the Swedish nightingale, will : — vo'll Find My Lot v0, 1000... Ayn Pemausd 1} Bub
be the bill's voealist, and a better it in Stoves call to sean Prices Low (Vie Phiis) i !
——————————— a NL w . rma miAre oY
yin a gn The Scliiey Court. : Extromely Low. | *Hieily. Wonk Tarn} a So RGaiAT,
another newcomer, snd thelr show Is Cowardice was the chief charge against Schley. Of that he is my line and get my Phtisdelphie Bhpniny Gare. Thathed ta Hilde
also sid to be of unusual value, “Vie unanimously acquitted, “Ilis conduct during the battle of July 3 wae Wert hound frows Fhilasstinme . an B.A}
It of Hunts Claus” is the title of ove of self-possesscd, and he encouraged, in his person, his subordinate officers Prices. IW Stil
the biogrsph pictures. and men to fight coumge. Alyy says the majority report of the Court o Setess} Tapetintundagt.
. of Inquiry. “Commodore Schley was the senior officer of our squadron Among others wo handle the Br ERONTE CENTRAL RAILROAD,
You can buy » first-class blanket at a off San when the Spanish squadron attempted to escape on the p ‘ To take ofinct Mav 38, 1608,
Jow pier from Boozer, Centre Hall, morning of July 8, 1808, He was in absolate command, and is entitled | RED CROSS OAK, single or double heator, with or without magazine. EE tT EL Lh
-—— wi to the credit due to such a commanding officer for the glorious victory RED CROSS DOUBLE HEATER. 12 BTaTIUNG. :
Lambertville snag-proof rubbers, | Which resulted in the total destruction of the Spanish ships,” says | . Ww re Ly.
Yeager & Davis, Dewey in the minority rt. IMPERIAL RED CROSS RANGE.
- Thus the main pont ia settled, and in Dewey's opinion the see. | TIE SUNSHINE OAK PARLOR STOVE, single or double
The Bpinsters’ Rennion in Grange | ond contention, that Schley was in command and was entitled to . heater, with or without magazine.
A reads, Saturday evening, Dee. 21. he . Sionid 3 decided i Behloy's favor. Aduiris Bevan
ve plainly done w y conld to save the naval cligne
+ Childrens long Jersey leggings, Se. | £60, oomplete humil and have perpetrated another ontra : d
« igo against Enameled Stove Boards.
Yeager & Davie. |. 3000, Tt is not the first time that narro prejudice has ruled Mosaie and Onyx Enam led
conspirators, determin | :
and Ram-| You will find all wares usually found in a tinnor's extablishment
at my place of basiness. All work neatly and promptly performed.