THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., OCTOBER 3, 1801 THE RACKET ‘1 am shoe Belletonte that wil my boy, footw The —————————— — CG. R SPIGELMYER CONTINUED FRO M PAGE7. Boalsburg. ’ gone tale months at the na few M Alice usd ng her parents a rued to her home A number of our yo pie Friday ng al netrchant Geo h spent guests of even loah, ad hoo! in sunday ant to the once or ol members tu an mi Hea Rs again Mr, and Mrs, Jaco! lave gone 10 visit Mr. Wy i at Vicksburg Mrs. Victor Cassler, of the guest of her aged mother bach. Harry and Andrew Bell, of Hunting. don, paid their grandfather Weaver a short visit last week Ho'sopple, 13 , Mrs. Stam Spring Mills. J. I. Condo, carpet manufacturer of our village, has introduced into his resi. dence a hot water plant for general heat. ing purpose, said to be superior to the ordinary steam heat, Mr. Condo simply ordered the and was his own mechanic to set the plant, arranged all the piping, so that he can place a radia tor in as many rooms as desirable, As vow adjusted it is a very complete and satisfactory piece of work. fixtures very fair Commercial through the village, re in the road as being quite sat- ; some lines especially good Miss Ida Condo and Miss May Smith, two of our expert bicyclists, made a fly ing visit to Millheim one evening last week and returned by moonlight, They passed down the pike about 6 o'clock with the celerity of the winds, Miss left on Saturday ast for Philadelphia, to purchase an en- new stock Fal ning will be All our merchants report a business during September, agents passing port trathe factory Lizzie Stover tire of millinery goods Ope on the 12th inst ’ Hast organized NM The asso reading Shakesperian club was ng last, with ck as president have weekly The reading wil the immortal to embrace a number of ation will tions exciu but the and recit fined ively to intention | the classics H. C. Robison at about half value hic ¢iude guile Previous to removal i hardware Heretofore Mr. R ess to hardware and groceries, Ww SC on counn the busi removal wi Oak Hall. Mr. and Mra. ( Tresslar and son Maynard, who have been visiting among in this vicinity for the past month returned to t home in Peabody, Kan, nm Monday Miss Cora uest at Sant alvin friends Mrs pent M John Weber re Friday i daughter at urned fr to her Allentown Mrs. Waite as pent Monday lLonebar ger The Daniel tended on Satur son, of near Bellefonte, the home of Mr. Geo of y of at sale Korman, day dec'd, was afternoon largely Misses Bertha and Grace Barnhart re turned from Williamsport on Monday Prof. Wolf, of Spring Mills, spent sev. eral hours, on Saturday morning, with Hdwin Smith Miss Etta Ross, of Lemont, was a cal- ler at the home of Daniel Lowder. Bd. Owens spent Sunday with Miss Sadie Kaup, who is visiting her grand mother f100 Reward S100 The learn that t 1 readers of ! r will be pleased to ne dreaded disease to cure In ali it Hall's Cataret known to the ng a constity al science has tages, and t} Cure is the only mitive ¢ medics) fraternity Catarrh tional treatment, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taker internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu of the system, thereby de. stroving the foundation of the disease, and giv ing the patient streagth by bullding up the constitution and assisting nature in } ing iis work, The proprietors have so much faith in Its eurative powers, that they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any case that it falls to eure Send for Hist of testimonials Address, ¥. J, CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O ga Sold by Druggiats, 75 } Hall's Family Pills are the best, ire wis surfaces | ner at the ( | is not im not im} Zion. John Love, of Altoona, spent Sunday at the home of Emanuel Gerbrick’s. We noticed that Mr, Hull, who has been seriously ill for several weeks, is able to be around again, as we noticed him going through our town on Sunday. Mess rs. Elmer Gephart and Frank Grove left on Tuesday evening for Nia. gara Falls, where they will be in the paper mills That fellow at the feels awfully blue Sunday night Well, Merril, we sympathize with you but probably you can travel the eastern road now again, engaged mountain says he since Harry, hereafter don't when you lace up your might get your sisters’ on Mr. and Mrs. Ad Grimm, spent several days in fall shoes asleep or you have are who Union county home again. Mr. and M1» the Gentzel day, at Pl attended wedding last Thurs. asant Gap ., a number of Zion have accepted the invits ub House, Al the present time f Eply Gentzel Brooks our people around io T on to din- on next Saturday. srand { ANY was on the | and child rasant gue a week Miss Mame Mattern, of Dry Hollow, is | su! ith her sister, Mr his place A Heberling is somewhat | at this writing ; we hope for her speedy recovery Pau! Bandis and his brother, Ed 11 Wednesday of last week in er spent a few Ho low Brush Valley. at Dry 1 wife of Madis one of the western iturday the fry band turned out to serenade Mi: morning some of them their potatoes A certain young man, of Penn Cave, was in this section to see his lady friend, last Saturday night When he was ready to start for home he found his horse and buggy gone. How did it hap ' pen J evening ng pan (rianiz The next bad a hard time to fry Wolfs Store. leaves are beginniug to fall, Our farmers will begin to husk corn next week, Chestouts are scarce around here and what there is are wormy. W. E. Miaig and family spent last Sunday visiting friends, at Madisonburg. The entertainments given at Condo's store by clerk C. W. Freeby, are begin. ping to be wore interesting. Oat farmers had their thrashing done away last week, a few more will finish this week. Mr. and Mrs. Strouse, from Reading, who had been visiting at the home of Allen Gilbert's for two weeks, returned to their home last Saturday, being much pleased with their trip to Brush valley. New corn meal is on the market, and DD. B. Weaver's is certainly hard to beat. Try it, and Cal the miller will give you the best. | other member of the family or household | subscribe - 1 a: T] . | the NEW subscris A HANDSOME | PRESENT Some Church or Sunday | School in the County, For | repose confidence, FINE ESTEY CHAPEL ORGAN | | ican) and J. Furnished by the Centre Democrat and the Patrons of the Paper Make the Award—A Good Opportunity a Valuable Instrument, for In the past few years the publisher of this paper gave in all five scholarships in the Lock Haven State Normal to deserv ing young persons in the county, and re cently purchased a that hne pe organ Metho the above were was supplied to the Roland In each case the f of the dist church, furnished free by entre Democrat and the patron to name the same y months substitu By discon wo stlud ions In no case wi tions be allowed during this contest that we mean where a subscriper tinues his subscribtion and then has some in order to get the benefit of rate This pra a great deal Jon ' lice caused un formerly | AnnOoyYan | ORONO OROONGROOORORCES he Centre democrat, NEWSPAPE MEY ol OL No. 2. entitles the b t the handsome ETRY GHAPEL ORCA Sold iv MM, ( fATTPANT VWVA VA, OCTOBER J bis coupon Ider to vote | GEPHART. in Centre County School THe CEN to be given lo some Charch in TRE DEMO Sunday Centre county, by RAT This vote cast for I tis coupon, if held longer than 6 weeks from will not be counted. Send by mall or per i sonally to this office and have It deposited In the Ballot Box | C000 00000000000000000CORS CUT THIS OUT date, A ballot box will be kept in this office, | under lock and key, where the voles can be deposited and will be counted each week by two judges and the result will be published regularly, Contest beging with this issue, Thurs. day September 26th, and closes Satar. day, February 1st, 1902, 12m. During that period wo extra copies of this paper will be sold, so that coupons can only be obtained by regular sabscrivers, and in that way the poor bave as good chance men, in whom a { These gent 1 as others. No commissions will be al lowed to persons soliciting for the paper, For ha ve young judges in this contest we selected two very trustworthy interested car 154 1110 yarua They are Ambrose Slotman, the present deputy recorder of Centre county (and by the way a repub Thomas vwexton, Esq. , one | of the young and promising attorneys of the Centre County the Bar In both we have highest inte rity for § con count the vote each week conditions and certify what church Gi shall have the B The evening tey Organ first count wi De day 8 a number of as to the organ ¢ in shipment the they M. C. GEPHART, J EFONTE MILLHEIM, When We Tell You ws 1 y 1 wroay Ya o | Yer 1p . we will sell you Carpets, Floor Coverings of all kinds, and Curtains at less than you have ever bought them before, we are able to prove the assertion and will do so if given a chance. You are willing to pay 25c., 50« 75c. a yard for Carpets and can find or r oures at all stores, at these fi . occur to you that you may n ’ | > - “ » hE ‘ ters worth every time you pa; $ trong talk, 3 Chi ve given a Cit > 4 Your than here. bi ny SAY AAAS money you Take Lace Curtains for in- 50c¢. for full 3 yard lengths ; advantage of stretches farther elastic 10. stance in the cheaper grades gets expect it 921; yard lengths ; 69c. for 05c¢c. for 3'; yard Curtains full 50 inches wide. These prices may be meaningless to you, but we guarantee if you see the goods at the corresponding figures your trade is assured. Your opinion as others express it—THE BEST AND CHEAPEST STORE THE GLOBE. BELLEFONTE, PA. KATZ & GOMPANY, Limited,