THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., OCTOBER 3, — _— ME ————— — I — SE — : - C ‘QPON *N 3 | list of exchanges from city and country, | Mrs Henry McCracken, Samuel T, Irvin, Nittany. | B. F. Klepper, Booneville ; J. M. Mover | Smith, of slorridale | R J. 3 Bell ORR ESI ON DENTS | You know Charley, no person can edit | William H. Irvin and Mrs Olewin, who and wife, Tucssweyville; Harper H presiding ter. of th istrict. and Mr 1) nm ANI |B paper successfully without lots ol ex. were guests at the wedding iy years Nr. aud M R. AleCalet visited { Moyer, low a e Mrs, e w Regard Cha “, of Ph 3 1g wh y ‘ook harge » J \ vl uenpes avd a good pair of scissors. Iago, were again permit d to be present LY, | Lock Haven ; Mr H Kar ¢ h oping, ' yee dl ive row one of the best equipped offices | at the anniversary wi daught r, Mi Far est McKibben, | [oganton on Saturday « } } . the state, notwithstanding there are of Hublersbury, on Sunday Ww ‘wn hrack is now removing } ‘ ‘ g - : \ . hd M TY . , : " . 4 Happenings About Centre County three other papers printed in the county K re imerville | Mr. and M walzer, of Clintondale, Aw In outfit nto |} nes WO) A ! Ihe Vigilante—which, by the way, is the i : were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Zerby | south of town, where he w t balf \ Briefly told by best edited local paper in the state—and| = i" | 1 | OB Sunday million feet of hen her for Thow 1 i FOS, | H i 1¢1 mu LO two others published in the interest of \ ny i a, " rl } 1 1 Auman's Gap, «h ! u manu the G. O. P.; my subscription list has| 2" ' yy A CORPS OF ABLE WRI TERS re ached the 1 00 mark I invite al my facture al Kit f IN ' bakyieh hi ’ # | ‘J \ Dorman nt At readersand friends everywhere to drop in A sermon on the fe and « eer 0 M1 oA 'n , rts { Wm. McK n'e w ] ered in the M, Our Alert Correspondents Note Many | and spend an hour or two in my san " \ were the 15 0 irl 15 and | then return | . Diff I tum when coming to Unionville we | Ei. church oa Sunday last oi . oJ i i ifferet \ ; Mis amily o day y | Important Events in ferent Ld will try to make it pleasant for you My W. J. Hackenhu A nde calities——What is Transpiring—I1s | jady compositors will have no ink on|county fa ist eh ng . 7 1 p Your Section Represented ? their fingers so they can greet you witha | Hugping corn is already in py ¢ ’ shane) ‘ h Woodward cordii! hand shake ; my young foreman | Ee Yoaht » dlhusberiy nt AE . : ) . de Ate id Bro ’ t r | their better bh [ ist ask J. ( Unionville. will explain to you all about the att). od Of rilas rare: the Rav AM 0 WW i64 £1, preservative”; my satan wil! have his cured emplovment in th A 1001 : , = thes renovated with the fumes of burn. | ™ ploymen | was the est of het ighter. M On last Saturd bout 6 0’C in the otkes renovated with the fum f burn : § g n last Saturday about g o'clock in the iow suivbur exch moraine 30 there ‘wi Herbert Smull will open a ry here huwer morning the tenant house on the farm of | ‘M8 = dy lc otal ib danse] ' z " i few day it it Martin Hogan about one mile west of be no danger of any infection; I, myself, | 0 a J ay Mi ditt Winkleman accompanied | 44 nig} hy Gy ou Ml erg y Rd ™ ley y 4 [8 f (N ill i \ } "we ' vi TP ' y High CRA Ko Crena } |} town was burned with all its contents, | Wili see to 1 that your bank account wil Annie Winklebleck 1 t present t- {by M Rosa Kling, of Ck ROL ’ | M1 Glant ¥ i The house was occupied by Lote Stere pot be set back more thanthe price of aling her parents, at this place drove to Jersey Shore on | lay to roach y d hid ih hd sar’s ul inti . . | ey ) h i 3 but the family were away on a visit; no | V¢&! te) boos 4 Katie Feh!l, who had been working at | NN C Dorman and fa ar ( r and th fire had been in the house for more than My success friargely dueto my Hrst|aadionburg, is again bome home Monday Mt rel reeks . in Gea 3 issue of the Dissexqinator. I wrote a two ' 5 W $ 5 ! Ada A two weeks and the origin of the fire is a : : The fuk | WANT} a good pheasant and rab Mrs. V affer was the gu t Bot : Ary . “er column iecader entitied, 3 1¢ fatare o ’ + y 4 Qo b ot yr y . ron n mystery, NO insurance. g y 7 bit dog, by W. J. Hackenbuig Mrs. L wartz, at Clhintondale one day | her parents. M1 our Country,” with my best pair of scis | his time it was J. H. Lingle, wife, | and an article entitled, "Five de The Methodist church bas been re. . i Louis Orndorf, wife and con spent Sun daughter Marian H. and son Randolph | .oiec hence.” which created quite al|paired and painted and presents a fine Rob Boarder } gon i iy EM : P., of Bellefonte, who came up to €ujoy | garry. I traveled the county for three |appearance | phia where he ba ited employment Quite a number from tl . e at oye of Mrs. Stover’s delightful suppers at weeks prior to the first issue and had Wallace Bierly and wife, wi we un Mr. and Ms. EB. K. Probst. of Lock: | ere 4 nun 4 ce a the Hotel Stover a few evenings ago. something nice to say about everybody I|derstand, go to Bellefonte to work at a | port, spent coday: with 3 Paguic Dr } A A y A few days ago, a couple of old anar- | met, the result was two pages of solid | hotel this winter : Emerick at this place oh . oo. a : : Storr Ca chists, a man and presumably his wife, | local news, and sent out over five thous WANTED » bush f chestnuts, b E. ]. Peck and family were to M Whos wip : gt Luh pi n . . 15tOwWn “did” our town with a piano on wheels | and sample copies. Shortly after, sub H er hest t pt STU OF 3 " he 1g hte Vit ML. W playing Annie Rooney and several other | scriptions came pouring in, every mail, | pard for Ja 4 Mis. Marv Reese. of 1 - e. W hi: \ ! Hew tunes, much to the delight of young ! far exceeding mv most sanguine expec W i Shale y ne. v + Via by . . America. | tations [ am not yet a millionaire, buat | at nel it Youn Lif 18t w , . . Sid u , , M1 ! vi : One night last week a very sensitive | that is largely due to delinquent subscri : $ A. 2 kK made a ess trip t A M na \ x { and somewhat nervous young lady, hea: ber I had intended, in connection | Colver. clonie week { : te} } ht ' . . e AF ts - Ing a noise in the thoroughly ry ge Unionville | Mr. Boo hat Wh it © ¢ trate nt 4 ah i K : : £ ' I. BOOK, Dut, having 4] ined in th ate Michael Leask wey . Af Carrie Bo Ty ; R 5 . r rs » | “a LA " re hy way I should when | was young ar , . ‘ ‘ ' 4 : A A : A La N } , 3 wa ) i 1 $4L i ) taught to hate falsehood and everythig 3 mong them wer p (ary A y S igarvalley ; § ng ag ahi ‘ A £ them were M Mary Moyer, ougarvaiiey. } else that was wicked, I at once. chang vl Noli 8 ann han : f I 01 A M1 S34 ' - 1 J ly . : . A rthut ttle son of lTohn Parker fe Ma df w fa ¥ ed the name to The Unionville Dissemin hs u : am i sthive Boa " Eg beg {1 N] McGown ! . ¥ hi 3 r while at hee b sex Sens ALU , . A 3 ator. The office was located on the se oif h hair while at breakia 0 | . ‘ . ' - . a) -_ : Lil ond floor of an o tone bu ling owne iY & K h a Kents . . " ‘ . ” aid CRS H a A ICk 5 Vi ; f meek for ) by a man vamed Coon Rod Ihe othce i Woomer had h finger caught ir ‘ ! , y hes ‘ " } % was equipped with an old Hoe pre A | the gearing of the L en Ha i } ) } | ie : ; . A } try cmr pair of ru SSOTS and Q ha MPpANY linkv a 1 Se] nee w A i ) ATE CV Cady ) - bore fo . } worn type, w h a ! ption st © ff duty unt t heals ut ‘ } their « ‘ At t 1 i \ a tk at tte hundred Short fror 1 p ‘ : % { + 2 andl beng § : Mr 3 Kaa ¢ f n } er about two hundre« hortly after I came \ Laura Pifer retarted to het Tack ) an k ‘ Au ) into possession of the thee, IE unre . TT 12 ¢ attended bs 4 ta : wl y note " | . ” ’ 4 ” Rd 4 M: Hn are : LV ! generated biped fired ti at . ‘ ’ ’ t : h '% fr tite | er We ( N "Oe wt ) ry burned us nu but we emerge rom we +3 ‘ad ' ean back wiiles A. M. Huy \ 4 ’ by A . . ne weather pile " i +1. TH ' 1 ew bie the ashes as refined go with a dete: i : et { x0 mination to Is it Economy, Are You Saving Money when You Buy Clothing Simply Because the Price Seems Little ? You throw clothing away, give them away, or lay them aside never to wear again just because they are not the kind of clothes you want. DO YOU think it good judgment to spend your money for Clothing not as good as ; your old cast-off ones---Clothing that you are apt to wear once. probably twice, and then never see or hear of them again until the rag dealer trades you tinware for them. Now, Don’t You Think It True Economy to buy new, stylish and up-to-date Clothing--Clothing that you will wear after they are yours, that you will always be pleased with, the kind of Clothing that the very best tailors make Clothing that fits, that is built to keep its shape, gives the wearer satisfaction. and is offered you by a dealer who guarantees you satisfaction in every particular or money refunded. Think This Over! It is this kind of Clothing that we sell you, and sell it to you one ly : MUST BE PLEASED OR YOUR MONEY AWAITS YOU. Ney only: X0U BR WE WILL sell you OUR kind of Clothing for LESS MONEY T BUY THE TRASH FOR IN OTHER PLACES. HAN YOU CAN TRY US. SEE IF WE DON'T. FAUBLES' - - - - Bellefonte.