HE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Unionville, CORRESPONDENTS | DEPARTMENT | Happenings About Centre County Briefly t Eve What Section Repre } Your Boalsburg Monday the abu this summer of the making ome Altoona for at the home Geo. Mu and rs daughter, Mrs. Cal, last week Mrs. Harvey spent Sunday Kate Hoy The Grammar schoo : sonville, with Samuel 1} ) arsh | 1 teacher isit last Marry Ga ot k een Mr. Wi ‘ y which has the | only one in town Mr Mr. and Mrs with a very } Miss Ju ih TR irned from the circulated among friends at th FHday € Miss Amelia | 1 nerly { this place lock Haven, where she yed in the silk mi had the m being caught in the machiner Was very Mrs badly cut a 1¢ Dead ne fron ner wa ast W. W. ( ing through this made a short the Lacas week adle, of home of gene Smoke was home on a short Creek week ilams has purchased iano, than four wedding ening, and are ready to go to housekeeping now of Pine Glen, at aturday ther Blanche Daugherty, : tended the festival on accompanied by her br Charley W : evening returned lams has of several weeks at the home Penfield i 1 4 vis fRiong at tn ting a i i . { ' p expected | rents in Strick kentucky's Voice Henderson stricken with partial paraly pietely lo After being treated by sician for quite a wh wife recommended ( Balm, and after IS almost entirely been heard in our nat het ready io ir voices and influence for the aid mankind From het beautiful moun tain country, where, as a noted writer ha ald "the hills are so straight up, they lean back,” writes A. M. Hughes, a druggist of Louisa "Chamberiain’'s DONALD, Man, logan county, W Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is Several other very remarkable cures of all that can be desired. My customers partial paralysis have been effected by call for it more and more and physicians, the use of this liniment, It is most widely | who as a rule are not quick to endorse known, however, as a cure for rheuma- patent medicines frequently prescribe tism, sprains and bruises, For sale by | it.” 25 cents a bottie at Green's Phat Green's Pharmacy, macy, often ra and 1d Lhe is and and ceuiinent lof sons i are eves St the use « arm Sicle phy of my Pain ing two hotties of it he ured. Gro. R an e without re hamberiain > | Roland. efonte Walker f Walker, who 1y ’ 1 ity good ng Walk used to hx Her vening Milesburg. Miss Kale Gross unday her friend, Miss Jean Long, of Bellefonte | fiss Maggie Martin, of Martha, is siting at the home of Wm. Martiu Harter and family and Mr Breon spent Sunday at spent with and ak | Harry Mrs. E (srove Mrs Wm. Horner ar f lewis daughter le wn, spent Saturday with Mrs. T. Frazer returned to home at Altoona, after a few week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Hunter | A youn Clayton | ed at the home o Saturday g son arris Walters on Emanuel! White, of Penns ¢ seen in our town on Sunday Bell " *d among her friends on Sunday iss Sallie Dunlap, of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Saved His Boy's | ife I believe | saved my (nine vear old) hoy's life this winter with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,” says A. M. Hoppe, Rio Creek, Wis. “"He was so choked up with croup that he could not speak. 1 gave it to him freely until he vomited and in a short time be was all right.” For sale by Green's Pharamacy. | A woman may dislike a man who understand her and positively hate a man who does doesn't Watch thi next w ig surprise for everybody. SIT, THE CLOTHIER.