Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 26, 1901, Image 2

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    A 14 Secret Service OMcer Gallag .
ps hg ry ) ( r alingher, The prems court judges was on the hench. | BAFTIG DISCLOSES PLOT
prisoner was borne ty the floor. Becret Immediately after the opening of ihe -
service men icare Ireland and Fos p and after the prisoner had plead- Man Arreated In St. Louis Tell Cl.
- ter were also in the group scrambling Justice Loran L. Lewis Br Startling Tale
m the fic you » defendant. At ounsel | Aa oh oy ond § outs ent | y 3
IS GUILTY je 1 res dents I stood Secretary ut toget) th kia o arrested on M CEDAR SPRINGS, MICH, EATON RAPIDS, MICH.
‘ert MW an back ¢ his hi t ily robin es sole y ' ' Nhe ate . : : Wi * , i nens w sn of
Assassin's Counsel Offered No Defent IF.
Me Will Be Sentenced On Thursday. L gh f the » W M ) : 4 yaa D4 . A Rls re ien NAS | ‘ t } § b tha ks " .
Tel Sea! nous mpaniedq i# ] : rney “tam a a “h : a . n nything wa ! en \ Liver }
Quackenbush s of the Pr
pn hy SEL Sl | SLSR a Se ar KIDNEY-LIVER $= LS.
Replied, Quest
Buffalo, 8«
allas Fre man, was found y } 1H0 G4trch atlor e trio io be called. He doncy : : a RATLRC :
Vein { me { hi t the Miche 3. ROAD SCHEDULE.
yesterday of th Ae Ws olgosz Thought It His Duty OCH ! f by A r , a “
by & Jury
court in
Beptemb 1 | \ kines " ) 3 } 1 : y t
Kinley. the wounds inflicted afterward " sid " tte. ba boil 1 tn ina . A ir ae ke
; ‘ ent beocai 10 Jieved 1 i 3 ITAA I e pai walt and
resulting in tl » of ti re tat
3 ht he Pres his duty. He .
The wi!
The trial
eight }
McCals m ont \& Co.
Facts About Czolgosz’s Life Broug ve t of y a on a sly
Out—Coolness of the Prisoner 4 Oo 3 gn I,
Mann was calied up for crossexami - , : : tr. Schwab a elegraphed | TQ Ty Grain, Hay,
: Straw and
the Pre len } IHODEY WAS
unusual and not to be expected
the nature of the wour
presume, therefore that the op ’ nr Y : > \ : Anarchist Editor Defies the Public, lasterers’ sand
timistic bulletins that were issued fron ¢ Powe ” ri I e ne \ \ Spring ‘ ! sept. 2 John 0000
time to time by the physiolans were | «0 © 00 oot aR 1 Cincebd itor and pro ir of TELEPHONE CALLS:
134] |] 1608 4} 4 ¥ 4) ol ‘Al OR » 3
without any knowledge or suspicion oO 4 \ PAVL CRO r L' Aurore h weekly Anarchistic pa
ly , belioy ry VTL pet pr | plo the President. as they hold ,
these symptoms that were afterwards tent : :
discovered?” sald M fs on |. i ; ‘ 4 ory that the !
r. Lewis a " ! prison / terday by the secretary fa tizon's
”n bullets on the of tic 4 } R moet tes | s LOY .
Th illeting on th mditions mass moeting to leave *n And re PERCH CREEK RR
tyrant, and hould it out of ‘ . yout the ald of accompli
way." 0 "A ’ ’ Wi nd
ware optimistic in that they gave no a : B i . sa Mash - rand a aH th ) move his printing plant immediately Jersey Shore
" secre Nervi yh cer (aliagher we put it 3 sarching nN of . h |
{dea of what was to come,” waa the | 0 8 i” he 8 : he ol ! A Apo Ing Cincebella, however, is preparing to 12 2 MATT, § Le
— on the stan {of {hed t} hi 10 n ) vendquarter ' " a / ) port
reply They expressed no opini« n “ , o scribe 18 RDO ques LR . headquarters Ia issue Lis paper as usual » iS Lye i ms } ArT
They marely stated facts, but the oplu ing and told how he secured the pow night The atated that they knew Phila & Reading r3
4 Hy y 3 Wrne ndkerchie ’ It 11y + that A > ~t : PHILAD
fons which were held by the staff Sars irned handkerchief nothing abe jastardly plot; tha GENERAL MARKETS, Come at once and see our Acci= | wx 19» NEW YORK
k 0 wi think it is a ladies’ handker they « ne fro ‘leveland to vindieats " Via Phila
seemed to be fully warranted by the | a you "hi . , : Dalir toe y
hief?" sald Ju ’ . ail uindeiphta. Pa. Sept. s-Tiour dent and Si olicies. Abso- | pim a mia Lve
condition of the President. We had Lo chief sald Judge Lowis their « ty 1d, If possible, 10 | _iendy. winter superfine. BR ISG2.%: Penn y ck I iy
reason to suspect the existence of any ‘No, It's a gentleman a was the ald the authorities by securing fron syivania ro! or, clear, & aT ' ni lutely First Class Company. ‘ Ww ook Days, § omg
such state of affairs ad was found.” answer the prisoner sot datement as to his extra RN WH2 : Rys bo at §2.68¢ . . . b, Patiadtibh 0:55 a m Sunday Aa
Louis L. Babcock, who was in charg The remaining witnesses were so | reasons for arpassination i. per barrel ~ hea te 0 Indemnifying men against sick- Spr ia SERINE NAF A Ta
i : ’ We 0 FM } 4] Ee | ¢ 1G (or stror , . .
crot service OM fonter ‘rancis ! 0 " : y lo ’ ! I Troe ely 11]:
of the ceremonies in the temple of Foster, Tran UNION PARTY'S TICKET yellow, jasal. Me nie quiet ness and accidents, We have IW GEPHART,
musie on the day of the shooting. fol O'Brien, private Ir | Hoventy-third . ’ white Hppesd 41 ye ower Aion aral Supt
fn " J 1 Hints at Har Mase Hay In good demand, N ‘ fed ocet N J
lowed Dr. Mann He gave detallas of hy y Bog ates Coas Artill ry; Louis Pennsylvanians Place Judge Yerkes | thy. BASIS for large bales. Heef firth Policies for Professional Men
the arrangements made for the recep | h pe u i y ya Corporal fur and Elisha Coray On Their Ticket, beef hams M8 W0@%. Pork steady. family. | and Policies for Laboring Men A KN FRAIL RAILROAD
schey ArrTY enshaw, superintent . $1 Live poul ruoted at 11UlIMe. | is " 4 " ' "eats M .
tion. and described the position of the ’ } A Rg 1% .
Prosident. and told where he stood ont of the temple of music, and several | a..1i01 inst night 1 poutiry a ie tor oho eh . rh | | Before you renew your Acci- | wesrwas RASTW ARD
" others. Their testimony was practh : | ] ¢ i ( A ;
when the shots were fired The tost) h is the « izations of or old roosters. Butter steady, oream ’ « AB
mony of Edward R. Rice, chairman of | cally the same as that of Gallagher nlon t A s dost ff Music ory. DNWulle. Kass firm. New York and dent Policy don ! fail to see ours. p TAM
¢ ts SR fm y : ) y Pennaylvania, ik Potatoes Arm, Jar
the committee of ceremonies in the GUILTY, BAYS CZOLGOSZ At the roll i ielegntos present pays, OW. per Lasket
temple, was practically the same As ing all but six of the 67 counties in Lhe Baltimore, Md, Sept Flour steady ’
5 vr, | In ¢ Ww ’ {v)
Babcock's. James L. Quackenbush an Disallowed By Court, However, On | state, answered to Lheir names Henry | Bn€ nahshy a b ' 3 _ " Rd
4 Ow “ 18 "
other member of the reception com Technical Grounds. A. Paul, of Pittsburg, was made perma jo, T0FTIWe. | southern, on grade
mittee, was then oalled to the stand Buffalo, Sept. 24 leon F. Crolgosz | nent chairman arn wn steady mixed, spot and
“1 was standing directly opposite | Wis placed on trial yesterday morning Px Attorney Genera: Henry ( Mo- | month £11661 southern white LAmbournd
the President,” began Mr. Quacken charged with the 4 {P tent ’ . uw] Odie. southern yellow corn, 804 "> as Pus i 1 K rumrine
' ® A » the murder o residen Cormick, of Williamsport, a Republi Qo Oats frm: No. 3 mixed, 3g * 4 0 isi al} Iv : 11 88 * 2i8tate College
push. “Just hefors the shots were William McKinley, He entered a plea | can, named Judge Yerkes for supreme Jiye dull and cary. No | nearby, 8@ | 8 ¥ LStruble.
50 18 Loomedor
fired | noticed this man, the prisoner, | of “guilty” which was subsaquently | court judge, and he was nominated by er timothy, 16%, Mutter frm and un cu RES - 1 Bil..Pine rove
ment my
\ \ Central No. 1312
ser publishe here. was notified ves . \ .
b ! Commercia : - No. 652
Lh \
3 Fire, Life and Accidedt Insurance,
Orider’'s Stone Building BELLEFONTE. Pa»
a Tr
a a
SD a
Eh a aad
! “ . No. 1 Umothy, £16.50. Butter Air nd un :
ft something white Immediately changed to “not guilty” by direction of | aoclamation. Walter George Bmith, & | shanged AR, a Meg 04 FA i PIL « | Trains from Montandon, Lewisburg, Wil
there were two shots. Then the artil- | the court Democrat, nominated Ellska A. Coray, | erearaery, NGRo.; store packed, 1207 ih Non Had Aor Biate’ Sottege:
lerymen who had been standing bekind Justios Truman C. White, one of the | Jr. and he, too, was selected unani- | Egae Or and unchanged; fresh, WGG10. tking, Minding ot Trains from State College connect with Penna
Cheese firm and unchanged, large, 8 a ERE AMPLE -
the President plunged forward, as also | oldest and most experienced of the so | ously. 0e. ; small, WE I0e Dr Swayne A Son, Phil, Pa. woe rm | Ratiroad at Bellefonte for 2 puinis eastand woah