- THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, P/ , SEPTEMBER 1901, 19, rd CORRESPONDENTS’ Unionville. : h ) T A A 8 turned 0 DEI A R M E N versity of see) NAS orl ie where he complete his course studies in medicine and surgery, “Dog Russel Happenings About Centre County 1 Briefly told by David Hoover has moved his family efonte, wheie he has secured loyment at the Morris’ Bel emj lime kilns WRITERS | Squire Riley, end have ab ire Riley Pratt and family A CORPS OF ABLE coupie of month at Harrisburg, with thei: again mingi Alert Important Events in Different Lo calities—What is Transpiring Your Section Represented Our Correspondents Note Many Is ring the comi ' 1 registered as st impress chart sh Revelati Daniel § cently while Thomas folhinsoun ing over the bank buggy lock Haven Dear arts of em when Rev cholar ing | ation Centre Hall. he council Hall out an appeal to the Superior rt on | At Patton and the Bible case, which Judge Love adversely to the boro The Grange picnic is the week here ; the managers lea hing undone to make tr the patrons a ake this the Mec ace, and g and to see each other face ’ if Madi t, were united in honds of matrimony by Res A tier, at her home F ] attended who 1 ght to Coburn Orndor ster’s child was bre of Centre Hos Chas hie ip fron m in town i ing interesting The weddin ’ were Again ri evemring our own : WARY this $ UK Mrs 1 M1 wel Guise w ile, 2 Of their annus u , ry e number of tenters "here o the in tner, wife and little da ighter where they weeks 5 ; a line beyond t rned from New Florence ge residents seem been staying for severa ada v Eh ads | is place tool Sunday Rev ’ ! 1 1ack irch, preach vt the grange rmon | jonie Fair, nye : + ry Year very t McKinley \ heavy amp ht and lamper cted enjoy men of the " he so usi efWm Samuel Ging is a and there is considerable the children week Penn Hal were the death ras we know the people y hear the sad news t McKinley 1 big wonder that there was | prea hing today, as there generally | two and three times in one Sunday | School commenced ou Monday, Hope , | the boys and girls wiil all do their dnty difficult to escape the breath of suspicion, | and go to school. : WO Of among A man who has been drinking finds it nie of {to steady and wany ng Port Matilda. mourning are un of general busines tragl furled at all place our town, mourning the our president, Robt. Robinson embarked in the hanging business, ed success ; he works at moderate of Port Matilda, whe painting and is meeting with me pri insuring all work W. T. Hoover : ment man, has disposed of our enterprising allof hl impie Arg: SlOCk Of grain « sexcepling one, he will se S. RR. Pring h greatiy en arged nl paper wood room for about 2 choppers more, 1.7% r cord ; no way if ex cuse for yOu w ant NWOrK $s Cowher hurches in hot nagistrate of th Bieriy where 5 M Monday, Bu he ness school The township anditors were again ca ed to the east end of this va on Sat urday )t the purpose of view. ing sheep that were killed by dogs for Thomas Brungart Their report that there were ed We there sh aw enacted dogs and owed to 1 11 ley afternoon, | WAS think the anarchists nave k! be a by ATRe Haines Twp. Man week Hasten Arney has been during which Ad went to the he hs HPO t present time hte helt a or i \ hes were ye of this DEA ’ bought in lot county by vicinity . C.Ww nm his new ground at Round Top mountain has corn ears four. teen inches long, and twenty large pota- toes at one stock. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Eby took a trig to Snyder county last week and returned on Monday. They brought along a lot of | peaches, TYNCYL peo; Hosterman y in death of paper Moshannon. John Con fe Bellefonte Clarence Howar assist ) days Howard He which take pl this place at Tuesday, S A horse and naster Henry the bank and Post jams backed ove! creck in from of his residence on Walter street one even ng Mrs. W Atns and ady were about to get out when the horse frighten along the toward the I and street, creck "i | escaped certain it AN UNEOLALED RECORI NK Rave n others Ir. A i "11 ¢ old 0 oents 4 box at b Medicine Co. 1 pe that § and signature of A Chase, M. D | every package, 12 at (hase # orirait Ary his broti he stor for a few end on Bird-Shot For Tiger. a de Th Sechler & Co BELLEFONTE, PA. “THE ALLE Allen Street, Buy Rates, $1.00 Per Day and In the finest residence se How to Cure All Skis SWAYNE'S OINTMENT _ AFRER BAYS » & Sen, Phila, Pa. Centre County Banking Co. Carner High and Spring Streets LE Swayne DISCOUNT NoTes | JM. BHUGUERT, Cashier, RECRIVE Drrosrrs: AMIGHTYSALE I \ Ih Save [his and Wait | 1 W i lnes day, September 2 9 A. M. at 1TNTIT THE ENTIRE STOCK k IVAN Y New York Salvage Go For Samuel Lewin, We hereby agree to refand the money on all goods priced above, if not satisfactory to the purchaser—George W, McGill and Gustave Kaufman, Mgrs N. BRailroad tare paid to purchasers of $235 or over