T HE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA SEPTEMBER 1%, 1901, fhe Contre Democrat, CHAS. R, KURTZ, PROPRIETOR FRED KURTZ SR. {, DITOR CHAS, R. KURTZ { El IRS CIRCULATION OVER 2500, TERMS HON, HAKMON DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET EDITORIAL THE NATION MOURNS Ere the sur inks in the ern horizon mortal remain dent will home cemete five milli y thei Tnx all. law and gover then, habited anarchist lo be og i to nment let them emigrate to some unin. ) island and do =» government and take Fmma Goldman along to do the cooking PrestoRNT ROOSEVELT has made a splendid start in the assumption of his great office of the people — He has won the confidence We wish him well OF the elected presidents of the United States Grover Cleveland is the only one living. RS A — thout law and | ALL BUFFALD Bimple Obsequies Over Presi Body at Milburn House. PATHETIC IN THE EXTREME Mrs. Mc Pres His Kinley Bore ident Roosevelt Dead Chief The Remains Up Bravely Looks Upon Hanna's Grief at the City Hall, | the first ruler of the worl sion In the roon one as aemed to he ter of the ROD: Pook in his hand ready to ! haps It might have been f It seemed longer. Then the Pros dent turned and at the same vanced a step. He bowed his and looked upon the man whose bul den and bility he had up, Long he gazed andlog Immova ble save for a twit hing of the muscles of the chin as he labored with heavy breath te repress his emotion. At last be stepped back was Rt walting | stood with time ad head respons taken MOURNED dent's THE CABINET UNBROKEN President Requests Members to Retain Office During His Term. Sa RQ : | Prog) 161 IWISON WAS REJECTED Sustained Protest NO MORE A HUNTER r Prays For Ro From the Chase and. Md Sept dant osevelt to Absta the well once hu f the ) two legged savage beasts left roam is vast civilized cour othe Prov deve a law abid umstances aw 1tter how Therefore patient ustice will to the assa - within the memor ing has the assassin the chief officer nee for ection lism, venge now. Aa anarchy Is 11 ne prote A rroMiNgsT Philadelphia paper is making a create sentiment aga cipal competitors, uging the death of the desperate effort inst one of its prin. president, in a most sordid and question | able manner, to accomplish the purpose, { Is it not infamous’ nN time dally 10! | LBaxive Power Buyers Makes delicious hot biscuit, griddle cakes, rolls and muffins. ill find it to their advantage to give us a call and An absolutely pure, cream of tartar powder. f th tle time Lili eir spare Swallowed by the week, after one Soft ® % P " Harness © EURERA Harness Oi Made by ST with THE THE BIGGEST STORE IN CEN PENNA, Y ie (PATENTS Sin oor. REE Tu: A. M. Hoppe ADVICE AS, 30 PATENT Y He was so choked ug ~ speak 1 ga : Fook . 1 a | and i Charors tt Vor 1 tite E.G. SIGGERS, Patent A Good Clothing, Dress Well And Save Money re experience rip= ALITY IS CHEAPES Don't Fail to Hear the “ Cecillian” Pian: Playing Attac hment, lesigned not only fo en t hut | Money Back for Asking. Ceciiiian I. t the well With ey have nn musiond LaCiiiian ne owning A PIARS ation or bo t whether they oat perform wnt of howe ) n y the piand fevy ft ” : f 1 oY e whether tl rend a single note of mn oan with desired am expression such muasic as they wish with mode 11 oan strument the finest musionl prod rate ski have performed s it tions of the world greatest masters A a a aa A fine selection of the | dications in Vooal and Instramenta | IN NN AA Music at moderate prices M. C. GEPHART, STORES AT BELLEFONTE MILLHFIEIM, . FAUBLI Brockerhoff Building, AAATAAANT Toy you USD | Sao BELLEFONTE, PENNA PA ar ag