8 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA SEPTEMBER THE RACKET Visitors to the Centre County Fair are cordially invited to look through “The Racket,” 7, 9 and 11 Crider’s Exchange, {0000 square feet flooor space ; A Modern Department Store. We make the broad claim that it is The Best as well as The Biggest Store in Centre Kom end C if county. Stand- r 5000 people. spent - Mis n mak f Phila deiphia, w the gu f | sadie Dot man y Mrs. W ed to her ufin i Do bet “Jin gs Nittany, Monday fternoor Frank, K you he w K haniing his snow We not ing peacl Misse 0 attend a hold of shaking for foute ve ed busy haul Mary and m stein expect the V mes tl week I hat ut Bellefonte Wa imday was ainly disa; a fancy ont 1 . : } be i A any low aou Kit Evange : KO the d Kates Ince the ee! Indepes lent ndin spol nn IVADIA | round-trip tickets to In 2 DO points on its lines at for the round trip. Tickets will be September 12 to 15, inclusive, and will be good to return, leaving Indianapolis not earlier than September 15 nor later than September 23. By depositing ticket with Joint Agent September 15 to 23 and upon payment of fifty cents an extension of the return limit may be secured, to leave In- disnapolis, to October 7, inclusive, is from al mold Oak Hall. Miss Mary Homau spent last week among friends near Pine Grove Mill Miss Edith Cole visitor at the Barnhg day. Miss Dora Rudy, of State College, was the guest of her friend, Miss Anna Dale last week. Boalsburg, home wa Thur a on Sam'l Everhart, of Shingletown, pass. ed through town on Sunday evening and stopped long enough to capture one our nicest young ladies Wm. Hover, several days in mother M1 were of Haven, guest of Lock town the spent of his and Mrs. Geo. Tate, of Duquense, the of their sister, Mrs, E Smith recently, guests K Miss Cora Lowder, a weicome visitor at father, Daniel Lowder Mrs. A. W. Frid; and of Barre Forg the home and Saturday daughter at Hou sree t pens Wagner Harry Wa friend Haven 4 LOC K ace ters in this Last an item Howard paper concerning James Daugh- enbaugh's misfortune of losing his Pana ma hat while plowing in the field of Wm Dietz, el This week we hear that it was found on a farm thirty miles below Williamsport by a boy whose name forget Harvest home the Reformed ¢ rch excellent and ap; delivered by the pasto week appeared in the we es were held in on Sunday an ropriate sermon was Rev. Crow, The continued rains have caused runs, rivulets and rivers to be higher than the great flood of 188g Miss Alta Robb, of Walker, visited her parental home on Sunday Moshannon. Ella Rankin made a burg last week Mrs. Seymout vigited at the cently Mrs visitor week Ruth Foresman been visiting in out The Sunday picuic held in the grove last Thursday passed off very pleas antly Al seemed to enjoy themselves and were delighted with a day in the woods Philips Confer, of of John Mi Confer, lesburg home re. Lawhead, o ecarfield i among friends was a here, during the of Marion Centre, has town schoo resent The quilting party held at the resi dence of William Craft on Tuesday of last week was attended by a number of persons from our town, viz., Mrs. Mary Ritter, Mrs, Blerly, Mrs, Lizzie McGow. an, Mrs. Suffie Confer, Mrs, Shaunan, and Mrs. Deliah Beightol A number of people from Pine Glen | were in attendance at the pienic, here, last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howard, of Jersey Shore, spent a few days with friends, here, lately. : Linden Hall round the ¢ reaching maturity. Hi Cath iting in were rman a few days Miss Mav Stump came home on Mon day for a short stay under root the parental Joseph Brook day last Misses jellefont eft for Altoona on Mou- Pearl and Bertha Stickler, , visited a few days with friends, Mary and Nannie Corl, turned home on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Christ Bitne Man- hattan, Ill., are at present visiting with friends and relatives through this section. John Wian i Reed and were Swabb of then and re. family, the guests of of George on Sunday len Hall, spent old acquaintiuces at ist returned from New time ago, where he was street car line ong one COuSM eran.e p bridges ace, washing u ds. et aren pent a festival which was to be held by Saturday evening was held of rain, probably in the near future I'he the band in the ha they will bo Howard Wells spent a couple week's vacation at his home at this place. How- ard is fireman on a locomotive near Derry The Misses Maggie Miller and Lottie Robb, of Bellefonte, s t Sunday at this place Miss Anna Corl, of this place, invited some of her many friends to take part in a moon light garden party on Thursday ast Ihe evening was passed delight fully, after which the refreshments were served nn 1 account 1 another nen pen Fairbrook. The wet weather has set the farmers back with seeding rol in this has been el ville grammar: i for hi Quite a heavy electrical storm prevaii- ed at this place on last Friday evening. Quite a number of telephone poles were struck along the White Hall road, D. K. Kusterborder and Hillard Houser were struck at Pa. Furnace, but no serious damage was done; a very large rainfall was with the storm, Thrasher Ed, Harpster broke the hind axle of his thrasher last week which delayed him for a short time on his large route. Wilson Gates, of Gatesburg section on Monday. Mr. Gates ected teacher of the Hal thoroughly was cy school ; be | prepares f position If Adam carried his offspring, he was the fistt man to walk with a Cain, " Colyer. Alfred Lee : gut the home of ou Sunday Miss Sadie Wolf, complished young of State College was rovally entertained by her friend, Miss Cora Houlz, on Sunday, The entertainment gi day school and Y. P evening was well being a handsome and a aay the Sunday attended, the church crowded in spi of the severe thunder storm that prevailed during the exercises; | by the time the serv were over the stor had ceased Singing and speaking were excel considering the practice they had. children all did well. Mis ner deserves great praise of her en by A. Sun on te 4 ut 10es The ent The Thomas Far. the vocality im for voice. Lolyer festival Grove he { them on their own acob Emerich y. he Axe Mann, Misses Blanche and Anna Kaup and Margaret Fraser spent Sunday afternoon very pleasantly with friends at Oak Hall Miss Mame Rote, iting at the home of Mary Rote. Eugene Heverly, of Lewistown Sunday at the home of Mr. and Wm. Stuart Mrs. Arthur Sunday was the guest of her mother, Mrs Burris, on Sunday On Tuesday Milton Lucas, of Valen tines Forge, moved into the house which was vacated a short time ago by James Summers Misses. Sue, Lizzie and Kate Weaver and brother John, of State College, were pleasantly entertained at the home of their sister, Mrs. Harry Harter, on Sun day Mr, and Mrs. EK. Breon spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Hile, of Pleasant Gap Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grove, were seen in town f Aaronsburg, Is vis her cousin, Miss spent Mrs, pear Shiloh, Cal of Stamn, of Oak on Sunday There has been very little cider made at the cider press owing to the scarcity of apples, Farmers Mills. George Guisewite, T. F. Meyer and families, of Aaronsburg, were pleasant callers at the home of J. H. Rishels, on | Sunday. W. Hogan, Mervin Homan and Bessie Brown, are on the sick list at present. One of our girls thinks she ought to get more peac than the rest of the | Reforu harve chur the decorated for the mon on Sunacay handsome! Robert Homan and Miss Reish, of Zion nie K of Oak Hall, of Emanuel Fye er Sun ine, were y ON Eimer Sunday ¢ Miss Young ingham, o lersat W. F. R iss Rose Ar: ef ca Hettinger paid veniug, May Shaffer ady Ph efonte an a ad, and Ge were p ae ao ia + aay s0 that the ox le separate iid earnestly inv form every mem ber he foregoing Arrangemet show to the world that we ers organizing and standing their mittee as early as possible ast have appointed {to recite They need Hespeciing AD the singing not be Paty Catarrh Cannot be Lure APPL : dIneg we onal disease, s take Interna Taken Inter the blood and th ¢ Isnt a by one YORE s powed combined with the eat 1 acting diregtly on the mu perfect combination of the Iw whist prod oa such wonderfu Send for testimonia | pe he Catal know | Ing Catarina | F.J.CHENRY & CO IE Rista pri 0 The Sold by dy Hall's Family Pills are the ] E™ RAY =Oume to the resident dersigned, on the Reuven \ al ing township, on 1h Spr | abot 15 months old TES inaay ev nt res ed Mr 4 the JP Orge ieasant Cg enin utual protection Inforn ATIONS, ast {lents isin %. ree H best ¢ of the un entine farm IW, steer August red and white spotted, | with round holes cut in the edge of each ear Owner 18 requestiad to prove costs or same will be disposes | by Act of Assembly Fraxe B oO w wily And pa as provid ERLER, Bellefonte “How to Cure All Skin Diseases.’ SWAYNE'S OINTMENT 73h "vanes a oh %% gains . ¥ a FPHEF BANYLE » LL A Ron, Phillis, Va, PIANO GIVE US A CALL LOKINC OVER vies anda sixes please you i ; want to see these new things, call in Our pavel oval Piatinos on ight cards at §3 and §4 are gaining wou rity. Sittings in the even Now is the lpieasant time «het we make all styles of enlarg- frame pictures and "Do for amateurs TAYLOR, BELLEFONTE FA the rest MALLORY [& SL PROF. J. ANGEL EYE SPECIALIST street sat Ww RIN] t. "a wv ake nihis y 151 He nie y esial a good busines and reputation You or. an of my coming fron My specially is to preseribe and teve headache, 0 and togive clear vision 1 have heen In constant practice for TEARS, and am well able to fOArantes ts In every case, 1 will per special inducements and very low prices all of (his year to those that need attention of the eyes 10 Advertise my resalts and ability. In valids and those that cannot conveniently leave there home can be examined at their home by appalntminia without extra charge, Reading ginsses, $1. per pa'r ; frames, Soents andl up. Will be at the BUSH HOUSE, on TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 17. HOURS FROM # A.M. tals rm pecia fisaes 10 “retigthen wea 10 defective eyesight eves rey Wl resn L & ”