THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., SEPTEMBER 5, : 5 HAPPENINGS a | Sheriff Brungart has eight county Tames Miller. of Bell onte. was aL | LEGAL INTELLIGENCH : : | C( ME TO THE arders in his coop. 1 | a pension | i ABOUT TOWN Miss Josie White has entered the ubli ( . | Gathered from the Various Offices Abo ( ! i ! n | . West Chester Normal school, day with & attendance the Conrt House 4 RR ¥ The Local News Compiled During Miss Charlotte Powell left Monday nd the fair next FARRIAGE LICE: for a visit to friends in New | don't il to pay vi Centre | F.ds d Bryan Rolal 3 ' y morning a i the W eek rk city Democrat, A A ? ATA ANY Em -We have a 8 shoe that will keep Mr. and M1 BRIEFLY TOLD 18 A FEW LINES |, ~v* avs 2 school shoe fiat will beep | | odds, 's Shoe Movements of Our People~—Personal ma stiant Mention, Society Events—What as : Sy Has Transpired Worthy of Men tion—Short Paragrapl health is 1s ounty Take a good look ' irn eck be one the best | ¢ f y fall shoe —Charles FF. Richard the jeweler is a Atlantic City for a week's visit, Ming shoe Store, . how st -—M. A. Brungart, of Z ed upon a trip to the Pan-American at very ui wi t 101d fever in 1¢ of | a pair of 8 are: our $1.25 shoes ion, has resolv Buffalo. Shoe Store Alfred T. Brisbin is home from the 1 P. Harris and grand-daugh- ter, Miss Mary Harris Weaver are at the | with I anc inte and ples Daniel Pan-American Exposition, i . Store. | August —Sam'] Slack, of Potter, large cattle Col. Weaver was in town this week Will Clark, of Es Howard street, And en business in t the | be is one of the mainstays of the Centre | left on Wednesd or Grampian where | °° °° yusiness town the e | f the mainstays of the Centr I ampian 1€1 Annapolis Naval Academy on a furlough. buyer, transacted merman vrea other day. county granger's encampment, he has secured emp nt in the brick | Snow She vard, — Edward Rishel, an employe S. Battorf, y y an obliging Braddock Steel Co., at Braddock, Central rails station in this Harvey McClure visiting friends in this place be promoted to Julian *lient position w rd » rN i v we ne SR ~ Franciscus, Puddin Head Wilson ie Smith returned home Sat. Cabin ill be at the © Yi ending her summer vaca 1 and Uncle Tom's opera house dur - Ethelbert Scottdale, we oaer Reese Van h iting at the » Caswe He where he has and au He accompan | the rest "he boarding house at the ) ’ week w w keg y D »r, who comes here bia. Ps na, 1 pare for the event when it CLARE ’ (ve v | re served as hooks nesday ing p , Y The foll = Mr. Kel accepted a position | nes 18, Chas. Watson id am- | and his family have bees ; ¢ following week Mr, Keller will he smbetlat y py The a ". . | ) wing } elle have at Camberiand, Md.. as manager of the bers 19. Ia Py 5, m \ . ver since It i& an wit +3 MARKET OQOUOTATIONS prosg Kroom was formerly | charge of the boarding h ' ter, ent & turkey dinner nd 8 be | 1 at Ls L} Ww & intr mn ANG mea CAR De had & J } ne J Inton. cf a A John ] Kamm nar ith ! all hours from that until close of the fais Sim the Clothier. has : is¢ at the | clothing devart —_— ba OTAL | ] § NO ONE ANY i employed at the Empire | Pus . HAR Utpariment in a 'arge Ed " «0 iITace grange picnic He has had wvera! ex lace He will - Lock Ha lelsenring and also read law in the off of W. E ’ ] G. Kissling 1 C. H. Watson 17, | d Weather Report . . cas 16, H. Gunsallus 1 L.. Groe y " ’ . A cently employed at Niagara Falls, N. \ rAL oS | “ek repot Bellefonte Static sl ried] . MIE Saturday afterooon Mrs Malin | And formerly with Montgomery & Co . BRLLEFONTR--T. H. Harter 14, Joht FEMPERAT " . } A vi HS ta " 4 14, y : | " " The board of trustees of the lacoh drove to the Pa. station in an ope will take Mr, Rummel'siplace with Sim Harris 15, Chas. Heislsr 12, John Traf 1 n buggy y fey 1" v » 4 ) 11 . e Tome Iusti ute at Port Deposit Md. have with her little son Ogden I'he train the clothies He returned home this ford 11, Bruce Garman 13. CR Kurt: 1S and Joseph Rightnour 1in slact ad bras ’ r wee) elected Dr. Abram W, Harris, of Maine, | was there with the engine at the crossing Beh ’ director of the instituti for the ens : 8 mistitution for the ensuing | She drove by and the anima! made a side h s , ye tart i of ” ARils I year, at a salary of $800 per mouth, Dr spurt, One of the front wheels was brok. Killed a Colt and Five Cows Judge Bell on Monday from the bench a y w w revoked the license of John H. Leighty, The pre . R tut Tm ' ' ris, who spent the latter year of his life A 8 . proprietor of {the Farmers’ holel in Ty. | Was as follows I'he follow £ [ | ged some distance The boy st over t : i " . - Y K yy stayed in his county Sunday night lightning | rone. Some weeks ago the establishment IANUATY Le NEN for grain in this place resident ic! il i 1 u y y 0) Ari was president of the the vehicle, until the animal was caught | struck and killed a colt belonging to | baving become quite obnoxious to the February Wheat. old miversity of Maine, at Orono, which | in tront of the express office. She was | Ammon Gramley near Clintondale, and | People bir in that vicinity, they deter. Marth a er : ol 4 b wri) iy position he resigned to accept the di- | bruised and cut, but sustained no serious | Also killed five cows owned by James mined to rid themselves of the nuisance, May, Lats, new rector ship at the Tome Institute. injuries, Nolan, near Walker ieave here the lattes periences in this line “and knows how to part of the n ! | y i wonth Frank Derstine, re Cray His parents resided at Warriors. | do it : RY Marx Harris is a son of the late James R. Har- | en off and she was thrown out and drag During the heavy storm that passed at i and therefore petitioned the court to re. June, Barley voke the license of { July Ooi. he the proprietor August Corn. shelled of 8 - Fd =~