THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, | A, AUGUST 24, |} CORRESPONDENTS’ DEPARTMENT | Happenings About Centre County Briefly A CORPS OF ABLE Note M fer anda sis Baird, WRITERS youngest brother, wl died of stomacl troubie Miss Chatman, of Patton, visiting her aunt, Mrs. John Jodon, and fan Miss Madalene Nol Irvin Kline is now located on Market street with his repair shop ready to re pair boots and shoes, als solicits your patronag at Crider’s buildin room Malcolr Iphia 114 11 night, tival yhnathan P. Bullock arrived ho from Bellefonte, where he treatment for roved. treated him T. F. Adams and famil water Pr. 8. 1 r, of B ellefoute, spent part of Sunday with his wife's mother, Mrs. Campbell Forest Hirleman, of Spencer, lowa, is nest uest of his aunt, Mrs. Philip } ted witha weekly newspaper aK He is connex of that piace Peck, of Nittany gu camer and family » Mrs. Robert Burke Carr, of C smith and fam earfiel 1, is a guest of b J From all accounts the cake table was not well guarded om Saturday at the festiva Six cakes were seen taken eat "Akes was have heen lence must be the ause of it re More | person wit nesse« the AKECS the ab i good shape The Mi aurch will give n eocul ment in their rch, ny, the 6th of September zabeth Faxon, of fonte, wi arge of the enter iment y and ents for the benefit hurch A are to be invited house present Aaronsburg. 2, Are e, a with friends at Woodward Mrs. D. H. Lenker and daughter Sue, and Mr arroll and granddaughter of Chicago, visited Mrs. Lenker mm, at Lemont Edwin Smull and family, of Beech Creek, spent a few days with Mr. Smull's mother, on Ma J. C. Stover and wife and Mrs. Clymer Stover and children spent a few days in Bellefonte as guests of E. BE. Ardreys Mrs. Annie of State College visiting friends and relatives in the br Mr. and Clarence Miller were the welcome guests Bower, md street Miss Hull ha Bellefonte and Pleasant Gag Beaver ru ¥ of Penn Ha f Mr facob on NN unday Jeunie taken a trip t Quite a number of our people attend ed the funeral of Mrs. F. O. Ho terman, on Saturday forenoon at Millheim Mrs. Jennie Stambach and ch of Lock Haven, are paying their annual visit to Mrs, Stambach’s parents, and other relatives and friends, who are a! ways glad to have them come J. W. Forster and sister Mazie and Mrs. Harvey Musser, of Akron, O., spent one day last week in Centre Hall Mrs. Thos. Edmunds and da ighter Lizzie, of Coburn, spent a few days with old acquaintances in town Mrs. Rogers and son Coburn, of Belle foute, spent a few days at the residence of Col. J. P. Coburn's Mr. and Mrs. John Heller Accom pani ed by his son-in-law, Mr. Stahls and family, of ator, tarried at the Bower House a few days last week, Mrs. Wm, Heckman, of Centre Ha visited her sister-in-law, Mrs. Rupp a few days last week. Miss Jennie Rupp has returned home after having spent a few months with her brother at State College. iy busan Spring Mills, I'kie roads through Georges valley are un bad condition, full f chuck holes Very little work done on them lately G. H ng 1 ved his store and household goods to tuber le, Ohio where bh he Frank and G. H have a company store. His family wi The ladies of the Lutheran church an. pounce a lawn festival for Saturday even. ing next. The beautiful side lawn at the residence of C. A. K w used for the occasion, and nt wi be made by the cor com fort and enjoyment to all vis usiderable fishing bas been indulged n of late along Per Creek, but with ndifferent success. The fact the creck is fished to |. C. Condo, of works § manufa ! hand buggies Thre ed last week that were grad bicles on full time and have been a nummer In this neg othood considerable oat have been n ir le lamaged { not entirely t y the wet weather G. H. Long, of Steubenville hio t merly of this place, was here last week and moved his family and household effects to his present location R, Heim, of Philade a, retired from post of t hief a ntant of Pas on the anied by wife ye of Ihr wa ewmiDioy were a very ctit 1 his re ry is a matter of much doubt He ha ent in falling health for more than a Year pa : Benore. some of our bos atiended the pie social at Pine Hall, on Saturday night Miss Hannah Stuart of Port Matilda spent a few days last week with friends in this place. From what we hear we think there will be a wedding 1m our town before long. How about it Harry Rannels Fetterhoff and wife, of Pitts burg, have returned home after spending A few weeks with friends in this vicinity F. H. Clemson and wife spent Wednes day last in Bellefonte Judson Williams spent Sunday last at Dix Run Judson seems to have some attraction over there, We wonder what it could be Rev Altoona, preached in the M. E. church on Sunday night, He gave an excellent talk ; all were pleased to hear him Miss Anna Case and Miss Wilson, of Williamsport, are pleasant guests of F H. Clemson, of this plaee jell, of Jobn Bottorf, while chopping wood one day last week, cut his head badly. The ax caught in a clothes line--the cause of the accident Misses Anna and Nora Gray have re turned home, afte ew weeks’ absence This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo«Quinine Tablets the remedy that enres a cold in one day | Pharmacy. Highvalley. ya cu ) a icc ) th h y $ tir QOKS & ne Kia isin Ww 1 the valley the 1 ehye niing props and Je y ' maki ‘ ‘ ' ' y { fe } ne Y \ The rain on Satur ug sort of spoiled the festival, they to pull into Lucas’ Hall, but they y we on sidering a took in some thirty dollars Proceeds for the graveyard fence Ha es getting scarce—a big nigger * mountains E. C Diez and family spent Sanday at Hecla it's rumored t} of agree ment was signe the hase of about v and, adjoining ! there is you might ay nothing stone, but it AC the stone is very va and mother, of M but be home of H. A. Moore who has been associated Wm. Robt n the mer and postoffice at Romola hased the livery business xk and Oixtures of ) Howard M1 ) took 1 T dav and hereafier w= > iy y f h the eat v . Sugar Valley. H. H. Moyer, of Brighton, lowa, is ting his rother, W. | Mover, at loganton, whom he has not seen for 2f years Tomlinson, of Williamsport, recently made an examination of some of the at tie that have died on the mountain the Brush valley narrows and gives it as his belief that they have died from pot on forage and not anthrax The farmers are all busy Some are plowing, some threshing and some are hauling mannre Rolland Matter and John Confer with two horses hauled 1,120 oat sheaves on me load on the farm of Josiah Matter one day last week, The load was fifteen feet high By a slip of his axe Mervin Young cut a deep gash in his left knee. while cut ting logs in Brush valley John Karstetter made a misstep and feil off the bridge into Fishing creek bruisiz;: his face and arms Mire Jena Stamm recently solicited six dollars fram her friends for the bene Ot of Miss Lizzie Royer. the daughter, of Henry Royer, in township J. H. Schwenk and family, in two days last week, gathered twelve bushels of huckleberries and sold them for thirty dollars. Can any of the Seven moun tain pickers beat that? invalid (sreene Nothing Like O11 In dealing with man, remember that a spoonful of oil will go farther than a gallon of vinegar The same may be sald of children There is nothing so good for children as the old-fashioned castor oll. However much they may abhor it, it is their best medicine for disorders of the bowels, In the more | severe cases of diarrhoea and dysentery, however, Chamberlain's Colle, Cholera {and Diarrhoea Remedy should be given after the oll operates, and a quick cure is sure to follow. For sale by Green's Unionville. tow Julian. f Mrs. W. G. L. ( f Port Ma ’ 2 Julian ' t Satarda M Ww k wit { Port Mat ' v “1 } } WW il . A 141 wl wa nurt ! A 4 i taken present Minnie McGowar Cel Some of our people have gone to Belle ng frien n severa as ret 1} fonte to attend cour 18 week \ 20me \r . » » . Miss Pear]! Henry, of Mackey e is A. | ERR Milesbury ade a visiting ber friend Lily McCale Plo town recent Misses Bertha Webner and Cora Gr Fre AS Aue a € ! . W ’ Re . ' on 3 +) fonute ot dave gone 10 Belcionie where they ex X 5 pect to be employed for me t 1 There w . fe N M ANDO ty 10 see the K gO away AS they w= } week he missed very t h Ria nereia ne of nar's Sobe M J Raug t ama ds Sober. om} hed oung ladies v ed he friend 8 VYernie A 1 ver as We ha f A "x € hese lohn We n f ne via end hn Weber, of | K few Dast week through here at presses To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take a ve | Q ne Tablets A rugg § refu he money if it fa to cure E.W. Grove's gna r . each box 2 Ww 1 AlKer. ‘1 " . nathat ado . ’ f Th |] vor \] LE ¥ Alvin Piter W amsport rai family, formerly have bee ting st the home of Mrs. Mark's father, [. 8. Frais They wi cave th week for Du Bo Fa where Prof. Mark = f he position of principal of the schools M Erm Ettley, of Windber vacation at home » spending her hie accompanied by her best friend. Burt Tate Miss Erma has been workis t » the telephone exchange at Windber Miss Laura Smith has returned home from near Harrisburg where she had been working this summer Quite a number of our young people attended the camp meeting at Sugar valley on Sunday Mr. and Mm. Joel Kling + ed their Irs. Mattern, Irvin Wentzel is laughter of Buffalo Run very yw at this writ ing Miss Rebekah Glossner and Miss Sadie Shamp visited in Lock Haven last week Quite a number of Miss Erma Ertley’ friends gathered at her home last » a. to spend the evening. They all enjoyed themselves, as Miss rtley knows how to entertain Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS. as they can reach the seal of the disease, Catarrh sable d or constitutional disease, and In order to ¢ f you must take internal! remedies Hall's Catarth ¢ re faken nternally And aos 4d rectly on the blood and mutous surfaces Hall's Catarrh Cure not & quack medicine It was preseribed by one of the best physicians in this ox try for year nd Is a regular pre seription it & composed of the best tones | Know. eon ped with the best blond purifiers acting direetly on the mucous surfaces, The perfect combination of the two Ingredients is what produces such wonderful resalts in ear Ing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free F.J.CHENEY & OO Props, Toledo, O Sold by druggists, price The Hall's Family Fills are the bast People who pine for a family tree | er would better branch out aad spruce up. > Ny Ant 4 } we Prox M where si x ’ er Dus ar A Aaron f ¥ ! ACY m Monday nigh te « he M ’ "1 eles 3 * ash mes § wAS we i « tegg bh nday - g he got a ae 1 : ecing a gl : 4 I don't ATE } to Hecla | K . Hannah Mrs. D. H. Bean, of Pitts) friends in this pla recently P. A. Hoover, wife and ch ‘ Mt. Pleasant, and H y Aa far Y, f Port Ma i pet lay at the parental he at tl pla Mrs. Alice Holter, of Howard, wa pleasant visitor at the hom f NX Hoover one day recently ere owning wife a ) Kbte upie of days recently P friends in Altoona (»ecorge Bun was kicked A IX ast week and had his jaw broker was taken to the Philipsburg hospita treatment Mrs. Mary Plerce from near Ha burg is visiting friends at th Place HAVE TO GIVE LU} Us All Over When Nervous Sick Headache mes to Young or Old Evervihing Stops and Nothing Goes on but the Nervous Sick Headache iT ans) § ta "nt nae . ! tile 1taelt 1 ’ Fe Peate attacks of o . a 3 : be able to partially t the Englis} anguage falls to | 4 mise ~ neentrated, se ndensed, so rat - that all else is enveloped In 11s meshes Mrs. Jolin H. Beck. of 1d 8 Nort Philipsburg, says In W. Chase's Nit Pills are just foe 4 suffer all the t WME nervous sick headaches. tery & head aches that weaken one and ake ¢ ervous and trembily I was toa ¢ Nerve | x and got a and the res WAS 1 arkable nN od e stopped pletely A vinglis boy did 1 ily too glad to say so." rine’'s Drug Store forma i i regarding this great success of Iv AW Chase's orve Pllis and how they were 1 | Introduced by proof of thelr merit In. A.W. Chase's Nerve Fills are sold at We A Dox at dealers or Dr. A. WW. (hase Madicine { Co, Buffalo, N.Y. See that portratt and sig {Bature of A. W. Ohave, M. D. are on every package ! No doubt a woman regards a thin lay. of powder ou her face as nothing but | A petty coat, hi A ghite M A I Ma " » £ few x i Nn gt asic ar M M MN " oa i oe here ) | ® fod v \ ¥ ey NM ! i h | ’ vr LH Bn; 3 hS 4 ] I wren Haines 1 t A MN OA ww : ank |} ) gate " ‘ te re | ' x! i A bot ¢ bal : pout 5 4 few Huck & g gh TIE, » . NM AS frie i De A i At The § sheds, of M'Monigal & M Milroy we RA W W of Cen Hi } et over there Pysen { Ww \ i Am | : HE flux (Adysente avs M I. A : Awe ' wa l if In : Tenn ‘ 18 or Chamber | era a A thoea Rex A : cured } having a do fer it i cholera me world ‘ BuO ney emg A lector whes this ret u i no x 't prescribe welt Hi pe for Vw complaint in a fe either for children or adults It never fails and is pleasapt 10 take, For sale by Green's Pharmacy When a chap has a chance to get a horse cheap be ought to drive the bar | gain,