2 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA + AUGUST 29, 1601. SCH A Biven 'N LARGE CHECK For 34, 032,000 It Buys Bethlehem Steel. THE BIG DEAL IS CO New Bo ind New ficers AVAall but the tir The paid f posits : be taken uj at the same withir rate SIZING UP OUR WORKMEN. English Laborers Come Over to Study American Methods. Aug. 27 On the Ethiopli New Ye line last night have and stu The vote A. Ni party, said ton. Pitts! East and Montre days COom¢ and s ish will Amer hot and the rk An gteamehit AmMRnNIL “a BHAMROCK HAS ANOTHER SPIN. Experts Beginning to Think She Is a Danger us Prog osition New 3 K A Il wa day Bhe broad chal! cept somet at The and empha Man perform All say proposit the cup ! ) n 13 waters huntin for the min ark every ute with able very mendous proverbiai ron stays, points steeple CARRIE NATION IN Left Philadelphia Yesterday, After Telling What Should Be Smashed Philadelphia Aug. 28 Dispatches from Baltimore tell of safe arrival of Mrs the Kansas smasher, She left here yostorday af ternoon and everyone from Mayor Ash- bridee down breathed a sigh of relief Before leaving she was asked what needed smashing In Philadelphia “Well,” she sald, “there's the mayor ~=he should be smashed. Do you know 1 belleve he was In his office yesterday when 1 called, and was afrald to see me. All your public officials and lots of women should be sttended to, The women dress too gally here, They should be more modest and wear clothes something In this style,” point. ing to her famous duster. While being driven to the station Carrie saw « patrol wagon, and yelled at the policemen: “Next time you see & saloon smash it” BALTIMORE. the Carrie Nation SUMMATED | | the Americas | FRANCE BREAKS WITH TURKEY. Ambassador Constans Left Constanti. nople On Monday SAMPSONSCHLEY CONTROVERSY Forsyth Says Trouble Was Caused By a Junior Officer Taking Command. Kansas City, M Aug. 28--Cag James M 3 rsyth, U. 8 N., who ¥ 1 Dad Key tain stati it pson, An hley was King Sami tly under naturally falt the | LA | others than any of the | his office ANOTHER NEGRO BURNED, | Tennessee Mob Inflicts Summary Pun. ishment On Negro Ravisher, wga, Tenn. Aug. 2 Henry was yesterday burned for shooting to of a prom ‘hattan ¢ } citizens erim inally assaulting and Mrs, Charles Williams fnent farmer, near W Tenn, last Friday Admitting his crime and asking his friends to him In met his it even a deat) wife inchester moet glory, he fate withot Eroan He laughed as he be sald “Tell all my »l meet me in glory that my meet me more,’ “Why did y« was asked “1 just done that because 1 had noth ing else to do.” Parnell Monument to Cost $40,000, London, Aug. 28.-John Redmond, M. P., formally announces that he has concluded a preliminary contract with Augustus 8t. Gaudens, the Irish-Amer fean sculptor, for the Parnell monu ment, at a cost of $40,000, Only $8,000 has as yot heen subscribed. mounts Lhe stump stolidly and gan his statement. He ters and brothers to I am going to make * Tell my mother to parting will be no | home where m kill Mrs, Williams? | Former Governor Stone Eul ~rmaan | Bb Bi }’ Y I STEEL MEN WAVE ) Aviv i FI \ . Il Executive Co Approval Wanted Pi y Plan Alle TO ACCEPT THE Prot able and again str boat Kers Was ers, ana # on again aver ing CALLED MAYOR BLACK NAMES And Sheridan, Must Berve _ cKeesg rt Faint-Mearted Striker, Twenty Days. annt hin BRYAN STILL POWERFUL. ogizes Ne braskan and Is for Silver St. Louls, Aug J Nton ittee qd at time still Democrat! ! jonal comm who has been seriously ill, appears lay for the first Mr. Stone sald he : ’ » silver should be coined vester in five woeks belleved Bimetallisam but the United other standard mo sald, “is sti) States Is b r off tries today issue than oun gold standard.’ Speaking the pre reorgani gation of the Democratic party, the governor sald none Was Necessary He declared W. J. Bryan to be the most powertyl man in the Democratic party toda n 1 posed Senator Mason to Ald Hanna. Columbus, ©, Aug 28. United States Senator Mason, of Illinois, has accepted the invitation of the Repub lean State Executive take part in the Ohlo campaign which will be opened Heptember 21 Mason, It Is ox pected, will in the state Another Washout Wreck, DanviNe, Va, Aug. 28-~A passen ger train on the Southern railway ran into a washout ten alloy from this eity about 8 o'clock yestérday morn ing, inuring & number of people, but none seriously. The washout was caused by a little creek which had become swollen from a heavy rain on WMonaay night. IN OFFER | committee, to | | CMICHESTER'S ENGLISH | Sold metallic Senator | ¥ make a | number of speeches at different points | 1 all Druggista ence _ Hopeless dnd Helpless. (GIVEN ¥ vp 10 DIE. DOCTORS FAILED 10 T0075 CENTS BRUSHES Green's Pharmacy, 3ush House Block, Bellefonte, Pa. BAD BLOOD CCARBCARETS Jo, all alii for them often CANDY CATHARTIC Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sicken, Weaken r Gripe. Moe, Ze. 0. CURE CONSTIPATION. .. Blorting Remedy Company, (hionpn, Bontregl, Bow York, — NO-TO-BAC Jo UR Fl ar wee AAAAAAAAAAAAAAR AAA RAAAARAANNA NANA Ng TEN [rade M ned and all Pa oh ff Mooenare Fren OUR OrrcE a OrrosiTE U, 8B, PATENT Orrice % Joss time thas t eats, and arke ota 2 We Sk fee qT. . u ¥ A PAMPMALYT, ’ to a te i foreign cous ‘C. A. SNOW& CO. Parent Ornice AA AARALVARAALLAVRARAAR ARAB AAS IRATE IIRL IA ean Wasminaron, D C Ore ] Bae Rar AAAAAARAAAAANAAA AAS ond CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS A, Serve py by te “ry “log a Safe, Always reliable. Ladies, sak Drogeist for Red and sealed with biue ribbos no other, Refuse dAangerons snbhatl. tutions nnd imitations, Hoy of your Droge or seod de, in stamps for Partieniars, Test) moninls and ©“ Rellef for Ladies, 0 letter by return Mall, 10.000 Testimonials Sold by CHICHESTER ONEMICAL CO 2100 Madison Square, PHILA. PA, Moentlon this paper. SWAYNE'S DINTME! ay CURES PILES Pohing, Mating a Protratty ) _- pera FesFREER SAMPLE FE 2 Je. Pr. Swayne & Son, Phila, Pa, oti ing dl Pape PROFESSIONAL CARDNS. Education v offered men 14 - onal opporing to young men wepare for mrd "ot i students of Central State Normal School LOCK MAVEN, Clinton Co. PA RHandsome ? om stom hon! Y LR FLICKINGER, Pr Central State Normal School, LOCK HAVEN, PA neipal PoiphamidAG nh all TT yy X) \ TRADE. ARS 4 AND COPYRIGHTS 4 OBTAINED 4 ADVICE AS TO PATENTARILITY 4 Notice In * Inventive Age” 1 Book “How to obtain Patents” i Charges moderate. No fee ti 1 patent ie secured { Letters strictly ponfidentia Addre | LE 6. SIGGERS. Patent Lawyer, Washington, D.C. * PA A A A ———— Allentown College For Women ALLENTUWN PA, located the beautiful Lehigh Valley i'n sur sod tor health and comfort. Regular and Th al courses of study, EMelent faculty. In stroetion thorough. Gymnasium. New Furni ture. Home like. No requisite lacking, Spe elaltios, Music, Art and Kiocution. Hest refer ences furnished, For (Jlustrated catalogue ad dross LW. KNAPPENRERGER. AM, President 2 Centre County Banking Co. Corner High and Spring Streets, RECRIVR Drtrosirs | Discount Norns J. M. SHUGGERT Cashier, RAILROAD SCHEDULE, a. v Ne * mb Manager THE CENTEAL KA MM Ha A v. a BEECH CREER RB ® sey N wk Haves m Ntate ( a! Relletont LOOK! Come at once and see our Acci= dent and Sick Policies. Abso- First-Class Company. Indemnifying men against sick- ness and accidents, We have Policies for Professional Men and Policies for Laboring Men. Before you renew your Acci- dent Policy don't fail to see ours. GRANT HOOVER, Fire, Life and Accidedt Insurance, Order's Stone Building, BELLEFONTE. FA lutely