THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, B ELLEFONTE, PA + AUGUST 15. 1901 Downfall of Cock Robin. [OR M'LAURIN. the Palmetto the effort to Why intr ble crats Read rarty. NE WRO Deluded Himsell hint He vocnte Republican Principles still He Regnrded A Fools Not All De , p— Oo. Fr Still Engaged | ‘ cting & oerntic Presi Man Fr Some Strong sensienl Prophecy pt to p=Stntesmuansl ) runing the {tnwarranted Catehing at Straws president fn it run Many about it. much ¥ ' editorials tten plllosophizin done touching it and many pred ug It Even the cartoonists took a whack at it Now comes Mr. Towne and telegraphs Mr. Bryan that the tale Is a lie=made of whole cloth—which Is the end of It. A Remarkable Fling. There is no paper In America more ably or more brilliantly edited than the Washington Post. Therefore it Is sur- prising to read in It such a paragraph as this: “He may not be able to do much In the ralnmaking line, but Qov- ernor Dockery is to be commended for in based redictions were won a ARS J Could Ad- and Demoerat Editors Dem Candidate None Marie! Hawnll A Sweet Propheeoy. er, pred great beet ntil the Amer ng work with a hos h howing that sugar ota An ’ # 1 4 - cous au The fron Fist, n timid al ereatnre be lent of haoss A 8 isn the z pres wv! # the real thing rande. ( Mexico n | 11 night negot Lit to migrate wasting day pestiferous kers, have Din rder out the army Hawaiian Stateamen What a wonderful bargain we made when our jingoes annexed the leprous Hawalian Islands may be realized by reading the following rich and racy article from the Chicago Record Her ald: That the Hawaiian legislature should have got to the end of Ma regular session without passing any appropriations bills at all and then devoted an exten session to approving bills far in excess of the government's estimated Income Is not surprise ing in view of the character of that remarkable iy of state Monkey and Parrot Time A New Cabinet OMeer partment of ¢ member of the preside be 2 Date ty Noble, once secretin . referred to tl wt excellent gentleman, cessful lawyer $A a suc But It may be suggest ut running the risk of ed for leze majesty that the nt has about as wuch use for abinet officer as a being wagon has vheels. If a secretary of min. of cot ntion, or A secre I'ruth to tell, publie y not a secretary merce, retary of edu f fine arts? us are so plentiful vw that they ach other's way in Washing other I'he mul offic e erying evils of the day at ar me wisd minishing than in ber. It Is as casy as falling off log, and a slippery log al that, nate A pew office or to ralse the salary attach ing to an old one, but apy attempt to abolish an old one or to reduce a sala ry seeking the unattainable. No | doubt the intention of General Noble | and others who are advoenting the cre- | ation of new eablnet positions is good; | but, then, It Is sald that the place which is hotter than this ls paved with good lutentions. fall over each f superfivon als In and ino re increasing the num n to or Is | Shafter { paid In cash upon delivery of the deed Wentto Visit H the | 5 Sister Ark h 181¢ | there was taken with fl d very 10 set and i if 1 ea bad off deci to in's Colic, and i Remedy i and with the prompt the lera wa 'S] cure which 1t effec that he wrote aise of Lhe YW ns ACKE FARM the H Bart Harter, on eniale A WwW AM oy ¥ N ah 3 | wl s Two ¢ House, Bank Bart ed nd othe | 1 ' ! TIMBERLAND of timberiand 1 on eo ACTON bounded on the i win & Co east by VYonada the south by other lands of tarbriek and on the west by Curtin & Ce _ byt and I acob on TERME OF Balk of purchase money to be . Ih one year and the balance, being in two years thereafter. The deferred payments to bear interest and to be secured by bonds and mortaages on the premises CLEMENT DALE, Hexny J. GARBRIOK, Ally Gro. GARRICK Executors LEGAL NOTICES. ClARTER NOTICK Qu Aart Notioe Ia hereby given that an application will be mads to the Governor of Pennsylvania on the 19th day of August, 1%], by KE. L. Orvis, 1¢ | A. J] Cottingham went to Washington CoO , {| while tery) and try Diary much pleas ( and { Haines towns! teasing and Anal » of soar Lan ne. Am " ne, ate of § pe g Bow deceased 1} The irl ough mM Alors ( late of and final sccount of Chas MeCurdy and OW. Hunter, Ad nistt ta of the estate of James EK. Conroy Spring townchip, deceased 22. The first and Anal ascount of Thomas M Huey, Adminisurator of Ko. of Isa ¥F. Behrer, ate of Hall Moon township, deceased £1. The first and final account of DD. J, Mey or. Administrator of &o. of Sarah J Shafer, ate of Haines township, deceased, 86. The first and final account of P, A. Sel jors. Trustee to sell the real estate of Rachel | Stine, Iate of Patton township, deceased B®. The first and final account of Geo W. | Fisher and Samuel Eves, KExeeutors of the last | will and testament of George W. Hoover, late | of Hall Moon township, deceased | measure | and other outbuildings od Ar EAA ne ofl Ww L & post thenoe by Ia degrees sas! BA pered by same porth 4 stone heap, thence by same 5 west | porches toad a Wi Hoa ox Lo A stump L 8 north enee 1 per hes los th &2 degrees g rook, thenos by same south 1 degrees aast 14 perches to a rock on the) north side of public road, thence Mong th public road south 32 degrees west 4.8 perches to the south side of pubile road, thenee on ne of Wm. Boal and Wm. Oolyer south 13 degrees sast 4 perches to the piace of begin ning, containing 2 acres and MN perches str Thereon erected a dwelling leg roms west Seized, taken In execution, and 1o be sold as the property of George Klinefelter TERMS No deed will be acknowledged until purchase money is paid in full, CYnes BRUNGARY Sherif