Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, August 15, 1901, Image 2

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Life insurance is good for | pr» vy, reo
inia's State Cot BRANCHES
Strikers Say It Is First Move In own! totay by the dclocates to to |In Jail Two Hours After Train | YOU family. Health insur-
General Tie Up, ; : ; -
Bisenera | ance is good for both YOU
and your family.
After Taking o ssenaers’ Valu Y
Mill Owners Assert That Intimidation
Has Been Used At Several nts.
Steel Production Mas Depreciated y
and Seemed To § nj
Per Cent. This Week.
of the:
jubilant «
al ond
desertion l
Bellaire plant at whi
on Sunday was finally clo 1 wn SUSPENDING THE SHERIFF,
yesterday, after working ]
until Monday fternoon ‘hen No Action Taken At Alabama's Con
other start wil » made is probl vention Over Lynching Question.
ployed |
Dr. Ploroe's Ploasant Pellots cure constipation and
Its countless consoguencos. They aro small in size
and the dose is small. One pill is a laxative, iwo pills
aro a cathartio dose.
Abo adodbiiiantaddotdontodadatoatadiaadoiiodaanie ie dbeatabiitasasdboatodd”
Garden and Farm
Need Attention Now.....
) ) gE along rus
lements and Machinery that
ol State
Normal School
LOCK HAVEN. Clinton Co... PA,
Hands el ee font
SPANGLER, Attorney at law —Offes J. R. FLICKINGER, Prine
rt hom. Durie atlorve Central State Normal Schoo,
BA oo yo gr oR : / LOCK MAVEN, PA
man and Eng - v
iy obtained and »
‘ Monemarte Fees
Cun Orrice a OrroniTE U, 8, PavenY Ornice
¢ 3 A Joss Lime Lan Lom
] } te y \ rth to 1 4 JORN M REICRLINR ttorneyat-law and
| BSCHLEY WILL NAME WITNESSES W ‘ 4 , istice of the Peace opera house block,
| y In be he ouatine the Ia
bitratie ' ko : f y
Arbitra : yle, Says Bishop Secretary Mackett Says Santiago Hero J. 0. MEYER. Attor: : y Orider's
{ ! ) Au J oh | Has That Right " Exchange. Exdistrict ator German
Bish ’ dC ashington. A v GENERAL MARKETS, PTE Aaah all Tha
4 u Ria : ! was , i Secn }
i neas
of ar tor Governor Nash yes. | tary Ha navy d !
terday T his ’ : “ ' tLe ssued Tir ’ " { whic " tet ore TF ann JOHN J BOWER Alt
’ a8 ‘ \ n Eagle block. Pract
now that n rhity n fot he sa at mir Bchley had the | k 4 i city mii English and German
lou w, atl R60
Wheat 4 ined: No. 114d. HB. WETZEI Attorney at law —OfMee Id
3 CUrider's Exchange. Special atiention giv
on to surveying and engineering
na se
. n State | pe with Penns
wd at Bellefonte for points eastand west
F. HH. Troxas Bapt
present im] 30 far y right to call whatever witnesses he | extra
there are no negotiations in Pittsburg | chose bef ‘ uiry, He | #80 pe N
g 16 Corn steady No
( i : # on hao y 4 to tate . . DR red i
looking to a rik decline i Sampson yellow local. 64 Oats firm; No. 2 white, |
would be amor e number, although | oo 0ed, SUB lower mrades. Gc. | WILLIAM J. SINGER, Attorney at iaw in
it is reported here that he will bo. The Hay In good demand; No. 1 timothy, 6.4 Jemp'e Court bul! ng. room No. 21, fourth
i Wa &
§ model, draw
Ye » we
Our fee
A Pamewiey, : . hy 8
a ¢ od rg Countrnes
Texas Legisinture May Ald Btrikers
tin, Te J i A resolutio " t
i ” . : ! “ y Po oy FOSOIULION | investigation will begin on the 12th of | @17 for large bales. Desf firm. beef hams
was introduced in the state legislature | g,oiomber 19.000 5%. Pork steady; family, $17.90, | ORVIS, BOWER & ORVIS, Attorneys at law Come at once and see our Acci-
yestarday, pledging moral and finan Live poultry quoted at 9c. for hens, 60 «in Pruner s bullding, Practices in all the o ¢
clal support to the steel strikers, and Big Increase In Postal Receipts. $40. for old roosters. Dressed poultry at oourts. (erman and English I ee dent and Sick Policies. Abso~
requiring members to contribute §I : Washington Aug. 14 The state | 100. for choice fowls, $4e. for old roosters. | WwW, FF. COHICK, Attorneyat Law, nd floor Fangn . Pe
per day of their salaries to ald the ment of the grossa postal receipts for | Butte stoady; creamery, Ih Fern Crider's Exchange. Practices in all the
DE SIGNS lutely First-Class Company.
strikers The resolution went over ' July, as compared with July of last firm: New York and Pennsylvania, 17% courts LL TRADE - MARKS { Y Pp ]
Potatoes firm; Jerseys, 808 Tw AND COED © | tert i $
until today v year at §i of the largest postoffices Baltimore Md. Aug. | Flour firm and MONEY TO LOAN. 4 € AS TO PATENTABILITY F Indemnifying men against sick-
YEN — tt, |
In the country, shows a net increase of | _ , ced. Wheat dull and easy; spot 4 ident We kh
‘ nmchanged en dull _ : : N . “ " '¢
Cigarette Fiend Commits Suicide. 12 per cent. The largest Increases | ,.. aonth and September, T6W4070%0.; In amounts from One to Ten | Ro tion tea aan te ness and accidents, ¢ have
JOAL " 4 ] Aware s 40.7 per o« "aslado | » . " wi v :. 8 :
Coa avila, i a, Aug. 14K vy ard were 40.7 per cent. at Toledo, O., and | october, TOTTI. Dee ember, HLATVo. | Thousands Dollars, on Approv od |} Oharges moderate. No foe il] patent is secured ‘ Policies for Professional Men
Pimmons, 18 years old, committed sul- | 38.3 per cent. at Buffalo southern, by sample, Ti%e. Corn dull; | wool estate security. Nothing be §  Jatters strictly confidential re ogg ‘
cide last evening by shooting himself mixed, spot and the month SEIN . $101 ¥) accept “¥ . K ES JIGGERS, Patent Lawyer, Washington, A " and Policies for Laboring Men.
is body was found in Newlin's woods Trollay Car Killed Mollenhauer, southern white corn, Age% southern | OW accepted,
¢ had been addicted to the excessive New York, Aug. 14. Frederick A yellow corn, 560K Oats firm; No. *¥ W. F. CONICK, Att'y, Allentown College For Women Belore you renew your Acci-
use of cigarettes, affecting his mind, Mollenhauer, 53 years old, head of a | white, new, @#84We.: No. I mixed, new, | 1, crider's Bachange BELLEFONTE PA : ’ :
conservatory of musio In Jersey City, | HUtie Rye firm; No. ? nearby, M40 ALLENTOWN, dent Policy don't fail {O S¢¢ Ours.
&y : y q imo J Located in the beautiful A. «ail Un
Cornelius Vanderbilt a Lisutenant, N. J, a brother of H. ¥. Mollenhauer, | ¥o He» fism; No. 1 timothy, #17 bid Centre County Banking Co. Feepuned Tot wet aad oto Regular and
' uly ’ Putter firm and unchanged. fancy Imita- v it
ow York, Aug. 14~Cornelius Van- | the Brooklyn sugar refiner, was |. o" aise; fanoy oreamery, NG. Corner High and Spring Htreets, SD Ee ee es rE Sh yn bur y
derdiit was elected a Neutenant in the | knocked down by an electric ear In Kegs firm; fresh, W@164e, Cheese firm | poecuryt DRrosITs: DISCOUNT NoTiS ture Home like. No requisite Iackin pe
Twelfth regiment, National Guard of this city last night and crushed 10 | ond unchanged; large, 100. Sugar, fine : siaition, Muse Art dud Klorution Nee! revs Fire, Life and Acoided! Insurance,
the mate of New York yesterday. death and coarse granulated, 8.48 JM. SHUGGERT Cashier, | dross JW. KXAPPEXBERGER, A M., President. x57 Orider's Stone Building BELLEFONTE, FA