THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, LEFONTE I’A "HAPPENINGS ABOUT TOWN The Local News Compiled During | the Week BRIEFLY TOLD IN A FEW LINES | Persona What Men Movements of Our People Mention Society Has tion Events Iranspired Worthy of Short Paragraphs -Hon, A : Pt left Monday for the Pan-American Exposition, A son came ou Monday to the home and Mrs. G.R. H of Dr Hayes -— Lawrence Hoover is taking in the Pan-American Exposition at Baffalo. -—M. H transacted Monday and Tuesday. Misses Alice M. Ishler Smith, of East High street, have spe Grove, Esq., of Centre Hill business at the county seat and Verna the past week visiting in Williamsport. ¥ K Lewisburg, made 1d other —(George Ocke ousiness Aughter, M Lose boardis Richason lown of the old us mova of n ) The pliant dismantle an church Bn Arrive the after , s tg noon train ompanied by hl Nn ’ 10 18 a noted tor 2v. Berns ed the pulpit in the Presbyterian 1 morning and even ath, dell SCOUrse Hume - 1 oy : excellent and edilying Wm. P They ere or were the gue during their stay here This an interesting gathering In the Thursday evening there will be Armory at thi place consisting of a fancy dress mi Lvervybody expected to come some unique costume, and those who 10 not will be fined A sum to make them contribute to the financial success of the affair. The proceeds of the ball are to be devoted to the library fund promises to be a large turnout. The only feature that may be Against the entertainment is the exceedingly warm weather, at this season of the year, There Montgomery are W. W. Montgomery, wife and daugh- Atlantic City. Mrs Atlantic Ci Harry Keller are of Curwensvill C. Shuey .'of New York, 1 Mary Brockerh Cohick and r@ATman Maitland, Thomas Mrs YR rry and isiting Editor T. H. little son, of Philadelphia, are Harter and family Misses Anna McCoy and Kate Shug- ert left Friday for a visit with friends at Island Hite Mrs. ildren, of Pittsburg, are W. Houser Newport, Rhode and Abram Gainfort, of Pittsburg, with your unbroken McGarvey } shed sometime ago American, attracted the attention of The le referred to described Mr. McGat Thomas Edison, the great inventor arti vey 's new invention for weighing at long to the praiseworthy terms in a distance and Mr. Edison referred articie in very personal letter to Mr. McGarvey and re juested the favor of his photog raph Bellefont's big wholesale and relat hardware establisment of Potter & Hos application for a harter under the laws of Pennsylvania and when Is making it is granted the corporation will be known as “The Potter-Hoy Hardware with James H. Potter, 1d ward L. Hoy, W. Fred Reynolds, James Harris and John M. Dale as the incorpo . rators. The capital is fixed at £100,000. Company,'’ t for the next being printed and in the cour be ready for distribution Harry McManaway, i$ now permanently loci Son's store at this place, and competent youg man in the pl Prof. Knappenberger, Presi College for Women, Reformed chur Sunday mornin 4 c ety ‘ntered the Centre Dem ocrat offi large paste-board box, and removing lid, began therefrom a blacksnake, of the species, and as he proceeded this, we had to throw up our eyes to whether the ing was high enoug permit it being drawn up to the full length The snake measured feet and three inches in leng was about the diameter ’ "1 re rst . rey € mnty at Harrisburg was admired ts neat cCknow ged any part of the i aa the deputy Interna al once wrote Hoy Honers erk of Cent: al letter ae 5 1:9 aj Prey former clerk, also had a ment paid him when er office - Road Tax Law The new road law, approved by Gov ernor Stone provides that every person shall make affidavit that he has used exclusively dur ng the preceeding who year, in hauling loads of 2,000 pounds or more on public roads, wagon tires with not less than four inches wide for each year after the passage of said act, shall be credited by the supervisor of his dis trict with one-fourth of the road tax as sessed and levied on the property of such person. It provides also a penalty for each offence of hauling loads of 10,000 with tires less than for ches in width. p - —— Sampson was the strongest man, | though Solomon was able to support 700 | wives, to draw LEGAL INTELLIGENCI Gathered from the Various Off About the Court House IARRIAGE Haye Doerr lacetta Peace Ino. H Houseman et al to Wm. Brouse | Apri ; perches is : onl Wm. J. oummers, fonte ] | company expect shortly - Racing at Ph On Thursday afiernoon, August there will be a race meet at the dris park in Philipsburg that is already ginning to attract attention among horsemen The « psburg } OCR § Entries to the race close at 6 § July 31st, and entrance blanks can had by addressing H. D Rumberger secretary, Philipsburg, Pa - No Court 204 Week The second week of court has been stticken from the list, and all drawn for that week need not attend. jurors Snow WHiTMAx, North Ret E. Burien, Philipst W. BR Cosren. Yarns a Joux M. Cosran, Yarne:n HK. Warsen, Yarnell, Pa JO Mires, Wosdland oye fying | 80 1) Any ’ HAVE YOU SEEN FREE AD MAEBEKET Ol O1 1 font The following pi NER Tor gral Red wheat, por bushel. Rye, por bushel Corn, shelled, pet shel Barley. per bushe! Oats, per bushel] Cort MA ft TIONNS