Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, July 18, 1901, Image 6

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contrive to delude the nation.” But, dled Samuel J, Tilden out of the pres
{ they did do the scathing act more | dency They did the des cting hr Thursday, July 11, | common Merit Lo Draw
perfectly their perfomance has per | conjunction with the dissenting judges| Maria A. Curtis, wite of Samuel | the Unqualified Pralse of
shed from human memory, Harrisox | In the original opinion he legal 1 E. Curtis, an actor, better known as | a Successful Practicing
der act was by } T N1 dere (ot smuel of Posen filed a petition io
Gen. Grosvenor's Fourth| me ofa retum has disclosed a barbaraus | Bold constitutional. Does The Sun re. | bankruptcy yesterday at St. Paul Physician.
—- : y | iT to ters ‘ member t? t Or rend I'he wages of the | dlers the Dr. J. W. Bates of Corfu, N. Y., states
of July Speec h. y y my | ) : { whose moral w ory much | Hi | z rolling mill will 1 “A most remarkable case has come under
wily lig 0“ yt | (1 eid m 3.0 } 4 my hands of late and has fully convinced
' EB 8 1B 4 ' y "TY m K 1 ol A Prosperity For Drumme . ginning ly 1% ihe gl ne hig ari power. of Dr, A Ww
A REMARKABLE | RODUCTION | nt. This was a Tha wav ia uh aneft th \ t meet of the 1} Ciuc Nerve Plils over diseases of the
| t { h ' oy pan) hin in Alle “A young lady who was treated 2x over
t " . t a ; tanding [his 1 tent eaten y { + Wright Allen. two years for epilepsy by two doctors was
Illiteracy Not a Menace to Good
y nto which demagogues in office may | and Allunde Joe Dradley, who awin-| & WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED. It Takes a Remedy of Un- LEGAL NOTICES.
given up to d found that her sickness
was not epilepsy nervous troubles, due
to menstrual derangement and prescribed
four of Dr. Chase's Nerve Pills a day, after
: meals and at bed tin Nit that time she
per Of “ { | ep t, o1 Jitrhsa No nl . has not had a single bad spe Her healt
KEY] ATEEMAN & in plan and so r , ‘ord = idl: py ‘ wir
EYE STATESMAN . : of 1 r {Orme work ir er y announ : I wir * bas rapidly improved ha gained about
/ \ y nt { nl } A fifteen | i ' dor
4 5 . b . be y A tate to state that Dr,
Reasons That Intelligence Tends to { y ! g 5 . Ries A Pills have saved her |
Ma ke I'raltors — Contends That » . ? ~ ld Fo ¢ "n ol healt}
t ‘ { 1 | fnt HNL / ale va LICH See that th y rait
A.W ( ASE Are On ev
‘ | | a box. —Six b
pocrisy of Ohlo Republicans~Sounth ' }
nl ’ ’ " ' . , pe » day, Ju . by the Ir
Trusts Are Public Benefactors—~An
Amazing Gush of Tommyrot—Hy-
African Atrocities—=More Prosper. aon " " ’ ~ be 4 = : 4 . " H . Mann t} theat J 1 Buffalo, N
ity For Drummers—Senntor Burs
far ih ddvised SteivitesteTai CT | Back a to avgrade hi because suserany of wus nei” |“ GHIGHESTER'S ENGLISH
A Lt
Safe Ny
Hie ror paps f t I t Gold
fake no other Melnse dangerous substi
tutions and imitations
be Particulars, Testd
moninls » Mellel for Ladies
return Mall 10 060
A Speaker Abroad
} Madison Square PHILA, PA, =
Mention thle paper
2 5 ry
Wood, Grain, Hay,
Straw and Sand.
Fundamental Truths, : 1 r he i! . ‘ i and Super v reer 111 OF for ri ¢
Bryan Is ent l o1 F
A Sew Caoanvert's Zeal
Come at once and see our Acci-
dent and Sick Policies. Abso-
lutely First-Class Company.
Indemnifying men against sick-
ness and accidents, We have
Policies for Professional Men
and Policies for Laboring Men.
Rank Hypocrisy f \ . v rl a whe / ! arat CROs 1 ! the | | War, has .
ent tent as for an Nat Properly Ray ley. n appointed a special agent of the MONEY TO LOAN Before you renew your Acci-
who foun dent Policy don't fail to see ours.
Ary ] ) ]
ht line from : ¢
nr wl d y IY 6 gale
n Harrisburg | Real estate ought and sold GRANT HOOVER,
W. 6. RUNKLE, Att'y, Fire, Life and Accidedt Insurance,
Ange Be el |£ Order's Stone B ding BELLEFONTE. FPA
e made | . : .
i. pan. | Crider Ex
the di
ard of trade. |
of tha lows am
deri Ameri) € Garden and Farm
Need Attention Now.....
r Hull, cha { the BOUS® | rai Wheat dull. No 2 n pot, Don't try to get along with rusty old style, out-of-
HS Ritales. is 1p tha | Kha. On dig Bes, date Implements and Machinery that have done ser-
vice for generations.
The scarcity of harvest hands, the present high
price of labor and the predicted wet harvest make
to buy very Latest Improved Labor ar
ve Saving Harvesting machinery
to take care of the crop cheaply, quickly and properly,
al s of : : between showers, and have Hay and Grain that will
after the mor to 1! i" (he Ph te Rand Yool fom | Ha 41 “e southern. by sampl command the highest market price.
It 1 e that Tacit Ii or tory § ; out loscribed as “star eyed Sclent hg; Spot Gh no, ASIN Our line is just right. All have been selected with
vs ing mary at tie party, | one upon reading his Interview inatine { yieamar mized, #g8 Me! soueherh witty regard to our part of the Country. The Goods will
athinge 1 n ‘ ollowing rx corm . o om k e+ ’ Ril HOw tively calls the HODES x. Flas de vellow do. Mg Oats ‘ a
seathiog 1 the f ng excery Sun now Iy r oh Selon corn, Si Ae Yr No. 1 mixed, 8 Please you, prices and terms will please you. And
(4) 44) : endet 0 Har evel fence,
aD So Mye dull: No 7 nearby, He.; Ne. ? '
To bring us back the tidings of despair? tn Re Hay steady? Ne 1 timothy, - We 1 do our best
geribes Limself as “neither a ‘Little ' 1 WAS vot to 1 conatitu
Eogland’ nor ‘pro Boer’ nor ‘cosmopol tionality of the legal tender quality of Buti $t4a07, uf hanged; fancs Ils McCalmont &
ftan crank,’ but a patriotic English- | the greenbacks. It Is a histori fact Bi ae Ah provid) ite. Co.
of ‘ h P 1 . i hea
man who does not think his country’s | that a Republican congress enlarged teady. unchanged; fresh, 11%4g14e,
eatness needs to be oked out with | the supreme court, and President Grant 7) firmer, unchanged, large, e.1 Bellefonte, Pa.
gre: “nw 100: small, 15%0. Rughr strong,
Not War, hut Marder and Cruelly
lerie Harrison, who de} # 10 be. The first legal
more Klondikes and Ugandas and re- | packed it In order to Lave that decision ad: And coarse granulated.
fuses to applavd every folly and crime | reversed, He appointed Judge Strong