THE CENTRE DEMOCRA1, BELLEFONTE, PA. JUNE 27, 1901. 7 CORRESPONDENTS DEP ARTMENT Happenings About Centre County Briefly Told by A CORPS OF ABLE WRITERS Our Alert Correspondents Note Many Important Events in Different Lo- calities—What is Transpiring—Is Your Section Represcoted ? Milesburg. k Shrover, of Tyrone, visited his oyed in a hard Fran parents lately ; he ware store at that place William Kagle, of Renovo, stopped off here on his way home from Altoona to shake hands with his acquaintances. Mr. Barris, of Mexico, Pa., is visiting his uncle, the Rev. Smith. Lester Jones left for he has employment. Oscar Miles returned home from Trenton where he spent Sunday the 16th with the Milesburg boys, and continued his trip to Washmgton, D. C, where he secured the mail route No. 10858, be- tween Milesburg and Yarnel 18 emp. Johnstown where It is rumored that Boggs township is negotiating for a farm for the of makivg a home for their needy, 50 as not t purpose poor tiliam Boggs, of Altoona fhisson, A. T ve at the Boggs He age of 54 he order of the | chanics will hold a in their hall, on etl street Ou Thursday the r storm passed ov a and ha fest) met rank Wagner ile tamping ting a gash in the ball; and he would have lost his sight Miss Rachael Lucas, of Moshann visiting Mrs. Lavina Taylor Misses L tern left able party t n Wedoesd Wil bome aura Buel Almost hopelessly afflicted Harrl i. WAS attended by twy p cians who gave him ttle, if any, re when a neighbor learning of his serious condition brought him a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy, which ured him in less than twenty. four hours For sale by Green's Pharmacy Beech Creek. A. M. DeHaas, an aged cit jeech Creck township, who has Fick is again able to be about Nathan |. Bitner was Saturday chief burgess of Beech Creek borough The appomtment of Mr Bitner was made by the court to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Enoch H. Hastings Last Fhursday evening, a heavy thun der storm struck the section below How ard E. E. Meyer has leased a grist mill at Milton and will reside at that place Lightning struck Frank Berry's house al Beech Creek. Marsh Creek. Wm. Robb is Setting ready 0 erect a new barn. Frank Daley and Towner Robb are doing the carpenter work, wen of been appointed on Rev. Hess preached his farewell ser. | mon at Mann's school house on Sunday 13th. The Rev, intends going to Virgin | Miss Annie Daley gave a small part at her home on Monday evening on 7| which ice cream was served, ed at Reuben Lucas’ over Sunday, Haines Twp. Harter gives notice that he will Fi 4 400 acres of mountain land in the east section of the mountains, Landlord Hosterman, of with his family, has returned from a few week's visit to his sons in Buffalo where he also took in the Pan-American Exhibition which he describes as a truly His son, the | ity, 18 doing a great Woodward, we who runs prosperous usiness ; his bakery, has a $5000 hundred of which is store, and That's ard boy. now running outfit and he bread pe out several loaves of day, ail taken by customers from the he has a bank account of § good showing for a Woodw s Fannie Wels Siting her aunt, Mrs. J Motz. Isaac M. Orndorf lost by death a valu able horse which he bad bought out of a load of western horses at Millheim about a vear ago. At the sale last week he bought a high priced horse and that has T. H. Motz at the same sale bought hie highest priced horse in the load and it took lung fever. The horse was very sick Sunday, and it was not expected that he would any time, but is has rallied again so that there are bopes for its recovery It is a little dangerous to buy these west ern horses Maud and Ray Wi with Wolf f i MOO of Freeport, also taken sick. live some Mi ler, of ams Ha aunt, Mrs Oo! Vax the family of their the winners ments w f the evenir have a gr agi ar d Weaver's per cent ofl Cer re Hall. The ¢ teat The boro reservoir is be ed in part, from having been a bad and expensive job in tart The entire ower side is ripped out and part of the bottom, and new masounwork cement 13 to take! place of the waddle ¥ BE reconstruct the origl- Howard. John Davis and Earl Breck, of burg, are visiting at W. E Hdward Robb. of Youngdale, accom panied by Mr. Young and family visited | his parents over Sunday, Mr. and Mrs Wm. Robb of Romola, Quite an interesting game of base hall was played in Howard on Saturday be tween the chain makers and the Howard home team, score 610 10 in favor of Howard, Mr. Rergstresser, of Hublersbhurg, is doing a rushing business in the picture | line Mr. Wm. Weber, Mra. len Strunk and Harry Thomas took in the show at Lock Haven on Monday, J. L. DeHass transacted Bellefonte on Monday, Orren L. Noble, of Lock Haven, visit. Pitts Confer's | business in C Horr Ta Ba | er rary that wrens one day | | timber tract, Gregg Twp. Esq. Rishel transacted business at the county seat the other day, Wm. Homan, of Farmers Mills, grad uated at the Central Pennylvania Col lege, New Berlin, and made a creditable mark al commend coment, Daniel Weaver died at his home Spring Mills on the 17th, aged 76 y¢ interment at Heckman's cemetery irown, of the Reformed church, of which denomination the deceased ber, officiated He the followin lren Lout man, Mrs erce W Howard Weaver ge Weaver, Penns Cave; Frank Weaver, Pl Mrs. Felty Breon, Spring Mills ler , of Penn Cave, tied his horse ared at the buggy top George Spayd died, Thursday, at his home two miles west of Madisonburg, after an ness of about a year of Bright's disease. Mr. Spayd was born in Gregg township and always resided there. He member of the Re. formed charch He was married to Mary Yearick. To them one son, Israel, was born, who 11 the old homestead He was again married to Abigail Brun. gart, and to them born four chil dren: Mrs. Henry Stitzer, of Rebersburg Frank Ream sregR township John Orudorf f Penn Hall a mem and Ross wa CAVES A Ww dow mada, rap Samuel Fre drove to Spring Mills and at the station. The horse s train, resulting in a wrecked last Was a ves on were ana at home one win 10 wel Port Mati n Port Mat wart trou aged 40 year He bad been rom the re Ida. Cowher Boalsburg W Potter Tw There will be a good hay crot » Persons fre port the hud district re be large yt the mountain kieberry crop will A good horse belongin died a short time ago K to John Slack The general health in this good, section is The Sportsmen's League will festival and blue rock sho ning, June 29, inthe | Potters Mil) iss Anna Sunday with Sankey hold a t Saturday eve ue woods, near Smith, her of Millheim, friend Miss spent Mabe! Madisonburg. Good crop prospects, including fruit C.F. Long erected a lath mill on his Hick Noll, of Zion, visited his parents on Sunday. Mrs. Frank Yearick is on the sick list. Andrew Ocker, supervisor, is crushing stones to repair the roads, Mrs. Ellis Shaffer was very il! on Sun. day night 16th, Adam Vearick and wife, of Lamar, were in attendance at the funeral of fath. er Spayd on Monday 17th. busy To Cure a Cold In One | Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablrty All druggists refund the money if it fals to cure. KE. W. Grove's signature is each box. asc. " ot Spring Mills. you to the Festivals the Will Penns valley be Fourth of July? Were circus / take lead now, without a If some tion they men were t reputa woud be Rarick will attend the commencement thi week has nearly pleted house, which the finest home in the South ward There are w hic Am under Commi remod| two thing man never prepare house avenue rose Gentze way on Long have the : ready furniture They gains in furniture Lo say Smith Bro their offering big new r bar moving Trying to quell a woman wrath like sitting down on hire crackers to prevent their going off 1 a bunch of Condo and daughter Ida return week's visit in Pitt eased with their trip Mary Kr after a much pl Mrs her children Mrs. Annie burg ery had a reunion for which was enjoyed by a King, of Sugar valley; Aus tin, of Centre Hall; George, of John town ; John, of Madisoubn: Ber at home, were present A bad boy seldo from hi ! the ape ti Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold mo-Quinine Tablet ve H WATCH DOGS Ever On the Alert—Alive t Oy pression Every Form of Kept on Edge — Burdened Beyond Endurance Nerves Give Om The mach fam BIELHL has tos down n 1 then pairs it Ame way Overwork we apg at bring about nerve r ways of Waste that sets ons Kinds It may be fa ni weakness lang uor-headach¢ symp! of var strengt cloeplosaposs ele Whatever it 8 Nerve Pores s lacking and with Dr. A. W great people Morr Haven, Pa the means of Chases's Nerve Pils A vouch for this them Is Mrs. § son, of 24 EK. Baldeagie 8t., Look who says For a long time | have much run down I did not seem to have any strength to do anyth ng 1 oon night and suffered so reston rest many Among been very ano » sep at mueh from WAS gone and | felt miserable : A.W. Chase's Norv Pills and never before had anything do me so much good I rested well-gut felt well ana cannot apeak to they headaches my appetite got some of In stronger ht i ne Al gained in feah and we highly of them they mended to bw Are recom By ealling at Krumrine's In i Store infor mation ean be obtained regarding this great | success of Dr. A. W, Chase's Nerve Fills and { how they were first introduced by proof of their ment Dr. A. W.Ohase's Nerve Pills are sold a Ne, A box at dealers or Dr, A. W. Chase Medicine Co. Buffalo, N. ¥. See that portrait and signa ture of A. W., Chase, M. D. are on every pack. i age. 4 big | lighted | SEWING LOSING : Fi LESH In summer can vente by ti Sc ott’s benefice If FOLLOW THE CROWD BILL HEADS, ENVELOPE NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS, SHIPPING TAGS, LETTER HEADS, L : ulsion an BUSINESS CARDS, SARA C. MACHINES BRICKLEY, Sechler & Co New Cabbag New [oatoss, New Tomatoes, New IE Canned Goods Standard Meats standard Preserves Standard G ANA Vivi 16 ‘THE BEST AND PUREST” Sechler & Co BELLEFONTE, PA 4 PAARL C. A. SNOW& CO. Was TARA AAAA RRA A FAAAAAAARAAAAAAAAAAAAAA LAR AAA AN A FPPR PPS PRL PRA. an ba 7 ’ ’ and I WN AAA ATA AAA AAA AAA AN PATENTS = PREP Mingle’s Shoe Store Alw ays was the Best. Always will be the Best. Always Always will be the was the Cheapest. Cheapest. Always had the Best Selection. Always will have Best Selection. Alwavs was Ahead. Always will be Ahead. Bargains Every Day of the Week, and Every Week of the Year.