6 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. JUNE 27, 1901 Hip 1 Words Fitly Spoken by President McKinley. REJOICE HIS TRUE FRIENDS. Follows Precedent Set by the Immortal Washington. BETTLES THIRD TERM IDIOOY. Sgquelches the Sycophants Who Sneer at Constitutional Liberty —« Depew and Grosvenor Hebuked « Plow Combine Oppresses the Farmers, Preparing the Way For Chinese Coolies—=Wage Earners In Danger. Concerning the Loyalty of the South — Senator Fairbanks Presi- dentinal Boom-—Unecle Sam Plander- ed by His Servants, Depew and Grosvenor, Be Thankfnl fo carry on his some spade against the tn Hit herte most reliable body of voters for the Re public bar none have been the farmers of the great rth west. More than once they ved that party from utter if not from annihilation. None are blind as those who will not see, and they have been among the blindest. Others might flop, but as a hody they have remain ed faithful to the Republican party and policies even unto death, It may be that the plow combine will open their ey»s to thelr own Interests, Nous ver- rons, INR ans west and 1 have sa rout no Why Is It Thus! When divers and sundry palpitatiog unnex the I sugg« a good or yearning Chinese coolles sugar that undesirable class ad libitum to the exclusion of American laborers I was denounced as a ington for the antecedent patriots were and out of It strugeling In congress with might and main to Sandwich Islands, inter alla that It was not thing to take to om thirty odd thousand and to fix It so that the barons would and could Import witedd (nthe house wise bosoms Then bad citizen by men who had accepted a retainer from the sugar kings and who had their {ll gotten gains jingling In thelr pockets Now, dispatch has been sent out from Wash strange to say, an elaborate news ns Nn free into those feeler to prepare the way admission of Chinese cool leprous islands primarily territory final the rest of our aty part of into the I'he me dispatch runs as follows Amende Honorable cian from h 1 preferred mi) arity hwrean ove both, set} thind pile ny The ) na comedy spot st Frank Bia whole thing turns of errors never jumped ver pre iting the titer of fact, he an precisely two hours. It He won by a hos article. 1 did not the truth, and the belongs to Judge on Senator Carma 11 ne Iudge Gr 2 In ennuned same iden TER tedated me by wus nn close shave When | ms know It, but it Is honor undoubtedly Griggs | make the amende honorable to Lim. | wrote before with out all the data at hand, Now | am better informed, It so happened that 1 delivered my Blalr speech beginning roiled wrote hereby at 4 in the afternoon of Feb, 4, 1800, hear advisedly, Judge open nnd ting my I falled to hear my distinguished friend from Georgia ly read his speech on that occasion Is ver y ery did aforesaid | Judge Grigus delivered his speceh on another subject at 2 p.m, day, In that the loyalty of the new thing war, YOuars, of the same he elaborated the idea south was not a out of the Bpanish but had been a blessed fact for 30 I was so unfortunate as not to that speech, | unfortunate for 1 always listen to the with profit and delight, But an confession Is good for the soul, I was so busy at 2 p. m. commit- which growing say Blair speech to memory that I have recently careful It] fine and should be read by ev- | Here are a few of its splen and glowing sentences: one Every act of the 0 ! ! f The Early Bird 8 orn Reflex Action ring man escape.” yy The Always Gallant Meekion, “Bo admire Julins Meekton's wife Nn WAY / Chau you ‘waar, do you sald Mr “Yea. Heurletta, In | ean't help thinking of the things that man | accomplished If he had YW aShARgIon Star. Reninting, Paterfamilins—~Tommy, that poor cat's tall, Tommy=1'm not pulling it, pa. I'm only holding on to it. The cat's pulling 1L~Tit- Bits, have woman, might been a stop pulling Was Ready to Compromise, A very small pile of coal lay on the sidewalk in front of a house on A street southeast A correspondingly small gon of Ham was sauntering along and, seeing It, scented a Job He rang the doorbell “Am the lady “Yen" “Want it toted In?” “Yeu “Kain't 1 git de Joh?" “Why, you're pretty you might charge too much ask more than I could pay.’ “How much is yo' got?’ asked the “Kin yo' raise ye dat yo' all's coal?’ he asked nt the door small, and then You might small man of business | a dollah?’ | |] “Oh, my no “Seventy-five cents?” “No: run along and don't bother me And she close the door goodiiess “Mebbe 80 yo'll gib BO cents.” “No, ne J n't got er qua And Yet He Counld Write, Nome The O14 ¢ ’ ’ v Paper THE 25 ct. FAMILY DOCTOR. CEDAR SPRINGS, MICH. Mrs. sane Dunham, a well known lady of that place, writes : “I cannot praise Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidosy- Liver Plis too much. They did for me what doctors and other medicizea could not do, | was troubled with severe disorders of the kidneys aad enlargement of the liver, My family doctor treated me the whole of last winter, but did not help mes vary much, so I gave him up and began using Dr. A W. Chase's Kidney. Liver Pills. Tas resi was simply wonderful sow strong and healthy Fri thanks to Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pilla. ™ Rapids, writes io a terribly weakened state. Billousness, severs indigestion and kidney troubles made me = miserable that | was hardly sable to work A friend wid me of Dr. Chase's Kidoey Liver Pills, snd | found them just ss represented restored my health to me, and | think they are 4 wonderful medicine EATON RAPIDS, MICH. Mrs Hose Chaffee, a business woman of Eaton “For a long the my system was The marked success of Dr, A.W. Chase's Kidaey — Pills with Backache, Kidney Troubls, Con A.W.CHASE'S stipation, Headache and Blom ach Weakness make them & family requisite 2 ots. a box. KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS. $15 000 GIVEN AWAY. Tue Haws hy wh ' $15 000 ! LOOK! Come at dent and Sick Policies. First-Class C Indemnifyi nce and see ou Abs lutely mpany ng men against sick- | ness and Pq licies and Policies for Lab "mn | Before you renew ! | dent Policy don't fai ) SCC OUrs. ‘GRANT HOOVER, Sot Mis Day Vor Selling Association of Ideas is In no cond “Whint's the 1 “In she tier anxiously drut Bun New Insomnia Care Brown Nay been trying the fin for Insomuia that | ever heard breath I've ont cur of. It that he Kmith Brown is for one to count each exhales while Ah! Then y« No. but after a little fellow gets rather Interested In work, and the night quickly that he doesn't mind lying still po long. ~ Brooklyn Life Irving In bed mM go to sleep while a the passes AWAY =O A widow who has made up her mind to marry again has a great deal more sense 10 laying traps than a widower, «Atchison Globe, The milk of human Kindness would be a good deal richer If It wasn't skim. med so often. Chicago News ‘GUARANTEED ! agents | teed 23 Chereh St Fire, Life and Accidedt insurance, a tone RB ing ni EF TE. FP» $900 ———— -—— - ARI. “- SALARY Men represent us and women of good address some 10 rave hers for och w exira Commins rapid advance: srand cb shed house { 0 Or woman after our interests YEANY penses ) SCure } nanent unre DOS ot bhera bye ant Mew Ono STAFFORD PRESS New Maven, Conn SWAYNE'S OINTMENT CURES PILES Fe FREE SAMPLE © Pr. bwarne & Son, Phillie. Me BEEZER'S MEAT MARKET ALLEUHENY ST. BELLEFONTE FA We keep none but the best quality of BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, SLICED MAM, All Kinds of Smoked Meal, Pork Savsage, ste If you want a niee Juley Steak go to PHILIP BEEZER, MONEY TO LOAN. In amounts from One to Thousands Dollars, real estate security, low $1000 accepted W. F. CONICK, Att'y, 14 Covers Buehange BELLEFONTE FA Centre County Banking Co. Corner igh 4 and *ryne Rireets Rucnive Drrosrrs | J.M. SHUGGERT Cashier, Ten | on approved | Nothing be. Discount NoTRs IW EHUR BRANCH n effect on and after J. RW (sr Fass At ROAD OF PENNA BERLE CREER RR ® sey MN ‘ A Lowe Are ne ry A & Read FHiLAD NEW YORK Via 'hiia * ¥ poWmoa mA Lye Week lays. § 000 § I WN A mm. Sunday Philadelphia Sleeping Car astiached to samt bound train from W i eh MILE pm, and west bound from Philadeiphiast ii p.m J. Ww EFHART, General Sapt * Dally. 1 Sunday 3 a’ “4A ENTRAL RAILROAD Teo take effect Apr. A 18W BARTS ARD 4 13 WERTWARD 4 ! HTATIONS Ly Ar Bellefonte LL nies ie Morris Whitmer Hunters Fillmore Bria! Waddle Lambourne. Krumrine State College 4 Struble 8] Bioomsdort BL Fine Grove sport, Ta Haven and i — Tam Aven with train Nos. 4 for Wiate' Oo Trains from State XR a My A Ratiroad at Bellefonte tor, WT eastand west MH. TROMAR Supt, - - x HESYERBNS LE _. = El ah ah a BE a a a ~~ ee. ._—_ eS = = ERAERER PPP RBRIRERIINS Li att 4 ali — ho]