4 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. JUNE 27, 1901. ¢ REEDER'S SCALP CHILDREN'S EXERCISES orresvondence Departaeat. The ("entre de mocrat, AFTER REEDEI | Correspondence Department Yeopie 1 Centre county iy that Lien T he Lutheran ar Pp vie 1 Sun CHAS. R. KURTZ, PROPRIETOR | . : dhe uk ) A haols of this town beld Child they want t earn the tru iu nm o JX HO oi adi atid Lhudren si : " | | we . | Joh wer which sl d be liberally | FRED KURTZ. SR. / affa among republican politicians i heir resp Lie tras I hh hg ot Che howd 5 n EDITORS | patron ll r peopl I'he bovs | CHAS. R. KURTZ, \ {th uty hey must fer to the Cer ist ny, the forme nine evening have worked t ert nder | |, pr ' [ ¢ )emocrat ‘here merit in the nd the tter in the ning vith a tf Ass mu nd if don't believe | estion for the reason tha ¢ are in Ww { attendance at each In the Out i il AY ¢ ning and he; | \ wn " hat : . Lhe A 441 t of the Ca TH | | 1 tion 0 11 our readed 1 via | { mreh A member b | A CIRCULATION OVER 2500. | TERMS OF SUBSCH Week Wor atc en ried hr Erion Dat aa Te wil is here and we are. able to. equip EDITORIAL ne difficulties of the Ouay and Anti-Ouay i as y the delight of a ev. '} ji. | day 10 auend the funera of 1 tover | you that you will not notice it. Nothing nicer than a Flannel Coat and Pants. They are dressy, cool, serviceable and yet can be washed. Large va- riety--many colors and designs. Prices from $5 to 8. New Shirts for the 4th in broad and narrow ox-blood, blue, black and lavender. striped plaited and plain fronts. Good fitting, well made, reliable colors at 50c. and $1.00. Neckwear in the pop- ular narrow four-in-hands, bat- wings, Imperials, Windsors. Ties are made ofrich silks; two grades, 5c. and 50c. We have just received a new style of Stocks, the tie and collar combined : a large variety at 50c. Men's & Boys’ Belts, good quality of leather, stitched on each side. many shape nickel+ and brass buckles, 25c. and 50c. We have an assort- ment of Drop-stitch Hosiery, the cool ones that look so well with low shoes, 25c¢. Clothing Sale is still going on. We are selling trust- worthy Suits at can't-be-beat e Tourn aan ODIOus i i i A EO ' : He . ’ . future 1 ‘ y i nl wii] Ie pa : : Manag _ ATK nnpa Le the aul | i the Bed ™ | x pl 1CesS. to his views on § [ue : Instead, | of the V ter and Coke Co “IR estival Season... | a de aby a the latest pri Wo press ap- | f the *% HORE OMe pliances, mak ing & magazine un valled | every sue oO 1; Lommon 5 : J ‘a " in the quality of its contents and its aj out with a healthy jolt th in the republican camp, ng . Ave . ) i Leth and little organ at © ve, adventure, travel | sor es of fiction Cy) 4d france eo Miss M B. McClain, daughter of | ¢ festiy re 2 Bb ney 1 Cara pieces for the purpose of blowing hi Lik A and Harvey 8S. Lingle, | t a eet thie 0 nd land fact; stories of things quaint and a) ob 0 om k Al h issue contains stories of romance arator | [ames A. M All now A ke operator |) ! |¢ : ered together from all over it of existence. Every time he comes | Sob of the W. C. Lingle, of Patton, ot of vour poster ine go Ta . t { scientif re oul d » : Ww wor ee results o entinge 1 } qd at the ye of the | beden} t Hf vo ; up a smiling, fresh to give them a new Pa. welts . " a we hom 3 ' cadavs kth arch. and ¢ditoral reviews It Aum ange that mak them squirm from one | bt 1 ednesday evening Ihe . . bk dooant od wmtributors the leading gt onl ty i : ! bers Among is « . nepl ‘ rd ing } ite rn and w en of the day sid of the country to the othe? a nephew of Howard Lingle wnkeabanid 4 ¢t maybe y \ rlit | literary men and omet nmi ul evens in V \' Mont mery. of t ks " fen styled, they of Centre Hal Ihe wedding took piace : ute) a: wall punmbers of this newspaper maga ine on of-the-west, yt he's ot v ae by | at the home of bride's mother at Cold do them while you a} receipt of fifteen cents in stamps, Ad PENNA would have ict his VHSHUEts pass 1 Stream. Mt. Foreman formerly was Very respectfully, dress The World, Pulitzer Building, New BELLEFO N ] E. - - » wanted A K Deputy Prothonotary, of this place, CENTRE DEMOCRAT. York. . thrusts iro i : ’