THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., JUNE 20, 1901. J Jersey will be blessed by hot headed protest against the most flagrant abuses men everywhere n is on safer ground tha "ol nla SURPRISING RAILEOAD SCHEDULE. Still Unhappy. | " n ’ , Be ‘ ! a Poni y i BIvVe dv | me P REpILva NAL wi A180 iad Ab The St. Louis Globe-Democerat Is not ring the pu! : % In efteet on and after N . happy unless if is miserable, It has as 1 \ Pl It is present-day cooditions — heaping It will be a irprise to mans A TT RONE—~WES | Je A burdens of work upon the nervous system § i lervous system at at sone post oft Altoona, | m: atl Pittsbur . ’ borrow Shakespeare's forcible phrase, ; « On Gf , ’ " n . ; ay a , that tells the story yrematu breaking . Ww! » . A McKinley Won t Have that Willlam Jennings Bryan Is dead ' t lower § an th i of health y pren Je Tieayig thi county more copie { 1 ) Aelletonte 1 06 arrive at Tyrone Congress on His Hands. i : gerted with “damnable iteration,” to | an rrive at Tyr 1 But for some reason which The G.-D " nal y ' t | It tells why so many meu and women CENTRE DEMOCRAT min nv. cannot explain that marvelous young | 1. loa of 4 : who so far as age in years is concerned, y vi , \ arrive at Tyrone : should be in the prime of health, find them. nlarly delivered tl : t) ombined : On i: at Pittsburg at 1} . . . fda EARTWARD Just now The G is rawhiding be circulation y ih : save Bellefont am Arrive Je) y m TANITA AO on hi cw ’ an ima ( ‘ Ve nzlan rad “| the vitality they once possessed. It is be } Harrisburg 2 40 © m : at DECIDES IT UNNECESSARY. cause ( hy recent occasion Bryan lec { tion in connection " cause that great motor power of the body, | papers : he ! phils J 4 tured at the little f Cameron, Mo, | nerve force, is impaired. Every organ de- ! fi pm, arrive | J " al Harrisburg os 45 pm on short notice and that the box office | overthr f epul n part nds | pends upon its controlling power just as receipts amounted to $845, Bryan's rake | ¥ i legislal NEASUTe h eml much as the engine depends upon the steam Will Rule Philippines According off helng one-half of that, Surely that ai . , htan bh protection b- | to put it into action. An engine won't go Ng to His Own Ideas. is a most unseemly way for a dead | without steam. Neither will the heart, the man to perform. If that is death, most | brain, the liver, the kidneys, the stomach ? Fir : : ; i". ; * | met right without their proper nerve force | = 4 NY Edd etonte 142 0. .m. Arrive at Lo | supply. Let any organ be lacking in this ll a re ee L ! | essential and troubles begin—some of them ) Wy) Cg G.-D. would take pleasure | x perpetrated s all t . . he | are | THany « I Vi Ha noi FCadgcrs Via LOCK y EARTWARD I'he Globe Democrat. as it think Aloe pretens prot ng the ' i t, but | Throbbing, palpitating heart, Bryan making £100.000 a vear on : rk | ‘ ok apr ahead Sleepless nights, ny Je: A Farin igh u Sudden starti Mor Brain f; 3 Inability In Refunding Them Later—Depew rf IN shot after the election J \ RAvAr Ahiem. ll . Exhaustios man refuses to die selves letting go of the strength, the power, pm, arrive at at “pm Ne-BORTHWARD Arrive people, Including all the editors, pro prietors, writers and typesetters of SUPREME COURT RULING IGNORED | -, . Tariffs Will Continue to Be Collected His paper and S46 or $5400) a From Filipinos~Fat Salaries Will | (yrine must freauently rel Be Pald In Collecting Them, Also erful prediction #t mad and His Fhird Term Nonsense, ! ’ ! h : ect th in less ¥ Sea ! Its most » a Flagg ] Digest Food Two Modern Dogherries — Bryan Still Alive — “Constitution Flayed | Out,” Sars Genernl Merritt—