THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., JUNE 20, 1801 3 s— CARNEGIE AGAIN KING. Will Dominate the Affairs of the Big Steel Trust. The Headquarters of the Combine Wiil Be Removed From New York to the Carnegie Offices in Pittsburg—To Absorb the Steel Hoop Company. Youngstown, O., June 10.—Informa tion reached here last night from a re Hable source that at a meeting of the stockholders of the National Steel com pany to be held at East Orange, N. J, June 27, a prearranged plan to consoll date the National and the Steel companies will be effected. Af- ter this meeting the officers of the Na- tional Steel company, which will then be known as the Carnegie company, will be removed to Pittsburg and join ed with those of the Carnegie company all being unde: management This one explains were practically cl of the national off to Young It is ey ted States Steel corporation t why the nlar pians sed for the remova dently t} o abolish all high salaried affairs directed from the Carn fices In whi goes fact th trol an | Mr Schwa In additi the Nati Carnegie Steel derstood that Hoop company | the Carnegie Steel 1. All made time will Steel Within the agents’ om negie Steel compar f he lllinols Steel company kind, have bee agent in strongly ted States Steel Carnegle influences the and have eglie of on the i lost in that ny after July contracts thi All have been the Al pani by ] by the Carnegie he f company lays the sales ast the Car CHNATrK« to the domin A WEST VIRGINIA AVALANCHE. A Young Woman Killed and Her Moth er Fatally Injured Va., June 19 ginila m night at miles from here mountain for tw beautif forest ves, | nse ks and came and the home of Mrs. An drew ! wi was ! wrecked. ° Mrs. Ours Mrs. O little grand night her when escape found buried to her waist ing the child in chilly mud and was fastened many efforts neighbors found Sary to literally out, leaving her cloth child only wil body was re earth y ’ N complete mi low year-old daughte instantly k ITS iS with was yesterday the grandm in the Arms al in whi tightly » N her stone [ ’ that after neces 80 it Mine Workers in Convention Pottsville, Pa., June 19 A ¢ tion of United Mine W America of District No. 8 here yesterday, and Is still in Over 12% locals, representing bership of more than 40 represented were dis the restrictd district at the mines rate of wages at some of the mines taking up the age. Miss Emma Lamphere, of burg. lls, mine workers In sec clerks nven the irkers of WAS session A mem ) miners, are at the convention. There ised at yesterday's sessions fe) n of the coal output o ‘ inspection of employes’ cards Or scale without percent Gales irt of the supp iIring 1 of the region sh asked rter hours Molineaux’s Fight For Life The rf another chance & Jury for Roland B. Molin« leged of Mrs Adams and Henry C first half ple In resistan court of Bu verbal ffalo, June 19 final ea f nx Kathe; Barnett Arraignment « poisoner f the © were heard appeals yesterday Milburn, representing Molineux nearly and was su by former United States Ser B. Hill, whose argument in lasted until arose Mr. Hill today brief reply for the appellant will be submitted to the court two hours, court at 2 o'clock will close an i the cans To Court Martial Navy Paymaster Washington, June 19.-—The tary of the navy has appointed a court martial for the trial of Paymaster John R. Martin, UU. 8 N., on the charge of “scandalous conduct tending to the de struction of good morals.” What Pay master Martin actually did was to ad Yance to himself and a brother officer certain small sums of money, dus on aco )f his own salary. The gov ernment lost nothing by this transac tion secre int Earl Russell Held For Bigamy, London, June 18.-Lord Russell was yesterday held In $10,000 ball upon the charge of bigamy preferred by the daughter of Lady Scott, from whom the earl claims he was divorced before he married Molly Cook at Denbrook, Nev, Ia 1900, i + District SCHWAB HIS REPRESENTATIVE. | Carnegle | which | } 1 i pened | the r ie ¢ | he adoption of the flat | the wrecking « y Nor | amdavit | charging them th | ue wr the retall | } : Tompkinsville and | by Cor | furnished | and Bt | aloha | northwest and s« with a | DR. KENNEDY RELEASED. Alleged Murderer of Dolly Reynolds Qut on $10,000 Ball. York, June 19.-Dr. Samuel J, Kenned released under $10,000 bail veaterday afternoon. When Judge Newburger took his place on the bench Attorney Philbin suggested Dr. Kennedy be admitted to $10.- ball Mr Moore sald that he thought the indictment ought to be quashed, but Judge Newburger sald a motion to that effect would have to be made in another court, Mr. Moore then consented to the fixing of the ball at $10,000 and Judge Newburger issued an order to that effect. The wife of Lieut. Elmer E. Hand, a retired naval officer, furnished the ball. As Dr. Kennedy and Mr. Moore walk briskly through the streets about men and boys joined In “three cheers for Kennedy,” and made the re sponse, “He's all right,” to the ques: tion, "What's the matter with Moore?" Mrs. Kennedy was waiting for her husband in Mr, Moore's office, with her 1d mother and several friends the office 1s sald New ly was that 006 ed 600 his him, "How entered to GRISCOM MINISTER TO PERSIA. Minister F. B. Loomis Transferred From Venezuela to Portugal Washington, June 18 I'he following changes in di; atic posts were an LLOYD C present GRISCOM has cond minister to Persia been transferred to Cara ing zuela Loomis as nists Vene Spencer F. Eddy, « Hlinois Paris, has present second secretary been made first retary Constant] Arthur Louisiana third t By his Portugal a year nople Ballly heer ne been i ond secretary has i Paria Venezuel O 80 at transfer Minister 1. from omis loses $2.5 Accused Captains Out on Bail. New York, June 19