THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., JUNE 13, 1901, HAPPENINGS ABOUT TOWN ews Compiled During the Week The Local N BRIEFLY TOLD INA FEW LINES Persona Wha Men Our People Mention, Society Events Iranspired Worthy of Short Paragraphs Movements of Has tion Wm ting in a few weeks’ visit Miss Rebecca B home Monday phia. Mr. and Mrs. M sail on the 15th for a six month's tri lohr, of Centre anchard an evening from Philalde urray Andrews wi England. Miss structor in Mawr, has arrived home, Elizabeth Blanchard, an one of the schools at Br — Miss Jennie Morris, who has been teaching school in Philipsburg is at home for her summer vacation. — Miss Mildred Smith for Philadelphia where she will visit sister, Mrs. Thomas Seixas. Friday her departed — Miss Louisa Valentine has returned tt bome from an extended visit t phia, Downingtown and other cities, o Philadel. Edward and Theodore Haupt, who have been conducting a cigar store an factory at Milton, have sold his § out and re. turned to their homes in t lace. Frank E. Naginey departed Sunday afternoon for Boston to attend the annual conclave of Heptasophs in that city The engagement of Miss Blanche I Mr. and Mrs Fauble, of this place, to William W Fauble, eldest daughter of M. Schloss, of Philadelphia, has been an. nounced Quite extensive improvements ha - been made at the Br The terior been has of the Lutheran cht of Centre Ha x amon K ommunity hundred ring the evenir guests assembed 1 respects to the faculty and the members ass that completed its cour The reception rooms were taste decorated and Prof. Smith ira was on hand to liven of th Th om} P1 Hughes in hb {work " ome their choice eles s fortyn the same wi A AP unusua The Prof ils Years more of usefulness A num! asked the the n town close at f ’ ’ fair for in that many APAcity wr of the clerks about tows : 1a ve na A wor ' wriler lo say behalf. of movement 0 have the lores p.m. during the heated term of July and August, exce pt on days that are designated as pay day At some of the large works. The argu juestion that 1. deserve attention and cousderation ments on both sides of thi and 80 doubt some people are lnconvenienced en by this early closing, but on the whole there is a great deal of relief afforded ¢ many, a bit of leisure at a time when it is most appreciated. Nearly every mer chant in the town has signed the petition and we believe that it will be adopted, Give the clerks the benefit of the even- ings during the warm weather, bin Bellefonte, June 25th, Wednesday was the hottest so far th a § Spring, mercary up to ga, John J. Bower, Esq., attended to le gal business in Clearfield, on Tuesday, Esq., transacted R. Chambers, i usiness in Plnlipsburg, on Wednesday | Orvis, Fs cted tee of State Co on Tue Waterloo, Buffalo bert Garman, of Daniel Garman, spent lay in efonte at ne of his red Bottorf, one of } erguson’s rep- resentative men, was in town Tuesday transacting business Oe T sonof Dr. T. Monday A evening VauTries Van arrived home from Princeton College G. love 18 Judge John larker, assisting of Cambria ing ¢crurt this week -- Miss Kate Mawr ( spend her summer vacation, Sho hugert, who is a student at Bryx ege, has arrived home ~ District Attorney W. 1. Swoope, and ' fe, of Clearfield, visited atthe home of James P. Coburn, for iward P. Butts and w Mass, | the C of Spring visited fri here and at. lege iver Witmer fell doing s' Armor Gag ommencement, and broke his leg some carpenter work at juarry, Tuesday. Robinson's big shows the glass work's at Bellefonte i ding com aster, Pg mn s Is copal hold an entertainment in the ourt House on the evening of Thursday Pi f ire and exhibit June 20th, at which Shed, o i tate o..eye \d ect his ¢ ’ Tes cened vel giving Away Japan wing to the Fl Ome ling been ng m ny having d the ness 28 their ant has mverted into a ms we have ountinued their tations on the Hereafter Our market otations w we furnished by CC. % Wagner who operates the He Arge Brock erhoff mill near efonte and has sales on Bishop street and is the lead grain dealer me whose market Ons, As we as his word an be Married Shmuel Roberts and Miss Minnie Markle, both of Bellefonte, were married Tuesday evening at the Evangelical church at this place. Samuel D. Getiig acted as best man and Miss Billa Miller | was bridesmaid, The ushers were D. O. Hazel, C. B. Newcomer, and Clarence Longacre. James Shook They took the | Robinson's large railroad show will | RECEPTION FOR SOLDIERS | As we stated the the in A previous issue, members of th Regiment are ex the Philippine week August more of In order that pected to return from Islands by the first in Among them will be a dozen or Centre county bovs, a large number ¥ whom are from this town, a publi Monday al over umber of ome discus ed to gi and the pointed nent recepti John I. ( Curtin, and Amos They to the another instructed meet oon as possible and report result of their delibera- tions at meeting, in the same place, on last Wednesday evening, which they did as follows A recent 2 recepit Beaver on KE Chairman, Gen. James retary, Chas. R. Ku B. Blanchard ; parade, Col. Austin Cur tin | fireworks, 5 B, Miller; speakers, D F Fortney ; music, § H. Wi cort, Wash. Reese ; finance Jas ams cs Harris irmen of the respect. ive comm mpowered to fill out the sa AS many ass as they may deem prudent yme addi tional gcon be created, there is any ne was the opinion that the soldier boys arr at S¢ Francisco about ve were | stants | [May 28 LEGAL INTELLIGENCE Gathered from the Various Offices About the Court House MARRIAGE LI C. Young ". Beals Hoover Vaughn Markle Frank Weber Coun y O [4] ot in Philip WwW. May 20, John W i, Wi WwW. | Shoemaker, July land in Spr burg, § Kreamer to lot in M ! to | 190 ray 1501 ntere rth tw 6564 Moses Thompson et Houtz, Jan. 12, 188¢ | lege twp, $15 ° | John M ing twy $0 tlw Mary E more the | be kept there | they The at the and that 1 the parade cipal uminated Armory then writing a stay that struck him as just the thing to add to his renown, somet hie g shu ug his wasba m to the titoff, agnaw n breadbasket reminded him It me toget ug and he rushed his as Carman House to usto get mary-—break fast Dreams, we all Know and ome to that breakfast nothing was left to him but the mem. A the pshot { when he awoke has not yet received a n Ongrega tion he s0 wond edified, nor have we seen a eaders for the columns of the Centre Democrat. | bote ut we know he reached the - Suit | or Large Damages Mrs. Nannie Heaton, of Bellefonte, wife of Harvey Heaton, the young man who at the Memoria March 1¢ falling died hospital at Johns town from injuries he recely the nderground ed in from a the pole while In Standard Cable company, w= empioy of bring suit against the company in the United States district conrt at Pittsburg, 10 recover $50,000 damages for her husband's death. N. B. Spangler, Attorney of Centre county, is in Johnstown this week, look. caring | | are | fir HA, Ar A Dew a of that we - Internal Revenue Notlce Tr rv ’ if order to accommodate aps ant and save them mach possible John expense and trouble, Deputy ] Harter will specially atten at the following ve taxes and issue stamps M McC orm and Friday a 0473 m Bellefonte Garman H piaces, to rece lock Haven 8 ofhce, and 2 er Thursday June from 8 m. 1 " June 4. from oa. p.m House from Ah. m8 Philipsburg Passmore day, June 2¢ 0 . Married at Rebersburg pretly A bome of wedding took place at the ex-commissioner John Wolf at Wednesday evening sth when Miss Winifred 8 Wolf and Prof Edwin M. Brungart were united in mar riage. The wedding morning started for K ebershurg, Arty Buffalo » Thur sday Telephone Promotion "The Central Pennsylvania district di rectors of the United Telephone Com pany have promoted Harry Murty from superintendent of the local lines to a like position covering district No. 6, with heaaquarters at Bellefonte." The above item was takes from a dis patch sent out from Sunbury, afternoon at Frank [lege {mantie for the RECENT DEATHS WILLA after bey Hi tH wilh pneumonia tht oa hiers and a fon wile two sor whe had past two year tiroke of paraly years of age sons, Caleb K rown to manhood home, at morning . 1 Jor upwards three years wa man fi axe a and long r Man He and Was a na Ome Year * {0 mou orn it nty veal ew Ly Dr. Stites” Returs cement oo! this ed that Dr. St From an advert another part { issue not ies has efonte and w= resume Cation alist and his manner barmony with ling § the act mers that he permanent ha 13 10 make OCalon . . A demand for bh - there Business is dull in town at presest as most of the people in the country are [engaged on the farm looking after the cn pe At class day exercises held , Tuesday Marshal A n and ool Lancaster : 0 * Edwin Pa. uuior class Pa en Jieg ler Rebersburg, - It is not always the breery person who finds something to blow about, Spooniness is not needed by the man who would make a stir in the world. A great many people seem 0 be all | taken up with the elevator boy. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS... M. C. GEPHART, 11 ; Bell Mhetm il iCilll, ‘ 0 ne - LG Go efonte a Mi SURPRISING... MARKET QUOTATIONS, All market od mach TY cloned for the pre rediay a Bellefonte — Produce The following prices are tow prod * Eggs per Josen Lard, per pound Tallow pes pound Butter, per pound Hide, per pound “honlder, par pound Bellefonte pa te Lrrain I'he tollowing bBrices are pad wen for grain Rod wheat t bushel ye, per | — Lorn, shelled, per bushe) Barley, per bushel......... Oats, per bushel .......