4 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. JUNE 13, 1901. The Centre Democrat, CHAS, R, KURTZ, - PROPRIETOR FRED KURTZ, SR. | CHAS. R. KURTZ, ( EDITORS CIRCULATION OVER 28500. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION £1.50 } EDITORIAL. Ir George A. Jenks were governor, now different things would be. “CONSISTENCY thou art a jewel,’ 15 a saying that is laughed at by the machine at Harrisburg — — McKINLEY is shifting towards the old democratic idea of a low tariff, Better late than never, Tue Philadelphia Record commends the resolutions of last week's democratic county convention, They were drawn and adopted by men who mean what they say. ——— — Tug republican bave | opened fire on Representative Babcock, down the tariff protectionists who wanted to cut on goods that we produce cheaper than for- eiguers do. - MRS one and Christian Science fad, does not believe in muzzling the ox that | Eddy, it seems, has made between | two million dollars out of her | Evidently, she | treads out the wine press. REPRESENTATIVE of this county, has voted for all the unjust and Thompson, harmful measures offered in the legisia- ture by the machine—measures denounc ed by all decent republicans and demo Tug American Medical Congress bas Cow the | mously endorsed the proposed joined procession and unani resiora- tion of the army canteen However, the w.C.7T 3 and the Sunday school chi | opposed to lelegate DE £4) In other and f stand fo words it stands re 1 bunco game sponsible for self confesse - Tug leaning of McKinley and some of the wards the democratic republican leaders and organs to nificant*and instructive. It proves that the abuse of the democracy on account of their tariff for revenue policy, was wrong and libelous springing from a spirit avarice and party that was The right always triumph, and the democratic tenet of the "Greatest good for the great. of jeROuUsy, neither manly nor patriotic wil est number’’ is beginning to find advo. cates in republican quarters that we are pleased to note, although coming in late - Oxe of the most commendable acts of the present legislature was the passage of the juvenile court bill, which has just become a law. It provides special courts for the trial of children. Thus it comes unlawful hereafter to incarcerate a child ln any municipal state prison in which adult offenders are lodged. It likewise permits the offi. cers of the law to enter the unclean and unfit homes which exist in almost every community and take their uncared for children from them, and it permits the same course of action with reference to children whose parents allow them to live on the public highways, relegating them to the ‘care of the Lord,” or of the devil, as it may chance. be or county, or | Honor spoke. ous as the machine | | Ku ALWAYS RIGHT. The the one tribunal in the world which can United States Supreme Court is give one judgment at one time and an opposite one at another—and be both times. For example Git) f t. It had decided (Dartmouth College | a contract | and later | case) that a state charter is which the state may not break, that a State may break it t has decided that authority to all our navigable waters has not Tess con re guiate later that they may. t has decided that any the importation of and later that no state may do It has decided that make paper money legal debts incurred before iis ater that it has unlimited power to paper legal tender in peace or | ongress has no power Lo ten der for and make War ISsus, ¢ It has twice decided that come tax iS constitutional, the last time—that it is not. an in and once The unique thing about our Supreme Court is its supremacy over all things including its own decisions. ‘‘The law the land is said an “The Chief of thus and sc eminent jurist arguing before it law is not thus and so," said the Justice. ‘I beg Your Honor's pardon but the law was thus and so until Your | CARNEGIE'S PREDICTION “Mark my word negie Associated Press. aid sald recently to a represeniatl “The time is coming when the continen tal powers will combine to smash up this When that | little island of Great Britain happens she will have toturn to the Unit ed States for hel I feel certain it will The Un Dont not be refused ted States wi step in and say They will act Britain d What ust as Great Amer d in the Spanish an war she did then was great, and it t half rea rie gave ut in the Wa aration { Independ ¢ others The De The De loes pot contain ) $ of tyranny and wrongs against George the 111 as infam egslature has been ity of perpetrating against the rights | of the freemen of Pennsylvania, and our tariff policy is sig- | wn sweet representative Thompson, of the in ty that was enacted or tried to be enact Philipsburg, had a hand in al qu ed - WHAT is the use of condemning Quay and his gang of roosters in the legisla ture at Harrisburg? It really is a mis take to do such a thing. For years the knowledge of Quay and have been en dorsing his methods 1 Every. at the polls it has meant that the people of the state are pleased with Quayism, and he is justified in continuing in his course He has the endorsement of the people at the polls, and, if the voice of the peo. ple is the voice of God, ght slong time that be has won a victory he has good grounds for moving along as he has been, pushing all kinds of corrupt meas ures through the legislature and having his tool in the Executive mansion Stone approve the laws of the great Keystone state. The people at the polls are voting right along for just this thing and it is perfectly right that they should have it. If you don’t like Quay, don’t blame him ; he never posed as a saint. Rlame the people who vote the same as for such men, right | | read, [ fre quent practice of the merchants vessels a am bein i i ng people of this state have had a practical | OUR HISTORICAL REVIEW, Continued from first among the Six Nations can be of no con- sideration any more the Indians speak | with contempt of the New Yorkers and Albany people, and much the same as the rest of the English colonies I conclude and des my humble res CGrovernor ire You wi to his mention Honor the pe is lam hough more than twenty (rerman mmigrants are » Provincial Records from few of those are recorded, Pennsylvania to Among the first whose name has peen handed down, is that of Henry | Wi ame a ry, who arrived two years fore lam Penn ; and one Platenbach, who few years later November 22, 174 a petition from sundry inhabitants of the city of Phila- ™ p 3 lelphia, was presented to the House and ( setting forth what has been con - . se] in ¢ cerned in the importation of Germans and other foreigners into the pr vince for the sake of lucre, to receive into their much greater number than itly accommodated ; whereby Nam diseases have been produced them, and a great mortali ly to the Joss of some hundred the their surviving relations mn gst hath ensued in one vessel, and great affliction of some of which have been obliged by their own labor to defray the freight, or pq the rad iences have arisen to these poor strangers ASsage money, of that sundry other incounven. fv ms hi "ye 4 | . rom this practice, and particularly their obliged to their chests, thes and other furniture behind them perplexity afterwards, if not f them : that lone to the ger 088 besides the in nfamous pract f the Moshannon. Misses Maude Rankin and Minnie M Gow wn were home from the Lock Haven Norn! last week to attend the exam pation held at Snow Shoe Miss Nettie Weaver and visiting friends in this place Mrs. William Moore, of Beech visiting her parents, Mr. and Daniel Yeager mother are Creek Mrs | Clarence and Fred Lucas spent day with friends in Howard Sun. va and Helen McGowan accompanied {their sister on her return to the Normal they returned Saturday evening, and re port having a fine time Frank Viehdorfer made a | Jersey Shore on Monday be held in une 16th dren's day service w church on Sanday Ch | the M | at o'clock p.m Mrs. George Williams and children |are visiting their friends in this place | : - How to Avoid Trouble Now 18 the time to provide yourself and family with a bettie of Chamberlain's { Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy [It is almost certain to be needed before | the summer is over, and if procured now may save you & trip to town in the night lor in your busiest season. It is every. where admitted to be the most success: both for children and adults can afford to be without it, Green's Pharmacy. —— The reason some people use too much perfumery is that they don't have any better sense, No family For sale by the | | | mercial Stationery, ful medicine in use for bowel complaints, | Men Whe Handle Millions, The government is trustful of the employees Ita financial center than Is any private In the United States whole output of the In handled by neither survelllnnes tell ALIKKIENM) A nore in corporation, the currency treasury nation's men who are under The er handles $40.000 (kx) or nor bond paving year, The exchange clerk has every day £00000 In change ud. The m OnHey in charge ) fit veper of tl cash runs fron It roon (HH) EMH) upward, siderable lengt peculations from been few and small Ther department whicl “Where is a point at which th of the individual must Ix anes And so 1 reasury dis Ises with | the private bus its history run ollows ver mong y IS ndled there the main rel wervices spotters However nterests handling of not lkely Bpotters mi A necessity in human psychologica aration 1o ma In develom likely Alnslee’s A Precoclouna Baby, SHREWD UYERS... Must remember that the great... alf-Price Sale of a consignment consisting of....... i: Men's and It & The One FL xeeptio His Fart stage mMAL Chronicle AR Telegraph Amer ure exce an Exposition at Buffa ent rooms and board by « responding with W. F. Stone, 2 Hudson street. Buffalo, stating the number desir ng you wish t accommodations and the amount pay. There will be no diffi. | culty in securing meals, as there are a | Most Write | him stating what you want and you will | We | Stone for a number of | Kreal many restaurants in the city mportant is to secure rooms desired information M1 and feel get all the have known Years safe in recommending him to our readers, in this matter WE PRINT BILL HEADS, ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, STATEMENTS, SHIPPING TAGS, LETTER HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, In fack ny and all kinds of Com We pride ourselves on doing neat work and charge only reasonable ices, When you need anything in the line of printin , from a full shent colored poster down to a visit. ing card call at THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT OFFICE. oung Men's Suits is still going on. It has cre- ated so much excitement that if you haven't seen these your neighbor must have told you of them. ever Before was such a half-price sale held in the early part of June, nor were they sample suits—a manufacturers best produc- tions sold at half price. very Suit that we offer at this sale was recently con- signed by one of the best New York clothing manufacturers, They were his Spring and Summer samples. Several weeks ago we explained in this paper that we were fortunate enough to obtain this sample line at one-half wholesale price. That is the reason we can sell them at half retail price. on't buy until you see where you get the most and best merchandise for your money. Many others have looked elsewhere and finally bought here. So will you, if you just make a comparison. BEST SELECTION TO EARLY BUYERS. cli) > N | M. THE CLOTHIER, Bellefonte, Penn’a Reynold’s Bank Building, i 4