Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, June 13, 1901, Image 1

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A Chapter of Interesting Incidents
and Events
Used a
ings of
their feet
more advantage than
whole music
which was
kettle, or the lower end of a hollow tree,
yvered with a thin deerskin, and beaten
its sound, however,
with one stick was
not very agreeable
mark the time, wh
and served only to
h the Indians
\Arge numbers,
When they had fin
they ¢
dancing even in kept
with due exactness
ished i
round OR some rest
but during this time t ir
immer on
tinued to sing t another dance com.
These d
that spirit, lasted t
tended by men
menced ces, in keeping with
kind of dance was only at
Fach 1
and danced with great agility ana bold
rose in his ture
Bess, extolling their own, or their fore.
fathers’ great deeds in a song, to which
f each
all beat time, by a monotonous,
note, which was given out with
vehemence at the Commencement o
Some dances, held upon different o
casions, differed much from the above.
Of these, the dance of
peace, called also the CarLumer, or pipe
chief was the
dance ; because the Calumet, or pipe of
peace, was handed about during the
dance. This was the most pleasing to
strangers, who attended as spectators :
its appearance was peacable, and not 80
dreadful as the former. The dancers
joined hands, and leapt in a ring for
soe time. On a sudden, the leader let
the band of one of his partoers go, and
kept hold of the other, He then sprang
forward, and turned round several times,
by which he drew the company round,
50 that he was enclosed by them, when
they stood close together, They then
disengaged themselves as suddenly, yet
they kept hold of each others bands dur.
ing all the different revolutions and
| clothes, dressed with silver
changes in the dance ; which, as they ex.
plained it, represented the chain of |
CHAS. R. KURTZ, Proprietor,
slawares and
to the tes
who underst
the war
of wampum whi
ject of the embassy was described
ertain figures, and a hatchet with a
of his «
the chief had been
d handle
informed umission, it was laid
before a coun The hatchet having
been ald on the ground. he de ivered
® a
mg speech, while holding the war belt
n his hand Always wing the address
with the request to take 1p the hatchet
and then delivering the war.belt. If this
was complied with, no more was said
and this act was considered as solemn
but if
neither the hatchet was taken up, not
promise to lend every assistance
the ambassador drew
remain neutra
the belt accepted
the just conclusion, the nation pre
ferred to and without
any further ceremony, returned home
The account of the death of
Chiefs who signed the grant
scope of lerritory to Thomas and
of the
by «(
for a
Pean is aAunounced mrad
Bethlehem, in Bucks Co., , 17%
By these few lines | let you know
that | am safely returned on my journey
from Onondago to this place last night,
and hope to find my family in perfect
health to-morrow. | wish I could inform
you by these lines of a great deal of
agreeable news, but I cannot | our friend
Canasaloga was buried the day before |
came to Onondago and Solow vanag My
our other good friend died sometime
He that is at the head of affairs now Is
A professed Roman Cabolic, and alto
gether devoted to the French The
French priests have made a hundred
converts of the Onondagos, that Is to say,
men, women and children, and they are
all well clothed, and walk ln the finest
and gold ;
and [ believe that the English interests
Sept t
Continued on page 4 column 3.
Submitted for the Benefit of Local
Ne As
ment oO ae
state Jea
ae fre
here and
For benefit of of
friends cisewhere we =
suggest that the fol wing proclamatic
3 :
Or one a these lines w issaed
uid be timely and apg
} .
20:4 no copyright and they are at
to use the original text. to wit
Hey there, you Quayites
on, line up and toe the mark
aware that the Republican ( mvention
of Centre county will soon be ut the
tapis when all fhe Quayites must be on
the alent Behold, how our venerable
chief, the Hon. Matthew Stanley Quay
in the past year has put the Insurgent
forces to flight, again intrenched himse f
for four years more as our
eader, manipulates the egisiature of
this state, and, by the grace of the presi
dent, doles out all the federal patronage
100, to the faithful in his fold. In order
to show our appreciation for our match
less and invincible leader we must be
adoing, he cares not for tributes of praise
but wants results
The heyday of our revelry at Harris.
burg will soon be over, We have scooped
railroad franchises in the state worth
many millions, we have swiped the good
offices in the cities of Pittsburg and
Scranton and the people ln those sections
will have to recognize whomsoever we
may send We will In the next few
years have 4,000,000 to throw about the
new capitol building at Harrisburg, For
these and the countless other good things
we are chiefly indebted to the Roodness
of our patron saint, who long a 0 quit
shaking plum trees for riper and more
luscious fruit. In union there is strength
united we stand, divided we dissolve into
| Inoccuous desuetude,
| tue of my position in the fold, upon me
| has devolved the duty to sound the tocsin
| from the lower and summon in all the
| falthtul for the eau uf fray.
Keep your eye on t
A move
Are you
| are missing
Therefore by vir.
) 40 that we
v en out
ng Kepub in
A. 8S. Fur
Km and 0
Flemington, and Hogan }
ty aught go speckled beauties
the headwaters of Beech Creek dur
A week s outing ‘his is pretty hard
Democrat ~N |
other of fits anglers,
beat Clinton wasn't
“hard to beat Centre county
editors, and mans
have done for better
The Big Oak Grove Shops
many a time
Reports from Oak Gsrove, near Jersey
Shore, are to the effect that active oper
ations will be commen: ed there
large force of Italians wi
short time the next few days a
{Arrive 10 begin
the work of Krading. Some of the heavy
iron for the immense turn table that is to
be constructed, has arrived but
yet been unloaded from the
Young Cattle Found Dead
Several young cattle that have been
turned out for the summer on the mount.
ain between Mackeyville and Sugar val.
ley have been afflicted by eating, it is
supposed, laure! Three belonging to
Oliver Smith have been found dead, one
owned by the Ira McKibben estate Is
dead, and several belonging to others |
has not
A Large Black Snake
One day recently two of Frederick
Glossner's boys killed a blacksnake six
feet in length at Beech Creek. The rep.
tile was found at the yard fence of the |
coming Republi. | residence of David Mapes,
| RR A
ch has within
ream of water
rout irean
George Lon A veteran trap:
hunter, residing near Penfield
caught the largest bear trapped
country for many a das hen
weighed 100 pounds. and ]
} mn he
iy were several els wh
been there for years Brain's age
yond caicuiation
Huntingdon loca T be
NOW at
ase of
1. Har
tration in the breach of §
Cora A
Keim against Professor
Brumbaugh attracted
Ihe verdict of
attention last Thursday
the arbitrators, Messrs. Leffard. Baldw 0
and Black, was for the defendant. as
Miss Keim did not produce any evidence
to support her side of the case. The at
torneys for the plaintiff paid the cost of
the hearing, and, it is said, will take au
appeal to court
Resolutions against Sunday funerals
were unanimously adopted recently at a
meeting of the Johnstown Ministerial
Association, The resolutions say that, as
present-day funerals ate too elaborated
| and ostentatious, the Ministerial associa. |
tion discourages the holding of funerals
on Sunday which can reasonably be held
| At any other time, and deem it incompa.
tible with duty as ministers to officiate at
Sunday funerals at the hou: of any regu.
lar church service.
of Lock Haven
Kumeored Purchase of Coal Fie
itis rumored that the Pennsy
company purchased the
for §
oa the
( belds operated
White Coa
i he |
x * the
these coal fields by the Pennsy
Raliroad company is to protect its coa
interests and to prevent
shipments from :
being diverted to
Preaching Against Dancing
A mild sensation has been caused
Scranton Catholic social circles by a de
liverance against dancing by Bishop Ho
ban, of the Scranton diocese in ad
| dressing the Historical society and the
Newman Magazive club, Bishop Hoban
earnestly advised them to taboo socia
features which include dane ing
. - — "
Big Timber Deal
Eastern capitalists, among whom fs
ex-Attorney General H. C. McCormick,
of Williamsport, have purchased $25,000
acres of timber land in the state of Cam.
peche, on the eastern Yucatan peninsala,
| Mills will be erected and the timber
manufactured in marketable lumber,