THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., MAY 30, “0 1901. 7 c— CORRESPONDENTS | DEPARTMENT Happenings About Centre County Briefly Told by A CORPS OF ABLE WRITERS Our Alert Correspondents Note Many in Different Lo Is Important Events calities—What is Transpiring Your Section Represented ? Rebersburg. Henry Wohlfort, who was so seriously injured in the boiler explosion, is able be about. Crops look caterpillars. Jolly P. D. Winters has torn part of his house and has completed ar- rangements for a new addition. ’ 0 that of including down Henry Detwiler, Sr., is recovering from his recent illness A child of was | week Chas. M leen ash Gecp Kasi ' Orren Weaver yuried in the Uni married at M C. McC. Gramle dryman, is building foundry The marri; and Prof. E solemnized will Rev. H. R. of Franklin called home Mr. Weaver's On Tuesday the eran and Reformed ed the Union and whitewashed up-to-date Henry K rie be quite recent College, of the n ie same, Farmers in being rid been past To Cure a Cold in On e Day. Take ne All dr to cure aceh box Laxatis IRIS as Sil Hall. Loganton The farmers are all busy at 1 and sowing. The frosts ed the fruit trees to any Apple trees are laden considering the heaviness with which they bore last year have not afi extent well * Measles have been prevalent in Logan ton, The house of Mrs. Snyder has received the first new coat of paint. John Rockey's house is being finished on the inside this Mr. Rockey's home is commodious and nicely built Miles Breon was the architect week Councilman Harry Boob has been il with rheumatism, Miles Breon is the father arrived baby girl. Emery and Will Cupp, and Will Wolf haye gone to the Black Forest to work ou a lumber job. The court having granted the petition of the tax payers, a new iron bridge at Tylersville assured. Also one in Chapman township. of a newly is Dealness Cannot by local app diseass be Cured, re Deafness) med jes 11 palness | dition of the mu the, When th earumt g 8 lor h ‘ ve hear id when It is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation ean taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for ever nine eases out of ten are caused by eatarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condition ol the mucous surfaces We wlll give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by eatarrh) that ean not be cured by Fall's Ostarrh Cure, Send for circulars, free F.J,. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, 0, A¥ Bold by Druggists, The. Hall's Family Pills are the best, Unionville. Albert RODerts, the famous snare | drummer of Bellefonte, was a welcome arrival in our town on last Thursday. As Albert is perfectly harmless and innocent as a little sheep, we did not increase our police force during his stay here. He has been engaged to drum for us on Dec- oration Day. Longer Wian, another Bellefonter, was st Monday with his fine dappled grays and mammoth oil tank He supplies the dealers along the route from Bellefonte to Port Matilda with genuine 1 He $0 pleasant can’t ’ ’ but in town on la team of test kerosine and jolly that one him, nothwithstanding understand how he can gallon of an't ons ol : 11 a help uy Jac k Griest ¢ put 175 gal tank boys, one dark night recently, shutters the Presbyterian parsonage and blocked the pavement opposite the ‘resbyterian church, for the purpose of causing body to fall Thi innocent boys, and we would suggest, that, if like happens again, a whipping post shed in the diamond and the little bad took the Some of our very {i on some fun the } iS not yo establl 44] severely »» Wm own Ear left for Millhe David Glenn, siting her daughter, { liefoute, is M be rs Slover seem to this season. They can through this place nearly Miss Annie E was the guest of her Hosterman, last week Miss Mary Eby and J. C. F. Motz turned from Lewistown, where they had been attending a Sunday School Con vention. They were sent as delegates from the U. E. V. Sunday School. Miss Caroline Yearick Gentzberger, of Mifllmburg, ing friends in town, Mr, and Mrs. Torbet Mr, and Mrs. Hosterman, of were the guests of Luther Weaver's, on Sunday the 19th George Smith, while timber on a wagon, got tween a stick of the lumber wheel, which severed the skin to the bone. Dr. Musser the painful wound Fisher Motz, while his mill, had the thumb of his left hand badly lacerat ed with a saw He had the forefinger of the same hand torn off with a saw a few years ago. | CH. | This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Br nine Teviets | the remedy that cures a cold in one day ile numerous een passing every day Gypsies “ be Imunds, rie of A aronsburg, Miss Vena Ad na, 'Y re and wele and Coburn, loading heavy his finger be and the and h attending fl HES on | Boalsburg | Charles From, of State College, was seen in our town on Saturday shaking hands with his many friends, of this place Mrs. S. H. Bailey and daughter Nannie made a business trip to Bellefonte last Saturday. Andrew Hunter while sitting in church m Sunday evening was suddenly taken sick with a rush of blood to the head He was carried out into the open air and Kid wa who gave him relief when he came, and in less than an hour he taken hon eRe, ness tri having h Dh ler ent for, was able to be (reo. O'Brien, of State Col town last Friday on a coach shop, where he is repainted ' Dus Charles Dago, one of the head the saw mill, of the Linden Hall L Co., was seen in Thursday evening Prof. }. C. ounty ihe our town on Bryson made a busines t seat on Saturday. to the « M1 his daughter, 1 Gibbony, of Stone Mrs. hn Dale and wife last Wedne Mother iss Mable B t Gap Dr 1 ow flow: 1 by September, their new bul MAYE moving tt Frank Mays, one of the firm of J. B Mays & Sons, marble works at Lemont. was in town Monday setting some of their fine work in monuments, in the different cemeteries | their work will always speak for itself Potter and, Bloomfield, Bertha, were visiting is always welcome when Bertha is a pupil at Joseph Gill of New and daughter friends. Joe he comes. College. The members of the church at Tusseyville, Children's day June 16, Some have (tried the Democrat's | methods, as given in last issue, for doing | up the caterpillars and find it sure, quick and easy work thereby to destroy these pests will heerve How to Avoid Trouble Now 1s the time to provide yourself and family with a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed before the summer is over, and if procured now may save you a trip to town in the night or in your busiest season. It is every. | where admitted to be the most success: | ful medicine in use for bowel complaints, | both for children and adults, No family can afford to be without it. For sale by | Green's Pharmacy, - HA It doesn’t take a detective to find fault, morial our State | Howard. Rev. Boggs preached a very able me. | ermon on last Sabbath morning Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Yerger and little | davghter Catherine departed for Buffalo, on Ii day John Meese 1 on Monday of Bellefonte, was seen Cha emi Woodward, who was atte: Lr at Will recent last, which a sumptuous dine 0 which bent ’ o'clock » afternoon wa short address by Rev, by prayer 80. bright and happy birthdays may | her pathway ——— friends at this has a man, 1 ) Ace Boggs, followed The gusts numbered about hope that many more such crown We Eartle spent a few days among piace the past week Grant H of He ted ness a OVE t tnd xt Sunday etz ne improved hi ddition to his re john H. D “1 b el resente y ’ at Getty Windber, her Case his absence, his brother Daniel, of Nittany, attended to the laundry. Mrs. D. F. Holter has returned from where she 1 been visiting and had brother the past two weeks. that png 1 Om We are very several In our Orry to say of typhoid fever are rag t immunity i vel $ awara § home ring his an : of E WILL Duplicate for 1-3 Less Money any clothing shown you in any other store in Bellefonte. E WILL Show you Three Times the Assortment that others show. You will be sure to find EXACTLY what you want in our Big Stock. WE WILL Not sell anything but Good Honest Clothing, Clothing that fits as you would have them fit. That have all the style their shape as good clothing should. and character of High Class Merchant Tailor work. = WE WILL DO JU > ST AS Wi Mone W_— — That keep We are doing a Big Shoe Business. Our customers seem to be more than pleased with our Shoe Store one of them told us last week that the saving was greater than we claimed and a great deal more than he expected. We want ours to be the BEST MEN'S and BOYS’ be true. SHOE STORE in Bell COME AND SEE CIVIC sfante ‘1 agree VW ——— We guess it must ' urithy Wilh M. FAUBLE & SON, Evangelical Brockerhoff House Block, Bellefonte, Pa. Milesburg. Prof. C, IL. Gramley held his teachers’ examination at his place on Wednesday, the 220d odist Hill opposite the old M. K. church property, an over-hauling with paint and four light windows which gives it a much better appearance lewis Seigworth and son, of Monga. hela City, arrived on Thursday, and is a guest of his sister, Mrs, A. Kohlbecker, Miss Rosa Haupt arrived home from Cambria county on a visit to her brother, Charles, for six weeks. A quiet wedding party assembled at Wm, Johnson's on ednesday evening, The contracting parties were the second daughter, Miss Lizzie Johnson and Mr. Wm. B. Miles gave his house, on Meth. | ] | | Tram Shirly, of Jersey Shore, Rev. Smith of the United Evangelical church offici- ating. Twenty four friends of the bride witnessed the ceremony. The principal cake for the occasion was baked by Mrs Clara Adams Many pretty presents were given the bride by her friends Dr. Sebring, on Friday, reported a case of scarlet fever ; the victim is Geo. Zim. merman’s son on Pike street Mrs. Aun Rorabangh, of Blanchard, after a visit to her brother John M. Smith, returned home on Monday. John A. Confer, of Snow Shoe, was visible on our streets on Saturday. Robt. Bierly & Sons, of this place, have almost completed a gasolene auto. mobile 6'5 horse power. Four persons can be comfortably seated to enjoy the pleasures of the trip with a speed from 3 to 30 miles per hour, It's weight is 1150 | $700, | urday evening, ibe. On Thursday afternoon they made their first trial trip on Pike street showing its speed. They began work om it 30 days ago When completed it will cost It requires one gallon of gasolene 10 make a trip of 30 miles On Friday afternoon Rev. Richard Wharton passed through a very heavy storm on this side of Lock Haven, ac companied by wind, hail, rain, with loud peals of thunder and sharp lightning The Presbyterians held a social on Sat. Considering the inclem. ency of the wheather met with a success; receipts of the evening $55.05. On Sunday a card was placed on Geo, Zimmerman's door with word “diph- theria.” Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay. Price 25 cents,