THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELL oy, PA., MAY 1901. Hanna Refuses the Impe- rial Crown, LIKE ILLUSTRIOUS CAESAR Indignant That He Should Be Named For President, PERRY HEATH IS UNPERTURBE His Chief's That Net at All Flustered by Apparent His aspired — A Ire — Little Doubt Was la the Mark Won't Refuse Plethora London Interview Feeler of Public Pulse~Perhaps the Next Tender — A of Candidates—HBryan Again on Deck Labor and Capital — The Flonee: Cnifler~Remarks on “Cossing.” As Superfinons Candidates, 8 EAaYe the covets side the stats feud came near ke and anded the iatter the Democraticparty. If Indiana's Dem ocratiec “Big Three” could have har monized their ambitions and have pulled together instead of work ing at cross purposes, all three might have reached the White House and constituted a “Hoosler dynasty” rival In history the great “Virginia dynasty,” composed of Jefferson, Mad ison and Monroe, The chances are that Fairbanks and Beveridge will undo each other. If they lock horns, the Democrats ought to carry the state In the meantime a Republican states man who cannot secure a “mention” for the presidency is a decidedly ob scure Individual Deoleful, It will be remembered that on one o« easion President Cleveland expressed bis vexation and weariness because he presidency cou had congress on his hands. There is another {llustrious statesman who has, or, rather, did legisintive body Hon, S wd B trouble, som on his h to Dole resent go f, erstw Hawn contained have, n nds wit inf eruos at loggerhen Hawallans car ated “a hap Bryan Hedivivas, » labor and Capital by ab not intin ment of disg feel for flow o e ret ently, as elegantly, did « or Carmack, but 1 put the remarks delivered in the eral Frank P follows ed the ser 111 sensible n ng lachryme ng prodigal as fin as eloquently, as ther Grigg» idea Into my) house on Gen Feb. 4, 1800, Blair, ns Lately we have heard » about a reunited try 1 Appomation men are accounted men and philanthe quently declare 1) deal of eloquer two years after orators, pists because they gra st at last the time has arrived 10 bury the snimonities of the civil war in » grave upon whose headstones shall be Inscribed, Ne Resurrection.” 1 would pot detract even In the estimation of a hair from the fame of these eleventh hour pacificateors. 1 humbly and fer vently thank Almighty Ged that the country I» reunited When 1 Jock Info the faces of my Hitle oil dren, my heart swells with ineflable pride to vast "ny Males | think that they of this great republi one and indivisible, w h is destin are citizen d not for a for a time Y h will fuer (Cussing is land h erhaps he It that eredit | CIng he Rainsford vd £4 Does he meant these wort Swear he had gi heed to that clear « mand, he uld not have been forced by a decent respect for the opinion mankind apologize for his cuss words. Despite his apology, did not Rev. Dr. Rainsford dishonor his eall ing, so far as in him lay, In swearing fn the first place? thereby get Has New Testa: what he Jesus of Naza: 1 when he not at all’ roes the believe that so, did ‘ think wl \ Nites to The Qu Mr | What She May iy (Goal and the Goal of Marriage Maternity. of Love is Marriage is A young man When THR NEXT STEP preparation is to How To Gain Flesh Persons have been known to gain a pound a day by taking an ounce of SCOTT'S EMUL. SION. It is strange, but it often happens. Somehow the ounce produces the pound; it seems to start the digestive machinery going prop- erly, so that the patient is able to digest and absorb his ordinary food, which he could not do be- fore, and that 1s the way the gain is made. A certain amount of flesh necessary for health; if you have not got it you can get it by taking Qeolr's [Fmalsion You will find it just as useful in summer as in winter, and if you are thriving upon it don't stop because the weather is warm. sor, aod $roe, al) OTT & BOWNE, Che MONEY TO LOAN In large and small quantities on [4 i drug gists ts, New York approved security, Farms for sale. Real estate bought and sold. W. 6. SUNKLE, Att'y, Crider Exchange. Bellefonte, PROFESSIONAL « sr ANGLER, Attor Re Distriet HEINLF Att han ie man and Eng JOHN MM. KEICHLIN Justioe of the Pend { rt ney al distri Prompt MEYER OWER, Att J block Pract) lish and Germans J. H. WETZEL, Attorney al Crider's Exchange, Epeeial en to surveving and engineer WILLIAM J. SINGER, Temple Court building, floor ORVIS BOWER & ORVIN «in Praner's bullding, PFrae courts, German and English F. CORIUK, Crider's Exchange courts Ww Attorney atl n all the cour IAW Attorney al-law room No. 3 Atte Practices ft RDA. [E) OfMee In attention giv ng TY fourth ANeYSAL IAW, tices in all the nd floor all the AW in EY A Si! KEEL! BOX 594 > HARRISBUR NE wi y Fubsissed NSTI | SURE nt RG.PA Cunts ALL Damn and Deve ApoicTions NEw MAMAGE NY ala RAILROAD SCHEDULE. YLVANIA EAILROAD - BRANCHES f r Nos ey J wi Lock Haven a i ‘ neet Nos. 2 mr ! State Coliege State ( ege pect with Penns road at Belisfoute for points eastand wast F.H. Tuomas Supt Caveats, and Trade Marks obtained and all Par ent bus nest conducted for Mooemare Fees Oum Orrick (8 OprosiTE U, 8. PATERY Orrice we Can we LB in Joss tue than Lhose wit h deacrip t. free of od. tomy ng or photo, if parenstalie or ¥ Our fee nt doe t patent is we “ How to Uta Patents,” with wt e in the U, 5. and foreign countries free, Addrewm, ‘C.A.SNOW& CO. Ove, PATENT QFncE, WARISTOR, 14] Sd BARA 4 TRADE. BES x \ ’ amo y (LA » } ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY FREE Notion in “In is secured. “en, hur gm, * PAMERLEY, Book “How to Onasyes ne moderate. Nov foe Hn £6 SIGERS, Patent Lau