8 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, MAY 16, 1901. The Racket. Ton-o-phones, ! § | = ( p | I {ammo Cresco C if Ww sl of Wn Friday Mrs A racatedqd Mattie Fye mu { into the Rush Quick house Dy Having cut out the stock of logs, the saw mill at Dry Tortugas, has shut down for this season of week A "gang sies visited our town ring the They were supplied ith their usual paraphernalia and made a thorough canvass of the town, as is their custom Clayton Lucas, of Altoona, visited friends here on Monday fa Huntingdon county where to engage in the saw mill John and James as left here on Tuesday fur they expect business, Whooping Cough 1 A woman who has had exp this 4 how to danger say " cough } ! ut ww hoy bed erience with prevent any i y 01 yhe children took whooping sense, tells HA ConMm ences from if Lar inrees ng on givit iv thes . and can h than other childre \ J i : Mn us this ret would call sti between w hoops Ala | Is Spring ville, WIRACY Some men are so accomplished that they can speak six languages, and yet sot be able to tell the truth in one, Coburn. | | ML SAry he gets hungry Poe Mills. senhath, of Lot Joseph R with Howard E Sober weicome vim Mrs visiting Delong WAS A nour town ler, of Greenbriar, was her aunt Mrs. Samuel john Delong and visiting at GG. B at Coburn sister Mabe were Shaffer's on Tuesday, It was 50 stormy that the roofof D. T Raymon's house was blown off A young son and Mm. G. M We are sorry Wo sletier ia very ame to the home of Mr Johnson that G. D. Ker pacumonia “ay with Henry Eisenhuth plowing in dass of Ingleby, was busy the last our town for few The black this vear Mrs. Hat IM ing with her b Ks ka are very plenty heim is erstetier S¢ Rheumatism teen Years After Four of Sullering atic Cured : i have matism for Fdgar, of (wx ab I tried every last was told wa Th stantly sufferad thing I could hear of and at to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which | did and was immediately relieved and in a short time cared, and I am happy to say it has not since return. ed.” Why not use this liniment and get well? It is for sale by Green's Pharmacy. ¢ tobe around it con Aaronsburg. of Washinj ff M yw IK at Bair th a CAY hate Ihe casket au Hhouqgue! } AD le Miss his parents ations, the gift o He 18 sus 1 by one sister } Interment was made in the Evangelical cemetery While sympathi with the grief stricken parents in this sad bereavement [in the loss of their darling child, we should not | that of such the Kingdom Cond and we rget { Heaven is Sober. Alice Lingle came home from Lewis burg to vist her parents Mrs. Frank Miller is on the sick The rain was good but it made it late for some people to put out their corn ist Rose Alexander went to Coburn to visit her sister over Sunday Mrs Auman’s one Nettie Tharp made a call at ; day last week lice Everett, from Lewisburg, is here visiting her parents Aunie sister her Jennie, (3, Aumian’'s on Sun anda Auman parents " Spring Mills Mr. and Mra, M, I. Duck, of Spring Mills, left last week for New York city where they will attend the graduation of | their son Elkanah, from the Theological | Seminary. They will daughther Blaoch, of the same city. also visit their . Linden Hall. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold laxatis Bromo-Uuit Gay one Roland. Irvin Bathurst day with his father Wil of Tyrone, spent Sun Foreman Bellefonte this week Hams was in Rev. Bogg, of Howard, will deliver the address here on memorial day Orlanda Bryan, who has been seriously Il, we are glad to say is improving Mrs. Cora Fulton, nee Neff, and very interesting baby, visited her home over Sunday Rev. A. P. Wharton passed through outlown on his way to attend] the funera of Teathers The ladies of the M. E. church going to hold a festivel in the band ha on Saturday May h for benehit of church repair HKvery person cordially invited The olwery Are proceeds of this © YEA ARB ny Much credit success of the ta Williams Epworth ed league 1th evening the Miss Be their en Sunday the tainment their for eniey ng unos Ix leader Quite an exciting seehe was wilnes people Saturday Siw ran down two small boys with their fishing poles on their shoulders (the boys we mean The boys had been fishing, and made a fire to warm and burned an old vacated house hy sone of out ii] stalwart policemen Correspondents continued on page | RHEUMATIC WARPED LIMBS. To suffer the the us f I and to have the and disfigured is the lot Jost exer f the 1 ns Are ¥ y 16 KIDNE A Y yp viel ¢ wiating pains of W. -LIVER to lose | ney nim swe rhe rh the cause of rhe >» ER. CHA Q Vv or Pilla re rheumatism perms. kidneys active In thelr wm the blood, runson Btrest, i Wo praise tell what nany years kid th 1 tried i fr 0s 1 ry gin F'S 2 PILLS. ALL HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE AT “THE GLOBE’ means ¢ x saving of 50c¢. to ’ $1.50 on your Millinery purchases 106 61006 Katz & Go Limited... Bellelonte