THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. MAY 16, 1901, ‘ Mr, Babcock Is Learning a Few Things. NO PLACE FOR REFORMERS. Trust Ridden Republican Party | Has No Use For Them. ROD BEING Assertion Made That He Will Be Forced to Resign as Chairman ol the Republican ( ongressional Com mittee and Also Lose His Place on the Wass and Means Committ Washington Post Ahead Cleveland=The Sees Breakers Tom Johnson's Fight In President's Wan ing—Harvard’'s Nonsense, an of the CONErens Washingt ily the cha tem, and propos theoret managers will make it equally appa ent that the party does not chai the trusts or big commercial com! tions, and It does not propose to all the two things to become involved in the pet issue It has even been sug gested that this attitude means pos tively that there will be no tariff res sion during the present administration No man in public life today Is better in formed on such questions than res dent McKinley; no man in publie if: is In closer touch with the commercia conditions existing here and abron and the president has decided agai tariff changes In the next congres while the managers of the party see very strong reasons why, If th is to be a change in the tariff sc ules, it should come early In the ministration, If a tari change © seriously considered, it would be wish to have it in full operation Ix the next presidential election majority In congress will not at! tariff changes unless the necessity a re this pe ple I he ' + 0 go eal idea of revision } it 18 much more apparent than at pres ent “1f Mr. Babeock o I'he Hog Tariff View where “Even wit! { the right wa will have 1 trol of the repr Divided on the question of antit tariff legislation, they will be routed There you are of the internecine war now on In the camp of the high tariff propagandists the radicals led by The Globe Democrat and Mr Sereno EB. Paym the moderates led by Mr, Babeock and the Washington Post It's a very pretty fight as it stands There Is an old saying to the effect that when certain persons get at log gerheads honest men get thelr dues Out of this tariff war may come son relief to the people from being plunde ed by the tariff barons and the trusts Tom Johnson, Is history about to repeat Itself? The Republican city council of Cleve land is doing its everlasting best-un wittingly and purblindly, of course to bring about that result. Tom Johnson is the Democratic mayor and proposes esentatiy I'here are both sides Chalrman various reforms falrs of that g vit city by { lake | ol i n to Op { in conducting Th) | ’ } IHean kson, and every! eneral Jackson, aml it w that you refer twithstanding we four other “Staonewn r granted n [4] oe OF Genet ne of whom rid with his acclaim Ti was a marvelous soldier. So the go i) people of Harvard might as well have saved themselves all thelr worry for the people know President MeKinley and Malor McKinley and don't want sim disguised as Dr. McKinley, ee Wi ——————— SII Abend, Automoblle-We are vastly superior to you horses, Horse-—-Oh, 1 don't know, When we roll over, we get up all right. When you roll over, you have to send for a plumber. ~Chicago Record Herald, Will 0° The Wisp. WOMEN WHO ARE LED A- STRAY BY MISCHIEV- OUS MARSH FIRES. SAAALAAAAALAAAAEIR A Etat kebab ad bide Ald ehbbAALALALALAAALAACALALAAAAAALALALALAAAL TTT YTTTY THE THREE QUALITY STYLE 3 n EASE AND COMFORT THE FLORSHEIM t ho s the b THE FLORSHEI SHOE ......FOR MEN...... Bh Ah hh hh hh hh hh AA A hh A Mb ES ( [STTTTTTVRPRTHTFFRvETER RE “¢ MODEL SHOE STORE, TEMPLE COURT. BELLEFONTE. MONEY TO LOAN | Garman’s Empire House In large and small quantities on approved security. Real estate bought and sold. W. 6. RUNKLE, Att'y, Crider Exchange. Bellefonte, BEEZER'S MEAT MARKET ALLEUNENY ST. BELLEFONTE. FA We keap none but the best quality of All Kinds of Smoked Meat, Pork Sausage, ste If you want a nice Juley Steak go to PHILIP BEEZER. Farms for sale. | MAIN STRERT, TYRONE, PA. AL. 85. GARMAN, Prepriter, Rverything new, clean and inviting : | Special pains will be taken to entertain Centre county people when traveling i» that section. Centre County Banking Co. * Corner High and Spring Sireeis, REcRive Derosirs | Discount NoTes JM. BRUGGERT Cashier, BAILROAD SCHEDULE, NIA i BRANCH I it : strubie Hioomesdont Fine Grove Trains from Moriandor Htamsport, Look Have: with train Nos ' Trains from Ratiroad at Be A LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE Combines perfect local ser vice with the advantages ing from all Subscribers om Long Distance From a commercial stand wint the telephone yields Il ofits the invest. ment than anything else in the world. on As a household equipment its value cannot be estimated. The rates are moderate, CENTRAL PENNA. TELEPHONE & SUPPLY COMPANY. YOO OOOO RAILROAD ANI { 8 ra SYNOD ARERR .