THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., MAY 16, 5 HAPPENINGS ABOUT TOWN The Local News Compiled During the Week BRIEFLY TOLD IN A FEW LINES | fovements of Our People— Personal Mention, Society Events— What Has Transpired Worthy of Men tion—Short Paragraphs ev, Diehl, and li Was a pleasa Monday w wa wie The while r. M the plant under the annoyance A thing | than fish was tation of such influence | tions are hereby cold weather the past week ht ‘ » effect of helping the grass. of your job printing We would like to have at least some LEGAL INTELLIGENCE | , pastor of the M. E How about that Soldier Monument Gathered from the Various Offices About abbath evening delivered | Committee hat is what the public is | the Court House of God, which re and convincing sermon | somewhat concerned about | | ) | Holloway, ttention from a large f hi both morning and evenin y Ou can see the “Man hie home the i al IWEernor Hastings Mi Receiver of Tax * opera house 1 Fri | urday evenings Three hund [| | are in the cast of Philadelphia, and a ; } oh ‘an-American’’ means that which rankle ator David Martin, | . LE I i | 18 to North and South America «11a al Lonald lhe Man in the 3 : Man in the Moon," | American Exposition means to em udy, providing you | brace all countries on the western hemis mn Friday or Sat | phere. | There is a good oy | During t ast w days the com | oners have been holding the appeals who atten | seated lands for | 4 i } ' . r Bi ¥ nt 1] at ; ; ‘ : ¢ : Ie As Iolilowis artis | Al Hographs to | Butter, pe pound 2 IC | eng pes . : ) 1 00 per dozen dating from dozen oes, per bushel 6510 75 the xchange C July 15th. Moore Studio | ™PArRgus, per bunch ioc ; spinach, per ; ) 1 L} - made ide hange, Belle ’ | peck 20c ; rhubarb, per bunch sc; onions, ge, Bellefonte, Pa, | per bunch ! At F. more purchase n TERMA.N EE ——————————— a ———— > It's a Short Road from that Don t NCL it “ Shiloh’s «Consumption Cure when vour cold appears. nr Pl “ ow ventiot ounce of prevention “11 better than years of 11INCSS, / ently er paris of cast and Lies = ¢ grontest of Y Shiloh’s Consanmp re is sold by all rdruggists at 28e, , $1.00 & bottle A rated § arantee go . bottle f you are not satisf K ; ruggiet and get your mone) Write f PUBL I( {DD COLI MN MARKED] Bellefonte wing prices Ae for grain Rod w= at por Bushee! old Red Wheat per bushel, new Rye, por bushel. Carn, shelled per bushel, old Rariey por Sushel...... Oats por bushel...