Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 02, 1901, Image 8

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MAY 2, 1901
The Racket. =
mand now.
and painting
very much de-
His forte is paper hanging
at which he quite an
New For This Week.
Ladies’ Dongola, Patent
Leather Tip for 98 CENTS,
lowest usual price $1.50. Old |
Ladies’ Lace, Comfort Shoes,
EE width, for same price.
Men's Lace Dongola, Patent
Leather Tip, English Back
Stay, Late Style; a nicedressy
shoe, PRICE $1.70, regularly
sold at $2.50.
China Annex.
52 sets Toilet Ware, Big Bar-
gains, prices $1.69 to $7.00.
Dress Goods Dep't.
New Line, all over Laces, and
Wave Insertions, in Arabian
'Squire Brruey Shipley has been "un
| der the weather’ for days past,
| but is convalescing
Mrs. Julia Stover, nee Keatley, of
Philipsburg, is visiting at the home of her
parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Keatley.
Johnnie Keichline and sister, Miss
Daisy, made a flying visit to their uncle,
John C. Wagner, on Sunday.
a few
Jas. B. Stere, junior member of the firm
of H M. & J. B. Stere, has severed his
connection with that firm and has gone
to Patton to clerk in the store of his uncle,
Otto Brady
“Peck'' Griest, of Galitzin, is home on
a visit to his parents, at this place.
The ‘‘thumpians’’ were out again in
full force on last Thursday night. This
time it was to serenade David Keatley
and his pretty bride, Maggie Keatley,
pee Hall, who were married on that
day. We join with their many friends in
wishiog them a happy and prosperous
journey through life,
We are glad to announce that the
Union Hote! at this place will, in a few
days, be occupied by our farmer friend,
John H. Stover, of Union township. Mr,
Stover has all the qualities required to
make a first-class landlord; genial courte
ous, obliging, he cannot fail to please all
who will stop with him His excellent
wife, and accomplished daughter, Miss
Stella, will see that the culinary depart.
ment will not lacking for anything
necessary to please and satisfy the iune:
man. Everybody seems well pleased and
we wish them abundant success. “‘Clay-
ton'’ will furnish the wild game.
Wm 1
and Black Silk, elegant and
, of Julian, a
Gi few days ago,
a five dollar gold piece dated 1701,
ating that it was just 200 years old.
Upon the one side was stamped the big
vette of Geo. Washington and on the re-
verse side, that of Martha Washington
Now, the truthful was not born until
r12 and this gold piece was coined in
1701 Query—How did they get Wash
ington's photograph’ Is William endow
ed with the same truthful
| Geo. was
{ Ananias
Brush Valley.
O yes! O yes; here we are again
summer is here ; the people
ing garden and sowing oats
are at
proclovities as
William Bair, Tusseyville, visit.
ed his mother-in-law, Mrs. Sarah Rishel,
one day last week.
or scendant of
meandering down
heard a
As we
street a few days ago we
emanating from the x
Greist’s residence, resembling that of a
pheasant drumming with its wings then
a woman, with a 'kerchief tied over her
head, came hurridly out of the house and
quickly went back ; a voice within was
giving sharp commands ; someone went
hurriedly to the pump for a pail of
water ; the window shades and curtains
were torn down and persons seemed to
be hurrying to and fro. We began to feel
pale ; was it a suicide or murder or simp-
ly an accident ; then the thought occurred
to us, what a fine sensational item Domi
no would have for the next issue of the
Democrat when suddenly the front door
flew open and a woman came out and
started off on a run, | stopped her and
inquired what had happened ’ "Oh noth
ing,’ she replied, “I left my chil
+ YO dren by themselves and ['m afraid they
get into mischief ‘But what has hap
pened in at Mr. Griest’ inqu
“Oh nothing,’ she said “they are ciean
ing house and Miss Sallie McGarvey
bossing the job and tacking down carpet,
that's all i ef we
kept on meandering
Sadie Hazel Miss
Glantz, two of our young ladies, made
a visit in Nittany valley on last Saturday.
Mr. Meckley, from Tylersville, visited
his son Perle, who is working at Cal Rish.
el’s, last week.
Mrs. Lucy Brian and son Harvy were
back in old Brush valley to take some of
her household goods up to Mr, Klines,
where she is staying at present.
J. T. Prederick called on J. S.
one day last week to repair his clock
William Smith received some nice fruit
I.S. H. you were seen in Penns vall
again on Saturday evening
Cal Rishel and wife visited in town
ing this spr
will get a §
Yeari ttie in horse trad
ag ; be careful
Harvy said, “mow hob ich my hoy 5 I
gasaid, now will ich bo! welshcorn blon-
er red
Farmers are sowing oats as fast as
gan get it out,
A new pale fence is making its appear
ance around the new church, all
vet is a shed to tie the
horses in during
F * 1
Straw hats are in demand
seems to be almost straight ov
warm days.
The Buffaloes are
ber, in this section
Messrs. Gingerich and Jno , Of
Boalsburg, were seen in Pine Grove on
last Thursday
Mrs. David Mill
is confined to her
ady, rheumatism
“Squire” Joha A. Miller. of Rock
Springs, was down at the county seat on
last Wednesday on a business tour.
Corn plantin soon be
then next on th
the road.
T. C. Spayd went up the valley on
Sunday morning to visit his wife who is
keeping house for her father, ] .B. Ream
J. J. Omndorf and wife and Frank Ream
and wife visited their wives’ father, Geo
Spaye, who has been in poor health for
quite a while,
iS working
as the sun
on er us these
increasing ino num.
er, of Pine Grove Mills,
room with her old mal
Kate Hoy was seen going down t
road on Sunday forenoon, on a visit
R. G. Rishel went to Nittany valley to
work at the carpenter trade for Mr. Gar.
ret the builder and contractor of Rebers. H. Jackson was in this vicinity last
J Fred Meyers, our hustling agricultu.
rist and road man, wasin Tyrone on Sat-
urday, attending to business and calling
The beautiful spring days remind wus of | O8 old friends
az approaching warm summer and some
people's eyes will be ‘wee’ indeed, es-
pecially if they must venture into the sun
w do a little work, Some say, ‘I me
in the parlor I can’t stand the heat, or I
will get a sun stroke.’ Such people
should go iv an ice house and receive a
¢ool reception during warm summer days.
Our friend, David Slagle, of State
College, has returned home from an ex.
tended trip to New Enterprise, Bedford
Co., seeing his brother Ira, who runs a
creamery at that place
Miss Rebecca Lutz, of near Bellefonte,
has come to this place to spend the sum.
Last Sunday morning the Methodist
Sunday school of this place elected the
following officers and teachers: C. B
Hess, Supt ; Miles Campbell, Ass't. Supt.
Milo Campbel Bible class teacher
Thomas Gray, teacher of intermediate
class ; Ida Koch, teacher of the large pri
mary class ; Bertha Campbell, teacher of
small primary class, secretary and treas.
| urer,
We eat to live, we don't live to eat
Miss Katie Kealer, one of our estima-
ble young ladies, is visiting at Herndon,
Mrs. Hoofnagle, of Lewisburg, spent a
few days with her son, Geo. B. Shafier,
who is merchant and an up-to-date busi
sess man, of Coburn,
Sometimes a mother would sooner
marry her daughter's lover, than the
daughter would, if she dared. It reverses,
sometimes ; this is no joke.
Mrs. Eliza Stover is visiting at Bell.
wood, this week.
FP. G. Hosterman and N. D. Hoster.
man expects to take in the Buffalo I x po- Henry Witherit has improved his house
sition, sometime during the summer, | by putting on a new roof.
Jacob Hazel and wife, of Spring Mills, Mrs. Aunie Lucas, of Wingate, made a
sourned at the home of Eph. Bartholo- | short visit among friends here,
mews, on Saturday. Harry Boob, of Johnsonburg, was seen
Scribe of High valley, you make good | in Runville last Sunday
sour things concerning “spooks,” and | aqgeq James Smoyer and family, Butts
you shall receive your reward accord. Station, are visiting her sister, Miss
ugly. {'w Le Smoyer,
JJrvin Kearns and Wm. Wert came | poy A.B. Poorman, of Jersey Shore
ome from Patton, is visiting her parents at this place.
| A party of neighbors surprised Mr,
Wolf's Store. | and Mrs. James S Lucas at his home on
{the 20th uit, it being his birthday.
son. | Many presents were received and very
much appreciated by both.
| The spring is late and the farmers are
{ just sowing their oats,
B. W. Shafer and wife from Madi
burg, and W, J. Kreider's Sundayed with
J. K. Hosterman's.
Henry Meyer and wife were to Penns He Learned a Great Truth.
valley over Sunday visiting It is said of John Wesley that he once
Cephas Sheatz, who works on a farm | said to Mistress Wesley
pear Belefoute, was home over Sunday. | tell that child the sume thing over and
About une week more sawing will fin joves 8 a, d | ""John Wesley, because
ih Pinkle’s lumbering on G. W. Hoster- jane $0 A suo i") i Roe
Jury tract. Bob says, “noach a mole {and again that Chamberlain's Cough
: Remedy cures colds and gnp; that it
Ph ive Brusgan attending court | counteraets any tendency of these diseas-
is week as a juror.
es 10 result in pneumonia, and that it is
Our up-to-date “talker,” Jerome Brun.
leasant and safe to take. For sale by
gart, has raised the price of wire to seven yreen's Pharmacy.
cents a pound.
Harter Bro's moved their steam saw
mill on G. B. Haines’ tract last week.
Some women divide their time between
prayer meetings avd bargain sales.
“Why do you |
dam Grenoble, 1
mn Spring
visited her daughter,
Mrs. J. H.
| tate College Tues
| day to attend the funeral of their
{ Benjamin Beaver,
| Moyer.
Andy Zettle and wife, from Penn Hall,
spent Saturday and Sunday at the home
of G
Mrs. G. M. Cooney and two daughters
Mary and May, are visiting at Spring |
Mills and Penn Hall
Miss Sallie Commings is spending sev
eral weeks with her Mrs. Chas
Mr. and Mrs, P. B. Jordon spent Thurs-
day last at the home of Mrs. Jordon's!
sister, J] S. Houseman's,
J. J. lordon intends to
delphia in a few mouths,
ieave for Phila
James Farner was a pleasant guest at |
Squire Houseman's on Sunday.
Steward Jordon and Jacob Royer, left]
on Sunday afternoon for Laurel run |
were they are working on a lumber job
Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Weaver and Mrs
Harvey Barner, from near Centre Hill, |
and Miss Annie Corl, a handsome and
very accomplished music teacher from
Pleasant Gap, all spent Friday evening |
very pleasantly at the home of Squire J. |
S. Houseman, the evening being devoted |
to vocal and instrumental music |
Miss Edna Ishler, from Tusseyville, is |
at present making her
grandmother, Mrs. Julie
feeble health
Jonas 5. Boal made a narrow escape
one day last week while working ou Hu
yett's saw mill. He was caught by the
lineshaft and whirled around it, tearing
his clothing from his body and seriously
injuring hip, although very fortunate in |
not breaking any bones By the aid of |
crutches he is able be about. |
who i
Musser's auction, on Saturday eve-
was attended,
was there on
well immense
dry goods being especially numerous
Colyer's Mills band has practice now
every Satur |
of their nut |
ing the
lay evening, because so many
nber are
away working dur
week !
stone at
SOW ADY more
Moyer finished
he is planting his
ind Henry up early
ut early with his crops
harvest —early the whole
i, which means enough to eat.
in the morning
and early to
year aroun
Squire J. 8 Houseman preached to a
large audience in the Zion Evan. church,
on Sunday evening.
Miss Mary Moyer is taking a course in
instrumental music, being instructed by
Miss Sadie Dorman, from Zion, who is}
teaching a class throughout our commu
| Rishel,
andall Musser
with his parents here
H. Mingle,
ting his
of State Lolieg
of Mackeyvrille,
aged mother
len years ago.
friend eft here
Alexander so her
the east end of
ng housed
to house
by Mr
Robert |. Smith's have gone
keeping the house vacated
on Penn street
Abraham Kessler Bellefonte, |
on Monday
Mrs. W
sometime wi
ing much
Michael Hess, of Haines township, |
brought his fat cattle to town on Monday |
J. P. Kreamer, of Rebersburg bad |
business in town on Tuesday
Rev. Buck and daughter, Laura, re-|
turned from a visit to Lewisburg, Berwick
and Nescopeck, on Friday
W. K. Alexander was to Bellef
Abe King had sold his mare to
Thos. Walker, of Rebersburg , she was |
too much of a high kicker for Thomas,
so he brought her back and paid him |
$5 oo for the experiment in trying the |
kicker |
wa nu
th 4
ia a
k for
has been
ropsy and is not
onie on
Spige!myer, the merchant, m ved the |
postoffice and store into his new room on
Penn street, this week
Dan. Moyer, from Berks county, is|
here buying corn and fat cattle
Neither Frank S. Royer or Harry Hoy |
answered the description of the party
who tried to pass the creamery checks at |
the Penns valley bank
Daniel Eisenhuth, of Haines township, |
had business in town on Tuesday
Madisonburg. |
All the farmers are sowing their oats
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Carris returned |
bome from a visit to Beech Creek.
Dr. W. G. Eisenhardt 1s busy every |
| day attending his many patients.
Harry 8S. Rishe! and Edwin Hazel, two
enterprising young carpenters left for
| Windber on Monday morning.
| Arthur Rachau and Jacob Frank left
| for Centre Hill on Momday, where they
| obtained employment,
Leister Douty with wife and children,
visited his brother, William on Monday.
Rev. Wetzel preached avery able ser.
mon in the Reformed church on Sunday
Boyd Hazel is sporting a new bicycle.
On Monday evening W. E. Keller with
Dr. Rsenhardt and some others caught
two bear cubs on the mountain north of
Madisonburg, William Mauck took pos-
session of one and the Dr, of the other’
| No one was hurt except the Doctor who
| received a bite in the thumb,
| Most of the sick are recovering at this
| Wm. Slegel began work on Douty's
| saw mill near Rebersburg.
Russel Schrack general assistant of
Wm. Wolfe, of Booneville, was deliver.
ing fruit trees in this vicinity on Satur
Mr. and Mrs. Adam VYearick, of La
mar, visited the home of their daughter,
Mrs. W. KE. Yearick,
An angry person in an argument re.
sembles a cripple in a foot race,
M. Cooney.
reasonable prices.
| past several weeks, but
| secretary, of Bellefonte Council
| band, J
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beaver,
Mrs, Sam. Beaver and Mrs
of this place, were to 5
urd and wife, of Bellefonte
last with friends and relatives
Miss Catherine Frank,
has engaged an experienced trimmer,
Miss Nellie Smith, whose ability well.
known in this section, and Miss Frank
is now prepared to serve the
the latest styles of
in town
our }
millinery goods at
Give her a call
Cashier Wm. Mingle and son, Gross,
{of Centre Hall, were in town on Sunday
| to visit Mr. Mingle's aged mother,
The mountains were swarming with
people on Sunday, who were in search
trailing arbutus The day
and was really the first warm day t
was perfect
| Spring.
Miss Catherine
week in Millheim
Ed. Wolfe, Wolfe's
teacher of our intermediate school,
his grahdfather, H. H. Weaver,
day evening
of Siore, former
After spending a few weeks
parents, on North 20d street, Miss Mar
garet Kiener returned to State Coliege,
one day last week
with her
Former merchant, Harry Philips, visit
ed his daughter at Allentown a few days
last week, where she)
Mrs. Thos
the house
attending college
Harper has been coofined
with rheumatism for the
at this writing
we are glad to state, she is improving
Will is quite often seen at the upper:
end of town inspecting fences for certain
residents, Particularly is
in one near the Reformed
that they
are kept in good sh
Oak Hall.
$s Anna M
ntion at Mi
George Meyer, of Centre
eSDUrg, «
lay visitor in town
th spen
Edwin K. Smi {
urday with his pare
George Ha!
here, recently
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
burg, drove through
in town
rs. Mr
own, on
Uriah Evey, of Lauvertown, {ransa
business in town, on Monday.
when F.
Last Thursday cvening A
Halderman, of Centre Furnace and Wm
of this place, were returning
om Linden Hall the axle of their
| buggy broke causing them to be thrown
Mr. Rishel was hurt by the fal
T ylersville.
near Reading
perty, now
aad 1% ili sk
jam who
raed out
the Beck
was recenlly
has purchased
*d by Ben
uns at
the valiey
Sugar valley are abla
Moses ( werdorf, of |
{ Greeanbe
- '
Prompt Payment of Insurance
John C. Bair, regent, and Chas. Smith,
Royal Ar
| canum, paid Monday to Mrs. Aikens §3 -
00, being the amount of insuranoe Car.
| ried in that organization by her late hus-
A. Aikens. As it has been only
| about two weeks since the death of Mr
Aikens it shows great promptuess on the
part of this society in paying death
tence for about
council has been in exis
10 years, and has now a
membership of over 80 and is composed
of our leadidg citizens and busines men,
who recognize the fact that it is the cheap-
est insurance that can be had
The Royal Arcanum bas
of over 240.000, in the United States,
a member.
with a surplus of cash in the treasury of
$1,500,000, and is the only fraternal or.
ganization in the United States with one
of in-
dollar of assets. And in amouni
surance in force it ranks with the largest
companies in our country, and no com
pany pays its death losses more promptly.
Entertained a Judge Unaware
A hotel license was granted to John
Alego, of Three Tuns, a new applicant
in Montgomery county. Several months
ago a judge of the courts visited the
hotel on a Sunday, and the proprietor,
who did not know the judge, invited him
into the bar room, where a number of
men were drinking. The judge gave
the proprietor to understand that be
was not a fit person to conduct a hotel,
and intimated that it would be useless
for him to apply for a renewal of his
Mr. Alego.
Forest Fires.
Forest fires are raging all through the
section west of lock Haven and great
clouds of smoke rise from behind the | prices.
mountains where the woods are blazing.
Along the Beech Creek railroad east of
Clearfield the woods are on fire on both
gides of the tracks.
In the neighborhood of DuBois the
flames have spread rapidly during the
past few days. Fire in the mountains | Straight front Corsets
north of Tyrone, Tuesday, destroyed 800 | © 4 polka-dot Hose ..
railroad ties and greatly damaged young |
A Queer One.
Several bills were introduced In the | oo ore in our advertisements
Wisconsin Assembly recently. The
queerest was that by Mr, Young, of Bau
Claire, which provides that after Janu.
ary 1, 1go4 railway companies shall
equip their trains with devices that will
keep them on the track after derail.
McDowell, all
Myra Burd, of Snow Shoe, spent Sunday
ladies with
The man then sold the place to |
Ther s a Rapidly Increasing Volume
Bellefonte Evidence Rolling up for the
Great Medicine Dr. A, W
excursion tickets
of the Pan- American E
ve Pills agara l
It im May
Chase x posi
1901, the regular
jon tickets to all the principal sum.
east of Pittsburg and Buffalo
be placed on sale at ticket offices of
Ing marked benefit
this medicine in p "
3 sylvan)
A WEAN I 5 1 "ee
These Li
a Rallroad Company
will bear the ual sum
mit of October 11,
Nigara Falls tickets
urn until
o are |
pe us
of every place y iif
ursion li
ept that the
*K yd
The Pennsy
n route
it time since they
Oday they are
Oo re November
eliefonte ped ) 3 sovember
ned 5 | i
vania HKaliroac
book for Gol
heretofore, on June
Epworth League Convention
International Epworth
ill be held in
San Francisce
a men 0
harge of the
be pleased
Hey G
yumittee and
part of the
wer any it
Lown, 1Der
to ans with
’ '
0 the tours
Your Spring
look much better i
1 1 *
are enclosed 1
We are showing the most per-
fect fitting and graceful Shoes
to be found in any market.
The icathers aré right---the
lasts are right---the toe shapes
are right. We have just the
Shoe embellish the
gown---moderate prices,
Any size or any width. Come
and see the new shapes.
to new
hy N
wan g
styles of
. 4
Pr cca
regularly a at The Globe
Remnants in this department at more than half ongmnai
for millinery buyers this week. Its in
A big surprise in store
; : assertion, and remember,
Your fault if you don't investigate this
All Hats Trimmed Free of Charge at The Clobe.
BOC Arabella Belts, keeps waist down and pre.
vents skirt sagging 250
front Hose Bupporters lor wo-
ise ...50c & 2B
Black drop-stiteh Home men
We want your confidence. We must be
to gain the one and keep the other. Just
al master and sce if we are not.
We want your trade.
make this a person
The Globe
Katz & Go