THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., APRIL 25, 1901, CORRESPONDENTS’ DEPARTMENT Happenings About Centre County Briefly Fold by A CORPS OF ABLE WRITERS Our Alert Correspondents Note Many Important Events in Different Lo calities—What is Transpiring Your Section Represented ? Is Boalsburg. Edward Rupp returned home from Altoona on Thursday where he had been employed by the P. R. R, for the past few months Katie “he glad to get home that he came in past their place so as to shorten the home ward route Messrs. Emmet Linden Hall, spen at the home of Jodon, Miss Strobm, present spending friend Miss Maud ust east of town, Miss Gertrude spent last Satur [rene Segner, says was so Guy Brooks, of 1ys last week Mrs. Cora and t afew d heir igtey Sistet Homan, lay with her frien Rev. Schuyler Hall, spent among his mis severa ing this place. Holy Comn brated in Sunday f the P renoon Jacob Weber is at present laid a severe attack of 1h Miss Maud Kimport, spending the winter wit Will Wagner, of Alto on Friday. Messrs Alma Gingeri an John Bricker, two of our i young men, spent last Thursday in Pine The spring term the Boalsburg Normal opened last Monday with Prof |. C. Bryson as principal, and D. K Mothersbaugh ass’t. Namber of stud. ents enrolled 28, representing Zion, A xe. mann, Pine Grove, State College, Shingle town, Linden Hall and Lemont. ANNUAL CONVENTION :(—The annual convention of Harris Township S. S Association was held in the Presbyterian church at Boalsburg, on Thursday even- ing April 18th, The convention was called to order by the Pres’t Rev G. W. Leisher, pastor of the Lutheran church. Owing to the the regular secretary Miss Jennie Hunter, Miss Annie Sweeny was elected secretary protenu The mi umatism who has been LsTOVve ot t 1991 absence of remarks ! struction, where together i tendent hip some few remarks about the the Sunday sc hoo Next ports of the different schools of the ship, by Rev. A. A. Black County Associat the election of officers. A 1 made and 1 that the old of with of the town seconded ficers be re-elected for the ensuing year Next was an address Rev of Centre Hall, on “The Sabbath School Teachers’ Source of Power,” in which many useful helps and suggestions were given to the S. S. teachers. This was followed by some remarks by Rew Hepler on Normal In Then a by Schuyler, instruction, motion was made and seconded that the president make an effort to establish a meeting in which the teachers would be instructed in the lessons. Then a note of thanks was given to Rev. Schuyler for his excellent address; the meeting then adjourned by singing, ‘More about Jesus” and a short prayer and pronoun ing of the benediction by Rev. A. A Black. N Oak Hall. Miss Blanche Kaup, of Axemann, spent last week with her grandmother, Mrs Wm. Kaup. Mr. and Mrs. John Musser, of Pine Grove Mills, spent Wednesday in town, Mr. spent the day fishing. Miss Luella Ross, of Linden Hall, was the guest of her friend, Miss Dolly Loue- barger, on Wednesday. Henry Raymond and Roselle Dale, of the Branch, are visiting at the home of their grandmother, Mrs. Henry Dale Mrs. J. G. Irvin and Mrs. Henry Dale, visited at State College, on Tuesday They were the guests of Mrs. Wm. Foster, Wm. Fry bas purchased a buggy. Miss Nellie Holter, of Howard, expects to spend the summer in town She ex pects to learn dressmaking with Miss Anna Kaup. Miss Izora Rupp, of Boalsburg, spending this week, at Sunny Hillside Potter Twp. fine new is Alex M'Coy shipped a carload of cat. tie to Philadelphia last week, and dis posed of them at good prices. There ls much sickness generally in this township, and doctors are busy ; some of those ill are Mr, Stonebraker, Mr. Evans; Mr. McClenphan Is poorly ; MraAlexander, Mrs, Edward ill with typhoid fever ; Mrs. Mary Long, Mary Farner, Floray, rheumatism, Lucas are | Mrs. Julia Ishler, | Ay Unionville. Miss Carrie Delong, the charming daughter of James I. Delong, of Kagle- t ville, is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. John C, Wagner, Mrs. Dr. Russell has, in her conserva- | tory of flowers and shrubbery, a lemon {tree four or five feet in height upon | which are a half dozen or more fine large, fully developed lemons, semi-green, just approaching maturity, It is a beautiful sight worth going out of one’s way to see. The talk of a new railroad to be loca ted in this valley and touching our city is again agitated by our railroad men, the terminals of which are not yet known, but it was hinted they would be Beech Creek and Clearfield, John Cadwallader will take a vacation the latter part of this week and visit his brother Clyde, at East Braddock, Pa If there is an elephant to be seen out there you can gamble on Ld it that John will see ¢ a number of tramp } robust , great hungry "ng, looking J uit burly, strong, have town and vicinity and "a fellows, been infesting out imposing upon our char itably disposed citizens past We think we ought to them t Liou thats what they want r th during the week sometimes give uj DOS Mrs. | rd Ca he ‘cold filliams and th of "Farmer" Al “Fa-so-la County their tri role of a ‘‘Saldier board of pose of hearing comp the tax payers and Huston 1 assessments ( the town 1d smoke houses lock Among the citi necessary kept their ed during zens of Huston have the valuation of thei ing ed or otherwise were, Ex-treasurer Ino Q. Milesand Ex-sherif W. M. Cron john Q. said, “because I Had to gather acorns in the fall to keep my bh gs alive over winter, was no that should reduce the valuation of my It is Sheriff Cron It is true es more briars and mallen they ia ister reason 1st as good as 1, “that the Sheriff rais ! sta'ks to the acre than I can, but I waut you to un derst ina mbie as his ) and [ want it raised sc ompare IAKES men great The trout catch; there this town opened with a fine brought nol trout caught Prof Gramley and wife, of Reber burg, stopped with his brother T. M Gramiey, for a night, on his way to the county seat Cason were over 200 never a nner Those who visited Smith Br furni ture store and purchased furniture in the past week were: Eliz Rickert, Clark Bible, Potters Mills; G. B. Haines and Prof. Gramley, of Rebersburg Ww Secrist, Millheim , Ira Bartley, Thomas Decker, Al. Bradford, A C. Dunlop, of this place G. B. Haines and lady, of Rebersburg, were seen in town » Cs Eve was invited to an apple gathering | and discovered she tad nothing to wear it has been the same with her sex ever | since. Good. | Andrew Corman will soon commence to build his wall for his new house : there will be more building this summer, in this place than there has been for years The man who wants the earth invari. , bly gets it when he dies The students going to school here from a distance Wm. B. Kuhn, Chas. Fish burn, H. Edison Woomer and W. W Womer, Bellefonte: A. L Bowersox, Rock Springs ; H. Bruce Wasson, Wad die; H. Guyer Rumberger, Hublersburg; Williams, Port Matilda: H. G Hoover, Grace Vallimont, Pine Glenn Mamie Delong, Romola Harry Burk holder, W. C. Burkholder, 8. Sharer Vera Grove and Morris Des ker, Centre Hill ; Chas. Musser and C. W Kreamer, Woodward, A. S. Limbert, Madison burg, John Blauser, Potters Mills: Morris Long, Harry Hagan, Clay ton Stover, Mervin Homan, Farmers Mills ; Warren Corman, Randall Harter, Geo. Musser, Stuart Harter, Cobumn ; Harry Haines, Aaronsburg : Dwight Wolf, Rebersburg ; Clyde Hoover, Flem. ing ; Silas Strunk, Maude Wagner, Pot. ters Mills; C. K. Stall, W, F. Keller, Willie Kerr, Ira Stover, Ralph Boozer, Ed. Durst, Paul Murray, Centre Hall ; W. W. Weaver, Colyer; Roy Walker, Penn Hall; W. W. White, J. B. Ross. | man, Penn Cave ; C. C. Mever and C. BE Meyer, Coburn ; Caroline Whitmer, Pill more ; R. H. Treaster Oak Hall; W, C Mingle, Aaronsburg and Emory Dietrick, Hublersburg, Wolf's Store. 5 ¥ ay, broachitis, and Mrs, Elizabeth | Prom, The rain, end of last week, was a thing, and the grain and grass look well. \ Wm. A. Reiber is attending the busi. ess college at Poughkeepsie. Sciatic Rheumatism Cured After Four. teen Years of Suffering, “I have been afflicted with sciatic rhe. | matism for fourteen years,” Edgar, of Germantown, Cal, able to be around but constantly suffered. I tried everything I could bear of and at last was told to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm, Jrbieh I did and was im an to say it has not this | says Josh “l was D. B. Weaver is at the county seat serving as a juror, This section of Brush valley was favor. | ed with a good soaking rain last Friday | night and it continued until Sunday noon, Everything ls refreshed and all vegeta. tion is now in a growing condition, C. H. Freeby Millheim, 0. H, Wolfe was confined to the house most of last week, suffering with took. ache and neuralgia, W. H. Zeigler was to Georges valley last week building Chandler wire fence, for which ke Is agent. This week he is bullding for Geo. B. Weaver and Mrs. Elle Heubler, Cente pitt D. Host rma, from all, was down way week on business, | | : ! spent last Sunday at | | Tylersville. Philip Wolfe met with a very painful | Miss Maud CGunsallas accident on Thursday morning Dr Bright, of Rebersharg, was summoned to dress his wounds Mrs. Mame Shreckengast, of Green Colyer. WAS a plea sant | guest at the home of A. 0, Detwilers last burr, was seen going through our town | this week on her wheel, Orvis Caris is going to commence sum mer school on Monday, 220d of April. Mrs. March Cowey paid a short visit to her mother, Mrs. Spangler, this week of Centre Co., has Friday the Wallice Brumgard been seen on evening, no doubt he got house up in late on 1 our streets Lo ging in the gay very disagree week, making the road very The weather has been able the last muddy 1 on the road Miss Bertha Nich $ again return ed to Jersey hore . she has been slaying Aiter a ® Ha of Belle me st Oa Port Matilda. m Wednesday ut pretly we WOOK piace at bome of Mr. and Mrs bristina Sharer, residing near Mount Pleasant, the parties most interested were Mr. Calvin Sharer the son the above and Miss Mirtie Blowers, of Osceola The cere mony was performed by Rev. Riddle pastor of the M. E. chur: h, at Osceola The house was nicely arranged for the occasion and the invited guests numbered about fifty being the near relatives of the bride and groom. After the cere. mony a sumptuous dinner was served to all present, after which social enjoyment was engaged in. At the close of the event the retiring friends tendered many kind wishes to the young couple, and the writer adds May all their days be spent ip And in a They be half as happy as | wish They w et 1.4 " ading the oidest of | thelr plans » ue cend be blessed Hannah. Huey Moore has moved from out neighborhood to Sandy Ridge, in order to be near his work : be is employed in the brick yard at that place There was quite a jolly crowd of women, young and old, attended a quilt. ing party at Aunt’ Lib McMonigals, on Thursday last. They had a splendid dinner and supper which all did justice to. The dinner was gotten up by Mrs McMonigal's two daughters, Mattie and Hattie A five year old son of George Burns bad the thumb and fingers taken off his right hand recently in a fodder cutter Jerry Sharer has taken the contract for Samuel Hoover's barn, which is being erected on the site of the one which was destroyed by fire. Roland. Miss Alice Neff, who has been teaching school at Yarvell for the past seven months, returned to her home here last week Mrs. J. B. Curtin is at of Mrs. H. M. Walker, of Philipsburg. Laird Cartin is sojourning at Atlantic City, where he expects to be benefitted in health, He was accompanied by his mother, Andrew Glenn, of Tyrone, spent Sun. deed | day with his parents. Mm. W. G. Morrison was in town a few days this week, Vincent Sharp and Charles Shultz, were State College visitor last week. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for Any ease of Catarrh that cannot he cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, F.J. CHENEY & CO, Props, Toledo, O We the undersigned, have known F.J.Che ney for the last 15 years, and believe him per. feetly honorable in all business transactions and financially abies to earry out any obliga tions made by their firm. mrs Tatax, Wholesale Druggists, Tole WALDING, Kingan & Manviy, Wholesale I Ista, Toledo, O ta, X Hall's ¢ h Cure is taken internally, Ing direct] aan: digd and m , ord 1 ‘ le, fun, ait week, Miss Carrie Lee, from State Coll spent several days at John H. Lee father, Mrs. P. B. Jordon has been on the list during the past few weeks Mrs Mary Wingard Sick, but lmproving Miss Blanch Housman, who ha housed ug few has been with sickness during the last months, is ing Han tv) ity ph lowly impros y Weaver, who was very id pneun a, we 100L1 arc g Meyer very while LOOk sreat dea | seem to Brush Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Pid Mrs. Charls Grim visited bert on Sunday afternoon er and Ben William Glantz jand daughter Edit called on Ben Limbert on Sunday William Yearick visited F. A on Sunday Yearick Mrs. Clemond Long is on the sick | J. H. Roush called on J. 8 Hoy day last week ist one J. 8. Hov had quite a few callers on Sunday forenoon There was no preaching on Sanday forenoon inthe M E church, on account of rain Frank Grenoble sent iS improving at pre. Most of the farmers are ready (0 sow oats, but wet weather delays them Harvy Hough said, ich woot is dade uf hara regera, ich will hover sava Mrs. F. P. Duck and Kate Hoy took a stroll over the fields on Sundav afternoon and landed at Ruphes Houghs Henry Vonada contemplates hau ing his logs to Long's mill. north of Madison burg; W. E. Keller the practical sawyer will do the sawing for him RG. Rishel is still in the watch and clock business and is prepared for all | kinds of repairing on short notice present the guest | Our end of the valley is well pleased to hear that a doctor has located in town It was inconvenient for this end to send for a doctor, especially after night BRUSH VALLRY NO 2 Thomas Sholl, west of Madisonburg, lost a valuable horse on J Hoy our noted every day. Allen Limbert, the second as Prof. Wolf's select schoo! had aways week with a horse and me with a bicycle rding to the re port, he was badly he istant of {wo run last ; one A used up Madisouburg scribe says he is gathering his we do not care to know where he gathers his new but ] * plain that he gatherssome from unreliable source, as the the not got the least resem ’ He OWI News em about ub ha ce of tr jars ¢ uth about nding hi own Penn Hall. H 5 EATrGeniny ar the { NOW To Cure a Cold in One Day axative Br air No ne ia t he PT Fignature Moshannon. ig wesday : were alarmed 'Y e and on discovery found that Lomison’s house; a crowd soon 1 at the place, great off f those the fire was ex hed, and the house saved r lomn and by by present, rimary school closed last Tues day afternoon with an entertainment : the children acted their partsina way to do credit to their teacher Those ent enjoyed it very much, and congratulate them Miss Mary Foresman, our charming and successful music and Latin teacher, has left this place, for her home in Marion Centre During ber sojourn here she won many friends by ber bright and willy coversation and kindly manoers She will be missed by all who kpe= her res er iss E cousin as far as Philipsburg, last Wed nesday J. Edward Waite has returned to his home in Bellefonte, after spending the winter in this place. His kind and help ways won him many friends who hope he will return to spend another winter here fu Movings during the last week : Mains Bowes moved from the McGowan prop the house vacated by Alonso D. Craft from Mr. Shannon's house to the one vacated by Tole Solt Wm. Lomison to the Deater's property Mr. and Mrs. Confer, of Snow Shoe were in our town on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wagner made a trip te Cooper one day last week. ' erty, 0 sroe . C On account of the inclemency of the weather there was no preac hing service, in the Presbyterian church on Sunday wish to | ia Rankin accompanied her | Iwo MM Center Hall, Center Hall has t all {ts best men by remova fisher. oad of folk ast Friday ¢ Femplar onto the Among the Mis. Clemans, a Whiteman, Mr Tumbrine, Mrs are A back went to Bellfonte veniog to attend the Knight d returned close ! § § iasialiation ar hours Masons at ~y artholm week WILL SEND $2.60 FREE. to Each of Our Headers ft § ment Free LEGAL NOTICES hn we E*® UTR Estate of A fonte Boro X'S NOTICE MOTT, deceased late of M He : sald estate hav © undersigned. all per reto are requested to make ment, and those hay BE claims or demands against the same wil present them without delay for settlement to the under signed strat . 23 Mus ODI LE A MOTT Thos J. Sexton, Atty | & Executrix Shan By vir sued oy IFF'S SALE : 1 t on Fleas cled, there ands of Joseg ands of Geo we par jistances e south by d DD. Shope and and « and redraft the 285) hav h Virses indicated by sur 1484 to-wit Begin road south 2 . N NEBYW 13s perc = perches Lo stone perches 10 stones, thence stones thence S22. E.1 per Lh $068 8 perches along put ' Stone atl place of beginning, contals ng 42 acres and ¥ perches neat measure hereon erected a ty frame dwelling house, barn and other out uildings., Seized, taken in execution and to the property of J. A. Kephart CYRUS BRUNOART, Sherif? be sold a rybody Knows That nervousness and headache go to- gether, The worry and cares of business or h loss of sleep, improper tend to irritate the temper, derange the digestion, weaken the nerves ome, overwork, food—all and undermine the health. down of the life forces must be stopped. The ebbing tide of health must be checked, and new energy, new life, new This Satis began taking was cured.” ambition infused into the whole system, To do this quickly and thoroughly use “From the almost constant suffers caused by frequent attacks of severe head- ache, nervousness and stomach trouble, my health became greatly run-down. Al- though I spent much money with physi- cians and tried many I never found advertised remedies any lasting relief until I Dr. Miles’ Nervine and H. J. Vorkens, U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C, vr. Miles’ Nesrvine. It acts directly on the nervous s restores the wasted tissues as nothing else can. You should Sold by all druggists on a guarantee, ystem, quiets the irritation, rests the tired brain and not delay. Get it at once.