HE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., APRIL 25, 1901. 3 HARRISBURG LETTER, Measures That Occupy the Atten= tion of the Lawmakers, THE SCHOOL APPROPRIATIONS. Amonnt Cat ON by Governor Stone Restored by an Special Bille Mist to MHeward Miners Who Risk Life to Save Others, Harrisburg, April 24 Mr. Snyder Chester reported favorabls to the the committe appropriation bill appropriat Yesterday senate from the bill $1.000 000 to he school by the public make up for cut made ernor two ve Mr. Muehibronner, of troduced ippropri for the completion of the tol building and providing mission to be composed of Bigelow and Harry W. Oliver of Pitts- burg, ex-Chief Justice Edward M. Pax- ton and John C. Bullitt of Ph! ex-Lieutenant Governor Loul \ Watres of Scranton and two per to be appointed by the governor governor shall be an ars ago Allegheny, in $4 a bill ating 500 O00 state capi- 4 com- for Thomas S ladelphia, up the cons It be AT | quently Mr making changs or po ishment Ing tw nedy to em; man, « other pers United teration or ing. It material can not be States In the of such | A bill Friday of of Clarion, providin 14 n fee of $100 steamboat ve upon which liquo In Pennsylvania Mr. Hutt, of Phi elphia a bill prohibiting selling liquor from the There Wan Brown license each Car or barge old or furnished ed dealers from introdu iquor to females to be taken premises WAS a of senators In the night, in Suatuas was transacted A short session of the house was held Monday night tion bills for stitutions very »l attendance Monday ithe Im enate last and consequen at which the Appropria the state and semi stats we read for the frst time Among bills read in place were: By Mr. Mot f Allegheny, provid ing that In 10 recover damagos for any Injury ean ing death It may be competent for Jury ‘In nssessing damages to allow compensation for the mental sufferings of the plaintiff and plaintiffs; by Mr. Voorhees. of Phila. delphia, providing that at tha next gen eral election the question of changing the location of the capitol from Harris. burg to Philadelphia shall be submit. ted to a voio of the people, andless Hts the . towns, | & view to carrying out this idea | Goancial | wheel to Buffalo, In which case It | CYCLE TOUR CLUBS. FORMED TO WHEEL TO THE PAN AMERICAN EXPOSITION, Vanlaable Information For hose Who tontemplinte a Trip to Buffalo | Will Be and the Greant Show Which There Next Summer, [ rider on of Buf ing distan fof the East nd the Domb a radius of 500 1 f Quebee, Montreal, '1 rtl d Boston, Baltimore, ), (t= ork, pl . Washington wnd, Pittsburg, Cleveland, Cin i, Golun Indlanapol t, Chicago and Mllw ther thriving and popul Over one-half of the Poy bus, ny 1 the United States and ards of the po n this of pulation of Cans | | ktones on the ro | Of I idslde and eall It port If this little maxim was borne In mind by old Wen ry Wolnet evenin and spent awheel mal ure mot in the Thi CABINO AND BOATHOUSE of the t8 rar 1} derful ers, its numerous porti its od proj ing distant lands talons and mi Com] wre thar ive utility y sts who conte Ex; should § preparations this wir fully enjoy an enterp: portance Histories Terent Pan-American countries should be read and descriptions of exhibits collected and studied In order to select those Pertaining to subjects of the greatest interest to Individuals. It will be im. possible to see ever thing without staying all summer, but by systemat. ically laying out an Intelligent plan rehens sition ter | much way be accomplished In a Riven tire, These winter evenings may be profit. ably employed by forming a club with This club should be planned to Include the Arrapgeinents for a tour tight be officered by a treasurer and secretary. The duty of the secretary would luclude all necessary corre spond. ence In regard to information for the benefit of the club as well as Arrange ments for hotel and other accommoda EXPOSITION. ¢ bad i figure of der become as easy as 1 shoe” before the of the f tn for i ts tender mercies f ned sence from home found desirable or conver A bicycle tour to Buffa) advised take wheels with them Transportation by mil or water will b efficient that a very small outlay In time and money will enable eve 0 those living at a distance to make the t From any section of the city the Pa Ate an Ex; toh can easily reached by wheel over smooth Aspha pavements parkway Paths while magnificent scenery of 1 Niagara frontier Is also gavithin easy eycling distance of Bu fale Arrangements will be made for the | comfort and convenlence of cyclists at tending the Exposition Any additional or special Information will be furnished on eation to the Bureau of Iu y, Pan American Ex position, Buffalo, N. ¥Y W. Smirvox Buu TREMENDOUS FORCE. to make velists are to 80 } ) ’ ' cheap n or cycle the apni tions while the party Is en route and | during its stay In Buffalo. If each club member should pay into the treas. ury a stated amount each week, a suff) cient sum would soon be realized to meet the DOOSRBATY expenses of the trip. The treasurer of the club should pay all bills while touring, while to Another should be delegated the care of the baggage. To make the tour thoroughly enjoy. able the organiser of the club must before starting out carefully plan the toutes to be followed, choose his com Panions for the trip and so arrange | matters that he and bis fellow tourists shall enjoy the maximum of pleasure without appreciable fatigue and at the smallest possible expense, Bicycle tourlgg cannot be enjoyed without the personal comfort of each Wember of the party belug largely con Mdered and the more experienced riders regulating thélt speed to the Pace set by the novices. As soon as riding becomes hard labor one wight Just ax well dig a trench or break Power of the Eleotrle urrent hied From Niagara to Raftale. To look upon the cables ¢ f the trans n lines that exten! all the way | from Niagara Falls to Buffalo one falls | to get idea of the power of the force that 1s bw ng tranmaitted hy these | other tors. The cables hang like nuy In unl Any other cables; drawn taut, there is no AWwaying in the wind. They streteh from pole to pole for mile sfter mile, but throughout thelr entire lo mgth there In | athing that gives an intimation f the wonderful work they are doing. I. B Btillwell, who bas been prominently | connected with the Niagara develo Ww | ment, points out that the power that [1s so silently and lnvisibly transmitted | along the six copper conductors, long than one Inch In dinmeter. would easily break six steel cables of equal dlameter mo¥ing at a rate of 10 miles an hour Buch Is the wonderful force of the electric current from Ningara of which te Pan-American Exposition Is to re cel®e 8,000 Lorsepower, Hl Has r | Working AAA dean an ang at 2% 22 | Does the Baby Thrive If not, something must be wrong with its food. If the mother’s milk doesn’t nour- ish it, she needs SCOTT'S EMULSION. It supplies the elements of fat re quired for the baby. If baby is not nourished by its artificial food, then it requires Scott's Emulsion Half a teaspoonful three or four times a day in its bottle will have the desired effect. It seems to have a magical effect upon babies and children. A fifty-cent bottle will prove the truth of our staiements. Should be taken In summer as well as winter. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE BEST WHICH IS IT? SEE FOR YOURSELF. We are Showing Three Times as Much Clothing as Any Other Con- cern in Bellefonte. | ——— #l- @r9 OQ iin a0 “ely as at an ab REE WARN Po faa. »~ e Buy only the Very Finest Fitting, st Made Clot iy our goods in L u hing manufac at Ww “en LA Central State We Fiona Believe tha Normal school iing the BEST CLOTHING for fully LOCK HAVEN ( PA. 1 1 , : Less than others ask f We have every reason INGE Central State Normal School, LOCK MAVEN, PA. A LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE MEN'S CLOTHING STORE sylvania. Because est, CENTRAL PENNA. TELEPHONE & SUPPLY COMPANY you being p you buy of Sewing Machine ' Is the andard the only y successful Rotary Shuttle ’ it is the only thing of the kind that has | | stood the test than other parts are fewer greater speed any SEE THEM ALL, SEE US. ~~ M. FAUBLE & SON. SARA C. BRICKLEY. Bell Pa. Bell wear If you want to know more on cionte, Allegheny Street. Cor. Spring & Bishop St efon'e, Pa GUARANTEED SALARY $900 Men and women of good address to represent us, some to travel appointing agents, others for local work looki ing After our interests, $900 salaryguaran. teed yearly ; extra commissions and ex. penses, rapid advancement, old estab lished house. Grand chance for earnest WAR OF woman 10 secure pleasant, per. manent position, liberal income and fu ture. Mew, brill lant lines. Write at once X25 STAFFORD PRESS, 23 Church St, New Haven, Conn, 25¢cts to $1.0 Is the saving so apparent all through our NEW SHOE DEPARTMENT in Men's, Shoes, Boys’ Shoes, Dress or Work Shoes. We have all kinds, It's the differ- ence in the price that made this Shoe Store of ours SAAR AA AAAAAAAR A RARAAALA AANA L | [EN Caveats, and Trade Marks obtained and all a ent business conducted for Mooenare Fees, OUR OFFICE OMroOnITE YU, 8, Gaver Orne and we canwecure patent in remote from Washington, Send model, drawing or photo, with descrip. thon, We advise, if patentable or por, free of plenty of them---the kind you want. Grow so Big all at once. It is this same difference in price that will keep it growing. Watch it become barge, () fons t doe Lil patent be secared, A Pamper," H oh » Obtain Patents,” with st of same in the U, 5 aod foreign countries free, C.A.SNOW& CO. 2A Pareny Quick, Watkiharon, 0. Cc The Best Men's Shoe Store... TAA - a F YY YY rrr rrr rrovee™”y PATENTS «i: AN Aves 5 : ADVICE AS PATENTABILITY | in Bellefonte and Save Money while you do it. We Not 1 Inve : FREE se ” harges moderate No fue dire ‘MUST be the BEST, Eo MORERS P hag Margen