Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 18, 1901, Image 3

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DICDITD{! viv A YANK EE SKA KING, 0 an a Jo wg ie pr oe NI NAS NN SNS
{ 4 ger of the Boer Republic ile he
HARRIS hl; 1K] [ER Was cruising thi Sonnish-Ameriean BF |
CAPTAIN SLOCUM SAILED AROUND | war broke eut, and his first intimation » | SPRING’S NEWEST AND BEST
THE WORLD IN A SLOOP. of the fact was gleaned from the Unit
naled, “Are there any Spanish men-of \A’, ! y \ {
| 5]
tion of the Lawmakers, The Bold Navigator and His Famous ayy L
{ war about?’ Captain Slocum knew of
Craft, the Spray, Will Be at the none being In that locality He flip ' En TaT A
“PROCESS BUTTER" BILL PASSED. Pan-American Exposition In Buf- rant; pind ; bat al i } lc | Nn i | &
fulo Next Summer, ,
Measures That Occupy the Atten- ed States cruiser Oregon. whieh sig. We live b ir blood. and on |
| together for mutual protection!”
Manufacturers Must Take Out a Li. h nautical adventures of the Vi It was on June 27, 1808, that the 0 |
Spray cast anchor at the moorings ve \\ renet and | At all times we aim to Save You Mor ey.
cense and Label Their Product—A ns ' old, which wen oele
Bill to Prevent Shipping of Impure
Milk From Other States dows ! mportane " J TT ' : net . bo raft of p We Wore 1 ¢
” o di ; markable voyage of Captain Joshua poet and the : ¢ were never more successful or more fortun
arri urg [ Dill was In : rlobe clreling cele wil ¢ a trea 4 A : , : “
acum ar na th orld In § loog \ t t 11 wit : in our buying this spring. We give you now
troduced in the he f sterday y hy g >: ; 3 A all Exp [ ! i 43 ),
Beacom, of Westmorel repealing | bY feet U inches In length over al ) en ! vi : ol ; Quality
the law requiring sto rokers il rv am R : oh oe a nile : ' . | —
brokers SXchang 3 UFORers, mmeren) fa a] Romy ann Ah OUTDOOR MACHINERY, ny LATEST STYLE FOO TWEAR
One Clann of Engine That Is Not | ]
an annual Moense fo of ¥ De cent " inne er claimed for king sh v ao | i ’
It was the first gud only successful | Housed to Protect 1 From the | io 4 ogy for Women, Children and Men,
their business
Mr. Fox, of Chester, introduced a bill | ©, " . ; nll. ham : ds jglohe Wings id af af ah BREN al CO (
Tequiting ail shippers of Wm ik om Ee ml oy 4 ¢ wy hy : s wi i t 1) i “An ih can Exposition the i at prices asked for much inferi ir go ods. In addition !
company such th ante With 8 vatet j ¥® Af Higt y those who have devoted | windmill \ es! Mon we ent this, every parr of Shoes, however low priced. | wi
{narian’s rtificate that the cows | : - it our guarantee for fit and w Dr y}
from which such milk had been drawn : : are open for inspection and the
had been found to be in a healt} n= f wid y { 4 to show them.
wmpimet of woes sede 21 at JN am MODEL SHOE STORE,
Pa 4
old, with t ti mses t 1 i 5 pr. 8
y ] «toh 4 4
ri, CLIC]
” ’ T Avy er
Garman's Empire House
. PA
AL..S. GARMAN, Propriter
les of Men's Sut
n this assortment:
by the best manufacturers
3etter Fitting Clot
in Bellefonte
This is The Best Men's Store in Central Penn'a.
We sell everything that Man «
and our assortment is fully
1 a native cheese, and they Md 1 ing hm hy a ; wus ’ » :
The McClals MIDE ) ith | agree with him. He was attacked with ‘Let nt ) din Yer a period ['han others. With us you can always have Y our Money Back
! The first occurred after the
exceed § ) left her first port of call, A
| '
Gover ne ] N ¢ ‘ The Capta n had eaten freely of pla
Cramps. He A ble reefs
izing we : : ; tt 180 MAC ramj
school h nsall and with a I JIb put t
erary purg on her course
il % ent N 5 *, hi ’ nw r ) )
orphans and went below to tl n, wi ' 0 {1 ve not | ) entirely sat
empowering the net A ia rolled in agony on the floor Becoming f ) bough Indication point to
real estate to ) | of rabbits ui delirious, he Imagined that a strange itimat 1 he difficulties met | ' A | | | :
thelr owt . : 4 : J ng man came on board, announced hin self ith a rit onl vit to tl {in
the Yea as “one of Columbus’ crew” and guided | coustat J nd, Lich must U B & O N
J wd thi the « A blow « 0 the we O v ] ES +
f f .
A bill w ! raft. Ame up, and owe by storing up the energy
last Friday by Mr Bprayeran like a deer. When the ( ap | of gale to be given off as required
) ‘ . n ' f wi Loss
to provide for the « tain regained bis full senses and was | As the slow deve pment of the storas
able to go on deck, she was holding | battery retards this important achieve
of revision of t n { real os
tate assessor true to her course she bad made 90 | ment we awalt with impatience tl
i for eae) °r | hs
trict in Philadelp) i miles during the night in the rough sea. | Improvements in this direction that we
Mr. Mayne of | b: takes . a he Spray yp ough the very | know ght to be made ¢ time wil)
BE Fanta ¢ tha ¥ Maw " n IAngerous raits of Magellan, whose endoubtedly come wh otrie light ’ ’ ’ .
Vin fou o ha ™ the inane . ” shores are strewn with wrecks and In fog will be done In tl (abner Like Finding Money Buying Shoes Here.
street ra habited by vlrates, without aceldent fact, the vieectrie Hgbt plant In a
Ing the lenath of the t An BU Sai but after weeks consumed In the pas | lage In Beotland Is now partially
sage was driven by a furious gale | erated Ly a wind wheel wi
a8 Was intended by the a 1895 outhward and thence eastward around | on the boris nel " i : SURF . T
: ui ard and then : und | on the horizontal principal. From 25 cents to one Big Dollar Saved on every pair you buy. SURE AS SHOOTIN.
In Lape Horn, necessitating a second pas To those unfa r with the pre
the senat \ |
| Bagge of the Straits duction of the wind ene B4 : used a ’ y a a : ’ : » -
LoTnin Rers to DOrrow mon u Captain Slocum was received at | the present tin . A visit to his ne that's why you can see it grow. It is now Better than most of them, as Good as the Best of
improve \ ecommit ev r 1 ai ace with he yoRt y 1 position 0 F " : :
ng meg With the most (of the Bx) ty tnventiny lation |them. But it must, It will be the Best of all of them, and that very soon.
ted to the general Judiel nm fe cordial hospitality, for his Dame wan | 4 berto this early invent! nD has bes
on motion of Mr, Hall, of Allegheny. | known the world around awong sen | Useful merely to the farwer and stock
Think of it when you need Shoes.
positively duplicate for 1-4 Less Money anything shown you elsewher
The bill authorizing the appointment Paring men, and the eabled news of man. Possibilities In the Immediate |
of lnspectors of scales and weights in| his progress went before him. In 8a. | future polot to a mueh wider and more |
the bituminous region, which was neg: | toa Mrs, Robert Louis Stevenson vis extended usefulness when power from |
atived by the committees on mines and | ted him. In Tasmania Lord Hampden | this source will be bottled up In storage
mining, was also recommitted. The| Was an caller. At the Cape Sir Alfred | batteries and #hipped to distant points
calendar was cleared of first readiag| Milner saw him. A pass over the | to be used In the mechanic arts,
bills, Cape rallways permitted the skipper HEnsenr Sueansa