THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., APRIL 4, 190) The Racket. | The sales are all over for this spring | and the boys all got fat on snits pie and ‘ | doughnuts, New This Week: | 1. J. Thiesler will move from ridge Matting tl | avenue to Mr. Reynolds, farm above Matting C1 Bellefonte, and Mr. Wright will move Have sold it during the past Mingoville. ————— ——————. ———— American Beats from the Curtin farm to the farm vacated by Mr, Thresler, Doc. Yarnell will move from the Zim. merman house to Snydertown. We are | sorry to see Doc, go. il Mrs Hinds are very at this writing Japs. J years, and find it ives rood isfaction. Price this season Bargain in er yard. . . 4 Samuel Homan and Mrs, Samuel poorly with pneumonia | Smyrna Rugs $1.50 H nd Beauties for The Our school at this place will close on | | the 4th of April. The Gettig brothers have moved their | saw mill into little Sugar valley, Knit $ n NOLO Alway 3 complete Racket De pt 18 A William Sproul is still in the syrup business and has been very successful so far. , Deitrich has purchased a brand new of harness, and also a new Brooklvn wagon, how's that for business? It is no wonder that Mike says he is | pot afraid of spooks, for there are always lots around to guard him. That is right | Mike, the more the merrier. G. R SPIGELMYER | Petie boards at home and the rest of his time be travels over the hills. c sel remarkable signs and values for 50 cts ——————————— John White says he will have an enor- | mous crop of peaches. | W. H. Deitrich patch ready to plant Linden Hall getting his carly potatoes, is potato WILLE Hot it at pre Simae ounbaugh, © ace to hel] p High Valley anuel Ker Lose, was in Eno Loyd tetier, In Va ther for the pontoon bridge got a company with ooking up and called the timber the ey f our young the seri [ the ( ’ Ld ) St And Al wn “ i al and most m Pye : my wi take advice, rs and | | deal in rabbits will see which wi the In case the jack ts turn out baboons, youjshall have right te the fare du husht m h und see ® we Ake al the oney e m macht “ Dan Beech Creek. waxa While Frank township, drivi pear the Sunday through the culvert nearly torn ol Mr. and Mr ment, hav will t Edward Sy Haven, ha room form y ny Mr Ha Squire Ligget ; Gray Hasti neanle § Ww shipped live having have cong that bus The Ii Beech ( 1 the the ¢ ng X 10 sy Of Hiare nuded to WAS ine hi One of her station is not to He he ‘he real estate gagent take charge of the big avs they may write a going umber job imal wa they please, an into " tm ke chars ners \ DOTOug The which spans \ comple ted ipsh iIrtg on n the valley of ) ’ . n i ' ge : V CK " lay ail rent man Heiimns k though over Card of Thank a ng Bowing a won ity, Iw wchday Char Harter moved to West Virgh gaged in lumbering Through the columnsg T : " Democrat, the undersigne of « heartielt thanks to friend igh for kindness and assistance shown during the late illness and death of their mother, whose spirit took its flight March sth Especial thanks to David, Maretta and | Molly McLaughlin and Grant Kessinger, of Snow Shoe, to again sit up ) press thelr and OTS ” have ia where he is Ne) and family re en Barnest Reighard has 1eturned from Notth Carolina, where he was driving team in the timber belt Rev. Calvin Meizener preached to the STANLEY WATSON, | United Kvangelical congregation on BLMiEr WATSON, | Sunday evening. Rev. Reimer, the pre: Runville, Pa. | Hiding elder, preached in the morning. Jorn WATSON, | Penn Cave Mr. Noah Brumgart will move to Reb. ersburg on the gth of April, James Wert, George Wise and Henry Showers moved on 26th of March, in their new residence, James Beck has a well-mated team Since when do we have such a grand barber shop in the Murray school ? Murray school closed the 4th of April. Now look out, Wm. Weaver have the best of cattle in neighborhood for will stock this The spelling match in Murray school, was not well attended on account the weather, but the ringtag was an entire of SUCCESS. Mr. Brungard had no school on Friday last, as he went to his grandmother's funeral, at Wolfs Store week are the following : Wise on Gramley’s farm, two miles east of Madisonburg James Wert to Wolfs Store, and Henry Showers on James Wert's farm Il the young of this place, were invited to the quilting on Saturday, given by Viola Tressler It 1s her sixth quilt. Now she has enough for a fine young fellow to sleep under Those that moved this Geo ladies, The Sunday school, in Murray school, was re organized on the 31st of March. rs. Limbert is slowly improving from sy and heart disease Pleasant Gap. MN Kes few Dale, D acted Mr and daughter, KE Sunday with frien pear Pine Grove A near business in town N An fith, of isin Grove, of State ! town Kaup has had a new chain pump pls in her wel Thursday of last week Mr master, moved the postoff Cle Kline post from Wm e's storeroon owned Tressler Wels r, 4 shy lege, is spending his Eq his parents, at DAamue State 0 ation with this pls Tylersville. Clarence Miller, } 1 the Creek, has & Ream's Albert Kessinger's tM Hall th Henry Grieb in who has recently com blacksmith trade at Beech accepted a position in Moyer carriage shops, at Penn Ha moved thei Thur for the north. we Wednesday anied They ' ater into day Mlern ol Ast Aaron cit their when they part of | He ol week was by Millhe io fo iow uitably d Miss Maggie » last or Lock Have work mi SHOOK, ives here mm w on, b loc : Tuesday where she expects to Orvis Caris intends moving up the river about the middie of April, where he has ght month's ds wish term of school him pecnred an ef to teacl Hi Miss Sadie Magee is at present staying at John Rhule's, where she is undergoing a treatment for her lungs, which we hope will be beneficial, - frien SNCCess Wm. Magee intends to move to Hunt jugdon county this week, where he has secured employment To Cure a Cold in One Day, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it falls | KE. W. Grove's signature is on asc. to cure, , aceh box, AGUINALDO CAPTURED Continued from Page | quantity of wigne d correspond ned this material two letters were const ted ostensibly from Lacuna to Aguinaldo One of the the werted se contained information a the w The ordi to progress of that, nr other pursuant to from Baldermero Aguinaldo sending his company to Pre \guinaldo eral Funston came Ania and organ ht ized his expedition, selecting se § all of T we nty-one venty-« Macabebes, whom Tagalog poke fluently insurgent uniforms and the others the dress of Filipino labor ers fifty This Macabehe company, armed wi Mausers Krag-Jorgensens, was ‘ ighte en Remingtons and ten commanded b) Captain Russell T. Hazzard of the Eleventh United With [Lieutenant Oliver States Volunteer Cavalry him was his brother M. Hazzard Ww * mime regiment Newton. Thirty tour Harry heca was taken and Li eth Casiguran Bay infantry window the } MOLINE SA ran to 3 IaCHIO, One Hilario I floes and a former insur was wounded in the lung hy the fire « Kansas regiment at the battle of Calo Ag prisoner « { his arms around iinaldo You threw claiming Are a Americans | Colonel Simeon Villis, Aguinaldo’s chief of staff ; Major tacked the men who Placido shot Villia in the shoulder Alambra and others al were holding Aguine. | aldo | Alambra jumped out of the window and | is sup- | attempted to cross the river Five other | posed that he was drowned, insurgent officers fought for a few minutes of other Filipino officers with considerable of their acification of the islands were progressing to The mug by Benator Platt of Connecti numbers J without regard and then fled, making their escape followers, and genersl When the firing began General Funston assumed command and directed the attack pe § capture of Aguinaldo, ‘| Aguinaldo on the house onally assisting in the | gestion made he insurgent hod y cut mt Aguinaldo should be held on the ye guard le AVing twenty nities int the close of the ogo Barc urgent treasurer made he wition to Ix surrendered w When captured thout resistances of him then inaldo was tremen adopted he calmed down under hands that} " i IANO ‘ A and the su } attended n o 4 surrection It January 28 | in all parts of the archi splur ng this of not be aby ud that reflects has never asked Wis 0) '¥ 1 that Ay A lol thal Aguila in a conversation 1 (MM | d f idl proclaimed him with Representative he irtis dictator He | for when Lia ad ' had heen as, Intimated that wonld Palanan seven months, undisturbed overlooked There is 're except bment of the Sixteenth Funston's career { tes %it 1} h Infantry visited the tewn., On that ocea not generally know: 8100 ' . ' Hl Hi great cred m He mountaing i his State foy roo Ts rooj himself the den Kansas te «work » LECT YOUR EASTER SHOES HERE. r veritable Cl "1 in A. C. MINGLE, THE SHOE MAN.