THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., APRIL 4, 1901, CORRESPONDENTY DEPARTMENT Happenings About Centre County Briefly Told by A CORPS OF ABLE WRITERS Brush Valley Sorry G. E. Wise has moved away. to lose a good neighbor, Some few nights ago some of the boys | | | | on the way home from the society used some bad words among the ladies. Be- ware boys, If you continue it will be stopped by course of law, J. S. Hoy and F, P, set out a lot of peach trees this spring; that's a good idea, some more will follow Our Alert Correspondents Note Many | Ben. Limbert has put out a few hundred, Important Events in Different Lo calities—What is Transpiring—Is Your Section Represented ? Unionville. Much to the joy of young America, our schools will close this week Miss Mary E. Greist returned from Philadelphia a few days ago, where she had been visiting friends for the last six or seven weeks. Shethinks Pailadelphia is so much like Unionville —so home-like, such a hustle and just like our city hustle on the els, Saturday has been for a Boaz Musser came home on from West Virginia, where he engaged as cook in a lumber camj long time. He will return in a few days William Sommers, fireman at th tort hire home on William ing afflicted with k an nt duty’ for a time The tal also came lav birt w rick JTRS Saturday to looks somewh 1 ex! as to com Satur mile or to see hin s like him tremely don’t I An orator was held u place last auspices of the ants were Misses Weaver Maud J wood, W fred S son and Mr The t Moshannon. Miss Maude ( Pine Glen ast Mrs Lizzie owes Friday Mrs. Rosa, after Wil Mrs of her son, week maae Sophia returned an extende week : , ast Miss Mande Rankin has been sick list again Miss Lida Smith, Shoe siress, was working at her trade town, a few days last week on Snow SCA The milliner is again at work, after a few weeks vacation, and ready for spring trade. Arthur Yaudes, moved place to Howard, this week Wolfs Store, Moving is a thing of the past, everybody is now busy doing spring work. Farmers are repairing fences cutting cord wood and hauling manure, while the women are cleaning yards and looking up dandelion patches, Merchant Chas. Freeby arrived this week and is getting things in good shape Ina few days the store room will be filled with goods that are daily needed by our people from this and Our sick are fast recovering We understand that the schedule time of our mail route is to change Out mail now arrives at 12 o'clock noon, and if a change would take effect we would receive our mall io the evening again Everybody favors the noon mall and we hope some of our influential business men will take the matter in hand and try and have our mail arrive at the time itdoes now, Allen Gilbert is off ou a wedding trip to Berks county A Preventive of Pneumonia Owing to the prevalence of colds and grip there have been many cases of pneu. monia during the past few months It has been observed, however, that the grip never results in pneumonia when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used. Among the tens of thousands who used that remedy during the prevalence | of grip in the past ten years not one case | has been reported that did not recover, which shows that remedy to be a certain preventive of pneumonia and unequalled they will soon bear William Glunty made another trip to Woodward last Saturday and came back on Sanday all smiles Hannah. Mud is all the go, in this locality, at present, The P. R. R. Co. are repairing the cul- | vert near the station, at this place. Mich. Richards had quite a time kill- |ing a bear, the other day, at a public | sale Duck are going to | We still have large snow drifts along 4 ¥ { our highways. Last week, Mr. Editor, you had in “fact, fun and fancy column’ that It's pretty hard to ask for a daughter's band and get a father's Some thing like that happened wav down the but not the father’s on your foot.” va some time ayo, the shepher cy foot alone, him | dog Was set 1d mother L alo Mi Limbe ire improvi Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. A ) ‘ la y use hI had feyman Balm, whi wih Jer of this Remedy afier using cured-—-Sa1 or Green's Pharmacy Nittany. We ate sorry to part with some of our old neighbors and friends We wish to extend a hearty welcome to all our new neighbors You can hear the merry bell, rang by W. Mauk, every Saturday Do beef? A. A. Pletcher was Friday last Miss Grace McCiintick, from Lamar, called on her friend, Mittie Winkleman, who is still sick in W. E. Shaffer Saturday Miss Bessie Pifer, of Birmingham, has been spending several days at this place, the guest of Mittie Winkleman, We are sorry to state that Mr. Shaffer is not so well, at this writing : we hope he will soon get well Mr. and Mrs. I. 8. Frain, of Walker, were to this place on Sunday to attend church A new preacher most always draws a crowd On Wednesday five.months old jing'e of the through here You want any to Bellefonte, on bed was to Bellefonte on morning, the 27, the baby of Mr, and Mrs Will Nieghart, died at the home of Herth Niegharts, at this place Interment Friday morning, at Saydertown ceme- tery. Wednesday Weaver, widow formerly of Penns evening, the 27, Mrs, of George Weaver, valley, died at the home of her daughter Mrs. Irwin Winkleman, at this place. Interment on Saturday forenoon in the Union ceme. tery, at Farmers Mills. Infirmities of old age was the cause of death, Notice to Farmers, On and after December 15th we will not take any kind of grain on store at | our mill, We will, however, be in the | market for cash grain constantly and Ex-sheriff Cronister passed through this place, last Friday, on his way to Miles Hoover's sale; be a little careful, Sheriff, that you don't get lost in our town--we mean in the mud well this Grain looking spring, through this section, Mr. Guyer, of fortune to fall ioto the recently, We fear some of our people will be drowned vet, if they ain't more careful, as Mr, G. fell in clear up to the ankles 18 had the mis creek one day Fowler, “*Squire’ at David Beck got along alright, good bellows I'he been previously engaged, was “whats Patton acted as auctioneer, ; he is blessed with a who had present, good sale, last Saturday ; r he auctioneer but had gotten too much of for what ails you Jimmy taken our advice; we believe it been back to see the young ed him to look Hend Huey na short tie * you a ful neighborhood Next we w r wmovings | The been a round this spring Reuben ( week this big re has of changing rust transacte Bellefonte ast Monday Mrs. Sarah Fogelman started to Aaronsburg on her Kate has been sick for sometime on 0 visit Spring has opened up and the farmers are plowing and getting ready for the spring crop, and the women are telling the men that they can dig a little garden while the teams are resting —no rest for the wicked How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Care F.J.CHENEY & CO, Props We the undersigned have known F. J ney for the last 15 years, and believe him per fectly honorable in all business transactions and financially sble to earry out any obliga tions made by their irm West & Truax, Wholesale do 0 WaLbisa, Kixxax & Manviw, Drugeists, Toledo, O Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally. aet ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system Price, 75. per bottle Sold by all druggists Testimonials free Hall's Family Pills are the best Penn Hall. An Easter service entitled, “In Joseph's Garden," will be rendered in the Luth- eran church on Saturday evening, the 6th inst, Every effort will be put forth to make this a brilliant affair, The remains of Mrs, John Leitzell, of lewishurg, were interred in the Green Grove cemetery, on Thursday morning The funeral services were largely attend ed. The deceased was a daughter of William Fiedler, Sr., of Green Grove. She leaves a husband and three children to mourn her loss—one son and two daughters, Her husband is a son of Samuel Leitzell, of Jersey Shore, and is employed as hostler at the round house at Lewisburg One of our neighbor “Tinker's"” cows was so unlortunate as to, by mistake, swallow Jan of Henry Moyer's saw. buck, and died. C. B. Zeigler made a business trip to | Centre Hall on Saturday, Toledo, O Che Druggists, Tole Wholesale SE WL. | ! | Boalsburg. Miss Bessie Searson, of Linden Hall, Fairbrook. The movings are about all over for this spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Mary spring. Reish. An Easter praise service will be held in the Reformed church on Easter evening April 7th Our friend, D. G. of Lemont, took his position as head manager on one of the farms east of our city, on the first, If some of our young men and boys would spend more time at home instead of at the “club”, as it is ealled, it would be better for them. If them knew how by their parents, sisters and friends, they would at once take this advice Fred Meyer, of Fairbrook, spent last Saturday at the home of his brother, Wesley Meyer, Thomas Riley, wife and grand daugh ter, Miss Katie Weber, spent last Satur day visiting friends in Lemont some of moved in farm, Oo Thursday Edward Lucas to the tenant hquse on Dr. Kents near Linden Hall, Miss Jennie Hunter has to her bed for the last few threatened attack of pneumonia of Hoye the vd Fry ne seen in week town Frank and Daniel were een in. our her, who has been ce year nih busy from morn uck at the Spe of the law m trout sireams y on Sundays of High home run Saturday Highvalley Journal can give imonials as to the effects of some K.eq ight Snyder, his on ucing own [salah Walter expects to visit | field county, in the near fut, R. F. Vonada and family, Pa., arrived in our town evening They will make home here. ire of Reading, on Monday their future John Rider says “lour snows back, yet, before summer.” Bicyclers should not forget to call on N. D. Hosterman when their wheels need repairing ; he will do them up at short notice, Miss Bessie Meyer, one of our bright young ladies, will spend some of her time behind the countersof T. F. Meyer's store at Aarousburg—Charley says he will help sometimes, Theo, G. Hosterman visited some of our eastern cities on Saturday, returning home on Monday. | Several many prayers are offered up | John Gummo, one of Capt. Kepler's | hands, is improving from a severe spell of pneumonia. young men from came over this week, to where they work on farms this summer J. F. Myers, of this place, attended the Walker moving on Thursday, from Pine Grove Mills Lo Spring Mills, Our friend, A. L preparation to attend school Stone valley will Bowersox, 18 maki this sump convene at 10 15th, In The Lutheran synod will Pine Grove M) May 13th the Lutheran church If Jere Roth's have passed and become a law, would int among wou there be a scramble women those under the age of forty, as any apph cant for license fag would have to za =y a illars over years of one bundre« for the support gone ug sou have has purchased the grocer Brown, on Main street, He isa hustler and the public will be well served Brown has hired with an Egyptian Spice Co Miss Emma Poorman, one of the a tresses in the Yarnell Comedy Company, met with a painful accident during their recent performances, at Roland It is 100 bad that Chester shaved off his mustache to attend the Pleasant Valley night school, only to find that Sam Williams holds his position, that is when be don't hold the school marm Miss Maude Fetzer and ber friend, Miss Poorman, left last Tuesday for an extended visit to Lock Haven and Jersey Shore It is whispered around that Claude went along nfer » Sore I.un gs mean weakened lungs — all caused by a cold and cough. Weak lungs sooner or lates mean consumption, Shiloh’s Consumption Cure will heal and strengthen the lungs, cure cold and stop the cough, fhfloh's Consumption Cure Is sold by all druggists at 28ec, 60c, 81.00 a hottle, A printed guarantees goes with every bottle, If you are not satisfied go to your druggist and get your money haeok, Write for or . oul Wells & N.Y. Zz, He" BELLEFONTE PA entre Hall. Centre home Hardware men f starting u again Sorry our { ! will not put bailding saite tr a hardware Lion that up a slore men Of ¢ Cheap and Reliable Insurance "Some years ago when troubled witha ball cold I was advised by a prominent merchant here to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and having dove so, | can say it is the best cough medicine I ever used," says M. S West, of West Burlington, N. Y “We have for some years kept a bottie of this remedy in the bouse as an insurance agamnst coughs, cold and croup, and it bas never failed to effect a promot and permanent cure.” For sale by Green's Pharmacy. Any one can Tell The man or woman with an fidgety movements, fail- ing memory and lack of concentration is suffering from crippled nerves, lines of care, the palid checks, the wasting flesh, the dark circles under the eyes tell of the worry, the pain, . ates temper, restless, all too plainly the loss of sle ep and disturbed digestion, that break down the nervous forces and For quick and consume the vital power. sure relief nothing equals irritable The could scarcely ounds. BR | Use d health.” I" “Nervous prostration broke my health down completely, My mind became con- fused and my stomach was so weak | retain the lightest gruel. For months | did not get a night's sleep and run-down in flesh from 135 to 99 I'he wrought sleep, and when I had six bottles I found myself in perfect Mgs. W. H. BLakemax, Miles’ first dose of Dr. Phaenix, N. Y. Dr. Miles’ Nervine. It relieves the pain, quiets the irritation, strengthens the overtaxed and weak digestion and feeds the worn-out brain and the wasted nerves. Try a bottle to-day. Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. This signature Is on every box of the genuine | Laxative fie wis | Sold by all d i5k8 Of 4 the remedy that euros a cold in one day as a cure for colds and grip. For sale | will pay the highest prices, by Green's Pharmacy. so-tf ProxNix Mine Co.