THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., APRIL 4, 1901. mn | McKinley's Attitude To- ward the Boers. A SHAME AND A DISGRACE Administration Hostile to Cause of Human Liberty. ENGLAND'S OLAIMS RECOGNIZED. Ours the First Government to Ace knowledge Death of Republics, They Still For Freedom—ilay Live and Are Flghting Defers to Eng. land Ad Nanseam—IEven Republie- an Stomachs Mevolt at the Dose, Most Useful Diplomat at Washing- ton—Mark Hanna as a Presidential Possibility—~Foranker Shelved, tter.) our | [Special To future students of most Was gton la omenot be the at administrat mystifying phen times will undoubtedly of the McKinley ing t! shams and Amer who voted for last Novel nobody tol o« hostilit therefore ty, ever sin tour true thi MeKinl iths of those voted for hundre him and wisl are nation to for liberty sin is a sty it is When the other pes he Bo most tions, all except has looked on witl red Indian while the men, women for the san fathers fougl Kinley bias dom tiny repu forgive terly policy ed to power comes the cag The ment—i. e,, the first England's triumph extinction of the bh republics! Ti still In the field tories and from Britain to Africa! Certaluly our cup of humiliation is full to run ning If Messrs. McKinley and Hay are so thoroughly stuck on John- nie Bull they might at least have acted with som sweeney while | lies bleeding on the other side of the globe Their eagerness to let the world snow that are of J. B. Is about indecent a performance as if a widower shoul self a second wife while trip from burying his first. The fashion In this country hath been the fashion of Hberty The fashion being foisted the South African patriots at the point of the bayonet the fashion of potism. In of changing styles of fashions, Alexander Pope says: Be not the first by wt Nor yet the last t opposed, continue busi a) among new South over. berty they enamored ns unto him on the return on is des kit Speaking m the new is try'd ay the } } ande Smacks of Ghoulish Glee, The first line of that famous couplet 1 commend most cordially to Colonel John Hay, secretary of state, and to his White House chief lastead of being the first to recognize the death of a re public we should be the last, and then roof as to the walt till the only on overwhelming fact. We should at least republic is dead This precipitate action of the admin istration smacks of ghoulish glee Is there any rational explanation for this amazing contrary to all our history and to the desires of the great body of the one, only one ing Americans have hitl with pride theory proclaimed by pers that we neg tinted Paris under the pr mi If thint true conduct, 80 people? There Is self erto one which respect ected the re and that is the London pa the treaty of zzles of } what a ¢ been to us and had the n those guns been pointed In some other ~any other—direction and that Pando ra box of a treaty had never been nego tiated. but If that assertion of the Lon don press, so humiliating to our amour propre, Is true, and It looks as If it is true, what becomes of that flamboyant fetter which Colonel Hay wr to General Dick—~Hanna's Dick—on a cel ebrated occasion solemnly asse ver ating, with bis hand on his heart, that we had no agreement or understanding, ac tual or implied, with Mr. Bull? Shame! Shame! Shame! and scorn izeies of ote Gags at the Bolus, Even the Washington Post, which Is much enamored of the administration generally, gags at the loathsome dose | the | wether | ton. | dinner speaker has made brilliant hits | repeatedly. | his boot leg, Just as other people carry rendering woked up by Mr. Scerctary of State Hay. [It says: Some da) The Post called attention to a | pamphlet of the state department in accept Eng with African situation, to boule annexation of pt Eng pam AZO vernment was made to and even to a premises Ihe 1d foot notes annound in the text itself it Republ “The Free State h Af An Ora ne as "Orange hus | ent wing with servile a lead of the British govern instar of state d and inspired num! ns to out « town n mtry w nging ntry was ringing y-Paur rever nal } Is r of ou and in our opinion the Ameri peo are that view The Post can place it proposition that admin Anglo A Nnusvous Dose, iblica jnealed a 4} IT i away fro: he the Dem freedom ocrats, the A Useful Diplomat. IRL ntal rps dinary pur 5 of the plomatic « are Not at Wash own country or to anybody else ously enough, the exception is a then Chinee, Hon. Wu Ting Fan is smart as a whip, busy cheerful as Mark Tapley. Hon useful to his country by making self persona grata to all with whom he comes in contact, thereby “Melican man” to think Chinese In general about, speechmaking writing now Af Serious purpose to in to his Curi- hea- ngton is of any service g. who w and Wu is him- t as a bee causing the better of the All the galloping and newspaper done by remove bim have the an tipathy which Americans entertain for his race, and, as Mr the philosophy of catching more flies with molasses than spreads or pours the ss rine stuff over everybody that he in con tact with. Of course, Lord Pauncefote is the dean of the diplomatic corps, or, to use a plain, everyday term, its bell Unless he leads the procession The hon being Wu nnderstands with vinegar, he he won't play corps is also | ored by the presence of soldiers and statesmen, but nevertheless and not | withstanding Mr. Wu Is far and away the most popular diplomat in Washing He is a social lon and as an after He carries his speeches In thelr bowie knives or razors. Mr. Wa has undertaken a tough job-—that of | his countrymen acceptable to Americans—but most certainly he is to be commended for his good Inten- tions Too Coy. “The lady doth protest much!” In this case the lady Is Senator Marcus A. Hanna. The cause of his overpro testation is the talk about Mark as the next presidential standard bearer, While I am neither a prophet nor the | son of a prophet, 1 make bold to pre- dict that it will prove case of “swearing she wi sent, consented.” There this country a man who a presidential not of a party which show of electing too De ant or uld ne'er con WAR never would refuse nation at the hands has the ghost of a its nominee, Nay, more, there American possessed of one chance out of a mil lion to become president who did not strive for It with might and main, If Senator Hanna lives till 1004 he will be the nominee unless things take on such a shape that the Republicans must needs turn to anti-MceKinley Re publieans to secur? a candidate gessed of a ray of hope of success, It may to that. All this talk of Hanna's shutting up Republican bead quarters In order that one candidate may not get ahead of another is all rubbish. He closes up the headquar- ters because he knows that be has the nomination dead to rights if he de sires It. What use has he for nominal headquarters when ba bas the real in never was an pos- come article at ths White House, the treas- ury building and all the other depar ments? ton which more money That would simply be a wan- of raw material, a caper Marcus will not cut, for the he spends before the none ination the less he will m palgn expenses after the nomination, and Mark waste have for oc; frequently ponders, no doubt, the Important question, “What | will it profit a man to galn the nom tion and to lose the election?’ Mark nomination and election are necessit to the Republic I'he plans of pubilie plunder stretel tl or till to not to chance wit derstudy of Mark's dend of their m they nominate whoop jobbers an many years time wh CANON good Propose sure in i will Marcus wi How Ther man a heart Joseph Hant Are the Mighty is one Ohlo Republican pre of stone, fenson Fallen! w hose ent plight and that is Sen Foraker, He Is a in Hi r rose and expectand would gallant, amiable mi the nckeye Republicans once fa Renub Wher sands expected to Te for pre ever he ereated a furor was the dol of the young I an nominee dent he went woul flectio aspir was fillis 0 Al ernor known Dick Kinle) age « years ago Ow nd Is nx McKinley wt tern Hanna Dick runs Ohio (irosYeno is ¢ { Foraker their upon Hs House Va MAr | General | bottle washer o8 1D publie Pp ¢ favor of his enem is A Ia Bourbon. Dr. Richard Barthold, representative in congress frot appears to have the Bourbon f learning pothing. He is und making loud and violent threats as to what he Is going to do touching what he is pleased to eall a Demo gers rymander by the legislature of Missou- rl. He is going to upset the whole per formance and 16 Mis. sourians, including himself, out of con gress. Of course, the good in talking through his chapeauv-merely that and nothing more He might be willing to hurl 15 colleagues ont but himself. never! Perish the thought! He that the districts are not symmetrical. Well, some of them are pot bullt on Hogarth's line of bea ity, but they are patterns of symmetry and ws when compared with by Republican legisla nnsylvania, Oblo, lllinols Dr. Barthold should re his rage until he has time « the landscape o'er ite I favor St Louis quality « now avorting ar ratic burst it throw doctor his alleges compacine districts made tures in Pi and Firat the "ey int istanter. been a wi emo i warl, He ran amu the Nesbit law, only to have the prem of M United States to up! to have taught | pears to left | f mental darknes In passing, It may be well to stnte that Elbridge Gerry always denied paternity for the scheme which be his name and which is universally adopted in practice while universally condemned 1 he pe Dr. Rar thold will resume hin } ppy frame of mind when he rests from his late her culean labors in congress 2 7 Qiu (iy ly to survey done, his Ire w The good doctor ¢ not ing work In Miss courts have ints the irs i \ ww in theory. | and enlargement of the liver | treated me the whole of last winter, but did not help | me very much, so I gave him up and began using | pow strong and healthy again, | thanks to Dr. Chase's Kidney THE 25 ct. FAMILY DOCTOR. CEDAR SPRINGS, MICH. EATON RAPIDS, MICH. | Mrs. Hose Chaffee, a buslzoss woman of Eaton Mrs. Isane Dunham, a well-known lady of that | Rapids, writes : * For a long thine my system was place, writes: “1 cannot praise Dr. A. W. Chase's | In a terribly weakened state, Billousness, severe Kidney-Liver Pills too much. They did for me indigestion and kidney troubles made me so what doctors and other medicines could not do, 1 iniscrablo that 1 was hardly able to work, A friend ld me of Dr, Chase's Kidney Liver Pills, and 1 found them just as represented. They restored my health to me, and I think they are & wonderful medicine The marked success of Dr, A.W, Chase's Kidney The result ' Liver Pills with Backache, Kidney Trouble, Con. IDE. stipation, Headache and Btom- A : W ‘ 0 H A S E ; S my ea Se KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS. Mote was troubled with severe disorders of the kidneys My family doctor Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills, was simply wonderful. I am Liver Pills." eat Made to Hear Miraculous Results Late Discoveries and Modern Methods. are Obtained N Deafness Is No Longer Incurable CONSULTATION FREE. BAILROAD SCHEDULPF. JENNBYLVANIA RAILROAD BRANCHES Iu effect on and after Noy AND 2, 196) YIiA TYRONE willefonte am pm Leave Bellefonte 1 hp m 215 pm; at Altoona G65 pm Leave Bellefonte i444 pm G0: st Altoona at 7 VIA TYRONE lefonte atl WERTWARD sham, arrive at Tyrouse at Altoona, 1.00 p mm; at Pittsburg Leave Il ui arrive at Tyrone 10pm; at Pittsburg arrive at Tyrone at Pittsburg at 1] 30 EASTWARD am, arrive at Tyrone H Harrisburg 2 40 pm; at Phfladel y m at 1yiene at Phila. rilelonte 1 of at Les Le pm, arrive al Harrisburg 6 45 pm 0p “444 pm, arrive ig at fi pm VEN “NORTHWARD 1% am arrive Iyrone Ha - at Lock 142 p at Wil at p.m LOOK MAVEN m, arrive a lamsport 8lp m Lock Dpm arrive at Lock nat v Via EASTWARD m. arrive lamsport p.-m at Lock iZ40 p.m at Philadel «p.m ! arrive at Lock Ha ar sport, 4 0 p.m. Har ile. 835 p. nn m.. eave Wi Harrisburg arrive at Lock Ha Han sport 146 a B.m., Arrive arrive adel ' al Adelphia at 6.52 a 1 IEBU RG a. 0 arrive at Lewis Harrisburg HL am, m., arrive at 6505 p.m Lewis Phila IYRONE KAILROAD Vv. 3 i ” SELSSREERSSEIS | i 1 8 Dr. Stites, the Eminent Specialist, is Now Dem .ns rating in | Bellefonte the Success of For Deafness and Catarrh. the New Treatment Noises Would Almost Set Can No Thought the Head Him Crazy at ry Conversation Without Can Now Hear Passing. Some Times w Hear Ordina to Hear tor XK Years Trouble . remarkable radua « oved that | reation in & rom the church bw which ne I am yaloinr Respeer f Y. Joux HH. Awpmews Me ane Can 1 nve ¢ hear rm whislies OFFICE HOURS “New Rival,” “Leader,” “Repeater.” WINCHESTER Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells. “New Rival” loaded with Black powders. “Leader” and “Repeater” loaded with Smokeless powders. Insist upon having them, take no others, and you will get the best shells that money can buy. ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM, Is the “Standard’’ the only Why successful Rotary Shuttle Sewing Machine It is the only thing of the kind that has stood the test Has Working parts are fewer greater speed than any other iI8 CRS There wear ; want to know more about it cal SARA C. BRICKLEY, Ed : ucation a An except) Nered 10 young m ! FEShag for four regaiar in M Hy te rade work, good « ard study, | ire boost d students of Central State Normal School LOOK MAVEN, Ctnlon Co. PA, Handsome bulidings perioctly stonin heat, «leety PT pure Imo and whet for oninlow JR FLICKINGER, Principal, Cor. Spring & Bishop St Bellefon e, 1 nal opportunity and 3« pA work writin NS ——_— all» Krone or, er le Fox pram PETTY YET TT TT rrr. DESIGNS TRADE - MARKS OBTAINED ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY F Notice in “Inventive Age" Book ‘How to obtain Patents” Oharges moderate, No fou 1 patent te mecured Letters strictly confidentia Address, 6, 8 BIOGERS, Palwt Lawyer, Washingten, 0.6; | P| LE SWAYNE'S Sp, ONTHENT Teor. IRAE Central State Normal School, er and LOCK MAVEN, PA, Lalla] % : 4 NTE& SNOWSHOE BRANCH Table 1n effect nD and after an ticket agent A. W. D., 38 RW (yen Pass Ag? od By CENTERAI 1 DR RAILROAD OF PENNA Ar EFrOoxTE Nigh Zion Hecla Park Dunkles Hubiersburg Bnydertown Nittany Huston Lamar i ntondale Krider's Sid’ Mackeyville BY Cedar Springs Salona Mil Ha pom Ar Lv BEECH CREEK RR Jersey Shore AN: ~e } MT EE FE A AT ll oh =] - J PET ATTY lve Fh \ Wmsport } Arr a & Reading ry FHILAD NEW YORK Via Phila Lye ip Days REL Sunday ng Car attached to east [ m WN amsport at 11:3 p.m, bound from § bilade phiaat ll: p.m W.GEPHART General Bupt Week p. m. Sunday and west PELLEFOSNTE CENTRAL RAILROAD » To take effect Apr 1 WESTWAR BEARTWARD IEEE ERR RER ERR Lewisburg, Wil iy connect Sate ge k Fenda tonte for points eastand west MAS Bum Mortandor Haven and and for fpe connect w Trains from lamsport, Lock with train No» Trains from State Ratlroad at Belle one A LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE Comb Nes Pe rect vice with the : 3 OCal sr ad Long Aantages com all 1) ’ \ ing from all stance Subs rin I's, 1 ul From a comn stand wint the Yi Ide Jr r pre fits on the Invest mont than the world oegm As a household | pment its value cannot be estimated. te epl one anvthing else in The rates are moderate. CENTRAL PENNA. TELEPHONE & SUPPLY CONP