THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. 1901, HAPPENINGS ABOUT TOWN The Local the Week BRIEFLY TOLD IN AFEW LINES | Personal What Men Movements of Our People Mention, Society Events Has Transpired Worthy tion—Short Paragraphs of Juds are out, Sales and flittings are about over Large snowbanks are still to be seen in some localities -- Little with scarlet fever, Joseph Ceaders, Jr. is ill --Horse sale in front of the Garman House, next Monday, April 8th, Joseph Bros. & Co very fine show cases to their store, have added two Joseph Ceader is now fixing up his | to say in this issue News Compiled During | | daughter, Mrs. Seixas, ice cream parlor in an excellent manner, April 1st would have been a five fishing day, but the “fine’ stood way. The Aid irethren church will ho Socie ment this Thursday n - A car driving an at public Monday. The furnished through tted than ever for the enter Ralph McKinley son of Mr Yalent ne street Of convulsions and wi The P tracked a Haven, and work to begin It creased traffic and tra held fall, make the double track a necessity exposition, to be from May to next Last that se week a report was circulated veral horses bad died at the Ha \K It reached us dif and thinkis K there was no mistake about it, a brief . stat House stables from fereut source ocal was writ ten for our last issue It ince proves lo be incorrect Again it is announced that the row shoot, to be conducted by the Sports men’s League, will B% held on the fair grounds next Friday afternoon, April Sth. Three hundred sparrows have been ordered and gunvers from Snow Shoe, Howard and Coburn will be hers to participate, SDAar to the Buftalo | ., ! | ment, which was des Fishing will be on the program next Daniel Shilling, of dellefonte, has | been granted an mcrease of pension, fio. & Co. have something that is McCalmont appropriate to ad weat day ep the } away returned me from a visit in Philadel Mr Tuesday and M1 afternoon Poilip Beez to vi ends Newton, Kansas, gone a month or two Guy Linn, who for many years has been connected with the Standard Sc! Works to ae at this place, left Tuesday after noon take full charge ofthe Borden Selleck Scale Works, in Cleveland, O Gen, James A White urge the appointment of H. EB dist as a caller at the House, to 10 be tict judge in Alaska. tans Cor the mt of th quite at his home. and of condition dered «¢ ] Wedne ening the thought that there was a noticeably | wa cons riti day ey family m provement, apparently gaining strength I rights disease is announced as the ail ! oped hy a severe cold contracted during the winter Dally News free I'he contest, which had been going on for the scholarship past three months came to a « Strohm Lose, of Belle oe at noon Tuesday fonte, is the winner who will receive a course in mechanical and architectural drawing in the International Cor respond. ence Schools of Scranton, Pa., at the ex pense of the Daily News, The final vote was as follows : Strohm Lose, 5:81; Stanley Valentine, 5121; Prank Graham, i610, from | of land in Boggs and Howard Beaver, on Tuesday, | Shaffer, | ° | | LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. | | | Gathered from the Various Offices About the Court House. MARRIAGE LICENSHS Pleasant Gap | Zion Fleming f Calvin Lonce ! Della Ex f Wm. J. Ex 11 kenroth kenroth orence J. Smith mH eC. Bell illia Ardrey REAL ESTATE TRANSFER Morgan, mn snow T. Dixon to Catharine re 100 perche to Catharine ACres so Reede r, Fhomas, June 12, perches in Benner lena Miller, 'bomas, May $12 50 Pheobe S. Page, et baron, to Catharine J Thomas, March 22, 1901 tract of land in Benner. $150 Philip W. Barnhart's heir QO. Barnbart, June 25 150 to Catharine ‘2 acre in Benner et to 1900 | tracts $1754. Josephine M. Delaney, et baron, to E [ Willian March 10 ¥9: house and in Unionville, § Henry Brown, et ux, to W. H May 18, 52 yo perches in H. 0 Markle Walker A Kive A MIV™Y he we worth attending 1 the rintend schoo ! ot ’ 0 r pastor, erinten dent, supe ent of lepart part ment and two delegates vited to attend Horse Sale A undiana thoroughhred, ar load of horsee Kentu consisting of fine saddlers and elegant drivers, h personelly ky and | | ave been selected by the undersigned and will arrive in Bellefonte, Pa. the lat ter part of this week, April sth or 6th, and can be fnspected at the Garman House stables. This is an exce ptionally fine lot of roadsters with a few draught horses, all of which will be offered at! public sale on Monday, April Sth, 1901 12:30 noon, in front of the Garman House, Jor. Kenono, pal church, ot Be extensive month what has line of improvement that | house fluentia morning ing service esting that and the Spencer couducted by selections ‘rection M. E. CHURCH RE-DEDICATION. The members of the Methodist EF pisco llefonte, are anxiously looking forward to the time when their house of worship, which has undergone during the past To de repair ix | cribe | the the | } een will be reopened been done to the edifice in * of this arti manner the mn asing, and app: uch a lar opriate a of worship for ge ai nm. Next the congregaly April 7th, i will take place and an formal re opens inter has been prepared for of the which the following extracts have been pr gram balance week, from made ; Sunday morning at 10a. m sermon by H presiding elder and Dr assisted by Rev, J W.A. | will be Bishop ( Fowler, Ellis Bell Receiving the offerings J]. W The musical | which pipe will Powell, e iN the new organ t time Afternoon he Id and hye Of the vi rendered There w Latheran church The Holy ( tered mornin mmun will be adminis and evening and reception of members. Special and inspiring music In the evening Hugene Wenizel will » ng "The Resur The the Sunday Al all these services order of Easter service School and congre gation will connect with it the best musical pro gram ever rendered in the church Whisper It. After May 1 Williamsport will have dollar gas for fuel purposes, Fuel gas has been $1.15 per thousand feet, with 10 cents off a thousand for prompt pay ment After May 1 it will be $1.10, with 10 cents off, making the net price #1 a thous. | and, sport can beat us, That is one point where William. | » | of Contre county. subject to the FREE AD COLUMN PUBLIC SALE REGISTER. f that I'runy Hanvey Mot A AILEY an Mus FAKE arf ADbawm ( C.K Emp Ww res MOK. Ar RUMBERGEN, Gates! re. Pa ANNOUNCEMENTS We are au horized to announce the names of ML GAKDNER, of Bellefonte, Ps., 8% & can didate for the office of Prothonotary of ( entre county, subject to the decision of the Demo eratie County Convention Wo are authorized to announce the name of B SPANGLER, Bag , of Bellefonte, Pa. as A candidate for the office of Distriet Attorney decision of the Democratio County Convention. 1 | Garden an Field Tools... succeeded wil parent prices are McCalmont & CO. BELLEFONTE N J MARKET QUOTATIONS. | All | od each 1 | lowest for the Arhe iat proes | Bellefonte Produce The following prices are paid by | Oo. for produce Eggs per Joren Lard, per pou nd Tallow, par pound Butter, per pound Nide, per pound Ehoulder, per pound... Bellefonte—Grain, The followin MiLLiwe Oo, for —— PAE BUSHEL, OM vv counen. serremmreon: Oats.