2 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. APRIL 4, 1901. CITVZEN AGUINALDN, Daptive Filipino Lender Takes the Oath of Allegiance. NOT TO BE LIBERATED AT ONOE. Ceneral MacArthur Will Probably Keep the ex-Leader Under His Eye and Use Him in Loyalizing the Remnant of the Insnrgent Forces, Washingtor de partment forma tion from Gen Aguinaldo pines insurgents, wi as captured ught wal vest Emilio Philip Gen. Funstor to Mani has taken .the oath of i gience +) week Lo of 1e¢ | amnesty Funston Gets His Reward Was! gton, April | | fm pe L Army aps men noun at the White Hon night Te major general of United States army irig. Gen. 1] Wheator vice Miles, promoted tenant goneral To brigadier erals in the Ar army, Brig Frederick Fu ton, United States unteers Wheaton, 1 Jacob Emit} Heve States ’ he ) raay the oyd lieu gen tien , fl Col 1ited tired De regul vi 4) | H infantry, vice nteenth Dag ALLEGED PHILIPPINES Robbing the Gasernment hy OMeers UDs FRA the Ald of tommissnry Manila, Apr } ture nd 1 f over Interest in the cap nigh inl Al nalde . We Man react lerick J Yi ne Barro of the infantry, q ter the department of southern wether with mmin gergeants, several ian clerks a prominent government contractor, the assistant manager of the Hotel Oriente, the proprieiors of three of the largest bakeries In Manila, a number of storekeepers and other persons have been arrested The Investigation has scarcely be gun, but thousands of sacks of flour, a quantity of bacon and wagonloads of other goods, all bearing government marks, have been found in the pos session of unauthorized persons. Thirtieth master of Lauzon, Ary unteer peven of civil by | MINISTER LOOMIS' HOME OOMING, Yo Consult With Seoretary Hay on Venezuelan Hostility, Port of Spain, Trinidad, April 3. The United States auxiliary cruiser Scorpion has been ordered to convey Francis B. Loomis, the United States minister at Caracas, Venezuela, to San Juan de Porto Rico, where he will em bark on a steamer for New York, The Scorpion leaves La Guayra Saturday After the Inspired press of Venezuela had for months abused the [United States navy resident McKinley and Mr. Loom Venezuelan govern Killed His Mother and Brother \ Gave His Life For a Sallor tenant Ce oring to re him Ta i Was read Anthracite Mine Strike Wilkesbharre March 30 ened strike of 143.000 hard coal At meeting of the tee of the United three districts held In this city yester day it was decided that the men should continue at work. In the opinion of the committee, in a lengthy address issued last evening, and which was prepared by President Mitchell, the circum stances do not warrant a strike at this time Averted, he threat miners in the take place executive commit Mine Workers of reg will not Boers Sar Vor an Injunction New Orleans April 3 Proceedings were brought in the United court here yesterday by representatives of the Boer government to prevent the salling from here of the shit Anglo Austral loaded mule consigned British ent in South Judge Parlange 14 ter der CHUN injund States steam An with the Africa ng t tn governn read he petition. issued An or defendants prel granted requiring the on Apt Fb wi n tion should not bx minary Sernnton’'s New OMeinls in Charge Pa April Recorder night recalled hin veto of rdinance and signed the ire The Muehlbronner act in consequencsd is n in full oper ation in Berantor Councliimanic lead ers have agreed that the ordinance shall be amended conform to the recorders views The new officials took actual charge of affairs today Seranton Moir last reorganization the mean Ww tg Alleged Attempt to Kill the Cony. London, April 2A dispatch to The Morning Leader from Keif says It In | reported that an officer of the house- hold attempted to assassinate the czar, He fired at his majesty, but missed, He then shot and killed himself before he sould be seized, | the life HARRISON RE-ELECTED. Democratic Candidate Again Wins Chicago's Mayoralty Contest. FULL DEMOORATIC TIOKET WINS, Though the Successful Candidates Have Smaller Plurnlitios Hend Than the of the Tiekettolorando's Capital Republican. Chicago, April b.—~Carter son has been re-elected for the second week commence hi H mayot time Harri of Chi and will third term if the city. His Judge Elbridge ican Will CARD next as the total plurality over Hanecy Republ be 28.2567 tes chief executive « nominee wards of the Harr cemnse Wins in NSehiraska cense Wins in Minnesota Republican Victory in Denver Democrats Win in St. Loans Apr Returns fr the city have been We Den by about yw that the city A Juvenile First Lieutenant Washingt« April 3 An ment made In army that Is unusual Second Lieuten ant Rudolph BE of the Forty-seventh infantry, has been ralsed to a first lieutenant in the same reg! ment. the commision to last during of the volunteer army L.leut Smyser is from York, Pa. and is not yet 19 years old. When the Spanish WAr came on he was jer If vd had the is parenta ! Join a Pennsylvania regiment vate. He in the Philippines tha ia trying to have h ant in t} regulate n has been appoint the Smyser uns to secure consent of | has made m maa Arm) 1001 APRIL Tu. We. Th. 2(8|4|6 71810/[10/11 12 14/15/16/17/18/ 19 21122123 24,25 26 2 29 | 30 MOON'S PHASLS, 0 New rm, onn | iow P guane i Fr. Full oon € oar Third 18 » bat Many a woman dresses falls into a fit of d¢ and she'll probably answer blues? Only another a diseased stomach, The similar to those produced pl by the mhalation of u effect br name on 101¢ OF _ PAPA Pellots cure constipa- tion. They are best and safest laxa~ tive medicine for wom- en’s use. Just The Bluz to go out, spondent musing “Just the general am Dr. Pierce's Pleasant the LEGAL NOTICES. No ETOSTOCKHOLDERS I | { I he meeting of the stock hol | the Valley Kallroad e« calle V uesdny, Am b. I at i Broad Biree! annual ders of AMpany Is feels } 1s 11 o'clock eels 1Irresolnte 11 station, Phila Ask blue | $1 are he 1 ¢ i 1 § ' " i ALBERT HEWBON 1 Or | role l \ ] ’ { Hecreta and matter, down, y 1 $1 Wwiliat s th er vial Ht president and directors same Or thn ” OTIC i J - g Woman’ Vighimare WEE REAL ESTATE, COMPANY LOAN & TITLE of CENTRE CO Here is a List of FIRE INSURANCE 0s epresent Stock Com Pane 3 al rating upon any of f thane Hamburg Bremen, of Hamburg, Ger North German Fire Insurance Co Manchester, of Manchester, Eng American Central, of St. Louis Prussian National, of Germany Palatine, of Manchester, Eng United States, of New York Concordia, of Wisconsin National, of Allegheny Traders, of Chicago Washington, Fire i" Assets in of over OX LAfe and Acerdent Surplus nearly SRAITT TOOV ER, rider's Stone Bullding BELLEFONTE. GUARANTEED SALARY wn bined TIRE $900 TEARLT Men and women of good address to | represent nus, some agents, others for to travel appointing local work look ng | after our interests, f900 salary guaran teed yearly : extra commissions and ex. rapid advancement, old estab ished house man or woman 10 secure manent position ihera Mew, brilliant penses, pleasant, per and fu Wille x25 income ture nes once STAFFORD PRESS, 23 Church St New Maven, MONEY T TO LOAN tos Conn, ' and spproved se 3 ring for sale, Fas i # te bought m d sold W. 6. RUNKLE, Att'y, ler Exchange Bellefonte, MONEY TO LOAN. In amounts from One to Ten Thousands Dollars, real estate security low $1000 aceepted, W. F. CONICK, Att'y, BELLEFONTE FA Nothing be- | Crider s Bachangs LEARN TELEGRAPH and Commer CRAPH SCHOOL, LEBANON, PA. Grand chavee for earnest | at | on Appros od Yor Railroad einl Nerviee Tyvewriting Course Free. FISK TELE- - “aster Footwear... | 4 Most Style, Best Goods, Least Money. Walk-Over $3.50 and $4.00. Fine Grades of Ladies See - them. Footwear. Powers Shoe Co. BELLEFONTE. RA ANA CITE and r BITUMIN 110 \ MINOUS COA LS. Also ‘Wood, tie, Hay, | Straw and Sand. ge fe nr ler's | ANTH Howard n house worships, al | kinds of ] Haines and Penn Miliheim and Gregg and od townships, at election |} May A Oentre Hall Borough Potter townships. at election house lime Yort and May 5 RBell OM May 10 and | at the Con wishing to be he have the ass with them as 1o their « NOTICE A after jee Superior screenin Bu Plasterers’ sand 0000 I TELEPHONE CALLS Central Commercia efonte Rorough, at Commissioners burning general appeal will be held mers OMos Persons ard atl this appe«l must % present and arrange mpensation taxables take that for the respective dis 1y be no exonerations a0 No \ NO 1312 682 notiee the day of ApDea triets the BEEZERS MEAT MARKET | , ALLEGHENY ST. BELLEFONTE PFA bY Re will be he -" ponitly Lax OR UNSEATED LANDS that an Appeal Ton ad al Lhe Commiss r the owed on stat Notes Is here unseated lands ners OMes, Belle fon f al dis viets as follows May | Ferguson, Harris Potter, Gress. Fenn, Haines iMiles, Marion and Walker town hips Liberty Cartin, Howard, Boges, Union, Half Moon, Patton, Oollege and Renner townships May 1h-Snow Shoe, Burnside, Rush, Taylor, Worth, Huston and Spring townships, HECKMAN, MEAS MILLE evel We keep none but the best quality of BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, SLICED HAM, All Kinds of Smoked Meat, Pork Sa sage, ole Ifyou want a ¢ Juley Steak go lo PHILIP BEEZER. | Centre County Banking Co. Corner High and Spring Streeis DANIE) | PHILIP I Recive Dirosirs; DisCoUNT NOTRS AtMN ABRAM ¥ La JM. SHUGUGERT. Cashier BOYD A Mussa Clerk ‘Garman’s Emoire House [GATE FELEY st MAIN STRERT, TYRONE, PA. ER 0 BOs AL. 8. GARMAN, Propriter. HARRIS Cunts ALL Dimes A NEw fusrasetb May oF {on Com. Sopun A Eby “hh Lab