THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., MARCH de undo | 1901, CORRESPONDENTS’ DEPARTMENT Happenings About Centre County | Briefly Told by A CORPS OF ABLE WRITERS Our Alert Correspondents Note Many Important Events in Diflerent Lo- ls calities—What is Transpiring Your Section Represented ? Unionville. miles, hours’’ An examinal girls was held 1 schoo! and | A! among f have a nice time Mrs with the fever at pre } dae visit (erty |( L114 sent Uncle George Cowher wotrly vet William Garland had sold out his livery, horses, harness and all his stock good prices a IArge he buggies, sle 1 hs They brought aie, Sammy smiles all big boy, along fine, Lawrence Moore is bulsy blasting stumps out of his field to have it ready for corn. Jerry is an alright boy ; he likes to have every thing in good order Henry Melcher talks of leaving his farm. Henry you had better stick to your farm, a stone that is rolling, gathers no moss. over his face; it's a Mother and babe are getting Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. | Laxative Bromo.-Quinine Tablets cure acold in one day. No Care, no Pay, Price 25 cents, Port Matilda The grip with the ground hog weather: has disappeared from this section, At this writing the sun shines brightly i and the spring birds sing cheerily. | The prospects are favorable for a good | crop of both grain and fruit in some se tion of the county, The roads in many are still | bad from the melting snow drifts places place Our accommodating hucks | Turner, had strane one Mingoville. Ho cman All escape from 1 Cares If we miss it in and EArments we wear come when we're older As Lhe one { H. 1] store Rossman our popular Keepers will soon go to our eastern cities for his new spring and summer goods When a man meets his town he wonders how much it him, Smith Bro's expect to break ground soon for their new furniture store which will be a monstrous building The shorter a man is in his accounts the longer it takes to find him, Mr. and Mrs, C. P. Long started last Monday to Philadelphia to get their sup. plies of spring and summer goods, Calvin King and wife, of Sugar valley, Sundayed with his wife's mother, Mary | Crape. | Mrs. Jonas Condo, of State College, is | visiting her friends and relatives, down cost wife will Brush Valley Hello, here we are again! It seems spring is coming but the roads are bad Well, J. Hoy was over is Penns val ley again a few days to visit his sick sis ter, Mrs, Gramley; but there must be some other attraction over there, he) is val Perry Harter ley this week ; moving to Sugar Orry to see him go, on the , but Frank Grenoble is sick also Jeremiah Erte ome what weparat which he McoCle wi barn in the fire. The work of tearing down the walls is dangerous and difficult. We have not been able to learn whether Mrs. Keller will build e | mi Rom » d a new me destroved by an Als0 bu piace of fro00 Reward Sion The readers of this paper will be pleased to Ioarn that there is al least one dreaded disease that science has been able to eure in all stages and that is Catarrh Hall's Oatarrh Cure Is the ov ly positive eure known to the medieal fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis Sass, requires Aa constitutional treatment Hall's Uatarh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. thereby destroying the founds thon of the disease, and giving the patient atrtngth by building up the constituth Assisting nature in doing Its work. The pristors have so mueh fomen, that they offer One Hundred Dollars OF Any onse that it falls to cure. Bend for list of testimonials F. J. CHENEY & 00, Toledo, 0 sro " Druggista, 7% Hatl's Family Pills are the best, ro | registered at the National, on and | faith in ts euralive | | Millheim. The hosiery new organization H. ( had mill started under on Monday Nerve Si It is pre burdens of work uj that tells the of health, It tells the | con from Milroy Monday and Kulp, lumberman wn tt business in town on slory--pren Will Hoffman sold bis Chas. Musser and returned to Milroy Thomas We here to sce that everything wa at the knitting Monday orming ners hho \ Poo room to many r Sunda Lt was over in good tart one of the par nape ory in ’" He nd 1 Danville, ai registe n fac lO House enhuth town on avery. ditions — heaping Ie nervous system ture breaking up nen and women concerned, find them power ATTRACTIVE HOUSEWIVES Why ? OECHLER & (0 BELLEFONTE, PA ] un fn i} ' gthening the bn nerves, makes this great remedy It nour od and uable brain-food and restorative ishes, fortifies and refreshes the tir worn-out brain and gives new strength, new life, and new energy to the system. Dr. Miles’ Adds renewed force to the system, puts a new nerves were greatly debilitated, and r of dulln« dizzy spells and Would from urning pain in the back and head, and a disagreeable taste in my mouth. My memory was poor and I os thought I would go crazy. 1 began taking Dr. Miles’ Norvine and was helped from the very start. The result was that 1 was completely restored.” Rev. J. P. Smirn, Lebanon, Pa Nesrvine light in the eye, gives new firmnets to the deas awake | somo stop and new life to the mind Now is the time to try fb Sold by all druggists on a guarantee. Dz, Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad,