THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. MARCH 28, 1901. mn misgivings the falling health of Gen and are not mealy . K : y mouthed about say of ' Favorite Preserintion ’ =. ( y ” y eral Porfirio Diaz, president of Mexico. | lug so : H COMFORT BE av Be i SHIN 3" aud ou : of RAILROAD SCHEDULE He is as truly the “father of his coun- The Fairfield County (Q.) Republican ’ a new woman, ¢ i ” an 1 ” . | Pre NEYLVANIA RAILROAD try” as George Washington Is of | says _ do all my own wor AA a sbpmnt BRANCHES ‘ th 1 n effect on and after Nov, ¥ of any lady sufferi this. It 18 hardly stating the case too | While in Waahin { { y gton attending the inaugural | #4 H Ha ma v | strong to say that General Diaz created we were 1 + impressed with the greatness of Never Mind, Mamma, Baby nt h ve P [ rite Pre- | YIA TYR WEETWARD Senator Hanna He has been an important factor BCTItie fair trial, {or 1 . e bens } “8h Y te lletonte ain, arrive at Tyrone io 1K) p my at Pittsburg the Mexican republl Most assuredly : public. Mos edly | "the rat torm of William McKinley, and bis Loves You.” efi it be did not create it literally he has | wisdom will be more apparer A asim M | ¢ ; J Hm 1 pparen 0 the merican wT os tie "ngnans J 4 | ye hb 4 ] i he cK : te iad wi no ] I 1e ohauy ra { . ’ wliefon ' " arrive at Tyrone and Statesman. preserved it and has lifted 1 to a high | people in the second, He pomemes the presclencs Zip m; a 01 pi: at PILObUrg place among the nations of the earth and wisdom that are absolutely ary in the But the childish voice is almost un ! He 1s one of the very few men in the heeded, The wife and mother has come raging 1 I¥ arcund. At ast To | { . preive Mt 13idne : ¢ | At] ook | J DONE i at Pittsburg at 11 30 1 wl +» love 11 mi \ entire history of the human race who, to a place where love canno nfort ree b of } : 4 | Vi LON IW ARD her, where even the voice and word Of 14 ive at Tyrone THE GREATEST OF HIS RACE. | seising the chief office by main | ih the land, nest 10 tho present i ia 8 wi | Jove ‘rn so Diem with her own misery ical Discovery. ant san well Tt is 1 aries 2a meat Poll strength and by revolutionary meth ‘ Ji Ri. Ipisd } make | that they seem te ani y | they sect ) INCe se 1 / f : ' ’ ; y il’ . l rd . : " elie] Teak Iyrone | chp i rg ) I ‘Hila General Harrison, Patriot od have administered it for the bene X ‘ sy a. 4 " Imagine a mag? functor Grew Steadily Stronger In the | fit of the people I'rue, his has been tee! ’ le | ing in a fa wid the: ¥ing of han RE oD a e. No j is | deiphialo® pi the strong grip of the eagle's claw and v I \ { | mer n he rattle and gro ’ of 3 . \ med wi for “| 44 pm, arrive at Tyrone Public Esteem. lon's paw it the Mexicans are far better ol hat 1 Ise would have ) 1 } or \ l of General LEARNED AND OF GREAT TALENT. | Diaz for a quarter of a century. He Institutions of the re public on what appears to be a Strong | be the Lion Marcus A. Ha $iis Fame Increased With Years and | aud endurit asis, It really would Cheer For Ohlonns, be a good thing If Diaz could live an- hi uts Senator Hann juarter of a century and be regu fore the people as 1 elect president every four It Is no wonder that the Mex! who have so long leaned on his Who Have Ralsed Thelr Presiden . ’ strong art wr protection against riot, Experience—General Dine, FPresi-| dent of Mexico, Creator of the Re- public—Senator Marcus A. Hanna's Great Virtue—Eminent Republicans tinl Lightning Rods—Many Willin an ht nd revolution and who uader Barkises—~Hanna the Logical Cans { didate — Are College Presidents Played Out? Speci \ tter.] If the irits of the mighty dead take any Are (ollege Presidents Played Out? General Benjamin Harrison the above reward for any case « rer Complaint, spepsia, Sick Headache, wif C nstipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with Liverita The Up-to-Date Little Liver Pill | They are purely Vegetable and never fail to give satis ction. 5c boxes contain 100 Pills, 10c boxes contain 40 Pills, | boxes contain 15 Pills. Beware of substitutions and imitations. | Sent by mail. Stamps taken. Nervita Medical Co., Corner . | Clinton and Jackson Sts., Chicago, Illinois. Sold by For sale by C. M. Parrish, Druggists, Bellefonte, Pa, he was re. He “New Rival,” “Leader,” “Repeater.” Hanna's Chanees ie memes | WINCHESTER OOO00000O000000C 00000000 Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells. A JONG DIS A : { TELEPHONE - * “New Rival” and Repeater’ upon havi best shells that mon ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM enmtems— amm—— Pe ahd dh a a Boerner md Ss PILES! PILES! PILES! OK orsns {| . ‘ in Padding HY MP TOMS MW atature] Intense Hiehing ’ PATENTS : ‘A , . worar by sorateohing If elle BE 8 Eh \ 4 r The v thawe tumors furs and pretrade oMen bleed EWM AYNE™S INTENT Ww STARS stops Hehing and blevding. absarbs the } ADVICE AS JO PALE General Ding f 1 y 5 » ] ; - ar ' bod tamer | by denguiets or bp wall fe BO Hin ‘REE IA. 3 Pht Rp RS th ok iow 40 obtain "i ‘|B CENTRAL PENNA. TELEPHONE & hi this great republic Is In mourn mrt of W vick and ‘ res) | 1 1 sents. Sample FREER, 100 While this g i I i _. 4 g w o - ¥ Th _ ing for General Harrison our sister re dent! » a Charges moderate, No fr i secured. , SUPPLY COMPANY, al ehalr will fit his anatomy ex- | doesn ' ! . 4 | 11 Letters strict nfidents Ad ress, public en the south regards with many | setly? tes are moderate Ot 11341 SUREST SATEST CURE £. 6 MGEERS Patent Lawyer Washington, b c Some of Lis friends think "| limzar Pr a ——