8 The Racket. We Sell Carpets right way. ter for our customers. It isnot necessary for us to make allow- ance for interest on investment, nsurance, remnants, etc. We can afford to sell for a profit that would be a loss, if Carpets were kept in Easy to see this point--if U stop and think. are exclusive and not to be see elsewhere i llefonte. If You Want a Carpet Kom and C. bocmYs STOCK. I'he patterns we show n 1 Be G. R SPIGELMYER RESPONDENTS DEPAR FROM 7TH Valley COR CONTINUED Brush PAGE “hanes » Wes the u from ine of s§ w hi h , but A delightful snow fell last week proionged the sleighing a few day the recent rains have Turbridy’s store, near here, enn into om Saturday night learned how much was stolen John F. Lucas left this rone, where he will engage laundry business He will wissed by his many friends, polled it ITOK Have not was | week for Ty in the greatly yo 8 “Por croup, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives the best satisfaction of any medicine we ever sold,” says John T. Washburn, Gravois Mill, Mo. This remedy not only cures croup, but when freely given as soon as the croupy cough appears, will prevent the attack, It is the favorite and sole reliance in many thousands of homes for the prevention and cure of croup. For sale by Green's Pharmacy. | Stine, | while From samples because it is the | pretty girlé of that place. Not so good pos- | sibly for us, but positively bet-| THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA.MARCH 14, 1901. Fillmore. Robert Duey and Mrs. Daniel of Philipsburg, are at present visiting at the parental home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kelley, Willis Sowers went back to Julian to away the time and talk to the Mrs. Last Wednesday, the 13th, C. H. Kep- hart became very sick but is able to be around again. We are sorry to say Mrs. Maud Benner is on the sick list at this writing. O golly ! but §, C. Huey 18 smiling now it's a girl, girls, 1 am told that young | man is coming to our town from Pleasant Gap in the spring Who the lucky a nice will be Ni how man a man will spe was heard say, to talk about a mule it was about him did he | he equal of a mule, or are | It is funny himse!f A was sl il d 4 sland mean he s both kicker We had rain which removed most of the We have quite a lk Now Friday snow dri on number of small whom you must ake iddle-aged aston We itia to get them tot TMENT |» The Monday and everal off sh Ape. Lemont Lod their annua E. Grove Tus were at the home of W Jan h, and raugquet sday night, there \ 1 ] who had a good peonle D1 win and trave unday w UK | wait Samuel Ormdorf, who has been ull 4 ing for been relieved has SO time 'y hand of death, baving been a dill of the Lord, he now his reward in Heaven having taken the promise of Christ when he said, I will ¢o and prepare a man- sion for yoa in Heaven having arrived at the age of four score and ten 8g years and 9 mouths Mrs tii the gent fol wer has gone Lo ecure Almost Daniel Miller isvery low, may not this notice gets in print of J]. W. Krape was well things fetched good prices especially the hogs; everybody had a good dinner and plenty of coffee. ® } ive Hy The public sale attended ; Ihe Best On Earth. “1 have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family for the last five years and have found it one of the best medicines on earth for croup, coughs and | colds. It has saved me hundreds of dol. lars in doctor bills,” says W. B. Black, | Palmdale, Los Angeles county, Cal, For | sale by Green's Pharmacy. ¥ | frightened | fol Colyer. been Stump, during the John Wingard has sister, Mrs, Alfred past four weeks Mrs. Harper Springer, from Hall, spent Thursday last with her sister, Mrs. Calvin Rahl. David Bailey, from Clearfield, agent for the “Deering Harvesting Ma- chinery,”” spent several days very pleasantly at the home of A. B. Lee's, who is also agent for the same, Sunday night's storm took part of P. C, | City's proprietor’s which the inmates out of cabin roof, almost existence. dinner Bair to candy which Public and good free are all the go just now, and Wm them his Then will be the mov: already un; there w then sales Ow with first-cl ss stand Hey nave K more change thi priug ty What Sunday matler the forenoon, was 0 short A vour hn Mr man's of Mrs. Fra: Tuesday ‘morning iropsy ; aged 60 ’ Kert Tu ug nt field near to Shower James (COT pd 141) Among the many viewers e Samu Kaup and br ar William Alew weeks {f Len n 14) of this place win Yearick wi h through werk Mr voll, the obliging hant of Pleasant Gap, spent Saturday as a guest at the Brooks residence, east of town many friends h men Some of the young people of this town attended the party at Walker Shutt's, of Boalshurg, on Friday evening We are informed that the sick through out this section are somewhat improved CARD OF THANKS My sincere thanks are hereby ex. pressed to the people of Linden Hall, Oak Hall, Boalsburg and surrounding country for their kindness and Heroic eflorts In saving my store from burning on Tuesday morning, March sth, Respectfully, Mus. J. Winn KuLLer Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo.Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay. Price 25 cents, visiting his | robin have come already to wel Centre | as | | Pine Fairbrook, Spring is nearly at hand, and spring time, Mrs. Nannie Bailey and Mrs, Annie McWilliams went to Tyrone last Wedne | day as delegates wo the Women's Foreign They returned Missionary convention, home on Friday. Veterinary surgeon Dr. W., H. Fry, of Grove Mills, has returned home from Philadelphia after attending the annual convention of the Pennsylvania Veterinary Association at the Univ of Pennsyivania | tends thi booked on new diseases of Mrs W. Johnston, who has been under the d ersity always al convention an (20 | months, | Johuston | Thurs Bricker Daniel Keller, of Hotser Saturday and Sunday at the hb e, I. Owen Mothersbaugh Ww our Deering harvesting business trip lo Centre as 0 hustling ag machinery Ha ist | Messrs Charles Segner and Wm, Hess took a drove of eattle Sh in tersection last week Miss Maud Mitche al present visiting at the Mcl atland home stead. Stover riday to Suow hs of Lemont, i» ] N i Nnnges the John Israel Young and Mrs were called 10 Altoona to attend funeral services of their brother Young, who was buried on Monday J. A. Bricker spent a few days in Belle. fonte last week, John informs us that he visited the steam laundry and some parties on WW illowbank street, and had a | very nice time, | 8D0 Mil ain oun Mon consider the cellars and took a AWAY. 1a it gwelled the of some J MN w Ex-sheriff J. P burg on busine Ast Lon Harns The ground hog and everybody will most over weather CABO! a nal n Ed | The Journal column one who proper ¢ the are io any switch the » tors onto the | “ pen wi ection law get on right 1 | | of | | fact | another aly ear of e at wear " g radu | Eagle is loo ‘ | running The consideration of ti AappHca the ( entre atl Thursday until the mons and one wn th more than 1 hundred among matters submitie d to the a to cnsed | ] hotel TAances, ft were mnt wo rolers, Henry LL. Smith, postmaster of Sal. ladasburg, Clinton county, bas been Thursday, and itis murdered, missing since last believed he has He started to walk to Jersey Shore, but pever reached his destination, He had | $500 with him when he left home, His been i | accounts are all in perfect shape. Roland imber of ged Lo remove their to higher q on ount of nigh water. Bathurst, of Tyrone, is at ting friends at this place. R. Shrefller attended local arly Monday morging a vmilies were of | ROOGH ehold garters larence escent Miss Carrie Holt and were among those who institute at Port Matilda M1 Mrs. H hes { JUNE turday vis last week and 24 on tin returned after a week's visit ’ ta at 4 » it Washington among friend phia Qa K THE. on Walk-Over Shoe shoe factory ¢ world, over 8000 a day and id. manufactured over the wor fit of three cents a pair t is the reas ou get " vt All sizes and Wait for them, and $4.00. leathers. will be here soon. Powers Shoe Co. BELLEFONTE. - ade Hig? Is the “Standard” the only successful Rotary Shuttle Why Sewing Machine It is the only thing of the kind that has stood the test Has greater speed than any other, Working parts are fewer. There is less wear if you want to know more about it call SARA C. BRICKLEY, Cor. Spring & Bishop St. Bellefonte, Pa.