h wa camped for the night, CHAS. R. KURTZ, OUR HISTORICAL REVIEW Thrilling Adventures During the Revolutionary War INDIANS, BRITISH AND TORIES Invade the Interior of Pennsylvania and Bloody Many Scalps Taken Encounters Follow Ad Historic ventures of Pioneers CHAPTER From the narrative Van Campen, Revolution, experiences in continued from las We had been on our or five days four aboul , when on the morning joth of March, we party thrust of ten Indi: through witl throat was cut and he as tom the Hr While I was strugg the fellow had drew his from his my brother w and thrown into who 38 a violent thrust at me his spear me, turned only penetrated my were then sat they had oner, as taken my ung though they ki We were now day we ame Indians found four white men : camp, who fortunately dis Indians and fled to a house ; only fired on them, and woun tain Ransom, when they continued their course till night The day passed away and as before we lay In the morning we came to the riv nr and saw their canoes : they had descend ed the river, and run their Little they canoes adrift | renewed Canoes upon Tunkhannock so called crossed the river Ccreex, nd and Suggestion panions, to and urged juestion. tomahaw K, our stations on the right wing eft. That and were gett a Coward and Cal moment despatc he : turned to my as [ was about to de { my side of the fire, P here good execution the off win« that his ba his name was Mohawk. a sto daring fellow In the off about three rods | Saw it was the prisoners that made the attack, and giving the war. wh op, he darted to take possession of the guns; I as quick to prevent him ; the contest was then As I raised my tomahawk, he turned quick to jump at me ; I followed him and struck between him and myself at him, but missing his head, my bawk struck his shoulder, back of his neck: and at the same time slipped, and I fell by clinched ; his arm was naked toma. or rather the he pitched forward fell my foot his side: we he caught me round my neck, at the same time | caught him with my left arm around the body, and gave him a close hug, at the same time feeling for his knife, but could | not reach it, In our scuffle, my tomahawk dropped out. My head was under the wounded shoulder, and almost suffocated me with Proprietor. his blood. | I made a violent spring and broke from his hold ; we both rose at the took me some same time, and he ran; it the blood f: time to clear om my eye my tomahawk got covered up, and I could not find it in time to overtake him he was the only one of the party that escaped. Pike was powerles I always have had a 1 devotion, Pi P Christian pray, and charging hi wa uce and in match coat blankets st Branch much caution and care, we reached the Sinnemahoning, but made no discovery hed Sinnemahoning so far that we were sat We returned and a little below the Sinnemabonis oy except old tracks; we mar up the isfied it was a false report near night, we discovered a smoke © we were confident it was a party of Indians, which we must have passed by, or they got there some other way; we discovered there was a large party, how many we prepared for the could not tell, but attack. As soon as it was dark we new primed our rifles, sharpened our flints, examined our tomahawk handles, and all being Continued on page 4, column 3. enire BELLEFONTE, PA.,, THURSDAY, LOCAL POOR FARMS ARE IMPOSSIBLE Interesting Question Raised From Boggs Township. An COUNTY SOLICITOR'S OPINION with cor Ana Oy the act th, 1 yf the duty of the over. seers of the } ' O0r 18 ea h le township or for eves poor district to provi their poor person within respect| therein irictly having a settlement them tor relief. is iegisiature of the Commonwealth by the act of June 4th, 1879, provided that each county of the state be created and desig nated as a poor district, and if under the provisions of this act a majority of the qualitfied voters have indicated a desire for the erection of the county into a poor district the County Commissioners shall, within a reasonable time, at their dus cretion, purchase suitable real estate, &e. for the purpose. By the act of June joth, 1585, it is made lawful for the overseers | of every district 10 contract with any | ———’ MARCH 14, 1901. keep such be person for a house or lodging for mg, maintaining and employing poor persons of the district as shall adjudged relief, and there to proper objects of maintain and employ such by t the the f and the same a with app: ation © to purchase } term or for the ame torn out, ¢ hope for the man howe ver fina reserves jy BE A ists have the of the in} after other specia TAY examinations it 0 take ray view ity Transue Is i lifferent posi will require about a week's ynpete the examinations. EX-PRESIDENT HARRISON DEAD Bex president Harrison died yesterday afternoon at 4:10 after lying unconscious several hours »- When feels that his time is not his own a fellow pawns his watch he People with hot lempers may some. times give rather cool treatment Few men’s trousers get baggy at the knees from saying their prayers, Even the fellow who rides a hobby stands a chaoce of being thrown, Does the chairseater do his work quicker when he puts in a rush bottom ? mn EVANGELICAL CONF ERENCE Bright Sparkling Paragraphs Held at Red Ly On the Past W During ASSIGNMENT OF MIN In Central P stace, A lamsport C LJ. M. King ville, W Fulcomer Wildeer, d A War Hughesville, M | 1 NN Weidemeyer: Je shortess J. D Lye in i SAnner reey J. | Se Ww Shore, ( Sones Haven Circuit, 1. R christ: East Point, 8 smith, Liberty C. Bierly; Grover, W. Rhoads Wayland L. M. Dice; Steuben, H. C Guthrie; Re Renovo, to be supplied; D. Miller and R Young, members of First Char h, Will. iamsport Quarterly Conference A Serious Accident J. C. Wilson met with A serious acct dent in Zeigler's sawmill, Abdera, Tues day evening, Wilson was Sitting on a log that was being sawed, He allowed his left hand to come in contact with the rapidly revolving saw, All the fingers | and the thumb were cut off, The fingers Lock miap, Lock Haven ISTERS | | | | | rs — VOL. 23, NO. 1. FAC] FUN AND FANCY Selected and Original Boi AW mm ler Burst BB The steam owned by Albert Douty, near Rebersburg, was destroved uesday morning by the bursting of a B 5 boiler The explosion was so terrific that nothing but pleces of the m are left. Severa jured of the employes were in Henry Wohlfort, of Rebersburg, sus. tained the most The right side of his face was scalded, a gash was inflicted in the temple and his thigh was fractured, His recovefy is doubtful, Wallace Bierly's right arm was badly seYEre Injuries were cut off close 10 the hand and it is | Poised and his face was scalded. feared that the hand will have te be ' amputated, Reuben Musser's right lég was badly .