THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, MARCH 7, 1901, 7 CORRESPONDENTS’ DEPARTMENT Happenings About Centre County Briefly Told by A CORPS OF ABLE WRITERS Qur Alert Correspondents Note Many Important Events in Different Lo- calities—What is Transpiring—Is Your Section Represented ? Aaronsburg. Prof, W. T. Meyer and family, of Philadelphia, are spending a few weeks in our midst, the guests of the lady's mother, Mrs. |. H. Musser. On Sunday morning the Prof. acted in the capacity of organist in the Reformed church, which added greatly to the singing of the choir. As a musician he ranks sec- ond 10 none Mr. and Mrs. Hess of Knox, Pa., are the guests of the lady’s sister, Mrs. Dr. Deshler in our town On Monday morning Harry Burd, of this place, left for Akron, Ohio, where he has secured work Mrs. Boyer and daughter, of Mifflin. burg, are visiting at the residence of John Kreamer, the lady's aged father, Mrs. Minnie Adams and baby, of Dan- ville, are visiting under the parental roof 1n.our town, having arrived here Saturday evening. After spending several weeks very pleasantly in Huntingdon, Pa, Miss Maggie Weaver returned to her home in this place Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moyer, of Woodward, spent a day last week at Samuel Beaver’s. Mrs Lydia Frank, of North 2nd street, has been seriously ill for :he past few weeks. Miss Jennie Werth, who for over a vear has been keeping house for Harvey Crouse, has gone to Union county and | Miss Sarah Haffley has taken her place. Col. J. P. Coburn and wife, of Bell this place. The Lutheran congregation f th place will hold a sociable on Saturday evening in Miss Catharine Frank's milli- nery store on Main street. Refreshments of all kinds will t An » publi is cordially invited and a liberal patronage is ur i cited we served to middle Harter a royal A large sled load of young and aged people were down to Abs on Friday and good time Mrs. W. M. Bitner and sons Mills, were the guests of the mother, Mrs. Geo. Bright, sev last week. i 2 report g report evenin lady’ eral x Em. Stover’s saw mill since last Tuesday Mrs. Lizzie McDowell, last three months has Grandmother Harter, resigned sition recently and Miss Sallie now taking care of her On last Saturday evening Thomas Frank's cellar on North 20d street was broken into, but nothing of any conse- quence was taken Walter Orwig, of Hartleton, registered at the Bower House Sunday. For further info mation about the gentleman inquire of B—, Mrs. Geo. Stover has been quite ill with quinsy for the past few days Boalsburg. is "in operation for the nursing her Wantz is who heen PoO- Hon. Leonard Rhove, wife and daugh- | ter, visited with the Misses Keller of this place last week Wm. Mayes and son, the hustling marble and granite dealer of Houser- ville, transacted business in town Satur- day. While Lawrence Fox and John Os mond, of Shingletown, were weather. boarding Wm. Brouse's house the scaf- fold broke throwing them both to the ground ; they luckily escaped with a few bruises and a little bit frightened. Miss Priscilla Wilson has gone to Sandy Ridge where she will spend a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Catharine Heath Mrs. Bloom, of Beatrice, Neb., has been visiting Mrs. Jesse Moore of this place. Miss Dora Meyers spent Friday and Saturday at the home of Calvin Meyers on the Branch. Prof. Bryson transacted business Bellefonte on Saturday of last week Misses Claudia and Naina Snyder, of Linden Hall, spent Saturday and Sun- day with their cousin, Miss Ruth Keller. Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Williams on Friday morning, a son Boalsburg High Schoo! Athletic Asso. ciation will give an entertainment in the town ball on Saturday evening March 9th, at 7:30, consisting of a three.-act play and plenty of good music Everybody should help the boys so we may see them beat the “Black Diamonds” of Belle. foute and the Pine Grove team again this season in Walker. Chas. Yearick, Jr., has been confined to his home the past week with illness, he is improvieg Harry Harter, of Jacksonville, moved to Nittany on the John Holmes Sr., farm : Geo. Hov moved from the Holmes farm to the farm vacated by Harry Harter, Several of Wm. Lowry's children are ill with the grip. Parties have become quite numerous in our section of late, Harry Strunk and wife entertained their friends by a dance. Thos. Beightol entertained about eighty of their friends from Bald Eagle valley and Jacksonville on Thursday evening, Feb, 21. One of our young men enjoyed himself s0 much at the latter place he stayed for breaxfast. On Tuesday of last week a number of friends gathered at the home of Mrs, Jas Martin, of Jacksonville, to celebrate the 46 anniversary of her birth. The tty was a surprise ; uke a number of from this place, ard, Nittany and Pleasant Gap were present; she was the recipient of many presents, Julian. George Campbell, agent for the Grand Union Tea company, made a business trip to Port Matilda last Monday. way to attend the inauguration at Wash ington. Did you ever hear Gilmore's Band? If not, drop into W. G, Tallhelm & Son's store and drop a nickle in the slot of his new graphophone which is a dandy, and you will be fully repaid. Lizzie Walk, of Osceola, spent Sunday with her mother at this place James Sharpe, the venerable ventrilo- quist, exhibited in |. C. Nason's hall on Saturday night to a crowdea house, Mr. Sharpe realizd about fifteen dollars and the audience was well pleased with his entertainment, The satin quilt that Mrs. George Sones was chancing off was put off at Irwin Bro's store on Saturday night. Charles Wilson was the happy recipient, Mrs. T. A. Ardell, who has been very ill, somewhat better. And August Wellers, who had his foot cut seri ously some time ago, 1s getting nicely. 18 50 aiong John, did you get drenched on Sunday night ? 18 a good long road out to Sg, isn’t it ? The t i face of Geo. Bullock, | since Miss Harrisburg. our is all Smith genial Iittle wreathed in has returned agent, smiles from Miss Mattie Williams was hostess at a delightful party given at her home at Martha last week. Quite a number of our young people were in attendance, Madam Rumor says Frominent young men the benedicts this week. Reuben ? Alfred was so pleased with the party, or a part of it, that he thought he would {try it again the next night. Harris Harbridge left for Irvona on | Monday to resume his position there, that one of our IS going to join How about it Mrs. Grace Fitzpatrick and little son | Roy, of Philadelphia, are sojourning at | the parental home at Julian. G. E. Eller and Earl McKenzie made {a flying trip to Bellefonte Saturday. e- | fonte, spent Sunday at their home in Fillmore. Here | ground hog I went a weather came I EOl no news ened in the was that slop and mud | b out A young pockets wa | he get left The young H. Musser's had a fine time and cheapest supper I eve hungry , it a caught on to that, and got al coul would continue and dimes I brother Domino, thought it wou he is. ¥ Saturday eve » Care r got ; Was lime SOC } HITTOW r i ( I 1 eat I wish they I sti ould Tow would fatten then Nke at Unionville-—1I 1 be nice up often bye lo as come tell us where you were vou missed the rol was marked absent at the store about the other place, absent week Willie Heaton has been ined to his bed ; the doctor says he cutting his teeth and it 1s a very painful thing to go through. I was there once too is, ana How ’ ca - or no For the past cont it is Since the snow has gone our grais fields look more favorabie than they did last fall William bad sale on Thursday, and had a No. 1 sale; also a No. 1 lot of | stock ; he had a fair sale, no underbid {ding done, and a sale like that is what | onunts at the end of the sale ; if all would do that people could sleep better at night When [ holed up last fall there was a big lot of old man grip’s victims Iving around here, but I came out last week and saw all of them around again. Well, it just pleased me to see them all around, and it pleased me I did not have the grip. Frank Rockey is home on a visit. he has been at Blandsburg thie winter work ing in the brick yard Say, Hen, were you like fellows in town ou Saturday that were gathered up and taken to the train? You must have been left behind; I did not see you on the train, those other Nittany, The sledding 1s just about over [ra Ohl is all smiles is a boy. Mrs well, he says it Zerthy, Mrs Miss Alma Saturday Kreamer and Mittie Winkleman and Miss Pletcher went to Lamar, on afternoon to farmers’ institute Miss Alma Pletcher has accepted the position of teaching the school vacated by Clyde Shilling, of Porter township Mr. and Mrs. Mauk were to Rote on Tuesday (0 see mother Mauk, who had her arm broken Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Young, of Cross forks, stopped over night at the home of Mrs. Young's father, |. N. Minick's, on Thursday night, having brought their baby to Hublersburg the fore part of the week for interment Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bartley were guests of Mr. Minick's on Thursday to see grandmother Minick, who 1s still confined to her bed, There was a sled load from this place drove to Lamar last Thursday evening to the home of Mr. Gentzel's, and on their way one of the party saw the north pole, and wanted to see what was at the top of it, but he didn't climb very far till his hat froze fast ; any one finding that hat will be liberally rewarded by Robt. Kreamer, The singing school in the Evangelical church taught by A. A. Pletcher will close next Saturday evening, The Best On Earth, “I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy iu my family for the last five medicines on earth for croup, coughs and colds. It has saved me hundreds of dol- lars In doctor bills,” says W. B. Black. Palmdale, Los Angeles county, Cal. For sale by Green's Pharmacy. John Crain, of Port Matilda, stopped | off a few hours with friends here on his | years and have found it one of the best | i i Hublersburg. The sleighing is nearly all gone at this place, at this writing. Its time to put your runners away and get out your wheels again, A sled load of this place, and vicinity, were to the dance at the home Mr. and Mrs. Gunsallus, at Huston, one night | last week, and didn't get home until [ about 4 o'clock the next morning. DEAD ~The two year old child of { Arthur Young, who lives at Cross Forks, | was brought here for burial on last Mon | day The funeral took place on Wed. [ nesday following. Services were con ducted by Rev, Searls, in the Evangelical | church. Reuben Hartman, Millheim, was visit Wg In our town over Sunday, A varty of this place, which is called the gut gang, enjoyed a pleasant vening skating, one night last week. McAuley is will tell you, y all he (eor ge I why alt present’ Says it 18 a hoy. I wonder smilies Rev, George Bright and family are vis iting in ou for the past He expect to Oho this town week $ 10 Move he has ac future W. H. Minnich, who has been working at Cross Forks at home at this writing 0 wi epted a Cail Some churck week, of ovr ire attending the tany for the past in the chapel serv) hy which Is held N Our photographer, E took the picture the place last week, Mr Mrs ite uldren were urday Bergstresser ol schools at this Perry in Webner and ur and cl two town ou Sal. alternoon. Nearly all the laid up with the writing Mrs. McK of this place, and mother over Sun been thi who had better at peopie » ’ ’e Kripp are ih ibben Ralph, father » SON siting her iy at Huston and li sre vi 1 his friend, Harry g ice one day last Charles Vonado 3 Dorman, were hauli week. Mrs. G. F. Hoy and Lock Haven, visited the place on Friday 1 ”" n afternoon of last week Tawny, you had your the next time an hold I 1 you the n better get a windla sl igh 50 YOu ¢ rt} you EO Janie! he xi time 80 AWAY Ww it would d want to that is behind the { 50 bad Ww PpOositio down lake make housed, wou pace of every A one some some no stove some seriou John Eby, son of N Eby dis tiller, has quite a since he has graduated at Rochester, being placed on a mai train from Mew York City to Buffalo, some 3100 or 400 miles Pretty bard work John, but $3 a day is good pay J. D. Sayder has accepted a | as fireman and engineer at the sawmill of Wm. Wolf's, taking possession of the sailie Monday last | he says wages are too low, will have to go ona strike soon. We kad quite,an open air debate last week which almost came to exchanging fists ; before coming to a conclusion party No. 1 ordered party No. 2 10 leave the country, or at least the com nity, inside of 24 hours, or else suit will be en- tered in court for libel and damages claimed. The result was party No. 2 left between the 1st and 20d day at 12 o'clock sharp our job mn mu Ira E. Suyder and family and Jesse Snyder, from Highvalley, were seen on our streets ; they were here visiting their sick sister, The doctor looks well, he says if a man 1s pulled apart with rheu. malisin SO every part lies separate, he can bring them together agamm. Good liniment, Doc, Wolf, of Woodward, having purchased Kline's store at Howard, has moved to the latter place. T. G. Wolf, of Woodward, moves to Fiedler to run a stave mill, Theo, Hosterman moves to Coburn to continue in the lumber business Sumner Moshar non. William Cartwright, of Bellwood, has been spending a few days with his father, who has been quite il] Miss Laura Hanscom home of her aunt, Mrs during the week, George Watson has moved back to our town Blanche Fleming made a visit to the home of his parents, recently, 5S. W. Batler spent a short time at his home in Jacksonville, the latter part of the week Mr. and Mrs. Roll Bryan, of Roland, have been visiting Sher father, J. G. Cartwright Dan McClellan moved from the Lehigh farm to Snow Shoe, last week, Jacob Beightol and wife started to drive to Winburn on Saturday. They bad gone several miles, but on account of the snowdrifis blockading the road, they had to return, visited at the Sophia Yaudes, Notice to Farmers, On and after December 15th we will | not take any kind of grain on store at our mill, grain constantly and will pay the highest prices, sof Puorxix Mrrrine Co. We will, however, be in the | | market for cash : Tire It is easy to tell when your nerve-force and vital power are slipping away from you. When your day's we weary i alld eX 1 nervou 3, irri Lat nights are passed in restless tossing; when vO v 1.4 YOu may hausted; when le and sleepless that your get up in the morning with no appe- and Nervous rk leaves you you are so be sure your th is being used up faster Cling re newed., nerves ’ 8 speedy remedy Sold by all druggists on a guarantee, es 0 ior or oy HDIAKeS on Dr. Miles “Overwork and business cares run me down in health until I was so nervous and sleepless that I could not rest at night. I have taken a number of advertised reme- dies, but never found anything that would quiet and soothe the overtaxed nerves as as Dr. Miles’ Nervine. fast, and go around all day { iri One dose after a hard day's work at me S. E. 1 " ’ £11) sleep as peaceiully WiLrovcuny, Clyde, N. Y. 4 and is a cadiness, dq ¢ orv rir ya nd Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind, Snow Shoe. I heard the woodpecker pecking card the sapsucker sing ' y and OOK ¢ out my winag The The nex uowles DOW very diy receding. pul away | the frictiun of Lae more praetic- ra Pi have to He account of making nt able to use rotary vehicle wil n ) S TOMAS 8 N stands not weather, [bout the time we get ac tomed to cold weather there comes the | advent of spring, and the dude hangs up his overcoat and rigs up bis shirt waist for stil even the us summer H M isitor at Womeld te Satur f Gates, o Altoona, Pa., was a L | v Snow Shoe (ast week | | at 3 nf visited her home lay. } Mr. Cr . ¢ lown the Moun iy 1 House draw TITTY 4 Saad) irawback (besides back was that the og the whole This fait t bao of Course thes store IS § tarn Snow him some sh has © sman 0 girl IOOKIng up > defects in the Eng set in turned is IKuage. that tired feeling go to Sickels. fix you up alright For He'll The frost will come out of the ground ] come of your never out Someone ought to sell Sunday papers in this city. We are just behind the ‘Times'' and ""Pressed’’ for an on the "World's" "Herald" “Record” of "Daily News.” Who the “Grit” to “Post” us on the Sunday Goings of the “North American” people Milesburg. quirer"’ During the past week overheard a conversation, apparently not paying at. tention “What do you think of Ceutre Democrat as a newspaper?” “It takes the lead.” Sometimes sayings cut {ke a razor, but mum is the word you know One, being a subscriber 10 the paper, asked the question, “Can you tell me what sort of weather we may expect in March 7" *It is my belief the weather will be very mach like your subscription to the Centre Democrat.” The inquirer wondered what he meant, till he happen. | ed to think of the word “ausettied”’, Mrs. Alvin Smith and davghter Bessie, of Howard, is visiting Mrs. A. 8. Smith | of this place at this writing, No young man can hopes to do any. thing above the common place who has not made his life a reservoir of power on | which he can constantly draw, which | will never fail him i» any emergency It is only the man of great reserve, the | man who has converted his knowledge | into power, who has ground every ex periment into paint for the great canvass | for life's picture, who will make his mark in the world. The very skill which enables a surgeon to save life in an bour of supreme crisis has been pur. chased by years of preparation of stern discipline There are no trial trips on the sea of matrimony, Some women seem to think that there was a secret worth keeping. The winter has been a fine harvest for the physicians all over the country, The demand for tenant houses contin. ues. There is imperative necessity that, new houses be built to meet the demand every day or so you will hear, “do you know of any houses to rent.” Miss Julia Grove returned home from an extended visit, with ber friend Miss Bessie Swartz, of Philipsburg, Dr. 8 M. Huff and Edward Grove were to Lock Haven, attending to busi. ness recently, To read without reflecting is like eat. ing without digesting, To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, All druggwts refund the money if it fails to cure. KE. W. Grove's signature is on | note the fa | ing | was perfectly sober 1 we'll | think the bottom fell out Ww aceh box. asc. Unionville. 1d a serious tussle *. Hall has} with the grip for the past ten davs, but be is now improving nicely and will soon be himse Mrs Sarg with stomach tr incident to old age and i Not again re reeble health for a long time Miss Susie George | } 1 ’ lings is lying seriously ill uble and other ailments she may in feared ver, as she has been has been quite ill the gripp for more than a week. Case wis an exceptionally friends at one time feared not am glad to t that she convalesc- lover severe recover, but IS now she might There are ed io the two Gre thirty whole-sheet bi fort sale hl Ahree § post. U's stores representing three vendues, nearly all of them 8 fe She was track someth WARN flown the gf freight train the track and ae of her ley y us appar ng 0OKIng or huntis ) a through thundering down over ber Or when utting off wh from a sot hear the whis- wCcaume so no she de she soon much move, or liberate west was be | vg i Ex sheriff Crouiste: tor our town step was 10 se WAS a4 picasant vis Saturday His first ¢ a permit from the Chief Bargess to remain in town and visit the principal places of interest ad hbslfum (that's Latin 1 a free passport anc when be wished to make hisexit. There in the place, he in or t] ast ut u being no bhoeensed hotel did pot remain long and when be left he Come again Shen ff sce Lo it that you won't get kidnapo- ed. Yarnell. The election is over and some of the republicans of the north precinct seem to of their plat. form in the way of getting election of. ficers Ira Confer and wife returned from Pine Glenn where they were employed by G. W. Boak as cooks T. W. Croft has been laid up for the Dast two weeks, grip being the cause; it settled in his eyes and gave him lots | of trouble, but he is improving Chas. B. Shauley returned to the woods where he is employed by L. D. Herwit Protracted meetings have commenced at Pleasant valley and some of our fair damsels seem to appreciate attending The roads being bare down Moose river, which stops sleighing from Yarnell to Milesburg, and the divide being dnift ed full, the people have to go through the fields. But Martin and Harry say the roads must be opened Harry Schwartz, of Beech Creek, was A pleasant caller at Wm, Eckieys over Saoday The dance at W. H. Confer's, other night, was well attended Moose river well represented. N. A. Confer is bome again with his team | was baunling timber at Pine Run for Emrich & Kelley. Wm. Eckley purchased a fine horse om the Hon. John A Dales The club room. being torn down, dis appointed a great many of our people, as the boys were togive a free exhibition in which Faraway Moses, of this place, was to appear in the first act. The exercises which were rendered on Washington's Birthday, by our school, the dialogues, etc, were highly appre. clated by all. Miss Nef! is a good in- structor and teacher, Henry Heaton, one of our aged citizens, has been laid up with rheumatism for the and fr the past three mouths; is now confined to | bis bed with erysipelas. We hope for his speedy recovery, “For croup, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives the best satistaction of any medicine we ever sold,” says John T. Washburn, Gravois Mill, Mo. This remedy not only cures croup, but when freely given as soon as the crow cough appears, will prevent the attack. It fs the favorite and sole reliance in many thousands of homes for the prevention and cure of croup, For sale by Green's Pharmacy, The printer does not always mince words when he makes pl of them. | centers are thoroug | orated by Dr, A, | Fiedler. We are again among joyving life a, most He and en 0 just as we Sleighing is that almost wit DUggy gone everyiody has ’ > Tow escaj he wa road to the over to Winegardoe of the sha hit the rightened his horse whi over the post fence sleigh and ran, stopped i ited Ww Cros turn urn fis SNOW broke but and waited Harter went afte Ww Mr then went sleigh was br ut Ouisewile Dack or por Ken Huyett building the Irvin bie room | ware gretted once, could a suitab under present conditions erecting a building. Can't some of our Citizens be alive to the interests of the town and see that a building goes up for this purpose, and the town keep up its former prestige. D. F . - N 1 about 1» hardware } a 1 oe ase SOS FF DOR yet found a suita- the hard. bh 10 be re business at be had, but 10 not feel like hav J AgAID starting 1 business, which They would is n start e room v ¥ lLuse has been tempted with offers to remove his bydrant industry to a town offering better facilities and enlarge his shops having been assured of any needed aid to induce him to this. Bat Danny, good citizen that be always was in be. balf of the town, has not felt inclined to leave Rev. Rearick, having purchased the Alexander farm near Linden Hall, has secured an excellent tenant in the person of John, son of M. I. Rishel, of Farmers Mills Persons wishing to locate at Centre Hall, will ied no trouble for a home, there are 4 or 5 houses not yet taken up. Come Miss Verna Geiss is now the organist in the Lutheran church Neuralgia, The Prayer of a Nerve for More Blood. Neuralgia may attack any part of the body but most frequently ctcurs where the nerves are most abundant, In the head, In the face Sometimes the heart nerves seem to twist Twinging rheumatic pains of the extremb ties Sharp and intense at times In the intervals dull and heavy. Neursigia is the résult of impoverished blood caused by impairment of the nerves 8 lack of nerve force It Is a disease of the perve centers, and the pains accompanying it are a prayer for better nourishment. They are the danger signals which warn you against & total col- lapse of the nervous system, Liniments and all external apications ean only give temporary relief, cure canpot possibly come until the nerve Tr aaliand and reinvig. . Chase's Nerve Pills The beneficial effects of this Storative are felt thrilling fibres as week by week and month by month the nerve force of the ts restored several times