THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLE lel PA., FEBRUARY 28, 1901. | i \ Republican Bellwether to the Rescue. BABCOCK LEADS TRUST WAR Enters Into the Vineyard at the Eleventh Hour. WOULD PUT STEEL ON FREE LIST Remarkable Change of Opinion Since Last Summer-Tardy Reformer's | Sincerity in Doubt « Democornts Have Long Advocated Plan He Pros poses—Habeock Was Mute When He Might Have Done Good—Gage Pres cipitates a Tariff War—A Sample of Republican Logic=A Billion a Year lee BL A ~% ek Was Silent A Pian Suggested, ans business and ly I here work like a charm He is a member of the ways and means, having charg: Every Der mittee will cheer! his bill favorably tepubl secure a favorable rep fA consumimaa tion devoutly to In hed If Mr Babcock eannot get his own vote and one more, It Is persuasive at least that his bill 1s a fake and is only intended as a bait to eat h gudgeons If he ean get a favorable report on his bill from the ways and means com mittee, it at once becomes a privileged matter, which he can call up at any time, whether the committee on rules po desires or not Clearly this is Brier Babeock's golden opportunity, for in the next congress the Republiean majority is about BO, which will render any reform measure on any subject under heaven difficult of passage. Now. I would not misrepresent Mr Babcock, so 1 will let him speak for bimself. He understands the English seur is a plan mt on th rt It only requires two in that comn ee to ort lly vote to rej an yotes evidence language fairly well, He never ops] over, Consequently what he says in a carefully prepared interview may be | taken as his sentiments, He says: It is certainly wisdom on the sflord such relie it is able to do by the repeal of tariff laws affecting schedules where monster organizations r been nized to ate | rgar part of congress to regu pr ficient] ign material o competition ! les which practically but are su to prevent Lhe imp tation {f for mar I y hig! does not stand alon * Selkirk on 1 Islan Hepubl Danke Hon Charl cian Purloined From Democrats, A Tariff War g nn Glenn of M ely sent In am pretation of the NB work to miisfy tention of our ¢ that a remission growers was Ih “inn roe ve of the sncior tax to Russian suger sense 8 bounty In the meantime we received advance Informa tion that retalistory measures were being prepared by M de Wille, which woul soon at an adverse decision war made We warned My tary Usage has seen Bt to prperia in the treasury against the Russian su M. de Witte's measures have slready been made known, and the interests involved are even greater than we at first thought Does anybody believe that these Chi eago implement manufacturers will lose that $200000007 If he so belleven, he is an idiot. No such thing will hap- pen. They will simply charge the American farmer that much more! i be announced a hy Secretary Gage Gage of this Qecre listen to the so called department and oe edd gar growers last Thuredes They will mark up the price of Imples | remedy, i stog while Lym trust to mark up and the American caught going and coming ground betwixt the upper and the nether mill It's a fine game the American farmer bucks against, He has bat ond and that is to cast the frechooters into that Il be weeping, wall of teeth, Tha ¢ inh vn hand if hu play It If Lhe does not ! id hurl thos om power, n ments, an enables the sugn! the of farmers are price sug to be to be stone, Repub Hean ness where ing has will only outer dari there w nnd gna shing farmer the gan Republican Logle, Republic A Rilllon aa Year "| The Changeling Child, The Scientific Explanation of mention of Ww 1 ti } | i the Change Formerly At- tributed to the Fairies. lore changel wed In folk ere chal ovin e iretiul [} em ring 0 the stories fre ren pay the above reward for any case of Liver Cor Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Constipat down « at all day pe NE eg Se Had and was sever 1] not able pells, to do an erinal ed m laint, A n or Costiveness we cannot cure with Liverita The Up-to-Date Little Liver Pill They are purely Vegetable and never fail to give satisfaction. | 25¢ boxes contain 100 Pills, 10c boxes contain 40 Pills, 5¢ | boxes contain 15 Pills, Beware of substitutions and imitations. Stamps taken. thir rives inxes Ww ped from in pr the publie n The Inquirer and other fik would do well the Landis Interview quoted here on pecially that part which declares that “If the next not do It" fostering one here Rigns Id he lifting up test against the wich) wa joney organs of that to carefully pen session of congress does that is, cut down the tariff “the people will that will.” which The Inquirer falls to see accumulate to show that the people are hecoming restive under exorbitant taxation and outrageous expendi ares The tariff will reformed by itn friends or its enemies. Its friends are gt the bat. They would act wisely to tse It trust send Qu Aer | Sent by mail. For sale by C. M. Parrish, Druggists, Nervita Medical Co., Corner | | Clinton and Jackson Sts., Chicago, Illinois. Sold by Bellefonte, Pa, meng —————— PILES: and “Repeater” upon having them, take best shells that mon “New Rival, INCHESTER ITCHING £ Factory Loaded “Leader,” “New Rival” loaded with Black powders. loaded with Smokeless powders no others, and you will n bi “Repeater.” Shotgun Shells. “ Leader” Insist get the v EP THEM, TRADE MA AND NE ‘PATENTS PATENTABILITY Apvice by nventive Age 1 Pook “How to obtain Patents” : Charges moderate, Nn foe 111 t in secured. | £6 POGERS Pa 1 Lawyer, Wasbingien, b, © ¢. rs | . * hard ramping | ! | Leave Leave RAILROAD SCHEDULF. PENNsYLYANIA RAILROAD BRANCHES In effect on and after Nov, 2, 140 WESTWAZD am, arnve at at Alloons, 1.00pm VIA TYRONE Belielonte 11 0am 5 80pm Bellefonte at A lpm arrive at looua s 0p arrive at elonte 4 44 p 7 sty AND Tyrone at Pittsburg Tyrone at Pittsburg Tyrone tisburg at 1] 50 Tyrone Harr t Phi sbury lade) arrive at t 33 one L} HOE BHEANCH 5 1 a GEPHART Genera! Supt » ELLEFON RAILROAD from Mor Hams port Lock Haven with rain Non. 7 and Trains from State Co Railroad at Bellefonte To : Lewisburg Tyrone Sate | opnect w taboo and 5 fon Trains Inomas supt A LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE Combines perfect local ser vice with the advantages con ing from all Long Distance Subscribers, From a commercial stand wint the telephone yields J yrofits on the invest ment than anything else in the world, As a house hold equipment its value cannot be estimated. The rates are “moderate. S— CENTRAL PENNA TELEPHONE & SUPPLY COMPANY, OOOO wi connect ollege th Fenda is eastand west SY I OOO OOOO