THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA.,, FEBRUARY 17, 1901, WL | same place, The Racket. SURPRISE PARTY | | of ladies from Bellefonte partook of & | biained that a penny chocolate tablet other side Unionville. chicken and waffle supper last Thursday | evening at the popular Union Hotel, and on Saiurday evening a party of young men partook of a like supper at the It seems Bellefonters know where to go for a square meal. Two or | three parties tried to engage supper for the same evening, but were refused on | account of limited room, Everybody and their friends in- vited to participate. | barked at the A large party of school boys and girls | Bellefonte and disem- home of Mr. and Mrs, Howard Holtzworth ; they were chap: came up from | eroned by Prof. Paul Fortney and one of the lady teachers, Blair said they had a ——————————————— { scrap the other A prize in every package and | sometimes two. New customers as well as re- gular Racket Buyers (and | their name is legion) please note, Surprise Party stops, with closing of the doors, Saturday night February 6th. G. R. SPIGELMYER: CORRESPONDENTS DEPARTMENT CONTINUED FROM 7TH PAGE Hublersburg. Not dead but sleeping : Thursday, of last were the scholars the sled- (84) On week, is place out tryi R. had a arty at Bertha hopes ! Cleve and Edward wer on Saturday (reorge ness Belle came m, two young e visiting ers several there they {there WE we Moy from ym pa her daughter Emma, arrived at Henry Sha. and on Monday John Howard Shadow pleasure trip to both young men the ladies are . on Sund and Cora Hou'z Lingle, took a AY, by the way QOKIUK, and ster and a Mr ast Sun Moyer, Any wo sure that means a ww! and si Brand pring Mills, day at me of |. H one going to Mr, Moyers get a No. 1 dinper, and great deal spent be io Housman, wife and down with grip Squire J. S daughter, are all Last week's blizzard completely block. aded the roads, so much so that the mail could not go for a day wishing for snow ought 1 0! to squ a’. Quite a large number of our section were to Centre Hall last week, to attend the public sale, at Mr. Runkie's hotel. Colyer band take notice, watchclosely, half way up the hill, Mrs. Housman sald she worked and walked so fast, the grip would not get bet. the grip came the other way and met her, plumb, so she has him good now, The people who attend funerals come to grief. There the « mntry —— ts mors Oatarrh In this section of than all other diseases pus together and until the IMSL ow SOArs Was Sup wed 10 be Ineurable, Fora great many years doctors pronounced it a loeal disease, and pre seribed loeal remedies and by constantly fall ing to eure with local treatment pronounced it incurable, Selence has proven ental rh to be 8 constitutional disease, and tucrelwe, re quires eonsdtutional treatment Hall's On tarrh Cure, manufactured vy ¥. J tUheney & Oo , Toledo, Ohio, is the obly constitutional cure on the market, It Is taken interuslly in doses {rom Iv drops to a teaspoonful It sets directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of he system They offer one hundred dollars for any ease It 1al 10 Cute Bend for cironiars mon ials, Area and testimon pls, AULNEY & C0, Toledo, 0, aly Fils are the vost | line | House of | mammoth structure after the most taste. People were | ; since they have it they | | me suspiciously. capital time, A couple of our school boys had a day. The one fellow plunked the other on the proboscis and brought a copious flow of the claret, while he in return, had a ‘‘Hogarth's of beauty” marked alongside his sneeecr | no further damage was done, According to previous announcement I will now play last scene in Rip Van Winkle: BELLEFONTE Rip VanWiukle, (Continued from last week.) 1050 After alighting from the noiseless train I looked around a few and stood amazed at the wonderful changes in the last half centary., The streets were all paved with asphalt and automobiles with rubber tired gliding noisclessly hither and thither, The pavements were all plated with sheets of rubber, so that in walking over them one imagines he is walking on velvet or brussels carpet. The Bush House has been remodeled and now six stories high and equipped with an elevator and all the most modern improvements. It is said to be the finest hotel outside of our larger cities, We meandered noiselessly over the rubber pavements to the diamond the “observed of all observers,” on ac- count of our perforated habiliments. We stood amazed ! bewildered! ! The Court 1900 has been replaced by a moments wrought scores of their wheels were 1s is ful designs of architecture, aud ibose grand old columns that were at one time | the pride of Centre county bave utterly disappeared. The new structure is built within ten feet of Allegheny and is said to have a hall In the rear of the Court House is a high platform about * hundred | and is fully fifty and has a m nrevent i 0 street cost nillion dollars { cet square above the ground, kel plated balustrade t from falli ject of beauty ling of flying oermitted ’ 0 persons really an ot yt the lan are not r iear ed | they sl1ee automobiles and from this Looking eastward woundertul alighted on gingerly as this machine is an old gentieman by t name of Smith, Wm. F. Smith, near Millheim. He has a case at court and had just returned from his home where he bad gone for his dinner, For a handle the rudder his air ship he uses a billiard cue and for ballast be had on his ship a half bushel of ivory balls Looking southeast we saw another ship approaching and landed on the stati man and I Wm land on ff frightening An elevator flying machin I saw airships appr the station as a snow flake 10 is horses an lakes you (« ¢e stat) one oachin Kr ‘he owner of he Of of to poo n It contained an oid woized him to be Ferguson townshij came another dire andes ot cliy ove WAY up in After phia LW whe uly ye | ame toh will spend Others not epumer We art anded the court , An ola jard cue in his bands came down the aisle and ordered me 0 take a seat. | asked him if he was the boss, and then he wanted to put me out but he didn't, but | did a The court room was a marvel grandeur and magoifi- cence, lescribe. | edged up to a fellow and asked him who that judge and he Wid me it was George W. Spangler, son of N. B. Spang- ler, who was at one time district attorney but is chief justice of the court, and who are those haviog that law suit? "Smith ar and that lawyer that's defending is Eddie Keich , and Smith's counse ‘Bud’ Harper. It is a trifling matter but it's about the only kind they have in court now." There were not many people in the court room. On the south side sat a number of ladies, we presume they were witnesses in of these trifling suits being interested in the trials we our exit from the court room 10 the corridor on first Hoor The names of the officers were printed on handsome cards, all beingwnilorm, showing conclusively that they were farpished by county, some of which were as follows Harold Garduaer, pro. thonotary ; Freddie Dukeman, recorder of deeds; Johnnie Musser, register of wills; (P. 5S. John Musser is a son of Boyd Musser.) Grover jackson, son of H. |]. Jackson, sheriff ; but we must leave the Court House, We then crossed over to the Garman House which is now under the manage. ment of Daniel and George Garman Curiosity, more thap| hirst, promp «d me to enter, A number of perscus were lounging around on the handsome and cosy Morris chairs. Everybody eyed It is one of the hand. somest and most magnificent hotels in the state. Three more stories have been added to this populer boatelry and has pext went into Was in “510M man with a bud ii lake seal ol impossible for me 10 « is, 0 now supreme two fellows d Gates, (rales ne Sry is some Not made Lhe | an elevator of the latest improvement ; | the bar room is simply grand, beyond conception, it was utterly devoid of the disagreeable odor of intoxicants; back of the bar was a handsome cabinet contain. jug a number of drawers, the whole being nickel plated and engraved in the most tasteful designs; on the counter sat a number of small silver trays. | was amazed and belong weary I threw myself on a comfortable Morris chair, The floor of the bar room was covered with the richest and most elegant design of brus. sels carpet. A couple of fellows with the lint about all worn off their clothing came in and one gentleman said to the other, “What'll you have?’ "I'll take a pony chocolate tablet’ sald he dnd the other sald, “I'll take a pink tablet.” Whereupon the bartender opened a couple of the drawers and placed a tab. let of each kind, as desired, on one of Rn | ; the silver trays and shoved them to each, | exclaim “The half was never told me, They took the tablets apd placed them | Neither can I tell you the half I saw and | iad lin their mouths with seeming delight. | beard, so I will let the curtain drop with | A sleighing party consisting entirely | After they had gome the bartender ex. | the audience on the one side and on the | | meant a “Pony’’ beer and a pink tablet | meant whiskey straight ; that no intoxi. | cants were sold any more by the drink, | as the legislature passed an act to pre | vent the sale of intoxicating drinks, but | not intoxicating ‘‘eats,’”’ see. Truly, I thought, "Necessity is the mother of in- | vention.” He further explained that | one pink tablet will make a man feel comfortable, two will make him feel wealthy, and three will make him bellig erent, Joe Rightnour says they are much more convenient to take with you when you go hunting or fishing than the old fashioned kind of beverage We next went into the Centre Democrat office. Here too, time had wrought mar- vellous changes, transformed into a press room and the compoditor's room was greatly enlarge d and the editor's sanctum | maguificent. The editor tively a young mau; a man of pleasing address, and I asked his name and told me it,was ‘‘ Freddie Kurtz, my father Charles Kurtz, lives out on East Linn street. He puts in most of his time in riding his automobile.” And then he banded me a copy of the Democrat, it 1s printed in magazine style. He me nearly all the papers are now printed in that way, so that you don't to keep your arms told have spread out if you were paper ‘the Watchman is the Meeks, George R. Meck, though 0 i, editor in chief and his Meek is associate editor, ‘I fess’ said he *‘that it is the ablest and best edited and most neatly paper in the state.” It is al in wagazmne form and has a illuminated cover “And the he said “bas changed its name to ‘Pro hibition Advocate’. "’ see.” said he, “after Pattison was elected in 1904 to the presidency its editor, Mr became disgusted with turned the Gazette with ments over to Francis immensely rich and don’t school keeps or not. He spends much of his time in Hausabarrick now “Aud the Republican 7’ 1 asked } 3 still the old stand, Mr Harris has been trying for the last for the eon. e . ye It 18] 0 beautiful Gazette" “You and its equip Tom i POauUCcs all Seer € a pect “Oh published in YEATS 2 ly re edited tO make republican © a splendid arty xi Just then a fine, ly cached of soldier been O entered the san walked 1 a small C4 said in is that you Id Wear (a I ca ute button WO you look hne Majesty, proposit) your that your | that | yrigade Africa i enough my Soutl ) ney 3 wlp Enow e me tol you us bye asked he sa juring the pr young la hat to show off ever i Cs In my meanderings ess houses Dusit curtain and [here we read the dent Be Exchange.’ beautifu changes a few the on a t oe t sirees drop trolley rode to Schaeffer, Pres efont New York Sick SAW A sembiing Cleopatra s Needle, west we mon am re scam ined it closely and found it was « incl OI ix entirely of This beautifu Dr. don h real has more acres (achers) in that monn ment than are owned by the largest land owners in the world, On the porch of the adjoining residence stands a hand some pedestal surmounted with a large gilt volume entitled "Blackstone It is the luxuriant bome of J. C. Meyer, Esq The firm of Potter & Hoy now reads, Kline & Co., Hardware, the being Orrie Kline, J. Harris Olewine and Paul Rumberger Chaney Hicklin is president of First National Bank, and James W. Barnhart cashier; Maurie Jackson iz puesident of the Jackson & Hastings Bank. The firm of Joseph Bros has been changed to Harry Holtz & Co, F. BE. Naginey, dealer in furniture, now reads, F. E. Naginey & Son, dealers in fine furniture and goats. An immense theatre now occupies the McBride cornet on Bishop and Allegheny streets It is owned by Robert F. Hunter & Son. The first floor contains a large number of offices and business places. A card on the door 0 the audience room read as follows: "Wanted Ancient chestnuts, apply to Arthur Kimport, manager.” Beezer's Meat Market is now under the | management of Arthur and Benner Beer er. Charley Kellerman occupies the M. E. parsonage; he is the preacher in charge here, Joseph and James Fox are proprietors of the Model Shoe Store in Temple Court, Harry Nighthart keeps an automobile livery and kedps all kinds of mobys to hire, While standing near the spot where the Curtin monument is to be built some time, an old man with cream colored cuspids and mw stood front Ward esiale OTS monument in residence of br Lown mo but be members | | The theatre had been | was simply Was compara. he | Harter, | ! care whether | bair approached me and asked me if 1 | wouldn't buy a bottle of hair restorer, | He had an impediment in his speech, it was Albert Roberts, | sald to him, | “What excuse have you for living yet?" | but he handed me a bottle and I read on theld inthe M. E {evening elder is Domino. Pleasant Gap. Hello! wayback ! —got the gripp. Avother smooth article-—the sleigh, Wm. Brooks was seen in our town on Tuesday eve. Snow storms, drifts lenty. and blizzards are p Several sled loads of this place intend making use of this beautitul snow, What's the matter with "Billy Howe," he's all right, The Gettig brothers are getting the homestead in shape for public sale, And so one of our young sports intend golug into the grocery business, (how about it Skinnie) Any one desiring to purchase home at this piace, Gill, of this place Mrs. Henry this writing We are glad around again seyeral month a address Larry nice A. Twitmyer is very ill at 1o Sam Brooks ck for see Samuel been has News of any place is hard to Protracte piace probab Ju i i held b hurch, wa wa ') the A ¥ ever 1 ding ¢ DeCess man (een mn for ho } $7 at ng Al “singers ol a The mference h on this new pres present last y ¢ chur at which i cx pee ted juarter the to be Mingoville. The groundhog day came on Satu clear and bright ; weeks more of cold The Heela schoo last Friday liam Spr ig with Mr Saturday now look out for six weather had with their and the Hockman ul for saw ast Shuman 7Z ey nmerman cry the SO1 ast traps. L dear meat this time had jus ne { year Boys. yon betler take warn: when D. P $ vou to keep off the Mr. and Mrs. P. Hockman were ing at Hablersbarg on day He on our E LL ice visit Sur Joseph rman, of Ge WAS SO TEES valley, sirects ast week Snook 1s sti) to Milibeim The Tohn Tress er 15, on the Mc Jerry hauling implements has been wi writer informed that March ace have sale yy farm at this p on I ylersville. Rev. Wetzel, of the Reformed church, 1s having a week of services, begloning on Monday evening Harry Wolfe at the home of J and H A number of young folks tafie of the good sleighing t Dice's big meeting at sister spent Sunday Day g advan ) attend Rev Loganton took Sammy Roh! was on the sick list but is reported as improving Rev. Dice will start protracted meet ing in the United Evangelical church next Sunday evening lee Nicholas, who was slaving at Beech Creek, has returned home to attend school the remainder of the term John Rockey and daughter, of Rose CIAanS, were seen on our streets last week, E K. Miller, H. H. Miller and J. Mil. ler, who are working at Centre Hall, accompanied by 8. A. Kerstetter of that place were seen on our streets the other Sunday Joe Bressler was seriously throat trouble last week, The meeting held on Saturday evening for the purpose of organizing a P.O.S of A. at this place was well attended and received lots of encouragement from the people. Come and help a good cause along. ill with Sober. Plenty of snow and everybody ought to be satisfied with the good sleighing. John Musser and wife, from Sugar val i | of Coburn, Aaronsburg. Grain deale, C, A, Weaver and family, spent Sunday in town with {the lady's parents, Thomas Edmunds, | 1s getting worse every day. ley, are visiting friends bere. John drives | two spry horses in the sleigh. the label; “Dale's Magic Capillary Coun | Alice Ebert was home with her parents pound warranted to produce a h of hair on the baldest pate in rom three to five weeks, Manufactured by A. A Dale & Son.” 1 dida't buy i i “Bat, tke the Queen of Sheba, 1 wus | on Sunday. W. B. Sober, from Lewisburg, was seen in our vicinity, Alice Lingle went to Lewisburg to work, Mis. Gramley, of Lock Haven, is the guest of her sister Mrs. Chas. Burd in our town, A large sled load of young people from town were over at Forrest Stovers north of here last Friday evening, where they tripped the ‘light fantastic’’ until the wee small hours of morning and judging from this they all had a geod time Geo. Weber, of Lock Haven, tertained a few days last son, Prof. Stewart Weber, Ira Gramley and a Miss Auman, of Wolfs Store, were in town Sunday visit. ing the gentleman's father, Irey ley. Merchant Freeburg on lime was by “n- his week Gram- and wife drove to to spend a short visiting the lady's aged mother. The following persons from our town were to Madisonburg Sunday to attend the funeral of Jack Iimbert: Mr Mrs. Fred Limbért and son Freddie and Mrs. Elmer Limbert, Mr Aaron Weaver and Clayton Musser The pupils of the Gi hoo t * bu engaged in rehear nment Yh 1114 rae Phillips Sunday and , M1 ammar > Te i , and M1: cwan We Dora GC ed load who went Saturday Minnie of Henry fora and Be Beaver, the house wit Samuel Green, i% Als confine ] ount of sickoes Saturday evening cordially cireshments will Linden Hall. week al urg "ee he recent der a and “« an ) Ve losn woud De he vent Make th his remodelascope he St! th delight and received wit by our your EK m AD eriain age Ha singing convention ors f 1s I nm are that over would wv flown w aru rs of un open lens ache The bold a musica Monday Feb Proff. Crawford for the said class The « th two evening's Pine Grove Mills. 18 al ) ass w jer the Ha It, un of Centre m oe w concerts, I hat and Friday Those who were wishing to have winter have it with a vengance, at present D. J. Koch spént Sund at Miujbeim ay with friends Death came unexpectedly to Again claiming William Musser; be had been in failing beaith juite a while, but no one thinking bis case at present as being serjous as it was unti the night of Jan. 31, when be took worse and died at 5 30 in the morning. He leaves three sisters, Mrs. Hale Ross, of Linden Hall, Mrs. "Alka Goss and Miss Auna, of this place. His age was 28 years 6 mouth, By faith be was a Lath eran. Interment was made in the new cemetery, The services being conducted by his pastor Rev. Alkens We are glad to see W. H. Roush about again after a few weeks’ sickness, A. C. Musser and wife, of Altoona, were called to this place on account of this place fore | the death of his brother The A. M. E. meeting closed last Tues. day night, and Mrs, Brungart's The B. C. R. R. train stuck in the snow a short distance from town and it took it half a day to get out, Lamar. Eli Shilling has been laid up with a sore loot and leg for over two years, and He went to the Lock Haven hospital on Jan. 11, 188, and on the 4th of Feb, the same year he came home without any relief, and has been a township charge since and his wite recently left him. Mr, Shilling is a respectable man and worked bard up to favine that gan. Rim. has : : : i | when Wolfs Store, Floyed Bowersox and family, from Sprine Mills ; Chas. Bressler and family, from Rebershurgg and H. A. Lamey and mothe, from Greenburr, were all visitors at Nathaniel Bowersox’s last Sunday. William Conser, who sometime ago left Livonia for Pittsburg, in search for employment returned home last week. Mr, Henderson, from Milton, was a visitor at Hiram Slaterback’s, over Sun- day. Harry M. Walker got his new Huber threshing machine last Saturday. Mr, Geo. Wolfort brought it over from Coburn, It sequired six horses to haul it througn the badly drifted roads. Mr. Walker's machine is self filling and will save three men and po doubt he will be well pat- ronized when the threshing seasons opens, We will are informed that Beck's Bros., their sawmill and engine to Hopyples Hollow where they will have sawing for two years, Soccess boys. move er were held in the church at this place last Sunday. Allen Gi Communion vices move into J tenant house next bert wi eremiah spring Rebershurg fine party from of took and and the Sore Lungs mean weakened lungs — all caused by a cold and cough. Weak lungs sooner or lates mean consumption, Shiloh’s Consumption Cure will heal and strengthen the cure cold and stop the noe 1 i for years — had I was in Hal gives of and it hemorrhages, asl sage of consump pe. | Gnally tried com pletely hm wp cured me « health MES FLORENCE DEFW hast Unkiand, Cel Shilel's Consumption Cure is seld by all druggists at The, S0c, §1.00 a bottle. A rinted guarantees goes with every bottle, f you are not satis g* to your druggist and get your money bask. ww. without cost te setrated book conpum pt you 5. C Wels Co, on Sem LeRoy, NX, NEw CENTURY FoOTWEAR...... more so r patrons. can ks we rainst anything red that buy here are ire ASS hour in but that the leathers fresh and healthy. Same 1 Ol Rubbers. Mingle's Shoe SUre. Sai True As Life. Our pictures have all the charm of the person. They are truss life, yet are without the faults of nature, The PLATINUMS are new, most beaut. ful and artistic, Our CARBONS are the best, on the prettiest, most stylish cards, MINATURNS AT §0.75 PER DOR. Why give your CRAVONS 10 strangers we are here to give you honest work, GUARANTEED, An extensive selec. tid of frames, Frames to order in a hundred different style mouldings. MA OverLyon's Y & TAYLOR, BELLEFONTE, PA.